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unfortunately as a big fan and a fanatic of cs and the great ancient players, it all ended after figuring out that they were cheating. if you pay close attention underneath the bottom of each player, you will see holes. these holes will follow the player everywhere. these holes are from and because of the hacks being used. you can do some research not only about what I said is for real and true but also will discover and see more players in other videos that have the same thing like forest. Sorry to kill your ancient but it feelings for these players as it was all with cheats (not all players though). Now i am not saying that they werent any good - for sure they were good players but not as much as what you hoped when you saw them aimboting and thinking it was legit.
Doğru dürüst frag movie'si bile yoktur ama tarihin en iyi counter oyuncusu. Çok canlı bir zihni var, yerinde duramıyor, oyunu okuma becerisi müthiş. Rakiple kedinin fareyle oynadığı gibi oynuyor. Aim'i bundan daha iyi olsa tanrı katına da yükselirdi. Neo'yu izlemek, S1mple izlemekten zevkli.
They talked about carn/zeus awp top1, anyone know around what year markeloff enters his awp godmode? 🤔😎 I remember from my youth him being a serious opponent using a awp ( correct me if im wrong ❤ ) "Edit" it's 20years ago haha I meant it so to speak, that's how it felt to me..