TFP Student Action
TFP Student Action
TFP Student Action
If you are pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-God, this channel is for you.
Join our young team in the good fight for moral values. TFP Student Action promotes and defends moral values on college campuses, where the truth is needed so much.

You're invited to join the peaceful crusade to restore Christian Civilization.

TFP stands for Tradition, Family, and Property -- the pillars of Christian Civilization.
God bless you & the 225,000 subscribers on this channel.

On this channel you will find videos that:

-- Debunk common myths used to justify the sin of abortion
-- Dismantle the arguments of the homosexual movement
-- Why transgenderism is harmful to the family
-- Question Evolution Theory
-- From the front lines -- TFP activism on campus
-- Debunk climate change
-- Stories of Saints and Catholic heroes
-- Interviews & much more
Why Do Liberals Reject Rules and Laws?
14 дней назад
The Truth About How Liberals Think
Месяц назад
America's Future Is NOT Pro-Abortion
Месяц назад
What’s wrong with abortion?
2 месяца назад
How Liberals Think (or Don't)
3 месяца назад
Watch Pro-Abortion Egg Attack Backfire
3 месяца назад
Simple Abortion Question Makes Witness Squirm
6 месяцев назад
@Deatheater4444 4 часа назад
I know the law of causality is a Buddhist concept, but...
@m_d1905 4 часа назад
So immature. Some people's parents really failed at their job.
@frankc-k3q 4 часа назад
What do catholics know about morals 😂
@AdirondackRuby 5 часов назад
Whoever wrote that video title!!😂😂😂
@Me_love_genocide 5 часов назад
Why are they always yelling? Like are they not able to have a calm and intelligent conversation
@letmelive2006 5 часов назад
Women are being turned into demons
@doloreswilfong416 5 часов назад
God Bless you men. Be strong in Christ.
@bebeati 5 часов назад
These people are so angry.
@kandndad3527 5 часов назад
These people are soulless walking morally dead feminists.
@alainclvpentax8798 5 часов назад
Hey Teacher leaves us kids alone. I heard that before.
@sandrasigala9558 5 часов назад
Dear lady I understand what you are saying, and yes living in poverty isn't easy. However abortion is still murder. Very sad.
@jackiereed7952 5 часов назад
Powerful words spoken by a woman of profound common sense.
@CherrylThorneq-qk6ou 5 часов назад
Well said so much of this rubbish out there . Let kids be kids and why do they want to label the Children,???? The people out there creating these books and all of those so called pronouns they have mental illnesses surely or just wanting their 5 mins of fame whilst inflicting harm to others . There is only Man and Woman and that’s where life begins.🙏
@hawaiiflowers7066 5 часов назад
If he’s pro-communism, he should live in a country of his choice. Russia would welcome him and North Korea would welcome him. they love to have another citizen they can control
@hawaiiflowers7066 5 часов назад
Gun violence in 2023 is 42,000 Heart attacks in 2023, 805,000. That includes ordinary heart disease. In 2023 there was 1,020,000 abortions performed Heart disease makes in individuals is one out of every five deaths Abortion means that the number is 1 out of 4.---25% of the deaths are from abortions. Those numbers don’t make it in to the databank because they count people not humans. People are only counted when they take a breath at birth.
@davidhornback2138 5 часов назад
What she is really saying is that he is not entitled to have an opinion that she disagrees with hers. She's also a rude potty mouth!!!!!
@theone2648 5 часов назад
wonder who gave them the inspiration to make this video
@AdamtheGrey02 5 часов назад
2 years ago you just know she was vaxxed up to her ears wearing a mask.
@fernandosanchez6576 5 часов назад
this guys are heroes
@hawaiiflowers7066 5 часов назад
The fifth Commandment is “ thou shall not murder”.
@tha2793 5 часов назад
Baby murderers really out here acting bold.
@hawaiiflowers7066 5 часов назад
Over 1 million abortions were performed in 2023 and to put that in perspective it is like they wiped out all the citizens in Dallas Texas in one year.
@hawaiiflowers7066 6 часов назад
researchers estimate there were 1,026,700 abortions in 2023. "That's the highest number in over a decade, [and] the first time there have been over a million abortions provided in the U.S. formal health care system since 2012
@cb7841 6 часов назад
You sacrifice an infant life to Moloch for wealth and prosperity. Nothing has changed.
@cb7841 6 часов назад
She manifested. Because ab0rtion is murder it keeps the company of violent people
@matthews7805 6 часов назад
You just know she gossiped to all her friends how a pro-lifer broke her headphones.
@craigcunningham2542 6 часов назад
"Somethings arent just true or false" someone failed logic
@kristopherdetar4346 6 часов назад
Abortion is murder, period !!!!
@MichaelShafer-td8ew 6 часов назад
Did you know transgenderism identity is in the Bible?! SEE: Mark 5:9!
@hawaiiflowers7066 6 часов назад
They’re screaming because of cognitive dissidents. it is true abortion ends an individuals life but their reality is you can do whatever you want even if it’s harm someone. but they’ve convinced the rest of the world it’s slow
@dysfunctional_vet 6 часов назад
your last quote is wrong. only when this nation turns to God, the LORD God on bended knee to repent will abortion end, not the the law of change there of, but by the human heart coming to be in line with the will of the LORD which is written in the prayer Christ taught the disciples, "thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
@pearlgirl7826 6 часов назад
Of course she won’t! They know they’re wrong and they refuse to admit it.
@hawaiiflowers7066 6 часов назад
You wouldn’t expect any more from individuals who don’t respect another humans life. Basically they’re promoting a sociopathic existence in society.
@hawaiiflowers7066 6 часов назад
You wouldn’t expect anything less from someone who believes in human sacrifice
@manusueme 6 часов назад
I ❤ the Heralds of the Gospel
@marbellaotaiza801 6 часов назад
The video's title is top humor 🤭 the cabby at the end enjoyed it too...
@saftis5304 6 часов назад
5:00 where is the justice for all the gruesome, excruciating murder of the innocent? She testified yes, that is what happens. The end of that should be a sentence for the perpetrator(s), should it not?
@hisservants8003 6 часов назад
This woman needs Jesus. These feminists have dark hearts. We need to pray for them and the nation. We are living Romans 1. The only way our nation survives is to repent and return to worshiping God.
@CAROLYNNBELISLE-ht6sx 7 часов назад
A REAL MANIFESTATION ,, BLESS a those who are spreading the Gospel.
@ministermattocks7570 7 часов назад
Satan is pleased more like with the idolotry and false goddess catholics worship.
@SteelMagnolia55 7 часов назад
Abortion is a very selfish act! God bless these men who have the courage to fight for the rights of the innocent babies! 🩷
@fionamoody1432 7 часов назад
Looks can be sooooo deceiving. The curse words tell a different story altogether. 🤦‍♀️🤮😫
@dirtyfox2289 7 часов назад
Ave true to god
@Anonymous-User-gb4dc 7 часов назад
Talk about being “accepting”
@TNL175-e7l 7 часов назад
Serves her right. Coward
@tootsownhorn5874 7 часов назад
Not too long ago the law said some things were cool that are in fact quite uncool.
@cdamauser1963 7 часов назад
thats gotta smart hope she doesent go home and kiss her mommy with that mouth
@Jordan-pn7fy 7 часов назад
Gods justice is always best.
@jakey3887 7 часов назад
When women react like that, it’s because they had an abortion and they don’t want to be reminded of their evil deeds.
@Chaosforyou728 7 часов назад
What should worry people most is things like that feminazi get to vote. The majority of women vote demokkkrat. Says a lot right there why the 19th needs revoked. They support communism. They have literally helped usher in communism. Knowingly and not knowingly. Some just hear equality and jump on board without even researching the idea, which is neo-marxism. Which is communism. And it needs to go. It was never about equalit/egalitarianism. It was about equity/forced equal outcome at the behest of the gooberment.