Deauville Green Awards
Deauville Green Awards
Deauville Green Awards
The International Festival for Responsible Films rewards productions dealing with sustainability, eco-innovations and social responsibility. Our aim is to improve public and companies'​ awareness on such significant subject matters.

Deauville Green Awards is the festival that brings together all stakeholders in audiovisual communication concerning the environment and sustainable development: producers, directors, press, corporations, media agencies, and many more!

Films can enter the 3 competitions (spots, corporate films and documentaries) and their 14 thematic categories about the environment, the eco-innovations and the social issues.
Le Festival International du Film Responsable est destiné à valoriser la sensibilisation par l'image autour du développement durable, chaque année en juin, à Deauville avec 3 compétitions (spots, films corporate et documentaires) et leurs 14 catégories thématiques!
#GreenTalks Claire Lemarchand - ECOSYSTEM
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Edouard Bergeon
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Françoise Nolan - GROUPAMA
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Philippe Kunter - BPI France
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Daniela Burla - SETEC
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Vincent Prost - SKOPUS
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Caroline Darmon - PUBLICIS
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Marie Gabrié - AACC
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Lohann Joly - MUSIQUE & MUSIC
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Melissa Saint-Fort - TF1
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Vincent Le Goff - Groupe TF1
2 месяца назад
#GreenTalks Valérie Martin - ADEME
2 месяца назад
@Pavloun 7 месяцев назад
I am thrilled that my spot film "Awake" has won the prestigious Gold Award at the Deauville Green Awards! 🥇🎥 Competing against more than 500 incredible films from around the world, "Awake" stood out for its commitment to ecology and social responsibility. It is an immense honor to be recognized among such talented filmmakers who share the same passion for making a positive impact on our planet. 🌿💚 I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Deauville Green Awards for providing a platform that celebrates and promotes films dedicated to environmental awareness. This festival serves as an inspiration and reminder that together, through the power of storytelling, we can drive change and create a sustainable future. 🌎🌱 I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire team who contributed to the creation of "Awake." Your dedication, creativity, and tireless efforts have made this achievement possible. This award is a testament to our shared commitment to raising awareness and inspiring action. 🙏🎉 Last but not least, I want to express my sincerest appreciation to everyone who has supported "Awake" and believed in its message. Your encouragement and enthusiasm have been invaluable throughout this journey. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a greener, more socially responsible world for future generations. 🌍💚 Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as "Awake" continues its journey, spreading awareness and inspiring change. Thank you all for being a part of this incredible moment! 🌱✨ #DeauvilleGreenAwards #ContentThatMatters
This video exactly points out why I like the Deauville Green Awards that much: Lets talk about solutions, not just about the problem.
@olmago Год назад
@philippeblanc9238 Год назад
C'est cool de vous voir réunis .... Et merci pour ce que vous faites :)
@Paulosintade Год назад
Stylé de fou
@vinniefray7299 2 года назад
@jacquespeala6680 2 года назад
Bravo pour ce que vous faites
@daviddemri6709 3 года назад
C'est magnifique j'en ai des frissons
@dakkedankos4116 4 года назад
Noob get a real job 😆😆
@7evenlions 4 года назад
Beautifully depressive, hopelessly realistic. Quite intense for a short-feature movie.
@alexandrepasche7123 5 лет назад
Après après demain ! Passionnante interview de Cyril Dion et Magali Payen au 8e festival Deauville Green Awards le 13 juin 2019. Après le constat de la situation actuelle, quelles prochaines étapes pour passer au monde de demain ?
@tempo... 5 лет назад