Salom do'stlar! Men Behruzman, doimiy geymerman va kanalimga xush kelibsiz.
Hozirda O'zbekistonda va butun dunyoda trend bo'lib kelayotgan o'yin Mobile Legendsdagi yangilanishlar, qoʻllanmalar, oʻyin jarayonini tushuntirish va stream o'yinlar uchun ushbu kanalga obuna boʻling ❤

Kanalda shuningdek turli editlar ham joylab boraman🪄⚔️
@Alrizk402 17 дней назад
India server free amazing ❤❤❤
@hellobehruz 5 дней назад
That is not India, it is uzbekistan bro
@anufriev_original 7 месяцев назад
Valir new meta. Veil old meta
@hellobehruz 7 месяцев назад
Yeah bro!
@owenknight433 7 месяцев назад
And I can make vale cry with valir 😅
@hellobehruz 7 месяцев назад
Yeah you right. But it's about lore. In lore I think Vale is stronger. And it depends to situation on real game. Valir storonger on game. But when vale has ultimate valir has not chance to be live. And Vale has massive ultimate 1shot and savage)