Andrew Bluett
Andrew Bluett
Andrew Bluett
Let's talk about media in a constructive and positive manner.
The Final Fantasy VII Retrospective
3 месяца назад
The Kingdom Hearts Retrospective
5 месяцев назад
The Chrono Trigger Retrospective
8 месяцев назад
The Final Fantasy VI Retrospective
10 месяцев назад
The Final Fantasy V Retrospective
Год назад
The Final Fantasy IV Retrospective
Год назад
The Final Fantasy III Retrospective
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The Final Fantasy II Retrospective
2 года назад
The Final Fantasy Retrospective
2 года назад
Learning to Love Halo 4 - A Retrospective
2 года назад
@marzgamingmaster 6 минут назад
I really liked the fun quasi-animated section during the fan translation section! And it was important to cover, because it clearly had a huge impact on the reception of the game. My gods, is this comments section absolutely radioactive with pretty open hate speech and bio-essentialism rhetoric. My favorite is the page long screed about how 80% of NB people grow out of it. Or the one person pearl-clutching over "the hard T." Gross. Absolutely caustic, gamers as a community really suck if THAT'S the main takeaway most of us walked away from this video with.
@akebo92 8 минут назад
I always maintained that FF9 was my favorite FF but FFT was the greatest FF
@whatfruit7965 4 часа назад
It was always a tragedy this never received an initial PAL release as Europe was a much more receptive market to strategy games in the 90s.
@HolyJonte 5 часов назад
Best game ever made! ❤️
@nobleskywalker4639 12 часов назад
So you are doing all games right? PLEASE pretty please!!!!
@dommoore6180 15 часов назад
and here's me having loved ff3 since I was a kid, because of the 3D remake...
@MRSAUltraviolet 21 час назад
You're wrong about the OST, but you do you.
@infinityboom1842 День назад
28:25 there is zero proof of any of that, Vic is innocent
@ayyo-kk4bq День назад
10th doctor is my favourite and yet I enjoyed this a lot. Great video essay! I think the end of time is neat because I like my own suffering ?
@MovieClouds День назад
@silviofancyboy 2 дня назад
All these nostalgia geeks in the comments is pathetic 😂😂
@ceruleanskiesTM 2 дня назад
waiting with bated breath for my man to hit up Tactics Ogre (also, dark souls retrospective when?!?!)
@mattschultz4111 2 дня назад
Right off the bat, I have clocked so MANY hours, days into this game. After that, I used so much time to seek out all the things I could do. Wish I didn't sell.
@Jesio11 3 дня назад
This retrospective is so incredibly thorough and very well done. Wish you wouldn’t use the “cis” slur though. I prefer to just be called by the proper word - normal.
@based1669 3 дня назад
Tactics is GOATED
@TheEcaporaso 3 дня назад
Great video! I remember playing FFT two decades ago and found myself absorbed by the tactical gameplay, less so the confusing (but still dark and compelling story). Something has always bothered me. Many years later I was notified that a sequel to FFT came out. I forget the name - final fantasy tactics advance, or A-2? Anyway, I remember playing these 'sequels' and being incredibly frustrated - it was a children's / PG narrative and something about the combat gameplay felt less... refined. Curious if you (or anyone else) have thoughts on these sequels.
@keenanwalsh1049 3 дня назад
been really enjoying your retrospective videos thank you for all of your effort and story telling.
@vanguze 3 дня назад
I take it as a story, no relationship to real life and no message about anything....it was a different time back then. People draw their own conclusions though its amusing to see.
@PauloAtkinson1 3 дня назад
Nice video, man. Subscribed.
@user23x7bnmqr4 4 дня назад
tactics orge reborn is proboly the closest we can get to a final fantasy tactics. i want a remastered version of final fantasy tactics!!
@ShinzoX90 4 дня назад
Try harder to sound like you know something about music lmao
@yuffielash 4 дня назад
An amazing video about my favorite videogame, explaining the depths of the themes, political intrigue, and character motivations, and then at 1:14:08, showing Delita "protecting Ovelia" as an appreciated addition, and it's footage of Delita absolutely PASTING Ovelia with friendly fire had me CACKLING. Gee, I wonder why she doesn't trust him!
@gamesforyou2351 4 дня назад
I played trigger first back on the SNES while I love the game unlike most ppl Chrono cross is definitely my favorite out of the two. It's just something about cross that draws me in to want to play it time and time again. While I will reply trigger from time to time I will reply cross more often. The combat system is definitely harder leveling up only happens when beating bosses cross just has something more special to me then trigger. To this day I don't know what it is about cross I love so much I just know for me it's a better game. Plus I love the soundtrack 20x more then triggers sound track. Not saying triggers isn't good it's just for me they nailed it to my tastes in cross.
@Calin_Caus 4 дня назад
Game name at 14:26, please.
@MasterFeiFongWong 4 дня назад
Impressive Retrospective
@Fundleduds 4 дня назад
Ah hell nah #istandwithvic
@Kilakro 4 дня назад
I was 11 years old when the game came out and I got it, that part in the crumbling highway going to Wall Market stumped me for 2 or 3 days until I made a new friend at the local game shop who happened to be my neighbor, so he came over and showed me how to get through. Fast forward almost 27 years and we're still friends.
@The_Pariah 5 дней назад
Dude, you messed up BIG TIME with your calculator... The only time you play as the actual calc class is when you're learning the skills. As soon as you get the skills, you NEVER play as a calculator b/c of how gimped their stats are. Instead, you switch to a black mage (or summoner would work too) and put calculation as a secondary skill. There is no penalty for using calculation as a secondary and as a mage your magic attack is WAY stronger and your speed is a lot faster than the calc class. TL:DR - Unlock calc > JP grind and unlock abilities > switch to black mage and set math skill as secondary > walk through the rest of the game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AndrewEvenstar 5 дней назад
FFT is goat
@goobusdingle 5 дней назад
definitely a scary recommendation from my recent search history, at least this time for good.
@loszhor 5 дней назад
Well made! Thanks for uploading!
@Kilakro 5 дней назад
You're not going to mention how the game makes it clear that it isn't an FF game in the first minute? Crono's mom is alive! Are there any FF protags with a living parent?
@Athrum_Tarita 5 дней назад
These translators man terrible
@haywoodjablowme6075 5 дней назад
Remember when the Final Fantasy series was good? I do!
@The_Pariah 5 дней назад
FFT is a god damn masterpiece and I hope everyone who worked on it knows it. Good games have many things done right. FFT had damn near everything done right. Every choice was well thought out. And the different mindsets of the creators helped to round it and polish it in the best way. I could write an entire essay praising this game, but luckily, AndrewBluett did an even better job than I could. Liking this video wasn't a choice. It was obligatory.
@Bigski 6 дней назад
So while not the only reason but a big reason American sales were lower (especially for role playing games which were seen as not having great replay value) was the now all but defunct video store. That’s how I played FF 1, 4, and 6. I rented them. I didn’t buy my first FF game until I found 7 in a PS1 greatest hits bin at my local Best Buy. I imagine game rentals put a big dent into sales numbers for most games that weren’t a fighter (ie Mortal Combat) or had Mario in the title.
@gabrieldevoogel6225 6 дней назад
I love how instead of talking down to your audience you’ll just call back to previous discussion “remember, low angle shot” to most it won’t matter but you more specifically mentioned its meaning in a previous part
@monopoman 6 дней назад
One of the best JRPG's ever made and arguably the best in the Final Fantasy series including spin-offs.
@captainadventures 6 дней назад
@tivtag 6 дней назад
„To think, therefore I am.“ is a wrong conclusion. You still are, even when not using your mind (thinking). :-)
@DanielOrtega-mz2tw 6 дней назад
broly lost what made him an interesting villain new broly is exacly what everyone thought og broly was some dickhead just screaming and crashing out lame af compared to z broly
@PringleTheOne 6 дней назад
This was amazing. Ill be here till your channel explodes my dude.
@magnusprime962 6 дней назад
I think the thing about Chrono Trigger is that like a lot of stuff involving Akira Toriyama, how much you enjoy it depends on how much his style and the world charm you. For example, plenty of Dragon Ball fans love the first arc because of those reasons. Personally, I didn’t connect with it. I’m a little saddened by that, but it’s nothing wrong with me or the material. No work of art can be loved by everyone, and that’s okay. I don’t think anyone should have to apologize for that, and some of the people commenting on this video would do well to consider that fact. I’ve never played CT, but to my estimation you were pretty fair towards it. I think it’s good to have more fairy tale-like games like this one, but it’s also good to have games with more intellectual meat to chew on. There’s room for all kinds here, and as Ubisoft has shown us it’s rather boring when every game is the same.
@drwombat 6 дней назад
Why cant i ever figure out how to play this game tho? Def a masterpiece but i cant even get to the first big battle... I just always die.
@guillermoalcala5047 6 дней назад
I've seen all of your final fantasy and the other retrospective videos, they are all AWESOME! You did, again, an amazing job with this retrospective. Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics are two of my favorite games of all time so I was really excited when I saw you uploaded this retrospective video. Looking forward to the rest of your retrospective series! Cheers from Monterrey, México!
@gabrieldevoogel6225 6 дней назад
I swear every video you make makes me more excited for the persona or smt videos, those will probably go harder then these, which is a high bar
@OldEnemy1 6 дней назад
Final Fantasy II is an interesting case. I think it’s a game that was very ambitious at the time of its release but due to hardware limitations, I don’t think the scope of its vision could be fully realized. The story is interesting, but I found it severely lacking. It has the skeletal framework to tell a compelling story but lacks the meat if that makes sense. While the characters can speak, I probably couldn’t tell you more than two things about them, even after sinking over 20 hours. I also agree with your thoughts on the combat system. I have issues with it, but it’s not that it’s grindy. As someone who played through it recently, I found myself not having to grind once.(In general, Most JRPG series aren’t grindy; I just think most players don’t engage with the mechanics such as buffs/debuffs). I feel like if FFII was remade and added more character/story stuff and maybe a reworked combat system similar to what’s present in the SaGa games, it’d probably garner more respect with the fanbase. Also didn’t know they took so much inspiration from Star Wars. It’s crazy how influential it is.