Game Quitters
Game Quitters
Game Quitters
Game Quitters is a community for those who want to quit playing video games and get their life back.

As a former hardcore gamer I haven't played a video game in over 4,000 days and since that time I have learned key insights into how to overcome your gaming problem, how to find new activities (that aren't boring), how to make friends, and ultimately how to wake up excited to be alive every single day.

We're only as strong as our community, so make sure you comment and let us know where you're from. I answer every comment I get. :)

For questions or requests, DM me on IG: instagram.com/gamequitters
How I Quit Gaming for 457 Days
4 месяца назад
The Vicious Cycle of Gaming Escapism
4 месяца назад
Want To Stop Gaming? DO THIS!
6 месяцев назад
Why You Should Quit Gaming in 2024
6 месяцев назад
How To Reprogram Your Brain
6 месяцев назад
I Stopped Gaming And THIS Happened
10 месяцев назад
How EA Keeps You Hooked​ (EAFC 24)
10 месяцев назад
Why Gaming Addiction Is On The Rise
11 месяцев назад
If You Use Discord, BEWARE!
Год назад
The EASIEST Way to Stop Gaming
Год назад
Why MMOs Are Bad For You
Год назад
How AI Is Destroying Humanity
Год назад
The Greed of Gaming Companies
Год назад
@rosst3277 11 часов назад
Tony... Your awsome!
@Darkworldxl 23 часа назад
Gaming can be incredibly useful for many things, I am big into the Civilization franchise, it required me to engage in long-term planning, and deal with short term issues, I did this when I was a kid and now I’m using those planning skills for my career. I do agree gaming can be a negative if not moderated but what thing that isn’t moderated is still good?
@parhamghadiri190 День назад
video game is just a hobby like wacthing movies. of course if you play too much it will harm you and takes you away from your other workes but it isn't actually a bad thing. unfortunately there are some people who believe that video game is a bad hobby and makes people addicted so wastes the time. the people who say this, have their own hobby and spend hours per day on it and just enjoy. but i don't know why their hobby isn't wasting time and does not harm but our hobby, video game does.
@chrisw3311 День назад
Believe me when i say you shouldnt eat apples. I was eating 89 apples a day and it was ruining my life. So much time in the bathroom, so much weight gain. Apples are the worst. Remove apples from your life.
@CoCoFantastique День назад
I'd rather people play video games than go on social media bullying and harassing people for a dopamine hit. Anything can be come an addition.
@Treasor-jl4rk День назад
The thing is just manage your time well
@MonkyTube18 День назад
Wow is not a game, its a second life. Even when you "just" play 1h a day (which is a lot btw... yes it is).
@MonkyTube18 День назад
Today most of the school kids are gaming something... fortnite, brawlstars, ... its crazy
@MonkyTube18 День назад
Even moderate play does something with you and might very likely be a risk for your life if you have a job, a wife and kids. Go for a walk when they sleep instead of get lost in a parallel universe.
@RobynWright-d6z 2 дня назад
😅 gems, even odfering to use their own oocket money. When they have to stop playing, or they are denied their tablets, they are starting to go crazy! I've tried explaining the whole addictive thing to them, but they're just too young to understand. How do I wean them off it without being the worst mummy in the world?!
@trippinpandaz7520 2 дня назад
hello I followed all ur steps but at the end it says: Your request was denied
@limitless1692 2 дня назад
girlfriend... So you want men to be traped in having babies and paying child support through their nose?? bussiness... On what planet are you living, most people 99% of us are slaves, we have jobs not bussinesses!!! I do think you live in a fake reality not me!
@simonshura9144 2 дня назад
I am 32 gaming has been part of life since I was 6 years old this will never change lol 😂 Climbing the ladder in this world is not worth giving up your passions and gaming just to become a hussle slave it is pathetic the propaganda your pushing LMAO 🤣💦
@williamfrieden1 2 дня назад
Great video, makes sense, for sure, admittedly, hard to stop sometimes, but I've been moderating it, anyways, keep it up!
@Thelastsong96 2 дня назад
I’m still struggling. It sucks
@Jamila206 3 дня назад
I glad that I permanently quit game after I heard Concord shutdown form my friend. This is a disaster of playing a video games. Video games aren't just time wasting but it also money wasting and mood degeneration.
@enonz761 3 дня назад
Drawing is also releasing crasy amount of dophamine & interfere with my sleep. All learning activities demand focus, that is low after a work day. So not so easy to substitute
@Jamila206 3 дня назад
board games, skill toys and fidget toys are actually good video game alternatives
@jpfranco8498 3 дня назад
i have other games link on my hoyoverse account how to delete genshin and not hsr or zzz/
@Dimitriss1-k2e 3 дня назад
Im 3 months in and life still feels like im in gaming mode is this normal? Or part of the recovery process?
@Jamila206 3 дня назад
I also permanently quit gaming and my life is better. No regret of quitting games. Thank to you Game Quitter. I wish i want to talk with you for sharing experience too (it would be nice if we can speak Thai) because there are so many thing to be discussed
@falcosirrus8620 3 дня назад
Maybe i am atypical but i have become far more productive with an increase in video games. In my pre teens i was gaming a lot though still going out with friends and in football teams...etc. As i got to my later teens and early 20's i stopped gaming (didn't decide to, it just happened naturally) and was out at bars and clubs, having casual sex and taking drugs, mostly cocaine. I didn't enjoy my job and just seen it as cash for the weekends. In my mid 20's (ie now) i got back into gaming and it has changed my life for the better. My general mood is far better and that has led me to stop binging on drink and drugs at the weekend. I rarely drink and don't take drugs at all. Since i'm not drinking and hungover at the weekend i have taken up hill walking, cycling and wild swimming. My relationship has gotten better because i share those pursuits with my girlfriend and i've been promoted at work because i have taken more interest in it rather than seeing it as beer tokens. I still game almost every day and my girlfriend also plays sometimes. I guess what people are talking about are those people that game all day and virtually nothing else. Personally, i don't think it's the gaming that causes that. I think they already have issues which makes them want to hide from the world, and hiding in other worlds in video games is a great way to hide from their real problems. So stopping gaming won't necessarily help if the underlying issues are not resolved too.
@johnny1max113 3 дня назад
cam, i also want to say that i know you and your channel for years now and I love and appreciate you! ❤
@johnny1max113 3 дня назад
3 дня назад
Lol, 2 years after this post and WoW is still going strong! I guess everyone didn't quit after all huh?
@heavyflamerheresy2581 4 дня назад
Bro if you are addicted to partying, you would party more thant just the weekends. Do you Think an alcoholic can drink 1 beer without wanting to drink 20 beers after. Just ask SteveO, he says he always crav a beer, But he dosent let him self do it. If you can live without a Long time you are not addicted.
@fresh_inkling 4 дня назад
after looking at World at warcraft. that game looks super boring.
@fresh_inkling 4 дня назад
i played for 10 hours a day for a week. let me explain. it was summer break, and i was recovering from surgery so like i couldn't really leave my house lol, and there was nothing else to do. and i said why not unlock every weapon in splatoon. and i did just that. it took a lot of grinding though. i took like a week break from splatoon after that lmao
@fresh_inkling 4 дня назад
i counted the hours i play a day and i was shocked. i expected it to be like 10 or something. but apparently on average i play for 3-4 hours a day (i dont play on week days because school) but yeah. i'm a huge splatoon fan. i have amiibos, and splatoon plushies as well.
@fresh_inkling 4 дня назад
video games are fun. because. what i do in games i cant do irl and the stories in games are amazing . also if you have withdrawal symptoms from not playing a video game then yeah, thats an addiction. anything is good in moderation. except for drugs. or smoking. or drinking. or vaping. that stuff's bad
@johnny1max113 4 дня назад
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
Done 🎉
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
Who created the AI in the first place ???
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
I have been using my phone as a tool ( without Social Media ) for 3 years . I just need to erase my Steam account from the universe . Thank you .
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
This channel deserves millions of subscribers .
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
Thank you .
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
Happy to find this channel .
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
Thank you .. really .
@ZumbaFlower-hw3yx 4 дня назад
2:06 👍🏻
@user-jf6xn8xx2h 4 дня назад
I don't think we have burnout. Games just SUCK nowadays. You can only play old games for so long before those get old too....then what
@PanagiotisPansof123 5 дней назад
Bro stop harassing everyone who disagrees with you in the comments
@Homeslice130 5 дней назад
You’re a quitter
@audreyplaysnice2086 6 дней назад
i've only been able to quit one addiction when a more compelling one comes along. ADHD makes it extra hard because you're hyper-focused on the dopamine generators like quest completion.
@Moondadaa 6 дней назад
To all my quitters out there; if you feel a lack of purpose after quitting, try to read your Bible. trust me, you will thank God later.
@Marshall...-_-1101 7 дней назад
Everything he said is correct for me, first i play video games for hours and fu*k my brain, when i get bored i visit a website and do a thing, then i regret and i try to study study(trying to make up for the day i wasted playing games, reels, shorts. phub, regret, etc) late at night and my sleep gets disturbed. And since i left gaming from last 2 weeks every other thing got resolved. but sadly I installed game on weekend and noticed that same pattern(eat, game, regret, sleep, repeat). But now i know about my self and my brain, i am gonnna uninstall steam and never gonna install it again for running from actual world and responsibilities.
@user-td2oe2kr8t 7 дней назад
I am not struggling with being addicted to games... I am struggling with my parents thinking that playing for an hour or less a day to chill is an addiction
@darkkillerx29 7 дней назад
On weekdays I barely have 30 minutes for me and my own thoughts on the week ends I finally can play video games and I still have to deal with people telling me I play too much
@RajuSarma-tr5dm 7 дней назад
@RajuSarma-tr5dm 7 дней назад
I think higher difficulty single player games causes more stress
@RajuSarma-tr5dm 7 дней назад
Life became better when i quit gaming