Book launch: The Qur’an   A Verse Translation
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@hanssolos3699 4 месяца назад
may ALLAH SWT forgive me but they sound like apologists to me. I will be more comfortable if the translators are specialists keeping true to the tone and meaning and not apologizing for most of it.
@hanssolos3699 4 месяца назад
if ALLAH (SWT) is explicit in Quraan, we must accept it and not be an apologist just to soften the tone.
@saliksayyar9793 4 месяца назад
Arabic recitation was sing song and not inspiring
@batubaru2445 4 месяца назад
Your comment was not inspiring
@admiralpure 4 месяца назад
Perhaps, it may be no exaggeration to state that the Qur’an is the most oft-recited but least understood of books.
@hassanmirza2392 4 месяца назад
Correct 💯 that is why Qur'an translations are needed.
@zainiabdullah621 4 месяца назад
Surprisingly, Prof Habib (so much so for a professor) cannot even pronounce "Al'llah" in the proper Arabic linguistically ! He's just like the present King Of Jordan speaking Arabic with the English accent !
@hanssolos3699 4 месяца назад
Ouch!!! but its true. If u cant pronounce it correctly, its very questionable for a man of his qualification.
@diahiskandarbinmohamadjani7674 4 месяца назад
Hope I can find this book in Malaysia.
@AbdillahDillah-qn9zf 4 месяца назад
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ISLAMIC PEOPLE!!! Assalamuallaikum wr wb, Have you arrived at the happy news that the Prophet Muhammad SAW told him about Al Mubasyirot/Dream right!!! our brother Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim the descendant of the prophet Muhammad SAW from Bani Quraisy has had a divine dream, namely meeting Allah swt (In the veil/There is a barrier) and meeting the Prophet Muhammad SAW, also told to spread the dream to Muslims!!! HIS IMPORTANT DREAM MESSAGE IS TO AWAY FROM SHIRK!!! The Prophet saw sat beside me and said: "Qasim, I came for a very important task.-I want you to do this job for me. Convey all the dreams that Allah swt has shown you and convey my messages to everyone.[DREAM 02-04-2016] The first order from Allah swt in Muhammad Qasim's dream: "Qasim, spread your dreams all over the world, I want everyone to know who you are" [April 2014 dream] Prophet Muhammad SAW Said in the Dream of Muhammad Qasim: "O my son, the Day of Judgment will not happen until 4 big signs of the Day of Judgment and Qasim my son have appeared, and the first is your appearance" [ Dream April 10, 2015] Prophet Muhammad SAW Said in Muhammad Qasim's Dream: "I have told you to all my people 1400 years ago, so that on the Day of Judgment later none of my people said "O Prophet, why don't you tell us about Qasim, If you tell us, of course we will become one, Qasim supporters." [Dream 30/09/2015] Haddist: "Whoever sees me in a dream, then he will see me in a state of consciousness and the devil cannot resemble me." (HR Al Bukhari) Note: THERE IS NO FAULT FOR ISLAM PEOPLE TO LEARN MUHAMMAD QASIM's DREAM BEFORE LATE, MAY ALLAH SWT GIVE YOU HINT Yt; MUHAMMAD QASIM PK
@jivanselbi3657 4 месяца назад
thankyou all for htis great lecture-explanatory talk.. great effort has been put for English speakers to understand/grasp the meaning of the Holy Quran.. its worth it, may you be rewarded abundantly
@amariosakwe8834 4 месяца назад
I don't know what it is but there is something extremely soothing about this professor's voice. Interesting talk in deed.
@yousufshariff7769 4 месяца назад
Thank you Profeasor Habib and Prof Bruce for your impeccable work on translating Qur'an in the most simple manner while maintaining the Arabic eloquence. JazakAllahu khairan
@TubeTV2 5 месяцев назад
Thank you, Professor Habib and Lawrence, for your work. I find it the most accessible English translation of the Holy Quran. I was able to get an early copy and finished reading it today. ✨✨✨
@batubaru2445 4 месяца назад
Amazing! Would you recommend me buying this?
@JosephTurkot 5 месяцев назад
Really enjoyed listening to this Professor!
@rafeyhabib786 5 месяцев назад
Thanks, Joe.
@tanweerimam221 5 месяцев назад
Extremely inspiring. Professor Habib knows that I am a legally blind person. It was a great coincidence that I just finished "listening" to tafseer of Surah Noor by Dr. Israr Ahmed this morning. When Professor Habib recited from Surah Noor followed by his and Professor Bruce's English translation, I had such a great feeling which I cannot describe in words. I look forward to an audio version of this book which people like me, who cannot read due to their visual impairment, would be able to benefit from this book by listening to its contents. It is indeed a great accomplishment of these two Muslim scholars. May Allah SWT reward them for their efforts in this world and the hereafter.
@rafeyhabib786 5 месяцев назад
Thanks so much for your kind comments.
@shazanomar4033 4 месяца назад
Is Prof Bruce Muslim?
@tanweerimam221 4 месяца назад
@@shazanomar4033 Even if Professor Laurence is not Muslim, I still respect him for his contribution to Professor Habib's book. This is absolutely an unique way to bring Muslims and non Muslims closer to Qur'an. I hope, I answred your question.
@shazanomar4033 4 месяца назад
@@tanweerimam221 I think he is Muslim as he mentioned his wife is Arab. Wallahualam
@muddassirsulaimanabdullah5529 2 года назад
Where is the real video of the lecture?
@abooswalehmosafeer173 2 года назад
""The ink of the scholars Holier Than The blood Of the martyrs.""" Everything in search of and engagement with the Orinator of Everything,To whom we shall all return one day,when the fruits of our earlier pursuits will be rewarded if they had been carried out with respect sincerity and Faith. May Allah Bless us. May Putin like Pharaoh be punished for what he is,through mere hubris,upon the brave people of Ukraine. And I wonder why India abstain from condemning This Monster. Monsters like Hitler,Mussolini,Stalin,are raising their heads all over again as History is repeating itself,because history is human and where humans live,oscillation from good and evil prevails. Nelson Mandela,Martin Luther King,The Mahatma Gandhi,were those we respect and those who symbolize Good. Trump was another Evil personified. That North Korean President another,devil to whom Trump,wasted no time to affiliate with. We miss Angela Merkel. We love The New Zealand Prime Prime Minister. Those are women who Care. No Nationalism,not in this day and age. Civilise your primitive instincts.Respect Respect Respect. Tame your Amygdala. Follow your Heart. Jesus said Love your Neighbour like yourself what a most fundamental tenet of a civilisation and most relevant approach today. Covid was a natural disaster although it could possibly have been unleashed by human God only know,natural disasters like cyclone,floods etc although again made worse by humans but are natural.Not so with wars. Long Live people who love and respect one another. Death to those who think their Religions are better their countries are first,their colour better,their races and what not.. Victory to the Ukraine. Bravo to those western and eastern who did not abstain. And watch India,a land with good people mostly but with the Horror of their current amygdalaish state politics. Pakistan,distant yourself from Putin. Syria distant yourself from Putin. Arab Emirates,why did you abstain? Long live Ukraine,you are showing your faith in your Values by being prepared to sacrify life limbs. God Bless you.
@abooswalehmosafeer173 2 года назад
@vampires-from-mars 5 лет назад
Phenomenally underrated
@danazeem 6 лет назад
ehsan masood
@missshortieeex6414 7 лет назад
Great video love whole thing
@timblackburn1593 8 лет назад
In a time where the principle of sufficient reason has been supplanted by dogma:the military/industrial complex and rhetoric:Farage/Trump... Ibn Rushd is far from being a man of our time :-(
@timblackburn1593 8 лет назад
There seems to be a further disconnection (41.28) given the depth of the relationship, the story of the three way conversion between Ibn Tufayl, the Caliph (Abu Youssef Jacoub) and this exile 70km from Cordoba -
@timblackburn1593 8 лет назад
How does the inclusion of the accusation of relatively recent conversion from Judaism make sense in the context of the family's position in Cordoba?
@jcmedia6546 8 лет назад
Recommended reading! The myth of religious violence - by William T. Cavanaugh!
@mobyinayet5383 9 лет назад
How do we know the battle of camel really took place? It could be a fabricated story! There can be room for the existence of Kharijites because they keep popping up in our times !!