Armchair Scholars Podcast
Armchair Scholars Podcast
Armchair Scholars Podcast
Hello friends! Our names are Brendan and Nic, and we are seeking life-long learning by having conversations with college professors.

Did you have a teacher or professor that you wished could have their insights publicized? Maybe there was just a subject that you wish you had taken more time to get educated on. The information that professors share in the classroom is incredibly valuable, but it seems the synthesis of their life's work and insights comes out best in a long-form conversation. We hope you can learn and grow by listening, while having some fun along the way.

Thank you.
Migraine and Literature | 028 Kathy O'Shea
2 года назад
All Societies Die | 023 Samuel Cohn, PhD
2 года назад
People go to College Too Soon
2 года назад
@vincentcerasoli5969 2 месяца назад
Dr. Rasbury was my professor and she was extraordinary :)
@seahag6118 4 месяца назад
Wake up and someone who at least know that they aren't constitutionally protected at all for lifetime!
@norscout3031 4 месяца назад
Thanks for this, I'm doing a research paper on this exact topic and I'm looking for opinions
@user-sq1xi3uo6g 5 месяцев назад
Very thin matters why? Real question.
@1224tms 11 месяцев назад
45 views in 2 years .. Belkin you are part of the problem. You are anti American.
@1224tms 11 месяцев назад
Cry baby
@jlb1971 Год назад
God does not except your homosexuality! Leviticus 18:22 for instance shows you His perspective! He does give you a way out of that detestable lifestyle though. When you ask Jesus into your heart He will put a layer of Himself in you, God the Father will put a layer of Himself in you and His Spirit, Holy Spirit, will put a layer of Himself in you and you will have full power over the enemy who is lying to you and making you think and feel like you are gay! It is not God's plan for you and He wants you free from it! Simply tell the demons and satan to get of your life by saying, "I loose all evil and all homosexual lies from my soul right now in Jesus Name!"
@justinbrown6552 Год назад
I hated my master's program there. Every "professor," very much pushed their own narrative as to what you should be writing about and from what perspective (their own.) Before you dump any money on this place, and I am only speaking to someone that is after a writing degree, go find your inspiration somewhere else. There is no shortage of great writing material in life. You don't have to go to Regent and be warped by whatever the hell they have going on there. Just write. It is absolutely free.
@monkeyddragon7519 8 месяцев назад
Any other place good for psychology?
@user-sq1xi3uo6g 5 месяцев назад
Everyone speaks from their presuppositions, but no matter where you go, you must follow the syllabus. The point is to develop in learning, so you may have lost that aspect because you chose to go to Regent.
@justinbrown6552 5 месяцев назад
@@user-sq1xi3uo6g Respectively, the former Hollywood agent turned educator, was hyper focused on race, even, in her own words on one of the first live chats, to talk about all the times we experienced racism. The majority of videos we were shown, dealt with race. It was a short script writing class that was not intended to be race focused. That seemed to be a passion project of that particular "professor," that resulted in a lot of unprofessional moments and discord. The setting felt more like a sussing out of anyone that did not completely agree with the teacher. Again, I do not recommend the program. Good day.
@vallifebbraro4712 Год назад
Take a poll on who wants him. He doesn't care about Americans just votes..
@vallifebbraro4712 Год назад
No way would I vote for Newson. He has literally ruined this state. Now we have huge deficit. He has caused businesses to move out of the state and more and more people are leaving . Lots of us are looking for another state and I have lived here all my life! Oh and his trip to the border was a photo Opp. He has welcomedc.illegals here on our tax dollar.
@donnacribb5712 Год назад
No never never
@rick3446 Год назад
Hahaha Gavin Newsence is a complete idiot and Harris is just plain stupid.
@ZachTheMaker Год назад
I lived in the SF area for 5 years during his time as mayor. I'm a pretty liberal Democrat and there's no way in hell he'd win the primary. He comes across as a complete career politician and SF turned into a complete garage dump under Newsom.
@110americalovingpatriot2 Год назад
Newsom is a fucking socialist moron that might win president of cell block 8!!
@oldchunkofcoal3141 Год назад
He's a turd and is wrecking California so that makes him qualified???
@GiannaLabarile Год назад
He was my college professor best teacher ever!!!!!!
@alllifematters Год назад
Sounds like the 80's in the united states
@darkengine5931 2 года назад
I could see an argument in favor of doing nothing in an attempt to save more lives. Even if we could somehow predict with certainty that this will immediately cost 5 lives among the 6, we don't know the further consequences of diverting the trolley from its intended path. There might be more people further down the track that the trolley wasn't supposed to take, or perhaps a stopped trolley ahead against which we will collide and end up killing even more people. Diverting the trolley might end up causing further accidents (it introduces more chaos and unpredictability into the equation) and especially since this trolley seems to be lacking functional brakes.
@Meleeman011 2 года назад
why should i contribute and cooperate with a society that doesn't care about me tho?
@jimhopkins5078 2 года назад
Supreme Court expansion as a necessary step for “restoring democracy,” also known as “delivering the country into the iron stranglehold of Marxist totalitarianism.” How worms like this presumably non-birthing person have any credibility or influence in this country is beyond me. Unfortunately for they/them, the truth always wins in the end.
@arissa3959 2 года назад
That was great
@kaydeeclark5125 2 года назад
Great video! So how can we intervene to reduce the likelihood of this type of prejudice?
@jaycrane1410 2 года назад
Dude! Please stop saying "like" all of the time. It's distracting. Thanks.
@TheAndreawixson 2 года назад
As a person who has lived with Chronic Intractable Daily Migraine for the past 6 years I found this to be a great interview. I appreciate Kathy O’Shea’s explanation of what it is like to live with Migraine Disease. I look forward to reading and sharing her book with the Migraine community. I also appreciate the active listening and dialogue the interviewers provided. It is hopeful to see younger individuals (especially men) engaged and gaining a better understanding of the disease. I am also pleased that for the most part the term/word “Migraine” was used in singular form, as it should be. By referring to Migraine in a singular form it will help to teach society that someone living with this brain disease always has it. It presents in attacks or flares that can be experienced at different levels from one individual to another. Our community is working hard to teach that it should only be referred in the singular form to help breakdown stigma. For example if someone has Asthma their attacks are not referred to as “Asthmas”. They are always living with the condition, regardless of how often they have attacks. As it is with Migraine. In the beginning of the interview when Kathy was trying to find the word “hysteria” it made me think of a great book by Joanna Kempner titled “Not Tonight: Migraine and the Politics of Gender and Health”. I highly recommend reading it.
@douglashaldeman8067 2 года назад
Fun to see Brendan squirm and swear as he works through his thought process out loud. Next time get Nic on the hot seat.
@leegarrett5373 2 года назад
g9tohu #von.ngo
@alfreddwight4524 2 года назад
ty9ls1 #von.ong
@AsrifYusoff 2 года назад
New subscriber here. Fascinating content on stereotype...and its function; never thought of it that way. Let us know what you think of our grad school content!
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 2 года назад
Will do, thank you!
@almxghtyzeus1480 2 года назад
It should be 30 min instead of 3. You made me feel seen as a transracially adopted black man by a white family.
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 2 года назад
♥️ Check out the link the in description for the full 1.5hr conversation!
@angelakirkendall7759 2 года назад
I did my Master’s project on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction techniques to lead staff through crisis. I definitely believe this is useful in all aspects in life! Thanks for reminding me of this great strategy during this stressful time in healthcare and life!!
@thomasjeffries1020 2 года назад
That's what true Christianity is all about
@p.andrewskuriakose5954 3 года назад
Fascinating interview
@nwakava9558 3 года назад
@angelakirkendall7759 3 года назад
Excellent! Such a good topic!!
@nopenopetheknight7519 3 года назад
This Channel is fucking lit comrades. I've been listening to this shit when I'm commuting or doing anything mind numbing. fuck yeah. keep at it
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
You’re lit 🙏 thank you
@drebishop3296 3 года назад
Don’t believe the hype
@kileycarter5191 2 года назад
@levitepriest1913 Год назад
Why not?
@grantfarrell4386 3 года назад
This is protection from the Rinos. There are Republicans who are lefties at heart, or compromised. They will vote as they are told. The filibuster protects against traitors.
@cedricregamey639 3 года назад
Hi! I enjoyed the work so much. I have been trying to research for a RU-vid vid that teaches the stuff in this RU-vid vid! 🙌 The part at 1:31 is helpful. Your vid reminds me of the content from Dr. Ethan. Dr's tips are really knowledgable and I actually learned a lot for finals! He is an educational Doctor in Nottingham and he explains medical school! I suggest you watch his page out and give the Dr a subscribe! 👉 #DoctorEthanOnRU-vid
@cheryltainatongo5373 3 года назад
Hey there. I enjoyed your video so much. I've been trying to search for video similar to yours that teaches the stuff in this vid. 👏Your tip is similar to the channel from this educational medical student Dr Ethan. Ethan's tips are actually knowledgable and I learned a lot for wellness! You should see his RU-vid out and give the med student a like here! 👉 #DoctorEthanStudentDoctor
@TheGatewayProductions 3 года назад
Many thanks for this upload! Panic attacks are devastating but we can learn to fight them! Keep up the great work!
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Thank you for the support! Happy New Year!
@carla1499 3 года назад
Keep it up hun! ❤️ I reckon you’ll enjoy my friends Content too Your love is appreciated --> #KaylaShanie 💕
@lessomix 3 года назад
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0747563218305132 not sure if u can get access
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Yes! Thank you for this!
@adaramirez9273 3 года назад
2:43 Yea I managed to earn money with *d o l l a r t o d .c o m* $600 in a week is easy Οποιοσδήποτε μπορεί να πάρει πολλούς πόρους
@lilmalove 3 года назад
Giving them existential therapy prior to flood death! Best part: Nic: Might've happened. Brendan: I don't know that is has.
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Yes! Thank you 😂
@lessomix 3 года назад
I hope this he is wrong, Newsom embodies what most of the nation hates about California
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Definitely a hot topic figure right now 😬! Thanks for watching and sharing 😁
@lessomix 3 года назад
Is he suggesting that there's a point where people find enough meaning in their own life that they lose interest in watching sports?
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
That’s a good question, and an interesting view! There can definitely be a balance! Thanks for the comment 🤓
@DanielGraybeal1961 3 года назад
remove this over privileged imbecile governing is actually important
@SSGNASTY 3 года назад
I cannot stand the man, so since he has done such a great job in California? Failure here. He would fail the country.
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Thank you, we appreciate your perspective!
@PointsInTheDow 3 года назад
Cloward's characterization of the housing crisis-banks "betting" people would default-is so far afield of the truth it is laughable. He should look at the p-values the rating agencies assigned the CDOs. His belief that politicians are the solution for his profligate borrowing for a low-value degree with attendant low-paying job prospects is moronic. He believes all trump supporters are "not thoughtful people." Too cute by half. From where and in what did he earn a PhD? (His own website does not even say.) Wealth does not create poverty, quite the opposite. Seems like he could have gotten a better, cheaper education, not on the public fisc's dime, from the public library and the internet. This guy's a charlatan; this "podcast" is more vapid than rigorous.
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Thanks for tuning in! Really appreciate the listen and the comment! We want to keep learning and promote civil discourse. Do you have any links to this information? We’d like to learn more about it! Thank you.
@aligouhary4037 3 года назад
Always great listening to Professor Cloward!
@armchairscholarspodcast3275 3 года назад
Thanks for listening! Glad you enjoyed!