British Thought Leaders
British Thought Leaders
British Thought Leaders
British Thought Leaders features in-depth conversations on issues that shape our culture, giving a voice to those marginalised by legacy media. Hosted by NTD UK’s News Director Lee Hall. Featured on Epoch TV & Sky TV Channel 524.
@God_is_love_believe 19 минут назад
It is too late, British political elites have sold out to the US in particular in order to have relevance in a hyper competitive world. It is delusional to think that anything will be done.
@JC-lm2tu 48 минут назад
Would love around table with these people and Dr Mike Yeadon.
@JC-lm2tu 49 минут назад
It's a convid cult, they believe and nothing will change their minds. Milgram experiment explains the mental illnesses in society and their behaviour
@caesar848 Час назад
There is nothing like "collective west" , this is US propaganda. Time to embrace nationalism
@celestecanyon Час назад
🤦🏻‍♂️But that was the dream of the elite brexteers. An Anglosphere empire dominated by an elite corporotocracy/oligarchy still dominating the world. And if they couldnt dominate - the red wallers would be forced to accept Dickensian terms and conditions AKA "the free market"
@JC-lm2tu Час назад
BBC... What they did to David Bellamy was disgusting as they are a disgusting organisation. Lies and more lies
@JC-lm2tu Час назад
Milgram experiment explains the way and why people did what they did
@JC-lm2tu Час назад
Neil Ferguson and his sage modelling.... Again he's totally off. Why do they keep paying him and his nudge unit. responsible for the fear news. Nudge nudge.
@davidmccabe4041 3 часа назад
Absolutely fascinating interview...well done david mccabe dublin aged 85
@roni8h 4 часа назад
Interesting talk. I was expecting one question, though, which I didn't hear: Why was this done? was it just a mistake or was there some intent behind it?
@katherinemacgilchrist852 2 часа назад
IMO it was Act 1 in a play to introduce totalitarian world tyranny based on fear of viruses/bioweapons while depopulating.
@TheTruthSeeker756 5 часов назад
What about British realtors selling their country to Russian autocrats? You guys have to look in the mirror
@TheTruthSeeker756 5 часов назад
Billionaires throughout the world rule over all of us. They don’t care about anything except making more money for themselves
@peterdowney1492 6 часов назад
Great interview. I noted particularly the points on physicists. Jim Al-Khalili is someone I love as a communicator. I had watched more than once many of his documentaries on physics and chemistry in particular. I have read - twice - his book Life on The Edge which he co-wrote with JohnJoe McFadden. And yet he has made some comments regarding vaccines that I find disturbing. Of course, like many who hold his views, he likes to talk of 'anti-vaxxers' and 'nut-jobs'. What sort of language is that for a scientist to be wallowing in? In 2020 he had this to say to The National. “I’m sure there are many people who will refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, arguing that it's their choice, it’s their right. As we saw with the MMR issue and the return of something like measles, we can’t afford for people to hold these crazy notions,” "We can't afford for people to hold these crazy notions"? That I find particularly chilling. Earlier this year in his BBC programme "The Life Scientific" (just last month) he interviewed Bill Gates. Then, of course, our Jim is a member of that coterie of BBC scientists that, as far as I can see, are as one in following any established scientific point of view. The last BBC man to suffer from stepping out line was David Bellamy. Once he'd let it be known that he was a 'climate sceptic' that was it for him and The Beeb. I imagine the others got the message. Also the Physicist Carlo Rovelli had an article in The Financial Times. The article revolved around his new house that he had inherited from his parents. Huge and beautiful with what looks to me more 'grounds' than 'garden'. This is one part where he is quoted: "The lockdown has suited Rovelli well. “I am so happy,” he says with a smile showing that he really means it. “I love this openness to nature, these huge spaces, the fireplace, the wood outside, all these things. Being locked down in this place has been a pleasure. My life was travelling, travelling, travelling. So not moving is paradise.” This was one month before The Guardian had a large piece (yes, The Guardian - I think someone was asleep) entitled: This article is more than 3 years old ‘A sacrificed generation’: psychological scars of Covid on young may have lasting impact' I wonder if any were Professor Rovelli's students?
@davidmccabe4041 6 часов назад
What a fascinating interview....I am a retired chartered accountant and worked for a variety of Irish, UK and US subsidiaries in Ireland, the UK and France. Working for US companies was by far the most enjoyable. His comments about US investment in Ìreland and Europe were fair and accurate....cultural affinity added to a low corporate tax rate and excellent golf courses and English speaking make Ireland a potent attraction to US companies. DAVID MCCABE DUBLIN
@enginerdy 12 часов назад
UK is screwed. The conservative elite politics that are continuing to hollow out America are even stronger and louder in the UK, people yelling about immigrants while the monied sell out the country to the highest bidder. The UK is unfortunate to have a much shorter runway to work with and it will come apart much more quickly.
@dickens123 20 часов назад
While distracted by immigration, islam, hinduism and knife fights.
@kristiblack4789 22 часа назад
What a British crock of shite!
@Sociology_Tube День назад
another white guy repeating the work of greco-hindus in this case the Finance minister of Greece.
@johnwisdom651 День назад
UK should focus on atleast producing its own food.
@abecampbell8009 День назад
welcome to the reality.
@LawrenceBishton День назад
Sounds like identity theft or terrorism
@TheMap1997 День назад
The wording "very bad" on the title in itself is sound American rather than British.
@matty506 День назад
The chinese are also busy at work here. They own 10% of BTLs now up from 5% in 2020. 100% increase in 4 years.
@George-bi8sj День назад
We could almost do with a 'Buy British App', a list of companies you can use which are British. Or maybe a scanning function which will tell if it's British built/made.
@steelssstu6515 День назад
Yes we're screwed in Britain but America is going to hell with us because China's going to kick that fat lot into touch in good time😂😂😂what's funny is Americans can't see yet they don't rule the world anymore but oh they will,, you'll be with us soon America, a failed world power just like GB
@meh9356 День назад
Britain, the first country to industrialise and the first to deindustrialise. That is the reason Boris wanted his Brexit badly to make sure that the next step which was the coming war with Russia would do more damage to EU too.. To de-industrialise EU when Americans were just laughing at both Germans and British. "Thank you gentlemen for your race to the bottom ..."😂😂 "Uncle Sam is fully prepared to take over now.. Mission accomplished.."
@stevepetty7009 День назад
Rachel Reeves needs to listen to Mr Hanton.
@meh9356 День назад
Thank you sir. Excellent job. Talking about freedom of information act: Ater 40 minutes it is revealed that the British government did not release the data for this genuine and excellent study to investigate these issues but someone helped and said Americans have the data and you can get it from them..😅 It is like being in Iraq and Libya for example and asking their governments about the damage to their economy and people after they were attacked by NATO and then they respond that we know we were raped but can not release that data for our own people but you can get it from British and Americans who attacked us to know it because they are more transparent ,🤔😮😮😔
@stevepetty7009 День назад
An Farage blinded everyone with "we've got our country back !!". What a mess our " leaders" have got the country in. Great??? Britain.
@meh9356 День назад
Britain did it to other countries when it expanded in the past and now is the victim of his previous success and the model of liberal business and expansion with no government control. Now China is doing it the same but Americans do not like it because they think it is only their pie. Well, it is a new world order and should get used to it . Creating wars in other countries for global corporate profit or sacrificing Ukrainian soldiers to break down Russia is also backfiring.. the result is rise of far right in Europe and UK. Welcome to the rest of 21st century. Wait until you see the full control of economy by AI...
@tetr2024 День назад
God Bless Lee!
@havencat9337 День назад
when all top Tech companies in UK are stolen and list to US...its called really nasty theft of our future! See ARM...see plenty of other software companies... sad truth that our politicians dont do a thing
@JamieMorlok День назад
When UK has becoem America's poodle, what do you expect?
@glendakirby5579 День назад
'The special relationship'? Cringeworthy.
@sathitkumar4549 День назад
China is copying US in Asia pacific😅😂🎉😊
@BillHughes-wt5ud День назад
Everything in Britain currently is owned by American, Japanese and Chinese companies, we own no major industries.
@DavidLockett-x4b День назад
The yanks also have boots on the ground in Australia, under the pretense of saving Australia from the Chinese, but in reality they want to save Australia for themselves. The UK has become airstrip 1, and Australia is Airstrip 2.
@NigelPickering День назад
I hope Farage has read this book, this is the real reform that’s needed.
@waynegrimes7610 День назад
Australia is in the same boat as Britain I would say. The Five Eyes exist only to wipe the One Eye's (US) backside.
@JustTakeAMoment День назад
Japanese interests in Britain have been damaging too. Thete was an opportunity to block a Japanese takeover of ARM, a company that makes a lot of critical components for mobile phones and other technology. The British government did nothing to stop it and this was a world beating business, now a Japanese owned, former British business.
@JustTakeAMoment День назад
We've also got to bear in mind that American mentality is about winners and in Britain, a lot of our management thinking is locked in 19th century thinking. The other big problem, outside of American buy up, is the asset stripping which you can see in real time at Rolls Royce. One of the last great blue chip companies in Britain being asset stripped. This guy is spot on for the most part. Britain will become an American state at some point, we will be fully owned by the Americans and the British government will become unsustainable. The UK is practically done. The Americans will own it outright within the next 100 years. Net zero could well make it happen sooner.
@othmanhassanmajid8192 День назад
Same already happened to Australia and New Zealand, long ago😊
@palestinev3722 День назад
@Yazz2014 День назад
21:50 Some might think this silly but I believe that part of the reason Britain is more in the clutches of the US than other European countries is because of shared language. As a French Canadian I know very well the power of keeping our identity separate via language. First of all they assume that you share the same culture and people tend to treat their own family with less respect than they do strangers. American corporations will use the “seemingly close culture” angle when it suits them but as soon as you show any kind of backbone watch out, big brother is going to give you a wedgie.
@moalllivesmatter День назад
He answered my question about visa and mastercard. I was discussing this with my son yesterday that i rather spend cash can be funding American corporations. Why can't we have our own card payment 😢😢😢😢 this is so sad
@moalllivesmatter День назад
Since the genocide started in Gaza, i have been wondering about so many things about our ties to Israel and i came to the conclusion that we are owned by America hence the reason why our government is unable to call for a ceasefire... not just that, the sort of targeted adverts are so telling ... many of you may have seen the new train ticket ads on youtube, who owns that, American company... i work with the nhs, contractors are Americans. I called HMRC the other day, my call was dealt with by a manager in California. Also, I notice instead of calls being answered by someone in india etc, it is now somewhere in Africa,,,, so depressing and it is going to get worse. Student loan company, that's shifting as well.... I've been scanning with an app at shops before i buy so to avoid giving money to American or israeli companies... Things are really going to be bad in this country and my heart goes out to the next generation 😢😢😢😢
@jefbezoss7638 День назад
Brilliant interview never heard of Angus Hanton and the inter generational foundation - but I’m definitely following now. I basically knew much of this but the forensic analysis and systems thinking is impressive. Will buy the book. 🇺🇸🤜🏼🇬🇧🤕
@pauldalbello5061 2 дня назад
What absurd nonsense to complain about us corporations buying uk industry.. what about the Germans, India buying your car industry and can’t ignore Russian mob money being washed in every corner of London be it in financial markets or real estate markets.. given that you’ve built a glass house you should learn not to throw stones…
@eleghari 2 дня назад
While the blame immigrants... Someone rightly said something like: "It's not the people on the boats you should worry about but the people coming on the yacths."
@curt3494 День назад
It's not a binary choice. Neither are good.
@enginerdy 12 часов назад
@@curt3494it’s like worrying about the ants in your kitchen when there are snakes in the living room
@curt3494 11 часов назад
@enginerdy Not really. The elite may damage our society economically, whereas mass, uncontrolled, low skilled immigration from completely alien cultures, damages our country socially.
@GETJUSTICE4U 2 дня назад
This is even more insidious than one can gather from this interview. This form of preditory capitalism was pioneered in the early 20th century between WWI and WWII by the NELA (National Electric Light Association) that was funded by and represented the private electric power companies (some not fit for purpose) spent $millions every year spreading anti government/regulation and pro private business freedom to exploit and Labour etc. This remarkable history of the Wests march to surfdom is detailed in the book "The Big Myth" by Oreskes and Conway.
@salahnashawati8705 2 дня назад
I love his sense and logic delivery of information! we must distinguish between governments that enhance economy by attracting and selling assets to foreign investors and by supporting locals to become stronger.