TeaOfCrazy - Jeanne Audition
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Administrator Bot Audition - Toku
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@AirsickDolphin 4 года назад
I still listen to this every time I read gunnerkrigg. Just wanted to let you know it's still appreciated all these years later =).
@thomasthedoubter6813 4 года назад
Somehow I always Imagined Annie with a British accent.
@kc3reo 4 года назад
Tom describes her as having an accent similar to Kate Rusby's, so she does.
@woganjones2012 6 лет назад
Great character voices. But can I correct your pronunciation of Mallt-y-Nos? Mallt has a Welsh 'll' sound - say an English 'l' sound and breathe around your tongue. 'y' - rhymes with 'burr' or the sound you make when you don't like the taste of something. 'Nos' rhymes with 'hoarse'.
@eveningdim7167 7 лет назад
In retrospect, this sounds a little bit like Bill Cipher.
@HarpyGirl 10 лет назад
a wonderful performance as both Coyote and Ysengrin!
@KitKat_293 11 лет назад
You're veeeery funny as red!! And your Annie voice was very fitting too. Excellent job!
@JealousVixy 11 лет назад
frreakin loved it man, just how she sounds in my head :D
@m8sonmiller 11 лет назад
I like the "traditional" beginning, I think it'd be cool if it started to turn into a kind of electronic piece, maybe towards the end. Still great, that's just my two bits.
@JealousVixy 11 лет назад
are you kidding?? this is ballistic perfect for Annie!! semi-monotonous, satire yet sad and somehow at the same time funny :) i think perhaps you should keep your opinions a little more to yourself.
@Anaheylaatyahoo 11 лет назад
Too growly.
@tatianamuzquiz 11 лет назад
@Bedinsis 11 лет назад
Too smug in my opinion. I pictured smitface more as an insecure guy.
@98shahn 11 лет назад
@CeleryDub 11 лет назад
This is perfect omg <3
@ooyoobbangjib 12 лет назад
nope. look it up. ANtimony. it's an element in the periodic table.
@ooyoobbangjib 12 лет назад
mm... I have to admit this wasn't one of my favorite auditions. is this the final casting? :/
@CashCatMoney 12 лет назад
@nycbycellphone 12 лет назад
do you think antimony has the accent on the i? i always thought it did
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
hm, probs the best Kat out there so far, i like the interesting undertones of the accent there, and yes, Annies probably a little more British, but other than that, its all awesome!! :D oh and the music gives great effect :)
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
ooh, i like it :)
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
yes! this is just wot he sounds like in my head! so awesome... :D
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
awww yeah!! love it! yup, that 1 is a good one! :D
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
i love the accent here..gives Annie a nice little quirk :)
@JealousVixy 12 лет назад
just amazing - perfect for Gunnerkrigg :) love it!
@CyFiM 12 лет назад
Whenever I imagined Coyote's voice he always sounded like he had really insane ADHD. You know, really abrupt and always on the verge of laughing except at his most serious. I always though that if he did have to be serious about something he would talk faster so he could get it over with and get back to having fun.
@TovKafur 3 года назад
This. I always imagined his voice to be rising almost to cry with every word only to be stopped abruptly with weird, broken intonations.
@CyFiM 12 лет назад
I really liked the tone of Antimony, though I always imagined her voice to be a little more whispy and, well, more Brittish sounding.
@CyFiM 12 лет назад
Yes! I actually always imagined the administrator bot's voice to be a little different, but this was perfect. Great job!
@CyFiM 12 лет назад
I loved your voice for Willie. You just nailed that one.
@CyFiM 12 лет назад
@CyFiM Oh, whoops, wrong video. This is awkward...
@CyFiM 12 лет назад
You nailed it for Willie. I liked the voice you had for plush Reynardine, but you could get a little more into the character.
@TheVoxxification 12 лет назад
It's a shame this video doesn't have more views. This needs more people to hear it.
@FlyLeaf010 12 лет назад
My god, this is brilliant! It fits Ysengrin perfectly!
@FlyLeaf010 12 лет назад
This is my absolute favorite Jones audition. I personally think everything was absolutely perfect.
@LidellFrasier 12 лет назад
I think you captured him perfectly. I would love to see you get the part.
@AnimeMangaFreak222 12 лет назад
Frickin' awesome, man. The music suits the scene very well, and the flow of the video is very well done. I especially like how the music pauses for a moment, and then there's a single, final note when the picutre of Jeanne is revealed. It adds a bit more of a dramatic flair to the original scene.
@Number1JettDawsonShrimp 12 лет назад
@shadowistTR 12 лет назад
I think the accent is dead on, I see him as ancient and proud with a loud, sarcastic tone. but...when you said "Hey antelope, nice face you have! For a giant idiot I mean"...horrid. And ur laugh needs work. i imagine it is high pitched and almost annoying. thats how I think of him. And do not try to rationlize him to be any other character, Coyote in the book is almost like the creator of nature, or atleast the creator of what he is interested in. He is not a remake, he is an origional.
@shadowistTR 12 лет назад
i like your coyote, but not your ysengrin.
@Anaheylaatyahoo 13 лет назад
Best I've yet encountered. Very nice.
@tbarghest 13 лет назад
You would be a great casting choice for Mort.
@JerichoJack 13 лет назад
hm..great. But I feel he should speak a little more slowly o.o for dramatic effect. Awesome work though. I'm thoroughly impressed.
@joncameronli 13 лет назад
DUUUUUDe. I just spammed the entire comic, and this moooosic freaking nails the feel so well!!!
@MasterMoviemaker1 13 лет назад
Good but to quiet for me to hear much of.
@MasterMoviemaker1 13 лет назад
Like "Annie's" voice but not sure about "Kat's" maybe it's just that I expected a Scottish accent, or more to say a slightly strong one.
@MasterMoviemaker1 13 лет назад
That is how I imagine the guys voice to be, he looks strong, but I still imagine him to sound like any old teacher.
@MasterMoviemaker1 13 лет назад
I always have imagined Coyote as having a voice that was almost at a half laugh and high pinched like he is about to yell in joy.
@MasterMoviemaker1 13 лет назад
Reminded a lot of old radio broadcast, this is almost exactly what i imagined he sounds like.
@Afalstein 13 лет назад
Try not to show the captions, if you can. It makes it seem like more of a reading than anything else. Otherwise, it looks good so far. Antimony's voice sounds accurate. I imagined more of an accent, but this works. Incidentally, wasn't there going to be an intro of some kind?
@Kugluck 13 лет назад
That's useful epic!