Hatakebara Farm
Hatakebara Farm
Hatakebara Farm
Hatakebara Farm is a GRAFTING Channel and garden plant cultivation or HORTICULTURE as well as plant cultivation techniques or planting fruit trees in pots or TABULAMPOT (mango, avocado, orange, guava, rose apple, longan, grapes and other fruit crops).
Plant propagation techniques include grafting (shoot grafting, insert grafting, cleft grafting and side grafting), grafting, cuttings, air layering and top working.
Fruit tree grafting such as mango grafting, avocado grafting, grape grafting, kelengkeng, durian grafting, eggplant grafting, orange grafting, guava grafting, rose apple grafting and other fruit tree grafting.
What will often be discussed on this channel includes grafting techniques, grafting tips, grafting tutorials, grafting methods and the latest grafting techniques.
Must Know! 8 Main Factors Causing Graft Failure
5 месяцев назад
Easy Way To Graft a Mango Tree With One Bud
6 месяцев назад
New Way! Grafting a Mango Tree With One Bud
6 месяцев назад
First Harvest of Self-Grafted Durian Fruit
6 месяцев назад