Tech IT
Tech IT
Tech IT
@christopherblencowe7021 21 день назад
Good idea to put this on youtube, but you should mention WHY you install from source instead of HOW to do this (which is also fine at the end. Compiling GNU sources has advantages but also responsibilities e.g. own patch management of the compiled sources. This is why I always compile squid from source: a) Get exact the version whatever the maintainer of the linux OS thinks is fine for him. I therefore can have several Ubuntu/Debian/SLES and REDHAT OS versions and can always have the latest version of squid b) Be faster - In case of known squid vulnerabilites one does not need to wait for a distro to react - this is even more critical for older OS distros c) Add the plugins you like : I usually add "--enable-basic-auth-helpers="NCSA"" to the configure options and use this helper in my configuration (e.g. auth_param basic program /local/squid/libexec/basic_ncsa_auth /local/squid/etc/passwd) d) Have multiple squid installed in different locations on the same server The disadvantages for sure are: You have to setup a process of checking regular for latest releases and recompile then. I usually skip making a "make instal", instead I simply leave the compiled "squid" aside to the sources and run it from there, having always one folder containing each release, but you also must keep track on ownership same as given in the video.
@christopherblencowe7021 21 день назад
# CAVE: using "make install" also puts other basic-auth-helpers ./configure --prefix=/local/squid --enable-basic-auth-helpers="NCSA" make mkdir -p var/run mkdir -p var/logs # see cache_effective_user/cache_effective_group chown -R nobody:nogroup var/logs mkdir -p sbin cp -p src/squid sbin mkdir -p libexec cp -p src/auth/basic/NCSA/basic_ncsa_auth libexec cp -p src/log/file/log_file_daemon libexec cp -p src/unlinkd libexec mkdir -p share cd share ln -s ../errors . ln -s ../icons . cd .. mkdir -p var/cache mkdir -p var/cache/squid chown -R nobody:nogroup var/cache/squid ./sbin/squid -z -n squid
@christopherblencowe7021 21 день назад
# squid.service # cp -p squid.service /etc/systemd/system ; systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl enable squid.service ; systemctl restart squid.service ; systemctl status squid.service [Unit] Description=squid.service [Service] User=root Group=root Type=Simple #Type=Exec #Type=Forking LimitNOFILE=65535 LimitNPROC=16384 ExecStart=/local/squid/sbin/squid -N #ExecStop= #TimeoutStartSec=300 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
@christopherblencowe7021 21 день назад
And ensure cache_effective_user nobody cache_effective_group nogroup iis part of your config
@smok3yinc 3 месяца назад
Are you able to update?
@techitinator 3 месяца назад
The updates actually will broke the boot as it is unofficiall platform. As per my expierence it is better to install officiall debian for orange pi and add repo from kali (but you will still have some problems due to package duplication in repos).
@smok3yinc 3 месяца назад
@@techitinator yeah that’s what I did, I can indeed use the Kali image and it updates but breaks the boot. Just wondered if i did something wrong, thinking of making my own from the provided Linux kernel.
@user-oz2mu2mj2n 4 месяца назад
Привет, сделай более подробный обзор
@user-mo4qe8xu8x 3 месяца назад
Образ без проблем можно развернуть на SD-карту с помощью Win32Diskimager. Но есть проблемы с обновлением и установкой дополнительного ПО. Например, попробовал установить с помощью x11vnc, установка завершается с ошибками. Такие вот дела. Видимо единственный правильный вариант это Debian. Но я еще не пробовал. -------------------------------- The image can be deployed to an SD card using Win32Diskimager without any problems. But there are problems with updating and installing additional software. For example, I tried to install using x11vnc, the installation completed with errors. Such are the things. Apparently the only correct option is Debian. But I haven't tried it yet.
@felipeportela5693 4 месяца назад
After concatenate .xzaa and .xzab files, I got a .img.xz file. Should I decompress it? I tried decompressing it but I failed, but I'm thinking on tryin again
@techitinator 4 месяца назад
Hi, yes, it should be decompressed.
@felipeportela5693 4 месяца назад
@@techitinator I did it. I decompressed using unxz command