Bygone Era
Bygone Era
Bygone Era
Old school Jamaican gamer and horror fan who is 100% fed up with wokism destroying the things I liked as a child, and currently mutilating the society I interact with as an adult.

Upload schedule.
Mondays: Monster Hunter World Hunts
Thursdays: Secondary game
Saturdays: Commentary (most likely anti-woke)
Wokists Practice Elder Abuse Apparently
2 месяца назад
Will the Real Warlord Please Stand Up
2 месяца назад
What Would Ben Do?
5 месяцев назад
"Man Up", "Be A Man"
5 месяцев назад
About AAA Games Costing $70 USD
6 месяцев назад
Jamaicans Play King of Fighters XV (part 2)
6 месяцев назад
Jamaicans Play King of Fighters XV (part 1)
6 месяцев назад
Leftist Logic Bomb
7 месяцев назад
Post BiasTube Censorship Intro
7 месяцев назад
Ori 2 Video Teaser
7 месяцев назад
Meeting Kwolok [Ori and the Will of the Wisps]
7 месяцев назад
This is What Censorship Looks Like
8 месяцев назад
Ending Suffering + Spoilers [Othercide]
8 месяцев назад
Which Culture Was Better For Gaming?
8 месяцев назад
If You Know, You Know [Othercide]
8 месяцев назад
@OrionYes 4 дня назад
how do u have so less subscribers
@bygoneera1080 День назад
Guess I'm just a niche type of guy. That and maybe I upload about once or twice a month these days instead of two to three times a week - the bias of the algorithm is pretty well known at this point. Plus BiasTube shadowbanned my channel a while back and removed some of my capabilities (namely pinning comments), despite them not being able to actually articulate or point to any video that violated their vague, nonsensical terms of service. Maybe that also has something to do with it -there's a whole host of reasons, ranging from the benign to malicious, but I don't let it bother me.
@DaRomeos 18 дней назад
Mh never been for that weirdo stuff cuz🇹🇹
@bygoneera1080 17 дней назад
True, but neither was Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat nor Guilty Gear so I'm not taking anything for granted.
@bioticgod4940 28 дней назад
first descendant and mecha break
@builder_dahomey Месяц назад
@Mayotardboi Месяц назад
I’d rather see a complete rework of bunny than a nerf. I can’t see how you nerf bunny without making her somewhat unplayable. I main Valby who IMO is more op than bunny esp with moisture supply so I don’t really care. You could nerf electric damage and increase her overall HP but that nerf to damage would have to be sizable enough to make a difference and I think that would make her unplayable and undesirable. Idk maybe just change her 3 to electric condense instead of a pulsating AOE. Instead of pulsating AOE you gather electric charges then explode for massive amounts of damage.
@niggabeans720 Месяц назад
This dude just seems crabby bunny is your problem with the game you haven’t played enough the real issue is polymers and opening up amorphous materials/spawn rates
@noxdaboss6243 Месяц назад
Oh right my bunny is amazing at doing vaults why would I ever want a Enzo , or gold farming man bunny is the best why would I ever use a valby oh wait… well I wanna farm new descendants my bunny will get me all the infiltration patterns I need oh wait I got horrible drop rates then… oh but I bet I can melt bosses like in 5 seconds like I see in those videos right bunny is so broken right? Oh wait I’m not a gley…. Hmmmmm maybe I need multiple characters to be able to farm multiple areas of the game effectively? Naaaaah bunny is broken anyone who plays optimally is brain dead lol 😂 😂😂😂😂😂 Literally 99.9% of your game loop is farming 0.1% is a dopamine hit that you got the item you were farming for lol 😂 anyone not using bunny is wasting your time and life and your in the comments crying rather then having stuff unlocked also we are gonna nerf bunny and then what? Someone else will just take her place as the new aoe farmer someone will make a build people will use it etc so many people honestly have 0 IQ
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
I'm genuinely sorry for people like you, who don't realize how hyper-emotional and devoid of independent thought you are and how silly you look trying to gaslight others that they are the emotional one. I do not have the years required to cure you of your stupidity - I only hope that you are still a child playing a game you really shouldn't be playing, and one day you'll look back at how you were and think, "Man I was a stupid kid".
@MrJarryd1988 Месяц назад
I will say that each char has their strengths. Bunny is fast at clearing mobs while gley can one shot colosi. That being said, bunny makes 90% of the content boring. Litteraly just running through empty dungeons trying to catch up to her before being teleported to the boss or standing at mission starts holding the restart mission button because theres litteraly no point in trying to help because the mission is over before you even see an enemy.
@zeglues7861 Месяц назад
The buddy I played the game with when we got this game said he can't associate with bunny mains after reading 5 world chat quotes and I told him his first mistake was swapping to world chat to begin with
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
LOL. Wise words.
@BurghezulDjentilom Месяц назад
I enjoy TFD and main Bunny, but I think your take is fair. Maybe you can try the game again in the future once more units get added etc. but no pressure What has earned you my subscription though, is bashing wokies and the awesome voice xD Cheers !
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
Thanks. As for playing the game again, I actually logged in for 30 minutes to get one last run before I uninstalled and I interacted with another player who decided to help me get mid-air maneuvering though he didn't have to. That made me think perhaps it's just that the crazy npc gamers are the ones searching for any video with 'the first descendant' in the title and like twitter in the old days, it's just the bad 1% making 99% of the retarded comments. Then I checked the channel and saw another retarded comment from @noxdaboss6243 where he literally repeated a point I made in the previous video and pretends as if he made some insightful commentary all the while, like a good little npc, COMPLETELY ignoring the message of the video because his programmers (i.e. the mob he's seemingly sold himself to) haven't updated his software to address that particular opinion yet. I hope you have a better experience with the community than I did. But enough with the unpleasant topic - welcome! I also periodically make non-woke game recommendations of titles I consider to be good. Hopefully you'll find the two different types of content both cathartic and practical.
@itz_chris01 Месяц назад
Imagine complaining about something being "op" in a strictly PvE game.
@Manbat440 Месяц назад
I can't imagine complaining about such a thing in a game every character has their strengths and weaknesses Bunny's is mobbing. Ya know Valby is also good at mobbing best bitch about that next.
@DrunkDjinn Месяц назад
The main problem of bunny doesn’t come from how good she is at add clear. It comes from the fact that 90% of the game is only add clear. Thus she is the best at 90% of the game. Add more verity of content that allows other characters to shine and the problem solves itself. Honestly, this isn’t a very complicated issue.
@tuttuti123 Месяц назад
The solution is... doing nothing. Bunny excels in ads clearing. There's barely any ads in intercepts. If you numberfag too much when it comes to how much bunny does in a mission where everything is trash mobs, you are just wrong. Be glad that in this game, exp are shared between party members. I thought everybody like it when you have that one gremlin friend that kills everything in 0.5 second and you get to pick up the exp and weapons.
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
This is the first and last reply to the temper tantrum throwing Bunny simps: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XAdlyCvKJOY.html In the first video I didn't make any disparaging remarks, but since this is how you want to play it - see how easy it is to insult someone? You're not remarkable just because you issue some stupid copy/paste insult against people who aren't so emotionally unstable they develop an emotional co-dependency with a videogame character.
@Bv2097 Месяц назад
Oh look another cry baby calling for Bunny nerfs figure's.
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
You do realize that you Bunny simps gnash your teeth and wail in the presence of dissenting opinion very much like woke npcs right? Nowhere in that video did I make disparaging remarks towards the character nor anyone who likes to use it, so it's actually you guys are are the crybabies, literally throwing a temper tantrum. That may work on your parents, as they bend back to give you whatever you want so you can stop your bitching - but this isn't how the world works son.
@MultipleChoiceNinja Месяц назад
Crying about Bunny is crazy
@BobBob-tv9hx Месяц назад
Bro shut the fuck up about nerfs in a pve game….
@Omen90 Месяц назад
Your pc is ass that’s why it takes forever to load in,also your NOT made to use bunny you can use the whole roster and clear content do research before you make a stupid ass video
@deskcat6795 Месяц назад
If you want bunny nerfed I say you should go play concord since your bored
@Blooddiamonds188 Месяц назад
Everyone hates bunny until they need to farm a certain area or mission over and over again. The hate and complaints are wild to me. In a power fantasy pve game and people are calling for nerfs, lol. Good thing the devs dont listen to you guys. Bunny is good at mainly just farming while characters like Gley, lepic, sharen, and other heroes completely make void interceptions childs play. Where are the complaints for them? Or is it specifically towatds bunny because 'me cant shoot mobs when bunny is around' mentality?
@cookiebandit101 Месяц назад
Play in a private lobby if you don't like it. Quit your whining and man up.
@mediumrarepotato7385 Месяц назад
She needs a significantly bigger aoe and much higher damage
@hjue44 Месяц назад
The problem with bunny is the stupid amount of people who spam chat asking to be carried through hard mode bosses with very strong electric resistance and wondering why nobody does it. No idea how they got to hard mode but i swear, when a friend and i arrived at the first one, we managed to deal 55million damage combined. Boss has 80million with four people. Guess what, we didnt kill the boss. Teammates? 2 ultimate bunnies. Great char for clearing and can work for certain bosses if you spec. But whenever we get 2 bunnies as teammates in hard mode, we quit. There hasnt been any instance when we had bunny teammates who actually contributed to the fight. They die all the time, deal no damage... fastest one i witnessed managed to die 7 seconds into a fight. Like... HOW!?
@gammacyn Месяц назад
Each character is supposed to be like a tool inside your tool box. my favorite character isn’t bunny but she’s a very versatile tool used to get through missions you want finished quickly
@SentinelH093 Месяц назад
Bunny is one of those characters that people have a love/hate relationship with. Personally she's my favorite gold/kuiper farmer while running operations with friends. In public with randoms I usually take 1 objective or if its the last one i dont use abilities so the others can get their fun. Only major thing annoying about her is the sound effects her abilities give off sometimes they are glitched.
@LousyNine Месяц назад
Bunny, especially ULT is really fun to play to be honest, one of the reason I play is her and the scientist girls infinite ammo build. I dont see this as a problem with the character, just with the players that dont know how to use her.
@zaoshikung2756 Месяц назад
Ima cue you in on something mate. I can use lepic and do content and clear mobs just as fast. I can also do it with viessa valby freyna etc. I can also melt a boss with bunny in around 20-30 seconds in hard mode and melt one in 7 seconds with lepic. Also when you get to the point you need to level grind because your actually making a build youll be so happy for these bunny/mob nuke characters as youll blast threw levels with one on your team. All in all my opinio. Is you havent played enough or know enough about the game to be asking for a nerf. If you dont like the game cool go play something else just dont blame it on a character in the game.
@ZeroKitsunei Месяц назад
I've been about Gley since the game launched. I'm about to pick up Bunny tho. The amount of time I go to grind and can barely get a kill to get into the mission is a problem. Also by the time you put 70hrs in. Everyone who picked up Bunny from the start, will have them super built. So you're still gonna have a problem. Yeh, maybe they aren't great at bossing, but they are still decent at it and great at mobbing. I don't have any ideas off the top, but I'd like to see them buff other characters to get them up to her level.
@RemedieX Месяц назад
I hope she gets changed. I almost dropped the game bc of her and barely play now bc I either farm alone or get into lobbies with 3 Bunny's deleting everything at record speeds not even shooting a single bullet. Yeah, this is the experience that everyone who defends Bunny advocates for! That's super healthy for the game and def going to retain players in the long run! When I first started playing, seeing bunnie's in the open maps deleting everything also made the game feel cheap. Ofc the "solution" is playing private to all the fools. I don't want that. I wanted to enjoy the game with others on a similar level without them clearing a room in 0.5 without shooting a single bullet (and I couldn't shoot more than a few before everything was gone) so we could all do our part and work together, yk, like the whole point of grouping up to work together to achieve something with combined efforts and not 1 person disintegrating everything. It's this 1 descendant that's a problem, not everyone else, I'm cool with spamming gleys or lepics melting bosses because they have a VERY niche fill of only void bosses, but Bunny in 85% of the content that is farming making the game basically an afk arena game for anyone else who joins in is flat out wrong, bad design, and unhealthy for the game. The community then goes aggro and petty mode by ganging up on people who have a functional brain with sound logic and arguments against 1 descendant that sucks all the fun, effort, and reason to play away by telling them to complety avoid an entire social aspect and draw of the game. It's one of the worst arguments I've seen likely fueled by a heavy bias toward the character because she's a young woman with her boobs and ahh hanging out that people have spent hours to get or $100 and they're afraid of her getting changed. It's so painfully obvious they have no good arguments. "Just buff everything to Bunny's level" - No. "Just play private" - the fact you're telling players to ignore an entire social aspect because of 1 descendant, ironically highlights why she's not ok as is. "She falls off in hard" - sure, let me get through hours upon hours of content to see that, and then realize that's also no true because you see her 24/7 in hard clearing rooms even faster, too. "Just don't play the game" - ah, yes, it's far more reasonable to tell people to stop playing the game entirely (forget the story, teamwork, different descendants, bosses, fun aspects, socializing, etc) because of 1 highly controversial descendant rather than agreeing said descent should be fixed. These people are insane. Y'all want to defend Bunny? Yk afk farming games exist, right? Go play those when Bunny inevitably gets addressed because she's unhealthy design, and that's not even an argument.
@bumwhistler6304 Месяц назад
Your always going to have Characters that are more efficient, ppl have been crying about bunny because shes easy to get and is the most efficient. I can walk through Intercepts and Missions dropping my CC and one shot grenade as lepic and noone gets a shot off, should I be nerf'd because I finished my build?
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
All the bunny mains fuming in the comments rn
@Darky0.204 Месяц назад
bunny players are pretty annoying too, like i get using her for farming and stuff but people love using her for colossus runs and i never get it cuz she sucks at doing them and brings the whole team down, shes meant to be a quick glass cannon, and people should start using more boss fighting adapted characters like gley and ajax, but they wont because they love their bunny too much.
@whatever3353 Месяц назад
it's not just bunny, 90% of the players on this game build their characters terribly and have no fucking idea what they're doing.
@kazuhira7777 Месяц назад
If you buff bunny whats the point of playing
@markjack9772 Месяц назад
This is a looter shooter it just sounds like you don't like this genre of video games maybe you shouldn't play them
@TheCuriousAI31 Месяц назад
They wouldn't nerf bunny because she sells. I agree playing with bunny early game is not fun but for farming hard modes you'll be thankful to have her in the team. The game just needs an endgame that would humble bunny then time will tell.
@fyte4luv23 Месяц назад
i have bunny n shelved her due to easy brain dead style, she doesn't belong in this game
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
I wouldn't even go that far to say she doesn't belong in the game - but the character warps the low level farming experience to an absurd degree in the current state of the game and that's just not fun. We both agree she doesn't make the game fun (at least for some people) and would rather see changes made, be it to the character or to farming or something to bring some more engagement.
@nickcarpenter3109 Месяц назад
I hope they don't nerf it. That ability is sometimes they only thing able to hit those stupid immortal balls bossed have. If they do nerf bunny they need to nerf those balls as well.
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
Agree 100% on your second sentence. This video was only about low level farming (I hinted that there were other problems with the game that I didn't mention and what you described is absolutely one of them), but I don't want the character to be killed off. Towards the end of the video I even made the point that buffing all the characters to be comparable to her low level farming efficacy would pretty much invalidate her, so that's not an option. I have no idea why right after I closed with the sentiment of, "I don't want this character to be obliterated", why so many npc responses imply I want the character to be obliterated. Thank you for your reasonable comment - as you can see from the comment section, replies like yours are few and far between.
@jinenjuce Месяц назад
Yes, Gley has a OHKO build but let's nerf bunny in a pve game
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
You’re missing the entire point. Nobody is having a problem with gley nuking every living thing the millisecond it spawns making the game unplayable for others.
@jinenjuce Месяц назад
@@WobiKabobi I know nobody is, that's my main build right now lmao
@honeyalmondfritters Месяц назад
I would like to vehemently disagree with you here and would love to illustrate my points and also provide apologies in advance if it feels a bit rude - 1. As a long time Warframe vet and someone who hated Bunny to start with but then fell in love with ultimate Bunny, I'd like to point out that super speedy clears or insane boss DMG is not coming on Bunny out of the box. You need at least 6 catalysts to make that happen. That is a significant amount of farm. Someone who did that farm would now like to capitalize on that time sink by not having missions run for for more than 3 mins. I'd argue it was the same thing with Warframe - frames like Mesa Prime could collect a whole room of a couple of hundred enemies and clear them all out with their ultimate skill. It's a looter shooter, not a JRPG. I did that farm so that subsequent farms could be easier and more than that, quicker. If I have to farm out all that, then get hit with a nerf on F2P, PvE game and have to spend the same 20 mins on an infiltration trying to chunk my enemies with a firearm, that would be very non conducive to my gameplay experience. 2. I'd also say, with 6,7 catalysts, other frames can do exactly what Bunny does (maybe a little slower). Viessa can turn on her ice walk and just coat the entire room with an ice floor. Lepic chunks boss HP bar like butter. Gley is an invincible boss shredder and if you build her for range, her 2nd ability can clear entire defense missions, just standing at the objective. Time investment now, reduces time investment in tedious farming missions where you need hundreds, if not thousands of materials and have to run missions maybe hundreds of times. The problem arises when people don't build their frame properly, and then use stock weapons, without unique ability enhancement while trying to play a looter shooter like a tactical cover shooter. Of course then one wouldn't have fun grinding the same mission for hours while a Bunny jumps in and clears it in a minute. 3. This is ultimately a grind game. Not in the hundreds, but thousands. Veteran players who know what they're doing need some sort of quick farm to get there. If you're not planning to build every weapon and every frame, or farm every mod, it would definitely seem fun to jump in for an hour or so, clear a handful of missions tactically and log out. But, if someone wants to farm them and they have the same hour at hand, it will not be possible to do the same until they know how to leverage insane levels of DMG, or range or speed. You nerf Bunny, those folks will find another new build where you'd complain again that it's not fun which will then be nerfed and it'll become an infinite loop. 4. On top of all that, as others have mentioned multiple times, there is private mode. But, I also agree with you that playing with others is more fun and it's not always possible to find friends to play with and teaming up with randoms is obviously better. But, then it comes with the caveat that you take the good with the bad. Like I said, F2P, PvE, grind based looter shooter. If you want to skip the grind, you pay. If you want to grind, you need to get better at it. It's not the onus of other veteran players to accommodate for your fun. Same logic as being invaded in souls games. If you want the good of multiplayer, you need to accept the bad of invasions. There is a very solid reason, I myself play on private. Because I don't want my missions to run for 10-15 mins, while people die around me or see level 1 descendants come on hard mode boss fights. Should I then advocate that things be made tougher so that if missions aren't cleared within 5 mins, they fail automatically? 5. Now to the final argument of early game vs. late game farming. No ultimate Bunny or even normal Bunny who has built it properly with the speed and clear is playing on normal mode. They're all on hard mode. Normal mode still is, and will always be full of new players, just starting in, trying different frames, to see what sticks. So, your argument boils down to, "Yes, I am playing on hard mode, but I want to shoot things on their weak points, dodge out of the way, play a single mission like a FPS taking 10-15 mins per run, and I don't want someone else to jump in the mission and clear it in 2 mins". You're asking them to deliberately handicap themselves, so that you can play a game the way you want to play it while asking for nerfs to the way they want to play it. That seems a bit counter productive. Again, sincere apologies if this came off as being rude, but like I said, I vehemently disagree. :) P.S. Definitely not supporting AFK farming, that part is unacceptable.
@honorguard7616 Месяц назад
Being blunt, I was farming with 0 forma and no potato
@eggshen3655 Месяц назад
The fact that you can make a private game and there is no PvP makes complaining about bunny being "OP" one of the dumbest things I've ever heard someone say about a game. You don't like the free character they give you? Play the other free one they gave you then, grind the other 2 starters in a few hours and by that time you're almost getting 1 or 2 of the slightly harder to get characters. There is no good argument about about not liking bunny. It's like if I said "insert your favorite character" I don't like them so that character should be nerfed so you like them less and because when I join a matchmaking room you kill things faster and better then me.
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
It’s really not dumb lmao, a good bunny literally takes away the game from anyone else in the party. It removes the fun from the game. A lot of people are fine with bunny a lot of people arent. And thats okay. There is no good argument that you’re willing to hear, because you’re blinded by your own opinion.
@RemedieX Месяц назад
This is one of the most harmful for the health of the game and dumbest arguments I've seen spread around. Imagine telling new players to just go private because they're tired of 1 single descent being far too good with almost no investment from the very start at the stages you get her at clearing entire rooms and outpacing the entire team far faster than any other descent can. "Yeah, just ingore an entire social aspect of the game that it was built around and that you want to enjoy with others while still being able to do stuff (reasonable eh), so you don't have to deal with 1 descendant clearing rooms in 0.5 seconds without you getting to shoot a bullet." You can't be serious. How the community hurts their game 101: Fearmonger reworks and nerfs to bad and unhealthy designs. Have a high bias for a character because Booba and ahh. If it were some grumpy old dude deleting everything at record speeds that isn't a void boss (like 15% of the content - while Bunny is bis for like 85%), FAR LESS would give a care if he got reworked.
@vingua6890 Месяц назад
Yeah bunny definitely isn't a problem. The early game is such a small portion of your total gameplay, and the diviserity of descendants chosen by players quickly changes once you get to hard mode. It's amazing that they give a character for free that is so good at grinding farms. Grinding is what looter shooters are revolved around, and the people that will actually play these games for a long time want efficient paths for grinding. Bunny helps provide that. Complaining about bunny is just telling me you haven't really played the game all that much, and just want everyone else to pander to you. Commenter above saying "bunny isn't a problem" has way more likes, so it seems like this comments section has spoken. ggs haters
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
@@vingua6890 you’re telling me you don’t have well built ult bunnies crowding almost every public mission on hard mode? We must be playing different games.
@eggshen3655 Месяц назад
@WobiKabobi the game tells you everytime that it's easier when you go into a private game. If you can't beat it by yourself you can't complain about how someone else helps you. Any built character would have the same effect. Bunny is just simple and popular so you pick on her. Still I hear no good arguments, just crying. Way to be a hypocrite about me having a closed mind.
@cybermutt4 Месяц назад
@saynotololi Месяц назад
You don’t have to play bunny everywhere tho. She’s easy to get through story. Literally a free character so everyone has one decent add clear char. Bosses bunny is terrible. She’s only good at one thing. Unless you got her late game built but even then way better options. Valby awesome add clear too. The faster I can get farming done the better. Devs don’t see her as an issue at the moment either.
@abbadonvr9045 Месяц назад
the transphobia holding you back
@rayfolkers4920 Месяц назад
For me bunny isnt fun, i dont like the play style at all. Running simulator isnt my thing. I also think bunny is the reason for afk farming. She is a farm/add killer, others are viessa, freyna, blair but they dont even come close to the level of bunny. The giant aoe damage combined with the speed makes the other add clearing characters irrelevant because they just cant keep up. There is no balance at all.
@nicholastran7762 Месяц назад
You do know Gley has the largest AOE clear attack in the game right, with almost 100% up time. As pointed out before, she can clear just as good as bunny with a few mods.
@rayfolkers4920 Месяц назад
@@nicholastran7762 i know but by the time you arrive bunny is already done killing everything. Its because of the speed she has with it. Bunny gets to the location much faster then lets say my freyna, she does her abillity and goes on to the next location. I just follow.
@7ninja79 Месяц назад
buff other before nerfing also i dont see the problem and i play sharen
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
I think that's overly simplistic. Let's take it to the extreme to hopefully elucidate, let's say Sharen's 4 can target all enemies on the map, one shot them, and leave 10m electrical fields that tik for upwards of 50k for 30s each second. Do you still think every character should be buffed to be comparable or should Sharen's ability be nerfed? A nuanced approach is sometimes the best way forward instead of absolutes. While I do agree that the preferred motivation should be to enhance rather than diminish, sometimes you need to take a step back in order to advance and one must not be afraid to nerf IF buffing will not solve the problem (or introduce new ones). Also, "I don't see the problem" is not an argument - just because a colourblind person doesn't see the colour red doesn't mean that the colour doesn't exist.
@7ninja79 Месяц назад
@@bygoneera1080 but dosent mean there is a problem either . to me bunny outshining the others only proves the others need help. shes amazing at AOE most characters dont have that, I dont want a character nerfed because she can clear LOW LEVEL enemies faster than others id rather give more options to other characters . I could see if she was dominating end game but that's not true. The Dumbest thing the devs could do right now is nerf bunny, making mechanics that fight a play style would be WAY better.
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
@@7ninja79the others getting buffed isnt going to change that fact that a decent bunny makes the game literally unplayable for anyone else in the party. Why boot up the game if my teammates are going to play for me? She dominates every public lobby what are you talking about? I’m tired of getting double ult bunnies that nuke everything on spawn while i sit there staring off into space because i literally cant do anything until we get to the boss.
@ImNelzy Месяц назад
Literally can use the thunder cage and you’ll mob clear easy. Theres also a private mod. Yall crying over something that is actually so insane. Bunny is made FOR mobbing specifically and yet and its issue she is out performing other characters…what is that logic? You know what other character that was made FOR MOBBING, Valby and she’s JUST as GOOD as bunny and are the 2 S tier mobbing characters. So I guess they gotta nerf Valby too since she’s outperforming the other characters smh. Each character is something they’re good at man. End game doesn’t take long to get to either it isn’t 70 hours. Realistically any character can be insanely powerful depends how you build them and if you know how, seen plenty of videos on here. Jayber, Viesa, Sharen just to name a few. The game is enjoyable, it’s grindy yeah so what
@YaBoyMike76 Месяц назад
Facts, my bunny build is for mob clear and farming and my Lepic build is for boss killing. When I farm I’m always on private unless the mission makes me play with a group like the operations. Realistically I love having bunny in my group if the player is good. I’d rather not spend 20 minutes in a mission I’m trying to grind.
@ImNelzy Месяц назад
@@YaBoyMike76 literally…it’s like people forget some characters are meant to excel at something, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to play bunny then just get your weapon built up nd chatxyer and you can still clear content fast to farm it, will it be as fast as bunny no but that shouldn’t be a problem imo
@dkking787 Месяц назад
No other character in this game can out farm bunny especially in terms of time Valby especially is not as good as bunny bunny you can jump and still hit everything Valby can’t jump when using certain ability meaning she’s stuck on the ground her versatility is not as good as bunny just like you wouldn’t use Kyle to fast kill frost walker in under a minute like Lepic it’s just not efficient to use any other character besides bunny she’s strong from early to late game farming she’s basically the only descendant in the game that can kill things faster than people can aim and shot without needing to use her gun she’s the only descendant that is capable of using just her abilities to fast clear almost any mission in terms of Time she’s by far the most efficient descendant in the game for farming
@ImNelzy Месяц назад
@@dkking787 …tell that to the valby’s I see lol, Valby is an S tier character at farming mobs just like bunny. And the only one that can compete. Look at the Valby farm for an example clears and insta kills all those mobs…just like bunny. And again those are 2 mobbing characters
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
Sigh....you watched some part of the video due to your reference of 70 hours, and you still sound as if you just commented after reading the title. 1. I did not say clearing mobs was difficult. 2. Private mode does not fix the problem of the desire to play with others in an online game. 3. It is incredibly dishonest to try and simply it as 'out performing'; a) she is MASSIVELY outperforming other characters at b) LOW LEVELS. 4. In the LOW LEVELS, that the video is focused on, Valby is good at holding down an area, but cannot zip across the map blowing up everything as Bunny can. Once again, very dishonest of you to use a strawman. 5. If you rush through to endgame yes, you can get it done quicker. It took me 70 hours to beat the game and unlock hard mode, so I should have clarified and state if you're NOT rushing the game. This is the only good point you made, congrats. 6. Sigh...it's like you're aggressively trying your hardest to NOT understand what I'm saying and instead create these fictional arguments you think/hope I'm saying to argue against. The video was not arguing against building your character to be powerful AT END GAME.
@ThatDjinn Месяц назад
It's good that everybody gets a good speedclearing character almost for free to jumpstart their account, stop trying to ruin the game for everyone who will come in after you and will get put off by how slow earlygame is with no good mobbing char. Warframe had that issue when I tried it a few years back, nobody played low content so you were forced to solo and grind with slow characters and people zone out. If you don't find her fun - don't play in pugs. Way to hand-wave a good point too - like her weakness against commanders and bosses doesn't matter. Yes, let's nerf the one thing she's good at so that she can't clear anymore, then you will have fun shooting things in pugs for the short amount of time you will play this game until something else comes out for you to jump to.
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
You just commented after reading the title, didn't you? For your sake, I hope you did - at least then there's hope that if you actually listened to an argument you might be able to offer an sensible reply.
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
“Stop trying to ruin the game” You bunny lovers are literally ruining public lobbies for everyone by making the game unplayable lmao
@seiver5353 Месяц назад
This will start to change bunnys pretty good right now but valby does the same job just as good and honestly if you have a half built thunder cage you can clear trash just as easy. I do just fine playing on my ajax.
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
It's not that I find clearing trash difficult - it's that for low level content, which is a large part of the experience of new players, Bunny means you sit around looking pretty for about 75% of almost all missions. If the new player happens to like Bunny, then they're having fun; if the new player doesn't like to use Bunny, then they're fun is greatly diminished - you may end up with a situation where the playerbase isn't as high as it could be because of a bad first impression.
@seiver5353 Месяц назад
@@bygoneera1080 that is fair they do need to sperate classes strong suits better which comes with more content. Right now its basically 2 types of content bosses and add clearing, if they had raids with both it would make people think about team comp more. people seem to forget all these games sucked at launch. destiny caused such an uproar that they had to give a dlc away for free, and warframe had no story period for like 3 years.
@JilBung Месяц назад
Hey guys they have a private mode in this game. Hope this helps!
@bygoneera1080 Месяц назад
Yes, I know that private mode exists, but that doesn't help if you still want to team up with people but none of your friends play the game. Even if you had friends who played the game, if most of them run Bunny then you still end up in the same issue. I appreciate your attempt to help though - unlike some commenters who think that if they throw a temper tantrum and childishly attack someone, that person will be inclined to change their opinion on something.
@WobiKabobi Месяц назад
Doesn’t solve the issue of there being no game to play when you have a built bunny in your party. This whole private mode argument is going to lead to there being no variety in public lobbies because people want to actually play the game but cant because a bunny is almost always on their team so they switch to private. We’re already having this issue with collosi. All the nuke builds are going solo because of idiots no paying attention to mechanics when they’re in hard mode.
@RemedieX Месяц назад
Garbage argument