History as you have never seen it before.
The Outcast Samurai Who Never Lost a Duel
4 месяца назад
The TRUE Story of China's Greatest General
6 месяцев назад
@Throwd-Off 2 дня назад
Please keep up the videos I love them can't get enough
@user-yq9ko7vu7c 3 дня назад
This video makes a good movie or comic book
@FrankyGotTheBill 6 дней назад
Fillheim is German.. Norse mythology is Scandinavian. Yes the German was vikings then, but they're European. Also it's Odin, Villi and Ve, not Billy and Vai. AND IT'S VESTRI NOT WESTRI. It's Midgard, not Midgarde. Hvergelmir. Also Villi and Ve were never, NEVER renamed. They were just also called Honir and Lothur, not Loki. It's Askr and Embla, god dammit. And it's Asgard, not Asgarde, god is this Marvel? putting A in Norse names? god damn. Odin's ravens names are Huginn and Muninn, thought and memory is what they represent. Also Freya is not Odin's wife, Frigg is Odin's wife, yeah Odin was fathered to other women's children sure, but Freya was never Odin's wife. Freya was married to Óðr. People confuse the two by the name spelling resemblance. Thor isn't Freya's son, he's a son of a jotun giantess and also Goddess, Jord. Baldr, Hermod and Hod whom are children of Frigg. Vidar/Vidarr being the son of Gríðr also a jotun giantess. Heimdall is also Odin's son, but he had 9 mothers who were sea maidens or also Jotnar of the water, Gjolp, Greip, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Ulfrun, Angeyja, Imth, Antla, and Jarnsaxa. Also we don't know who Tyr's actualy father is, we either say it's Odin and another Jotun named Hymir. Tyr's mother is yet another Jotun, Hróðr. Loki is not Odin's son, Loki is the son of Laufey and Fárbauti. Loki is not an Aesir, he's a jotun, he was an ally with the Aesir. But Loki did become Odin's brother by sharing the same blood. Also it's Suttungr. Ivaldi is the father of the Brokkr and Eitri, we don't know nothing about Ivaldi, but we know his sons are known as "Sons of Ivaldi", Ivaldi never made Sif's hair, Brokkr and Eitri did. Brokkr and Eitri did indeed create Odin's spear, Gungnir and his ring Draupnir. They did create a boar Gullinbursti for Freyr, but they also created Freyr's ship Skiðblaðnir, and what did they also create? Guess what? Thor's hammer Mjölnir/Mjǫllnir. Loki was indeed impregnated by a horse named Svaðilfari by shapeshifiting himself as a female horse, aka the father of Slepnir, Odin's eight-legged horse. Hel is indeed Loki's daughter (not sister.), It's Jörmungandr, and he doesn't encircle Jotunheim, he grew up in Jotunheim sure, but he encircles Midgard, he is called the Midgard serpent for a reason, Fenrir/Hróðvitnir/Vánagandr was indeed a hungry wolf. Hel was actually sent to Helheim yeah, Jörmungandr was thrown in the ocean, Fenrir had to be wrappd in a magical rope called Gleipnir, also created by Brokkr and Eitri. Fenrir was indeed in a island lake called Ámsvartnir. Thor did wanted to slay Jörmungandr, and yeah it didn't turn out well, unti Ragnarok. Thor did in fact kill Hrungnir. Freya is not Baldr's mother, I just claimed that. He is the son of Frigg. Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson do in fact eat the sun and the moon. (Also they're the son of Fenrir and an unnamed giantess). Fenrir breaks free from Gleipnir, Loki breaks free from his imprisonment, Garm (Hel's wolf) escapes Helheim, the 3 giant roosters Gullinkambi, Víðópnir, and Fjalar, Heimdall blowing his horn, crafting the ship Naglfr for Loki being completed, Surtr crafting his flaming sword being completed, the fire giants destroying the Bifrost, Surtr destroying Midgard, Níðhöggr and Hræsvelgr destroying the tree of life. Some were wrong and right. Good one.
@NightTimeStorytellingg 6 дней назад
This bedtime story is a true gift, a moment of tranquility before we drift into dreams. May the night cradle you in its soothing embrace, and may tomorrow's dawn bring you endless possibilities. Sleep peacefully, everyone! 🌌🌠🌌🌠🌌🌠
@Warmountian 6 дней назад
Why does loki look like cm punk
@LastPancake 5 дней назад
Came here to say exactly this 😂😂
@wearedonenow 8 дней назад
Really good job and I hope you continue. Love the subtitles. With kindness and encouragement, two notes: the stone used to sharpen blades is called a "whetstone" not a "wet stone" and the vocal fry can be a little heavy in a few places. Again, this is a good job and I look forward to more.
@agrahams 12 дней назад
The roasting between Loki and Odin is great 😂
@scurdu 14 дней назад
1:50 ...it's Vili, Ve, and the allfather...who the f is "Billy"?
@tuebondoarentoft3962 15 дней назад
Odin’s wife is Frigg, not Freya
@cam-inf-4w5 16 дней назад
Frejas punishment for being a wh0re is....40 random dudes dying and her continuing to be a wh0re lol nice. What a role model.
@cam-inf-4w5 17 дней назад
I dig this a lot. The vocal fry is just a lot. And the music a bit too loud. No hate, youre a good story teller.
@thehouseofpayne.3054 21 день назад
My friend is really into Norse mythology and I knew nothing about the subject. Now I can have a conversation on this subject. Need a follow up with more stories.
@Romethatibuiltinaday 22 дня назад
uh uh. Freya is not the same as Frigg.
@tevindaniels3742 24 дня назад
I would watch more vids like this about other mythologies
@kevinbailey9981 Месяц назад
I love how loki is always Tom Hiddleston in these kinds of videos.
@taylorlee763 24 дня назад
Maybe it’s Loki’s joke or disguise. We may never know.
@tiagomori2534 Месяц назад
The most fascinating god for me it’s Uller or Ullr, one of Thor brothers, god of the hunt, ski and the winter, unfortunately he is not very know, people call him Ullr the forgotten god, him was one of the only gods that survived the Ragnarok
@kevinbailey9981 Месяц назад
I only know about him because of a show from New Zealand.
@trolley2327 24 дня назад
Is it because he laid low and kept a low profile ?
@tiagomori2534 Месяц назад
Amazing story telling, should make a video like this about the greek mythology, amazing
@john316-tetelestai Месяц назад
Jesus died and rose again for everyone's past, present and future sins. Jesus paid it all. Jesus loves you John 3:16-17 King James Version 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures; The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sins, He was buried and He rose again on the third day. JESUS LOVES YOU Normal isn’t coming back, but Jesus Christ is. Jesus is coming for His bride the church in the clouds very soon. He will RAPTURE His bride. May today be the day you believe (i.e trust in Jesus Christ alone, His death, burial, and resurrection for your justification) and you are saved. Blessings to you in Jesus Christ mighty name.
@ChelleMEis Месяц назад
So hard to listen to with that croaky voice 😂
@Mwadhav Месяц назад
Would you make a video on the Egpyptian pharaoh?
@eliasmarshallll Месяц назад
Definitely on Egyptian mythology, but the story of each pharaoh could be cool as well. Thanks for the idea!
@Mwadhav Месяц назад
@@eliasmarshallll Yeah something like this would be really lit, like an entire hour long documentary on it.
@kevinbailey9981 Месяц назад
Which one?
@Mwadhav Месяц назад
@@kevinbailey9981 i don't know to be honest, maybe all of them
@Thorsypien Месяц назад
Thor story line
@varupfashu3554 Месяц назад
Fascinating, i know this is a myth , but i would rather belive in this ,then into the myth stories of religion today,with human God like and jesus...
@chikaokerengwo6561 Месяц назад
Ur missing a lot unfortunately, very soon u will
@varupfashu3554 Месяц назад
@@chikaokerengwo6561 how do you know that? what makes you so sure? with so many different religions out there? what make yours different than others,whats your proof
@iamyour3731 Месяц назад
@Jw-iu2el Месяц назад
​@chikaokerengwo6561 I can't stand people that think they are gatekeepers
@loremasterghosty 18 дней назад
To each their own. While I’d love for everyone to believe in that of Jesus/God but.. I understand why people find Myths like Norse mythology so interesting. Is it very tempting to
@arfaouiamine4085 Месяц назад
Amazing story telling and the sounds design too i can hear you went the extra mile and for that you have my thanks ❤
@jameskrause89 2 месяца назад
I am not seeing any reference to Ve being renamed Loki. Most of the lore I am reading states that Loki was the offspring of Fárbauti and Laufey. Odin and Loki are said to not be related, but Odin considered Loki a Blood-Brother. Is there some reference I am missing?
@eliasmarshallll 2 месяца назад
Check sources in description, think that came from “Norse myths and tales” Granted the sources would disagree with each other at times … I admit that I did not do perfect research and the beginning especially is not as good.
@derekdoggett3292 17 дней назад
So there isn't any source I came across that Ve was renamed Loki. However it is stated in the text that Loki has two brothers Helblindi and Byleistr. Helblindi is one of the many other names Odin went by.
@deearchangeloracle2154 2 месяца назад
Great video thank you for all your hard work 😊
@eliasmarshallll 2 месяца назад
@ChadEditorZ 2 месяца назад
hey man fyi the book link in ur desc dont work
@eliasmarshallll 2 месяца назад
Thanks man, will fix that right away.
@ChadEditorZ 2 месяца назад
gonna put this on loop as i sleep 🙏🙏🙏
@ImgAgency 2 месяца назад
@CHUNGUSaiii 2 месяца назад
Fire 🔥 just like muspelheim
@FrankyGotTheBill 6 дней назад
Cause it's the realm of fire my g
@eliasmarshallll 2 месяца назад
Subscribe for more videos like this one! CHAPTERS: 00:00:00 - Creation 00:03:34 - The First humans 00:06:45 - Odin Learns the Runes 00:07:59 - Odin Builds Valhalla 00:09:14 - The Theft of Odins Necklace 00:12:09 - The Other Gods 00:13:35 - Odin and Mimir's Well 00:15:22 - Kvasirs Blood 00:20:15 - The Treasures of the Gods 00:22:46 - The Binding of Fenrir 00:26:18 - Thor Goes Fishing 00:28:57 - Thor and Geirrod 00:31:47 - The Theft of Freya's Necklace 00:34:01 - Odins Exile 00:36:04 - Frey Seduces Gerd 00:39:08 - The Ordeal of the Hooded One 00:43:36 - Thor's Duel 00:48:04: - Thor and Utgarde Loki 00:55:32 - Andvari’s Curse 00:59:12 - The Kidnapping of Idun 01:03:30 - The Marriage 01:05:32 - Baldurs Dreams 01:08:32 - Baldur and the Mistletoe 01:14:07 - Loki’s Taunts 01:19:46 - Loki’s Punishment 01:22:13 - Ragnarok What video do you want to see next?
@CHUNGUSaiii 2 месяца назад
the epic of Gilgamesh
@Solar108 4 месяца назад
New channel, cool, think you will do well!
@nickgoessolo 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your video
@CHUNGUSaiii 4 месяца назад
@mustaphamajdoub1252 4 месяца назад
Incredible story telling, overall what I can say is that, amazing work !
@eliasmarshallll 4 месяца назад
What video do you want to see next?
@CHUNGUSaiii 4 месяца назад
Story of Norse Gods would be sick!
@joshmoxey. 5 месяцев назад
Excellent work, Elias. Such an enjoyable audio/visual experience. Excited for what's coming soon on this channel brother
@eliasmarshallll 5 месяцев назад
🫡 next videos are going to blow your mind on god.
@CHUNGUSaiii 5 месяцев назад
Story of Ivan the terrible?
@liamhuerter4035 6 месяцев назад
@eliasmarshallll 6 месяцев назад
Just wait until you see the next one
@DavidTjahyadi 6 месяцев назад
Marvelous video. Keep it up and good luck
@eliasmarshallll 6 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏
@AbdaSamio 6 месяцев назад
Absolutely mind-blowing narration!
@eastbow6053 6 месяцев назад
poor guy, memed into oblivion millennia after his death xD
@eliasmarshallll 6 месяцев назад
Becoming a meme is the highest honour society can give you these days
@joshmoxey. 5 месяцев назад
@@eliasmarshallll "Becoming a meme is the highest honour society can give you these days" -Sun Tzu
@ahmedmamdoh704 6 месяцев назад
Good work 👏 👏
@thegiantjj 6 месяцев назад
Really cool!
@eliasmarshallll 6 месяцев назад
Thanks! Just wait, the next two videos will blow your mind.
@ChimpuCode 6 месяцев назад
WOAH! This is so good!
@eliasmarshallll 6 месяцев назад
Thanks! Just wait until you see the next two videos... They are unlike anything RU-vid has seen before.
@pranavmd8589 6 месяцев назад
Nice video mate plz make one video like this on the book of 5 rings 👌👌
@eliasmarshallll 6 месяцев назад
Musashi video being edited right now!
@moseslaycock8024 6 месяцев назад
Awesome video on Sun Tzu!
@kabarinigem 6 месяцев назад
Art and speech are crazy good, sound effects are too. However the story might need a little more context, but still very interesting to watch
@acornjr319 6 месяцев назад
the quality and consistency of the art/animation is amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed your story telling.