Leif Vollebekk
Leif Vollebekk
Leif Vollebekk
Official videos and live performances from Leif Vollebekk
Leif Vollebekk - Moondog (Official Video)
4 месяца назад
@manupareja2397 3 дня назад
The lack of a broader succes of a masterpiece like this makes me understand how special his sensibility is, and how it unites us as people who resonate with it. His calmed vulnerability...
@Featherwish 10 дней назад
love it so much
@carstenmanz302 10 дней назад
My goodness, this is a vain, self-absorbed guy. Weak songs, unexciting musical performances, every song sounds the same. I'd rather read a good book with romantic classical music.😄
@jillvasquez4 13 дней назад
I call my boyfriend MoonDoggie and named my dog MoonDoggie. I stumbled across your song and instantly fell in love. Can you share a video about moondog and the significance of this person or name to you?? I’m so curious!!!! Not many people know of this nickname. I got it from the movie/book Gidget.
@jillvasquez4 14 дней назад
@themovenstore 16 дней назад
Leif, Anjie & Yamaha
@secretcityrecords 16 дней назад
You give me peace of minddddddd
@secretcityrecords 17 дней назад
On repeat 🔂
@linkesdometis 19 дней назад
Damn, I gotta go to one of your live performances! Every song of yours hits differently and plays on a deeper strings. Great style, energy, emotion mixed with so beautifully weird feelings... the whole palette! Not to mention the unique voice and modern melancholic sounds of the arrangement. Thank you for creating, don't ever stop 🥳
@hennybeee 21 день назад
Good things are coming! Congratulations bud, this track is incredible!! ⭐️👏👏
@WoodrowWylde 22 дня назад
this song kept me sane through hard times
@ericminardi 22 дня назад
This album is gonna be great.
@DHD-z40 23 дня назад
Already on my playlist 🕺🏻
@TitouanMathieuTitouanMathi-b2p 24 дня назад
Williams Richard Brown Maria Rodriguez Barbara
@200Grat 24 дня назад
Beautiful! As a musician, you are one of my biggest inspirations. I can’t wait for the album & to see you play live yet again!
@MariJu1ce 24 дня назад
hell yea!
@vibhummmm 24 дня назад
Hi Bharat
@matthiasw.8344 24 дня назад
Yeah! Great Song. See you in Cologne with a lots of friends!
@DHD-z40 24 дня назад
Long time listener! Saw you on Atlanta in ‘22. Can’t wait to see you again 🕺🏻❤️
@EniodsedmihmilijardOfficial 25 дней назад
Really looking for a release day of this album, Leif! Thanks for the words and melodies.
@bobmeijer5493 25 дней назад
Can't wait for your album to drop man!
@ebonwestbrook5580 25 дней назад
Hobo clowns deserve love too in this rodeo circus we call life
@adrianr5442 25 дней назад
Can't wait till Winterthur
@sarahpellett8737 28 дней назад
@rdeekman7464 Месяц назад
A conversation with you shall be great..thats promised.
@garywinthorpe2581 Месяц назад
Release this bruh
@colinbeckett22 Месяц назад
This has been on repeat for a week. Does anyone know the chords for this song?
@rachelgregory3137 Месяц назад
So special ✨🌞✨ one day I just let the light in 🥹
@lynharry699 Месяц назад
You are my go to music man when I just need to chill and let all the stresses of the world fall away. Thank you for your gift. Please come ‘down under’ sometime to see the ‘southern star’ in Oz where you can experience the ‘southern cross’ and the ‘Milky Way’ in the vast outback and be inspired to write more songs like this. Guitar, campfire, remoteness, what more do you need?
@beingintrinsic Месяц назад
Freaking LEGEND.
@MariJu1ce Месяц назад
so exited to see you in october!!!
@timfahey7127 Месяц назад
Damn. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@lesliecloughley7058 Месяц назад
@enforcer1 Месяц назад
Thanks Leif, this is great!
@unknownuser99942 Месяц назад
What if not having a lawyer was like being an indy rock star a way to actual music outside of the industry that focuses on profits... well first you need talent to match the passion from an inflicted injury, and there... is the problem. It is stated that, “[u]pon granting a petition to commence an original action,” that “the court may require the parties to file pleadings and stipulations of fact.” This rule of procedure indicates the pleadings are a second step. Wis. Ct. Sys., Wisconsin Supreme Court Internal Operating Procedures, at page 4 (May 24, 1984) The most basic elements of the future §1983 pleading were presented to support the petition for Original Jurisdiction. Presentment included the matter of a private parties joint state action in a corrupt conspiracy to corrupt legal processes, among other claims, in that regard original jurisdiction is the proper place to begin because it is the institutional responsibility of the Supreme Court. Wis. Small Businesses United, Inc. v. Brennan, 393 Wis. 2d 308 (Wis. 2020)(“Recognizing the supreme court's institutional responsibility to decide "a significant issue of statewide importance"). The court's original and supervisory jurisdictions are sought to be invoked by the filing of a petition. Wis. Ct. Sys., Wisconsin Supreme Court Internal Operating Procedures, at page 4 (May 24, 1984). When a matter is brought to the Supreme Court for review, the court's principal criterion in granting or denying review is not whether the matter was correctly decided or justice done in the lower court, but whether the matter is one which should trigger the institutional responsibilities of the Supreme Court. Wis. Ct. Sys., Wisconsin Supreme Court Internal Operating Procedures, (May 24, 1984). The criteria for the granting of a petition to commence an original action are a matter of case law. See, e.g., Petition of Heil, 230 Wis. 428 (1939). The Wisconsin Constitution authorizes the Wisconsin Supreme Court to “hear original actions and proceedings.” Wis. Const. art. VII, § 3(2). It is left to the Court’s “judgement and discretion” to decide whether to “grant an application to commence an original action in this court.” Petition of Heil, 230 Wis. 428, 284 N.W. 42, 50 (1938). The Court has long confined itself to granting only those applications “upon the ground that the questions presented are of such importance as under the circumstances to call for as speedy and authoritative determination by this court in the first instance.” Id.; see also State ex rel. La Follette v. Stitt, 114 Wis. 2d 358, 362, 338 N.W.2d 684 (1983) (“We granted the petition to commence an original action because this matter is publici juris and requires a prompt and authoritative determination by this court in the first instance.”); Wis. Prof’l Police Ass’n, Inc. v. Lightbourn, 2001 WI 59, ¶ 4, 243 Wis. 2d 512, 627 N.W.2d 807 (“The supreme court limits its exercise of original jurisdiction to exceptional cases in which a judgment by the court significantly affects the community at large.”). Petitioner has presented a matter of public concern as a decision on a local court’s use and implementation of court annexed binding arbitration, according to local policy and under §802.12 (ADR) is one that affects the broader community. The Wisconsin Supreme court generally exercises its jurisdiction as a “court of first resort” over cases affecting “the sovereignty of the state, its franchises or prerogatives, or the liberties of its people.” Heil, 284 N.W. at 45 (quoting Attorney Gen. v. Chicago & N.W. Ry., 35 Wis. 425, 518 (1874)), and as early as 1892 this Court exercised original jurisdiction over claims by finding such exercise was needed “to secure and protect…political rights and the liberties of the people.” See State ex rel. Att’y. Gen. v. Cunningham, 81 Wis. 440, at 449 51 N.W. 724 (1892). The petition used Wisconsin Const. Article 1 §9 to seek Original Jurisdiction. Wis. Const. art. I, sec. 9 “originated out of concerns that citizens not be forced to bribe public officials to get into court.” Hartland-Richmond Town Ins. v. Wudtke, 145 Wis.2d 682, 691, 429 N.W.2d 496, 499 (Ct.App. 1988), overruled on other grounds, Funk v. Wollin Silo Equip., Inc., 148 Wis.2d 59, 435 N.W.2d 244 (1989). “Accordingly, this article provides persons the right of access to the courts to obtain justice based on the law as it exists.” Id. 148 Wis.2d 59, 435 N.W.2d 244 (1989)(emphasis added). “[D]ecisions trace its origin to Paragraph 40 of the Magna Carta, which states: "To none will we sell, to none will we deny, or delay, right or justice." Vol. I Wisconsin Statutes 1898, Sanborn and Berryman's Annotations at 9. The purpose of the clause was explained by Justice Marshall in Christianson v. Pioneer Furniture Co., 101 Wis. 343, 347-48, 77 N.W. 174, 77 N.W. 917 (1898). "[E]very subject . . . may take his remedy by the course of the law and have justice and right for the injury done to him, freely without sale, fully without any denial, and speedily without delay." Id. at 348. Marshall asserted that state constitutional provisions incorporating this principle "do not grant the right" of remedy but rather preserve remedies that existed at common law. Id.” Aicher ex rel. LaBarge v. Wisconsin Patients Compensation Fund, 2000 WI 98, 121-22 (Wis. 2000) As Justice Marshall explained: That provision is very old. Its history dates back to the days of Magna Carta. It was designed to prevent a species of official exactions made as the price of delaying or expediting justice. From the lowest officer to the king himself, in the olden times, bribes were freely demanded and taken to procure the benefits of the laws. They bore no relation whatever to our system of exactions for expenses of litigation, called costs, or the charge as a tax on suits, imposed under laws which bear equally upon all; but they were arbitrary exactions sanctioned by the manners of the times, that went to the personal benefit of the judicial head or body controlling the execution of the law, or to servants or officers connected therewith. It was such abuse, among others, that the barons of England forced King John to abolish by granting the Magna Carta. It contained the following as one of the guaranteed limitations upon kingly prerogatives: "We will not sell the right and justice to anyone, nor will we refuse it, or put it off." Says Sir Edward Coke, "The king, in the judgment of the law, is ever present and repeating in all his courts, `Nulli vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut differemus rectum vel justitiam,' and therefore every subject, for injury done him `in bonis, in terris, vel persona,' by any other subject, be he ecclesiastical or temporal, without any exceptions, may take his remedy by the course of the law and have justice and right for the injury done to him, freely without sale, fully without any denial, and speedily without delay." So the right thus obtained as a concession from sovereign power has come down to us through the centuries that have passed, and been preserved in all its integrity in substantially all state constitutions. They do not grant the right, but guarantee the preservation of one that existed under the constitution of England. Aicher ex rel. LaBarge v. Wisconsin Patients Compensation Fund, 2000 WI 98, 121-22 (Wis. 2000)(citing Christianson v. Pioneer Furniture Co., 101 Wis. 343, 347-48, 77 N.W. 174, 77 N.W. 917 (1898).) “[I]t has long been held that Article I, Section 9 of the Wisconsin Constitution provides a right of access to Wisconsin courts. See New York Life Ins. Co. v. State, 192 Wis. 404, 412, 211 N.W. 288 (1927) (concluding that Article I, Section 9 “guarantee[s] to every suitor his day in a [Wisconsin] court of competent jurisdiction to which he may present his claim for judicial relief and in which he may either win a victory or suffer a defeat according to the strength or weakness of the case which he presents”); see also Penterman v. Wis. Elec. Power Co., 211 Wis.2d 458, 474, 565 N.W.2d 521 (1997) (“The right of access to the courts is secured by the First and Fourteenth Amendment[s]. It entitles the individual to a fair opportunity to present his or her claim.”). Article I, Section 9 does not grant litigants the exact remedy they desire, but rather it guarantees access to Wisconsin courts to proceed on rights and remedies created by constitution, statute or common law. See Doering v. WEA Ins. Group, 193 Wis.2d 118, 130-31, 532 N.W.2d 432 (1995). This constitutional right of access to Wisconsin courts is substantive in nature. See Thomas v. Mallett, 2005 WI 129, ¶ 122 n. 36, 285 Wis.2d 236, 701 N.W.2d 523.” Kroner v. Oneida Seven Generations Corp., 342 Wis. 2d 626, 664-65 (Wis. 2012) The basis for the jurisdiction was additionally grounded in Wisconsin Const. art. I, §22, Maintenance of free governance, in which the petitioner argues there is an implied right of action to redress an injury caused by corruption, and because “[i]t is possible to mine the pronouncements of Wisconsin courts for evidence that art. I, § 9 creates rights, or that it authorizes courts to fashion rights. ” Aicher ex rel. LaBarge v. Wisconsin Patients Compensation Fund, 2000 WI 98, 122 (Wis. 2000), the right can thusly be fashioned to the unique circumstances of this case.
@rachelboothe3160 2 месяца назад
Love it, please come to Space in Evanston, IL you will be received with loving arms. We're on a gorgeous lake with magical colors and spirit
@StevenOlthoff 2 месяца назад
Without doubt the best song of the year. The space created in the song is just pure perfection.
@LaurynMarkMusik 2 месяца назад
Your voice is so beautiful 🥰
@Autistic.Spectrum.Domination 2 месяца назад
Move over Fantano. New contender for best teeth in the game Phenomenal song
@Zebikpl 2 месяца назад
Love it. Love the emotions and expression. Great cover.
@yeeeee_boy 2 месяца назад
Спасибо, послушаю
@manuelaeichhorn4285 2 месяца назад
❤❤❤❤❤thank you for this Song!!!
@julianfriedrich4058 2 месяца назад
Cant stop listening to this song. The most beautyful composition since years in my collection. Perfect.
@markstephenpelfrey 3 месяца назад
@stevensaunders6018 3 месяца назад
Sounds so great,love his talent,style of guitar playing is special
@jasonparker6457 3 месяца назад
Just such very good music
@trforbes 3 месяца назад
I could keep this song on repeat all day and all night! ❤
@trforbes 3 месяца назад
❤❤❤ Come play in the mountains!Asheville…. please ..(I’m just going to keep asking) 😂
@keeshommes2235 3 месяца назад
Love the lapsteel in this song
@laurenburke9013 3 месяца назад
Has anyone figured out the chords? Trying to right now
@laurenburke9013 3 месяца назад
Here you go guys: E standard tuning, no capo Verse: E A E x4 B barre C#m barre A x4 B barre A C#m barre E x1 Repeat verse x 1 Chorus: E A E x2 E A E C#m barre A B barre x1 E A E x2 Repeat verse. Repeat Chorus. Ending: E A E x6