Wisconsin Alumni Association
Wisconsin Alumni Association
Wisconsin Alumni Association
The Wisconsin Alumni Association® (WAA) is your connection to UW-Madison. Since 1861, we’ve been enriching the lives of UW alumni and keeping you connected to your alma mater and to fellow Badgers.
Seize the Day
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It's Coming!
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Alumni Park Tour | Fountain
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Alumni Park Tour
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Alumni Park Tour |  Ada and Vel
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Alumni Park Tour | Pride Wall
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Alumni Park Tour | Lantern
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Alumni Park Tour | Green Space
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On Wisconsin Magazine | Go Jump in the Lake
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A Big Day of the Badger Thank You!
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On Wisconsin Pandemic Advice Video
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On Wisconsin Magazine - UW Marching Band
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On Wisconsin Magazine - Food Delivery Robots
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On Wisconsin | Summer 2022 Edition
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On Wisconsin Fall 2022 Edition
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How to Make a Fudge-Bottom Pie | On Wisconsin
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On Wisconsin - Winter 2023
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2023 UW Homecoming Family-Friendly Scavenger Hunt
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WIS: The Power of Forgiveness
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Ho-Chunk Land Stories of Teejop
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Wisconsin Idea Spotlight: Arts as Activism
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A Foundation for the Future
2 года назад
The Sound of Gratitude
2 года назад
@suzanmcgaw888 27 дней назад
When ?
@charlesdegeneffe4982 28 дней назад
Ada Deer was one of my faculty members in the UW Masters of Science in Social Work program. She taught one of the most memorable and valuable courses I took in my academic career. I was blessed to have known her.
@JetLagRecords Месяц назад
Wisconsin Alumni Association, amazing content keep up the good content
@williampautz4752 Месяц назад
We need the debates, We need to know where they stand! If the debate shows us who they are, then the debate has done it's job
@ground752 2 месяца назад
@BobQuigley 2 месяца назад
Checkout reinsurance videos. AON SwissRe and others have been ringing the alarm for a decade. SwissRe states that only 30% of $1+billion catastrophes are insured. 70% either is funded with tax dollars or private funds. A large percentage of the damages are never repaired
@Shadoweknows76 2 месяца назад
Enoch returned 2017,and the tribulations are almost over. 2 Enoch 20:3/name of The Most High.
@rebeccagray986 3 месяца назад
Not going to spend the rest of my life worrying about the flues that you idiots make like mud pies made by 5 year olds on a rainy day.
@DCGreenZone 3 месяца назад
Depends who you take advice from, if it's 3 letter agencies, worry a lot.
@deemisquadis9437 3 месяца назад
As about worried, as the birds get, when humans have human flu. 😅😂
@Moreisee1 4 месяца назад
On, Wisconsin! 🦡
@faithvirtue6524 7 месяцев назад
Yoshiko herrera has no Idea what she’s talking about. Her claim that Putin wants to take over Poland is a LIE. Putin said nothing about wanting to attack Poland. We have the dumbest and most dishonest so called ‘experts’ in this country. It’s pathetic. And her portrayal of aid to Ukraine as beneficial to US defense contractors is disgusting. Prolonging the U.S./NATO provoked proxy war in Ukraine to enrich war profiteers is evil.
@aileron123 7 месяцев назад
Agriculture was a great invention; we (humans) are everywhere now, irritated by ourselves, ready to kill each other. Enacting child permits is impossible because there is no singular global governance. Beginning to believe war is infinite...until our final demise. Could have written this entire comment by simply stating "overpopulation."
@billricker6058 10 месяцев назад
This is an excellent presentation. Very thoughtful ideas about changes not only in universities, but in society writ large. When I attended UW in the 60s, the state made a significant financial commitment and I knew it. It seems to me that is not mostly the case or perception any more. I would not exchange my time at UW for any thing.
@moohalee4110 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for Charles's good points, I wonder why political aspect affects the reason for the decline? From Seoul, Korea.
@franklinblunt69 Год назад
ClimateCon malfeasance
@Arboriamusic Год назад
Haha! … Knew you were a f*cking legend Dave!
@Ryanrobi Год назад
There is a 0% chance this gets solved by lawmakers as you mentioned there is little if any incentive to change, I mean just listen the the formally fiscal conservatives on the right they say absolutely can't tought old age or any entitlements or else there is no way you can win and the left 😂😂😂hahaha well they are even worse somehow and most Americans just dont understand or care about the math and love the short term free stuff they get and are just finding ways to take out more than they put in individually. We need an opt put ie make entitlements voluntary not mandatory and allow people to renounce their ability to claim benefits but also not have to pay in to them.
@Ryanrobi Год назад
I have been trying to explain this to retiring boomers who always say "hell no I paid in alot over the years, I want to get out what I paid in". I am like yes I am totally all for that so you would be in favor of reforming it to make individual accounts and only allowing people to get out as much as they paid in? They ussualy say yes thats fair then I show them the numbers that show how much more avg person gets out over what they paid in, and if you look at all welfare programs state and local its ussualy around $700k extra they benefit from.Then they say well I was promised this that was part of the deal, I say they lied to you never trust politicians to give you anything. You then add in the sky rocketing education and housing costs and you can easily see how boomers policies have really srewed over young people and they literally don't care and they're willing to bankrupt not just our generation but the whole country so they can be comfortable. I really don't see any hope to change this until they age out of voting and the younger generation start realizing this in have enough people to outvote them. This was not a policy I ever voted for, I do not want social security, medicare or Medicaid and I cant for.tge life of me see why we do not have an opt out option dont pay in but renounce your eligibility for benefits forever. This is forced stealing no two way about it..I do everything I can to keep my taxible income very low thats really the only way to try to opt out. Its profoundly un American and the opposite of freedom to be forced by old people to pay for their stuff while they retire and never had forsight to save and stay healthy. In addition its on avg much poorer young people who are paying for much richer peoples retirements while we still cant buy homes since its illegal to build new homes.
@WAGNERMJW Год назад
There is ONLY one way to bring public spending-induced and CB accommodated inflation under control without impairing middle-class financial well-being and that is to cut public spending. Raising interest rates increases price pressures throughout the economy on production and drains funds from private individuals. If inflation is to be squeezed out of the economy with the interest rate tool the private sector, the middle-class financial position MUST BE crushed to reduce demand IN EXCESS of the interest rate increase fueled upward price pressure. The welfare classes are partially indexed up to offset that price pressure but the middle-class has no such structural protection. Period. Additionally, the PLSdem Biden administration's agenda of mandating and subsidizing economic and technologically inferior energy, transport, and high fuel cost policies only exacerbate the inflationary pressures and impoverish the middle-class.
@calvinabbott6920 Год назад
Turns out to be a Khazarian Bioweapon.
@cjgoeson Год назад
Blaine, I believe that the correct analogy for numbers of parameters is not the number of neurons in the human brain but rather the number of connections (100 TRILLION) between the neurons in the human brain 49:16
@TFRANCO101 Год назад
It will all be wasted because the Russians will just destroy it! The west will force Ukraine to fight till the entire population is dead!
@oskala7 Год назад
Wisdom, or judgment in a very high sense of the term, might have something to do with looking at things in the widest possible perspective. It’s where the intellectual and practical (moral) virtues come together, and involves a sense of proportion, of larger meaning, of what a particular, concrete situation requires, at once cognitively and ethically.
@melvinmelvin9606 Год назад
Just win baby!!! And make it exciting and the recruits will follow
@leejklemens8464 Год назад
Thank you for the discussion!
@Rochakfacts Год назад
Your Skills was supperb.
@bretthawkins6833 Год назад
where is the chat?
@JeanKoehl-nh9jj Год назад
Thank you for rerunning this as I could not watch it live. Very good panel and information.
@joshuapaul2022 Год назад
Yeah, Ukraine is winning on twitter.... . Real life is a completely different matter . Ukraine already lost most trained and motivated soldiers along with almost all hardware it had before the war plus hundreds of tanks and IFVs it got from Eastern Europe (to understand the scale of losses it had 1 990 tanks, 1 212 IFVs, 1 112 heavy artillery systems, 354 multiple rocket launchers). Its army is a shadow of its former self at the beginning of the war. Zelenskyy is catching and forced conscripting often at gunpoint mostly people with zero motivation to die for him, who never served in the army, often disabled. When such people are in the trenches, it means that the front can collapse at any moment. According to WaPo of all places Russians have 1:6 advantage in artillery (you can imagine their real advantage). 85% of Ukrainian soldiers are killed even without seeing an enemy . Biden administration is getting quite desperate. The only option left for Biden administration is to throw Polish army into a meat grinder. I just hope that Polish government isn't that crazy.
@BeattheStreetsChicago Год назад
Appreciate the nod to wrestling, Coach!
@frederickmontoya8391 Год назад
@sabrinalennox2004 2 года назад
What I don't understand is how too many feel that because Putin is bad, that must mean the Ukraine government is trustworthy and it's president good
@nancyaronson5238 2 года назад
Welcome to UW in particular and WI in general, Chancellor! Do you have the words to "Varsity" nailed down? Belated HB greetings!
@hilaryhunt5780 2 года назад
Please do build a class on the Ho Chunk history of the lakes, Dr. Pauliot! Amazing event, thank you!!
@TheMountainbobcat 2 года назад
7/5/22- mitch mcconnel just stated we are "flush with stymulus money" um, am i missing something here? did everyone else get many thousands of dollars? Is he nuts?
@terasoltis3402 2 года назад
Thank you Chancellor Mnookin and Happy Birthday!
@atypicalbnc 2 года назад
I can't believe Ed is still giving these tours! When I interviewed him in 2009 for a Com Arts film project he had recently returned to work because he claimed retirement was too boring.
@rabbimeyer 2 года назад
Welcome aboard! You throw the W like an old pro.
@emerastram5101 2 года назад
@richardneureuther1611 2 года назад
Great stuff
@jimmythec2472 2 года назад
Hello from GJ, CO
@nicebluejay 2 года назад
great presentation! thanks!
@drealexatos3459 2 года назад
Don't face the consumer. The best advice I've heard in a while
@gogeberik1515 2 года назад
Investing in today is priceless because tomorrow isn't promised, trading Bitcoins,gold, silver and crypto secure a better Tomorrow.
@shuchangyht618 2 года назад
You’re right, trading now should be in every wise individual’s list in some months time you will be ecstatic with the decision you made today.
@shawnhopkins2496 2 года назад
It's nice to hear people discuss about investment, because investment always beat cash.
@annahreuben129 2 года назад
@@shawnhopkins2496 Am investing in crypto now.. the price is a clear sign for new investors to come in.. This is absolutely the best time to buy and Invest.
@brandonray4777 2 года назад
@Erdem Karadag That won't bother you if you trade with a professional like Mr Stewart Wesley
@robertostephen8312 2 года назад
I got sir Stewart Wesley info, how good is he ?
@stevekazan5050 2 года назад
Badgers win! Great discussion about inflation, stocks and macro trends. My tuition dollars still paying off. A few items, not mentioned. Big infrastructure spending coming will pump economy over the summer. US labor force is retiring en mass over the next 5-8 years. Big opportunity for those coming up as management retires. The US consumer is hungry. Their demand will not dissipate, even if housing market slows due to higher interest rates. Someone in the chat mentioned AI as a deflationary driver. A revolution in AI is predicted, but the question is when. The other great comment in the chat - non-carbon energy will be a huge opportunity, particularly in Wisconsin. Glad we have smart young Wisc. grads to tackle these big challenges. These folks should give all of us confidence. Can't wait for the next session. Thanks, Mike.
@hairyjohn5825 2 года назад
I can't see any way back for America... Too much damage has been done, and it continues to get worse!
@erinptah 2 года назад
...do they think they invented the idea of "using the same profile picture across every site"? Do they think you need "a token with a link to a copy of the picture" to do that? Do they think, if one person has a token that links to one copy of one picture, nobody else will be able to just save the file and upload it to their own profile? That's right, it's another round of "Are they really this technically illiterate, or are they being dishonest on purpose?": the fun game you can play with -- in my experience -- literally any pro-NFT conversation.
@erinptah 2 года назад
Anyone who thinks blockchains are "a legal universe unto themselves" is encouraged to go mint a series of tokens linking to Mickey Mouse drawings, and see how far Disney lets you get. Art theft is rampant in the NFT space -- a recent study on one market found that 80% of the tokens they studied linked to stolen or otherwise-fraudulent files. But it's not because the minters genuinely think the laws don't apply. They just think "we'll target small indie artists who don't have the resources to fight back, so we'll get away with it."