Pixel Dragon
Pixel Dragon
Pixel Dragon
I'm a pixelated dragon that enjoys playing video games. Enjoy the videos, leave some comments, just be respectful :-)
Nine Sols Let's Play Part 31 - Ji [BOSS]
2 месяца назад
@detestor420 6 дней назад
I haven’t even gotten to this area yet. I’m gonna get there today. My bleed build will wreck this clown
@PixelDragon-Gaming 6 дней назад
Nice! Good luck :-)
@itisntjazzy 9 дней назад
super glad to see a new upload! this is such a cool boss fight to me i love it, not necessarily to fight against haha but in general something about it is just so interesting
@PixelDragon-Gaming 9 дней назад
Hey thanks - glad to be back at it! I wasn't a huge fan of this fight - thought I don't dislike it, this boss fight could use some tweaks. I think if Putrescent Knight did less running around the arena I'd feel a little better because then I'd be able to strike him. I could also just be thinking that because my attack range is "hands" haha
@e2622 10 дней назад
Hi there. I thank you for posting this video. Also you seem like a nice guy. Hope you are having a great day!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 10 дней назад
Thanks, you too!
@stevendaley6568 17 дней назад
Is there a continuation of these videos ? Like the next episode if you will
@PixelDragon-Gaming 16 дней назад
Absolutely! I actually finished recording the episodes shortly after launch - I had a big change at my work and I was having a hard time getting the time to render everything. I'll be getting back to this very soon :-)
@itisntjazzy 19 дней назад
messmer boss fight is genuinely so cool even if it took me literally ages to beat him hahaha
@PixelDragon-Gaming 16 дней назад
Totally! His moveset is amazing - I love the almost anime-like feel certain attacks had. That kind of pacing really kept me on my toes
@itisntjazzy 14 дней назад
@@PixelDragon-Gaming me too!! some of his attacks are so fast paced it's hard to keep up with hahaha
@duxanax 21 день назад
thanks a lot big boss i couldnt find the thunder buster but thanks to you i found it 🙏
@PixelDragon-Gaming 16 дней назад
Awesome! Glad I could help! :-)
@lovesmrjarrett Месяц назад
I have no idea how to get the rope down after putting the blue barriers upright
@lovesmrjarrett Месяц назад
Stuck on this part for so long 😭
@lovesmrjarrett Месяц назад
I down kicked one of the ememies to get me up there idk if it’s the right way but FINALLY PROGRESS ! Thank you for your videos they helped me tons!!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 16 дней назад
Any time! The series got paused for a bit after Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree launched but I'll be returning to this series shortly :-) Glad this was helpful!
@Spudkitty513 Месяц назад
What a crazy place ... thank you!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 10 дней назад
You bet
@N00bvlog Месяц назад
Least efficient fantasy sewer system
@Vylruzer 2 месяца назад
please make your voice more menacing with more menacing characters, jiequan sounds like a normal 23 year old with a decent paying job and fine colleagues 😭 loved this video too
@WinnigSmiler-ou5it 2 месяца назад
how do you get onto the part?
@PixelDragon-Gaming 10 дней назад
What part? If you have a time code I can try to backtrack and tell you what I did to get something.
@TheSkrillaShow 2 месяца назад
How did you trigger the double jump root event?
@xcaliber7725 2 месяца назад
Thanks for this walkthrough. This puzzle literally fried my brain. After seeing your video found out that it was a simple spell but quite unbreakable 🤣🤣
@PixelDragon-Gaming 14 дней назад
Glad I could help!
@modoboko 2 месяца назад
Is it possible that you have to give him enough poison to get the access token ? I love this game but man i swear I'm always lost. Ill try to give him poison when i get home and see. If not, I'm done with it.
@Blazed_2528AUS 2 месяца назад
Hi you can also use mogh’s shackle to unlock the spirit springs makes it easier 🤙🏽
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 2 месяца назад
I'm not entirely sure but I think the fortune teller is what you get for paying for the map chips rather than just killing the Shanhais for them. There's an achievement for using it but I think you have to use it yourself after the interaction with Shuanshuan to get it.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
I don't know why, but I just can't bring myself to rip the chip out of any of them. I want the achievement, and it's so easy to do - but my brain is just like "But do you really want to? ... Are you going to hurt that innocent robot?" haha - I can never bring myself to play evil characters in RPGs either. I think there are some things I'm just going to have to watch others do in video games
@SIco952 2 месяца назад
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 2 месяца назад
The thing with the hair happens naturally as part of the story if I remember correctly
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I ended up having to look that up because I was afraid I would waste an hour or two trying various things and having to dump a ton of video.
@sl33pi28 2 месяца назад
Keep going hommie🙏🏻
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
Will do! I had an AMAZING time with this DLC :-)
@nanikazoldyck1457 2 месяца назад
I've lost 2k like that. Feel your pain
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
It always hurts when that happens - but its destined to happen whenever I jump into a souls-like :-P
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 2 месяца назад
I enjoyed the Ji fight but I also did find it somewhat underwhelming. I think the main issue for me was that nearly all of his attacks used projectiles so you'd see the attack a few seconds before it hit you, giving you plenty of reaction time. The melee attacks he does use all have a short charge up due to being red attacks so you have plenty of time to react to those as well. The only attack that was able to catch me off guard was the one where he pulls a sword projectile from the ground right behind you giving much less time to react. The divination system is cool since it lets the player determine his next attack, but at the same time the healing potion thing is always an option and is objectively the best option, I think the divinations would've been better if that wasn't an option since what attack the player chose would be based off of their preference rather than always picking the same one because its the best one. He was a good boss but felt a little easy for the point in the game at which you fight him, especially when you compare him to the nonstop battle of attrition that is Lady Ethereal, which is much more difficult despite coming before fighting Ji.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
I actually struggled a ton with Ji, but only because I couldn't get timings down. I agree that the fight wasn't very complex - and a wider range of attacks would have been more fun. After dealing with Lady Ethereal, I found this to be a nice reprieve though. I am hoping the next set of bosses ramp things up :-)
@stevendaley6568 2 месяца назад
Good job man !!!!!! I’m struggling with this boss right 🤣
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
Keep it up! She's crazy difficult but once you learn some of the patterns it gets a little easier :-)
@Blazed_2528AUS 2 месяца назад
Hi, there is a new feature if you go into system, across to display & down to the bottom & turn both on it should be a bit helpful 🤙🏽😊
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
Thanks! I'll give this a go and see if it clears up my issue. Unfortunately I actually finished recording the series approximately 5 hours before they released this patch lol - At the very least I'll be able to do it for my personal time! Unfortunately that means you'll see a _few_ more crashes in this series haha
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 2 месяца назад
I found this room particularly frustrating, never been great at puzzles like these. I even used a skip to get into the above room as I couldn't find the normal way. For the longest time I thought the walls reappearing there was unintended but I suppose not since there is a normal way to get there.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
I was actually kind of thrown off by this puzzle because it's so different from everything else. It felt like an odd placement because it kinda halted the pace of things. I didn't mind it, I just wasn't mentally prepared for it.
@anthonywalker6268 2 месяца назад
This game disappoints me. It's message is basically, "if modernism is destroying your civilization, modernism harder."
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 2 месяца назад
That’s not what I got from it at all, I thought it was sending a message about not messing with nature, since (STORY SPOILERS) Eigong trying to use the roots to invent immortality is what led to the Tianhuo virus. To be fair I know basically nothing about Taoism which is very prevalent in this game, so I could very well be wrong.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
I agree. I'm getting more of a vibe of "be responsible with your advancement". I don't know much about Taoism's principals other than a quick Google search worth of info, but that seems that's one of its tenets.
@anthonywalker6268 2 месяца назад
​@@PixelDragon-Gaming I guess that's fair. The modernist world view gets a lot from taoism so I guess it could be debated endlessly. The main character probably just put me in a bad mood.
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 2 месяца назад
Yea this fight is pretty grueling. I didn't mind the copies mechanic too much as all it takes is one slash to make them vanish but I can understand how that could make you frustrated. This boss also made me get used to attacks from all sides as up until now you had a concrete idea of where the enemy was, while for this one her and the copies just warp in wherever they want and hit ya, I really struggled to react fast enough to the attacks for this reason. This boss is a bit of a jump in difficulty so the next bosses shouldn't be nearly as frustrating.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 2 месяца назад
This fight was definitely a test for me, and it didn't help that the first 20 minutes I was playing without a HUD (because I thought that was a mechanic of the boss fight instead of a bug). Coming out of that though, I'm just like "Ok ... I'm ready for whatever comes my way now ..." haha
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 3 месяца назад
I liked the Jiequan fight, besides further reinforcing previous skills, it is a needed introduction to using unbounded parries. Just like the rest of your abilities their use will be further demanded of you as you progress.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah - forgetting about the unbounded parry was a killer for me for the first several attempts. That fight was really fun - it got me at the end though - I thought he was going to turn into some gigantic monster for a Phase 3.
@vsmash2 3 месяца назад
I find it kinda fitting that entering someone elses mind is full of leaps of faith and dictation of reaction. That said, the mechanics are kinda arse.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Agreed - I think the mechanic of having two separate worlds you need to traverse simultaneously could be used to awesome effect (if you got to explore it at your own pace), but the on-rails "do it at the pace the game says" experience made it much less appealing.
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 3 месяца назад
Yea the part where you had to follow the nymph and half the time it'd fake you out was not very fun, otherwise I enjoyed it
@Invaders_Unite 3 месяца назад
Hope you're enjoying the DLC. That first invader man. I was level 60 and kept getting 1 shot. Great video buddy keep it up.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Thanks! The DLC definitely ramps things up in difficulty! I'm having a blast with it though :-) Keep it up! You'll soon be the one dishing out the damage!
@Invaders_Unite 3 месяца назад
@@PixelDragon-Gaming Lol thanks have a good one.
@user-25352 3 месяца назад
Sorry, cliffhanger at the end is NOT cool. Dislike.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
You do know that the next video is already available, right? It's linked on-screen at the end of the video. It's also available via the playlist (which is also linked on-screen at the end of the video).
@user-25352 3 месяца назад
@@PixelDragon-Gaming yes, in fact I've tried to start watching it before leaving the comment, but realized that epic music and situation are undermined by your break.
@vsmash2 3 месяца назад
i get the feeling the factory area was a bit of an art project, its sprawling while being restrictive. Explains the need to swish the camera around a lot.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah - the weird little goo babies are a cool concept, but I don't think they were utilized all that well.
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 3 месяца назад
I don't think the game wasn't registering your talisman inputs, I think its because water flow costs two qi charges to use. Once you get the mastered version in the skill tree it only costs one.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
100% - I realized later that day that my ability costs 2 charges. I totally forgot about that ability!
@vsmash2 3 месяца назад
As far as i remember the game did not tell abut the d-pad for arrows.
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 3 месяца назад
never knew you could change arrows like that. Not that I've ever used anything that isn't the piercer arrows anyways.
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Love to see venturing into missed territories to show how much stronger you've gotten.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
It's always a good feeling to wander in and annihilate everything in your path. You need that every now and then in a FromSoft game :-)
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
If you roll in poison or scarlet rot, it's considered to be covering you and it will continue to build up even after you are out of it's area of effect. Soap stops the buildup.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Did they tone it down from when it released? I remember playing it on launch weekend and it felt like rolling in scarlet rot could be a death sentence. I didn't have as much trouble in this playthrough though. I don't know if it's just a different perception or if it got nerfed a bit.
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
@@PixelDragon-Gaming it wont cure, just stops the increasing buildup if youre out of the hazard
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
The crystal enemies are weak to smashing weapons, like clubs and maces. Equip one of those with the butt smash ashes of war and that fight is much easier.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
When the DLC releases, I'll be trying to keep a couple different weapon types on me. I don't want to repeat the "I have a hammer so everything is a nail" mistake I made in this series haha
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Something I haven't seen you do yet is change your equipment to suit the enemy weaknesses. Most are weak to bleed, yes, but there are some that are strong against slash attacks and weak to pokes or smashes.
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
5 minutes later you switch out your equipment to fight the spirit enemies!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah - swapping out my equipment is one of my weaknesses. I just get a build going and I'm like "Guess this will work for everything, right?" :-P
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Good show. You took down an Iron Maiden and that Lucarian knight that always parrys me.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Thank you! Moongrum's parry skill is second to none - I've watched numerous videos on r/EldenRing where he continuously gets critical hits. I think I got pretty lucky having a parry shield on me. I don't know if I would have made it past him as easily without it.
@vsmash2 3 месяца назад
That labyrinth looks frustrating AF, im glad you are playing it in and not me. Fun to watch however!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Lol that was definitely a _different_ experience from what they've been delivering. It's a really fun game though! Glad you're enjoying the playthrough :-)
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
A literal cliffhanger episode!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
lol - gotta keep people in suspense!
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Next time, bring a snausage.
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Nevermind. I see you brought it.
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
What do you have against the burgerking?
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
I hope you figured out that the ashes of war on shields take precidence over the weapons. What I do is find a good shield and add the "No Skill" ash of war to it.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
I never realized that - thank you :-) I end up switching out my weapons a little later - I ended up *loving* the hookclaws
@footlong24seven 3 месяца назад
The talismans will detonate the internal boss damage, surprised you went the whole fight without them. I beat this boss with mostly talisman damage: perfect parry -> talisman -> face the boss, rinse and repeat. Sneak in melee hits when you have the window. Still took almost an hour to take this guy down, kept getting the jump parry timing wrong with that new special he does in p2.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah - I can't believe I got as far as I did without using talismans. Once I realized how to use them, they became invaluable :-)
@mostlikelysmarterthanyou5031 3 месяца назад
I think the AI brain thing is Ruyi while the Solarian projection of itself is Abacus? I'm still not entirely sure on that as the game doesn't make that clear really, and the characters almost always call the AI dude Abacus, and since the AI typically interacts with them in the Solarian projection form in the pavilion, the Solarian projection would be Abacus then I think. However, Shuanshuan also calls the AI brain thing Abacus too which contradicts what I just said. In fact I don't remember any instances of anyone but Yi calling the AI Ruyi. There is no real answer that I've found in game, this is just what makes most sense to me.
@jeremyjimenez7858 3 месяца назад
From what I understand Abacus is what he is while Ruyi is his personal name.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Oh that would make sense!
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
I think you forgot to equip the great rune...
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Oh, but you succeeded anyhow!
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Barely - she was testing my patience there for a bit haha
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
Really nice job timing your dodges with the avatar. The tower that hints at using the gesture can just be scaled with torrent from the outside , I recently discovered.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Good to know - thanks! Finding the gestures can be a bit difficult sometimes so it's nice that the devs didn't make it a requirement.
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
The invader at the Roundtable hold is the same as the person standing outside of The all knowing's room when you first visit, otherwise known as the edgelord. He becomes hostile after you retrieve the medallion half from the village of the albanurics. Allegedly, he was sent there by the all knowing and slaughtered them before you arrived, but was unable to find it.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Thank you for explaining that :-) I was trying to piece together what the Omenkiller had to do with the place because I thought they just hunted down Omens
@kevinz3905 3 месяца назад
I think all of the bloodstains at the well were from the players who poked the bear.
@PixelDragon-Gaming 3 месяца назад
Oh yeah! That would make sense - peeps attack the bear and it either killed them there or they fell into the pit on accident. Good thinking :-)