Webster University Choral Ensembles
Webster University Choral Ensembles
Webster University Choral Ensembles
The Webster University Choral Program consists three main choirs, each performing exemplary musical pieces from a wide variety of historical and compositional backgrounds.

The Chamber Singers is a select ensemble of 24 singers that performs advanced choral literature from many historical periods, world cultures and styles. Comprised of mostly music majors and several students from other disciplines, the Chamber Singers tour annually and represent the Department of Music at a wide variety of public events.

The Concert Choir is an auditioned choir of 45 students majoring in choral music education, music performance, and composition. Many other academic programs are also represented in the choir. The Concert Choir performs large-scale works during the spring in tandem with the Chamber Singers.

The Women's Chorus is a choir dedicated to studying and sharing music written for women's voices. They have performed in many combined concerts with other St. Louis choirs.