Quillette is an Australian-based but internationally-focused online magazine that specialises in long-form analysis and cultural commentary. We are politically non-partisan, but rely on reason, science, and humanism as our guiding values. Contributors include Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Francis Fukuyama, Camille Paglia, and Jordan Peterson.

Quillette was founded by Claire Lehmann in 2015, and incorporated in 2018 in Sydney, Australia. The Quillette team regularly throws parties for its subscribers all around the world. These parties are called Quillette Socials, and they're a chance for our community to come together, network, and have fun.
How Bad is the Poverty in Cuba?
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Ukranian vs Syrian Refugees in Europe
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Understanding Postmodernism
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The German Left's Jewish Dilemma
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@jiminverness Минуту назад
If you allow XY sex chromosome athletes to compete in "women's" competitions, it defeats the whole point of having women's competitions as a separate category. Might as well then to just have an open category and never see women get any medals ever again.
@jiminverness 11 минут назад
_"I understand however that athletes like Zemenya _aren't_ cheating. They are playing by the rules. They've identified as female their whole lives..."_ They *are* cheating. Caster would have been aware from an early age that he was different from girls, that he was naturally faster and stronger, and that traiining gave him a widenign lead like weightlifters using steroids vs natural. How long he's "identified" as female is irrelevant. He's never _been_ female.
@ThePensivePerilYT 16 минут назад
Lol "French". Let's pretend these guys' ethnic origins aren't derived from another unnameable group.
@KeyserSoze1972 17 минут назад
So they want to makebit rasy to fine people and enslave us
@razorback0z 36 минут назад
The so called "voice" failed because Australians rejected racism. Despite the left's best efforts to divide us. Australians opted for the morally correct path.
@rigamortice 37 минут назад
The world has gone nuts
@BrianMurphy-t3u 53 минуты назад
Because only a lunatic would vote to make themselves a second class citizen
@jollygoode4153 Час назад
The voice failed because it was a bad idea. The misinformation about it seems to have come from the pro voice group more than those against. As for Nuclear though the point of view of the pro Nuclear side seems way out of whack with how building nuclear plants has played out in the past and no matter how it is presented it can't escape the fact it will take at least 15 years to build a reactor, probably longer and that is reason enough not to build one.
@getthecats Час назад
I'm glad we didn't constitutionally become a 2 tier country under rule of an incoherent creation myth that doesn't even unite all the people it claims to stand for
@freddarby2329 Час назад
This Labour government is Rascist, The Voice Failed Because the Australian public are sick & tied of groups of people being made a special case because of their ethnic background or colour, I think that's the definition of Racism isn't it ?
@spacewalktraveller1 Час назад
Free speech for free men. The Australian Labor Party, should be banned from office. Free speech is one of the greatest things for a proper functioning democracy. To try and ban free speech is an attack on democracy. The bill is anti Australian values, and a basic violation of human rights. Shame on Labor, and a shame on anyone who votes for such a disgraceful political party.
@marcwilliams9824 Час назад
I wonder if Wu will apply this same insight into her behaviour in Gamergate? I suspect not. Still, this is better than nothing.
@PeterCarblis Час назад
Thanks for a well constructed and balanced critique. Keep up the good work.
@phillipkennedy508 Час назад
This Bill needs to dissappear
@jasonfranich5601 Час назад
Dangerous people are waking up
@crypnosis9871 Час назад
Will the government be under the same set of rules? Remember the “Domestic Violence Crisis” which doesnt actually exist. Thats misinformation right there. Statistically we are in the safest time in recorded history.
@jasonfranich5601 Час назад
Labor is done and the liberals too Vote One Nation
@crypnosis9871 Час назад
Now there will also be a shocking increase in DV cases. And it will largely be due to the inclusion of many new crimes being made up eg coercive control. Then there can be an uproar when in fact nothing has changed.
@PurplePeopleHatter Час назад
i wish you'd talked about what information was deemed 'misinformation', and proposed how actual misinformation and falshoods can be determined, rather than just explaining what the word means
@crypnosis9871 2 часа назад
More likely to get killed driving to the rally than get murdered staying home. Its a farce
@trevorarthurson6815 2 часа назад
It failed because it was RACIST!
@Matt-yv2sr 2 часа назад
Speak faster your slowing down my brain 🤦🏼‍♂️
@stuartmcewan9620 2 часа назад
It failed because the dirty corrupt Labor party tried to devide the Australian people by seperation us by race. Period 🩸🩸🩸
@gonnfishy2987 2 часа назад
"Your information does not accord with my information" 'huh?' "You are spreading misinformation!" 'can we not have a discussion?' ...
@MixedTake 2 часа назад
I'd not expected things to go the way of the UK so...rapidly.
@claytonbigbsy3880 3 часа назад
Yea Misinformation from the Labor dogs!
@klaiejah 3 часа назад
I submitted a document voicing my objections on the govt website - I encourage everyone to do the same. If there are enough voices there's an opportunity to have sway.
@probrickieexclusive 3 часа назад
Win or lose the Voice was a massive $$$ grab. The failure just stopped the continuation of the $$$. 🔥
@theantitheocrat6232 3 часа назад
Aboriginal communities voted against it. They saw it as another power and money grab by people who currently claim to represent them while taking all the money and giving no support. I, a non-Aboriginal in an outback community agree with them but also recognise that the entry of any demgraphic in to the constitution is a wrong. Having just been elected to a council, my first act was to turn my back on that welcome to country crap. We fly a non-representative flag, beg forgivness for our original sin of not being aboriginal and yet in entering council swear to represent everyone equally. I'm not uninformed, I'm too informed for those who want to subvert our national sovrenty.
@geoffstokes 3 часа назад
Great video
@geoffstokes 3 часа назад
The government are basically being conspiracy theorists
@misplacedspirit6162 3 часа назад
So if the misinformation bill gets passed will this government be held accountable for their own misinformation? Will the government be made to shut up and be penalised for all their lies, BS and misinformation that they try and sell to the Australian citizens? Who decides what is misinformation and what is the truth?
@geoffstokes 3 часа назад
Who decides if it's deceptive or inaccurate?
@geoffstokes 3 часа назад
Are those Aussie academics biologists?
@markfurnell6748 3 часа назад
No means NO. Oh, only when it suits?
@lylehooper6986 3 часа назад
The yes vote failed because most Australians are not fooled by socialist parliamentarians', elites, and overpaid company executives lying to them to divide the country into race lines. The only misinformation we got was from the yes side! So now we want to force lies down your throat whether you like it or not.
@zsifk3212 3 часа назад
This misinformation bill, to borrow a phrase from the Democrats, is the biggest threat to Australian democracy and freedom of speech in general. In the words of I.F. Stone, All Governments Lie and the Australian government is no different. And making the wolf the bodyguard of the three little pigs is a really bad idea.
@grahamfraser5938 3 часа назад
Albonese will likely go down as the worst and most arrogant PM that Australia has ever endured.
@studley2436 4 часа назад
Many many people came here as immigrants because there is one set of rules for all. So you want them to vote for having two sets of rules? It was a foolish thing to propose.
@davidgalloway266 4 часа назад
I voted yes. I thought it was a good idea. But the truth is that the yes campaign was ineptly run and a bit arrogant. It turned many people off.
@eman7282 4 часа назад
Read the finer details of the bill: To paraphrase - “cannot criticise banks or other financial institutions”
@FalseAccusationSurviver0_0 4 часа назад
I'm picking up a bit of South African Accent there ...
@simbayosys6214 4 часа назад
disinformation + misinformation = dismis(information)
@johnmcgirr8581 4 часа назад
The voice failed as easy as that game over.
@Bathrezz1 4 часа назад
In my experience its more likely that modern women perpetuate psychological domestic violence first. When a man runs his mouth there is always a white knight somewhere who is willing to put him down, as a man myself there is definitely a real risk that you're gonna get your face punched in, but when a woman runs her mouth she is seen as brave, independent, inspirational, and there is nothing to stop her or keep her in line from going too far. Men are against confrontation, we like to keep the peace, but what happens when you can't keep the peace with words and are backed into corner, men will eventually bite as would any animal if you kept picking it or throwing stones. Violence against women is unfortunate and typically men don't just 'happen to punch on' with their partners, something triggers it.
@Michel-r6m 5 часов назад
Short: Israel is to stay.