Jamie Englehart
Jamie Englehart
Jamie Englehart
Removing Fear - Revealing The Father - Releasing Freedom
@stephansotomayor9696 Месяц назад
Awesome 👏
@AngieNye1 Месяц назад
Thank you Jaime. This is a great need for new beginners in faith to avoid wasting time unraveling many misunderstandings on this subject of grace versus fear of missing the mark from one day to the next depending on our thoughts and behaviors which is sadly taught in many churches. The difference between living under the old covenant rules and laws versus living with more exuberance because of the new covenant that Jesus died to give to us. Wow! I love it!
@approvedofGod 2 месяца назад
I was waiting to hear about the origin of the Trinity. C. Baxter spoke mainly of how in the bible it appears to reveal the trinity. That is not the origin. History is very clear of where this doctrine came from, and it was not from the bible. Ancient trinities were accepted throughout the world! The Catholic religion admits that they used Greek philosophy to develop the trinity. Philosophical terms and notions such as "persons," "substance," "hypostasis," "relation," and so on were used. So, can this doctrine be a development of Greek philosophy and bible, and still be scripturally sound? The answer is no.
@MsKiddah 2 месяца назад
I don’t get why you think the trinity isn’t scripturally sound. Can you expound on this?
@approvedofGod 2 месяца назад
@@MsKiddah Let's start with the definition of the Trinity that is found nowhere else than in the Athanasian Creed (forgery). It states that God is three Persons. That is not found anywhere in Scripture. It states that the Trinity in unity is to be worshipped. That is not found in the bible. It states that all three are God separate and by themselves. That is not scripture! It states that from eternity they are coequal and coeternal. That is philosophical jargon. I can go on and on, but hopefully you get the picture.
@MsKiddah 2 месяца назад
@@approvedofGod so, are you saying that God is one person only?
@approvedofGod 2 месяца назад
@@MsKiddah God is more than a person. He is Almighty God, who is Omnipresent, and Omniscient.
@cherylwilliams4738 2 месяца назад
Thank you Jamie😊 I really enjoyed this series. I would so love for this series to be put into a playlist of its own. 😁💕 Maybe it already is... did I miss it?
@MsKiddah 2 месяца назад
Yes it is…
@cherylwilliams4738 2 месяца назад
@@MsKiddah where?
@MsKiddah 2 месяца назад
@@cherylwilliams4738 I’m sorry, I was wrong. It isn’t made into a playlist yet.
@cherylwilliams4738 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this series. Will you be putting it into a playlist? Excited to listen to it again. 😃 Blessings 💞
@cherylwilliams4738 2 месяца назад
Can anybody explain the "wrath of God" ? I'm confused by this. Seems scripture talks of this. I'm struggling to reconcile this in my heart. Does wrath mean something different than what our modern definition describes?
@JamieEnglehart 2 месяца назад
Blessings Cheryl, look up the Greek word for wrath it deals more with intense passion, so even wrath is still based on His love. Plus Romans 1 tells us that wrath is God NOT doing something or Him turning men over to their own desires and then sowing and reaping takes over. Plus when the new testament brings up wrath if in your translation it says the wrath of God, that is a mistranslation and a phrase added by translators. Of God is not in the Greek it is simply The wrath. I hope that helps and will get you started on your study.
@cherylwilliams4738 2 месяца назад
@@JamieEnglehart yes, helpful. Thank you 👍🏼😃
@sarabriggs6524 3 месяца назад
The first time the team had played a a match was when they won a match in which the players had a goal in in front and and and a penalty shootout against against a club in front and a a a penalty in the same game against the same club that was a a a goal in in a match and the same game was a goal in in a
@revival4756 3 месяца назад
Our new Identity ICJ Amen! We are new creations ICJ, we died to the old self ( mindset/ attitude) HS is 24x7 renewing our thoughts to harmonize with our heart where the Godhead abides. Praise you Jesus! This visible outward action is because of the inward renewal praise Jesus. Know what you died to ( old self) to live from the new creation. Paul shares so well in romans 6. Complete depence on his Grace! Its not self improvement/ behavior modification! Know the DBR of the old man. mindset attitude, behaviors, patterns, habits, etc. Dead! Alive in Christ - trust him to do himself in you, for you and through you ❤ our helper, comforter, teacher..... 🙏
@revival4756 3 месяца назад
Beautiful! He's a awesome and loving Daddy!