Fondation Hirondelle
Fondation Hirondelle
Fondation Hirondelle
La Fondation Hirondelle est une organisation suisse à but non lucratif qui fournit de l’information à des populations confrontées à des crises, pour leur permettre d’agir dans leur vie quotidienne et citoyenne.

Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organization founded which provides information to populations faced with crisis, empowering them in their daily lives and as citizens.
Rapport annuel 2022
Год назад
Les coulisses de Studio Tamani
Год назад
Pauline Bend - Covering News in Africa
2 года назад
Patrick Chappatte - The Press Cartoon
2 года назад
Thierry Cruvellier - Judicial Reporting
2 года назад
Claude Guibal - Woman & Journalism
2 года назад
Philippe Amez Droz - Print Journalism
2 года назад
@laurentdenise9441 4 месяца назад
Il faut lutter contre la désertification, et ça se fait avec de l'eau et du végétal vivant ! il ne faut PLUS mélanger énergie climat et pollution ! les accords de Paris n'ont dangereusement pas pris en compte le principal Gaz à Effet de Serre qui est la vapeur d'eau (60% des effets source GIEC, contre 26% pour le CO2). L'eau de l’atmosphère régule les températures des continents depuis des millions d'années mais cette hypothèse a été écartée dès le début en pensant que les activités humaines n'avaient pas d'impact sur l'eau , or il est maintenant prouvé que la disparition de la couverture végétale des continents (déforestation) coupe le cycle de l'eau et provoque les phénomènes climatiques actuels : inondations, sécheresses, canicules et feux ! Sans EAU le soleil est notre ennemi : La Terre subit des rayonnements solaires très nocifs pour la faune et la flore terrestre, l'eau et la vapeur d'eau de l’atmosphère sont nos meilleurs protections. La couverture végétale des sols assurent une humidité permanente de la troposphère par l'évapotranspiration, la permaculture : couverure permanente des sols est une priorité l'été ! des champs verts et vivants l'été c'est 20°c de moins sur des millions d'hectares, des pluies régulières, une sécurité alimentaire et énergétique ! #pasdeclimatsanseau
@MathiasBakalaboussouhou-tn8fh 4 месяца назад
Attention !!! Restauration Du Royaume Divin sur Le Malkuth(Terre) Plus de République.
@MathiasBakalaboussouhou-tn8fh 4 месяца назад
Amen. Leolam J'ai Dit. Ma. Parole.
@danwalter1753 4 месяца назад
Oh le kebab!
@yambre 4 месяца назад
Si j'étais toi, je prendrais des vacances loin d'ici.
@philippevalois381 4 месяца назад
Mais que fait elle dans ce pays pourri de "racistes dégénérés"? Il faut qu'elle retourne rapides dans son paradis d'origine!
big up
@lccarrel 9 месяцев назад
Bravo maman🔥🔥
@ndiemecisse1622 11 месяцев назад
Salut s'il vous plaît je voudrais avoir des nouvelles de heba aly comment faire svp
@thebuggy736 Год назад
This is very good advice.
@emilionetopereira47 Год назад
Merci pour ce beau partage ! La Fondation Hirondelle m'a rappelé le "Retour des Hirondelles", hahaha... 🙂
@Réponse-net-et-precise Год назад
Top !
@steen3745 2 года назад
Merci pour ce condensé inspirant et instructif 👍
@vincentdagza2984 2 года назад
You sound smart.....still...kulong ka.pa rin!
@vincentdagza2984 2 года назад
Hahahhaha. Kulong kana! Hold the bars! Caress it !
@balantagi7187 2 года назад
Death by a thousand cuts or sentenced due to fake news.. Journalists are not under attack .. it is only Ressa and her fake News Outfit... those who ever believes this entitled lady is just a cookoo like her!
@angelavictoriamartinez4287 2 года назад
@jaykyu6749 2 года назад
Ressa has been CONVICTED of cyber libel AGAINST A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL (not government). Libel is a crime in the Philippines, with prison terms. Multitudes of Filipinos celebrated when the Court of Appeals earlier upheld and increased the maximum prison term from 6 years to 6 years and 8 months, YES, penalties can get worse on appeals. Ressa's next appeal will be at the Supreme Court where it's likely to be upheld again, but the prison term will stand. She will be arrested on return to the Philippines or post bail as she is a flight risk. In fact, it's what she's doing now. She's scared of the truth and justice. Her problem is with the Department of Justice, nothing to do with Duterte or Marcos, they're at the Executive branch of government, not with any Senator or lower house representative - that's the Legislative branch. Like in the US, the national government is relatively big. Ressa is a nobody. Highly educated professionals in government agencies implement or enforce the laws. Contrary to what Ressa's gob is spewing, the Philippines is ruled by Law. She needs money, and her job is to go against the government, regardless of how or who runs it, for as long as HER BANKROLLERS ARE CONVINCED SHE'S GOOD FOR VALUE. But somebody should tell them, NOPE! IT'S NOT WORKING.....STAND DOWN!!!!
@johnismaelpagcu6979 2 года назад
Maria Ressa, the reigning and the undisputed queen of fake news. Wow!!! Ang kapal ng mukha mo. Ang tapang ng apog mo. Ikaw nga itong lason sa lipunan.
@alexand2418 2 года назад
There goes another comment, already deleted. These hypocites cant stand free speech directed against them.
@alexand2418 2 года назад
Im pretty sure some comments here will be deleted.
@alexand2418 2 года назад
Too many mambo jambo words but in short intellect and morality is not exclusive to journalists. Reysa and Delima both lost legally in court battle. The Philippines has lots of corporate media networks but you are the least trusted among other over twenty news networks. When you demonize president Duterte on a daily basis yet he leaves the office with the highest approval ratings among all past presidents, WHAT DOES IT SAY? When you demonize newly elected president Marcos in a daily basis during campaign period yet he won the vast majority of electorates gaining 31 million votes while opponent getting only 14 million votes, WHAT DOES IT SAY? I will give the answer for everyone to see......what you say are just a bunch of CRAP for the Filipinos, we patronize other corporate news networks that arent a propaganda tool.
@highcardjesus7032 2 года назад
The guy murders drug dealers and basically admitted to throwing somebody out of a helicopter.. How the hell do you expect people to stand up to a person like that without being punished or having the fear of? What exactly is it that was said within this short segment that make you so opinionated? Have you not looked around the world over the decades at election tampering or public perception being far from the actual truth?
@alexand2418 2 года назад
@@highcardjesus7032True if all people believe just about everything they hear. Take all issues to court not MEDIA. It's a lot easier to accuse, judge and convict through MEDIA so why not just abolish justice sytem in the country including school of law, let journalist be the judge and the executioner. Have you not looked around the world how BIASED CORPORATE MEDIA is used as a powerful tool to sway public perception and influence the outcome of elections?
@alexand2418 2 года назад
@@highcardjesus7032 This is the standard of a NOBEL PRIZE WINNER and a FACEBOOK FACT CHECKER, a libelous convict. Risa is demonizing freelance opinionated vloggers in the Philippines precisely because vloggers easily debunks and exposes corporate media lies, deceits and biases. She cant get over the fact that FREE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA is here to stay to check and balances the abuses of BIASED CORPORATE MEDIA. Vloggers = 1 point, fake news = 0 point. cRappler is so frustrated by vloggers for making their jobs difficult, the job to sway public perception and thereby controlling the outcomes of private and public processes in the country. The era where corporate media controls the flow of public information is over, blame it on internet. You cry foul and scream injustice after destroying a private individual's reputation, shame on you.
@alexand2418 2 года назад
This is the standard of a NOBEL PRIZE WINNER and a FACEBOOK FACT CHECKER, a libelous convict. Risa is demonizing freelance opinionated vloggers in the Philippines precisely because vloggers easily debunks and exposes corporate media lies, deceits and biases. She cant get over the fact that FREE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA is here to stay to check and balances the abuses of BIASED CORPORATE MEDIA. Vloggers = 1 point, fake news = 0 point. cRappler is so frustrated by vloggers for making their jobs difficult, the job to sway public perception and thereby controlling the outcomes of private and public processes in the country. The era where corporate media controls the flow of public information is over, blame it on internet. You cry foul and scream injustice after destroying a private individual's reputation, shame on you.
@iceberg_0703 2 года назад
Maria Ires(a)ponsible Journalism 👎👎🏾👎🏼 Queen of FAKE NEWS!!! 🤴🏽 Better check your facts 🤣🤣🤣 Any journalist who is against a good government can create her own versions of stories many times… 🥴
@iceberg_0703 2 года назад
The untold meaning of RAPPLER : R eport A lways P urely P olitical L ies E ntrapping R eaders
@jaykyu6749 2 года назад
Their logo is "R", for REPULSIVE. The Filipino public calls it, CRAPPLER, for obvious reasons. They also renamed Maria Ressa, MARIA REHAS ("rehas" means bars, as in prison). Ressa is an American, naturalized but has never been accepted by the public, considering she works in the media. In short, Ressa is full of lies and is a total embarassment to Filipinos as she claims being one while she spews BS to foreign press. Why foreign press? Because Filipinos don't believe her while her FINACIERS have to be CONVINCED what their money is doing.
@iceberg_0703 2 года назад
DEMOCRACY is never synonymous to POLITICAL LIES no matter how much funds you receive from the U.S. and other foreign entities 🤑 Mind you, your Nobel Peace Prize award was never impressive as everyone knows it was just part of your conspiracy plot in order to use it to infiltrate the PH national election 😝 Luckily, it didn’t work for you 🤪
@tinadortv 2 года назад
sentenced to jail for cyber libel you deserved
@georgel7222 2 года назад
When you are losing to gain the attention and trust of the Filipino people, you will sound this way, the tone of a loser. Ma. Rezza, you are entitled to your opinion, but not the facts. Let's say that you have an opinion and call it black, but most of us call it white. You should search your conscience and ask yourself why? Don't just jump to the conclusion that we were all duped by false narratives. As if you're the only one who knows how to evaluate truths from lies. Look, we all know that you registered Rappler, not as a media outfit, but you are operating as a media outfit. Ain't that gross dishonesty on your part? From here, there is no point for you to be rationalizing or self-aggrandizing (whatever) or sour graping at your fate and denigrating others like you're holier than thou. It is a travesty to see all these fancy awards you get here and there. Those mean nothing when you are dishonest.
@degualbosav9754 2 года назад
rot in jail hahahaha
@highcardjesus7032 2 года назад
What raised a person like you who has such low moral standards to say something so vile over a simple video of someone giving their opinion? Grow up - Show some class
@degualbosav9754 2 года назад
@@highcardjesus7032 all this person is doing is disservice to gov. she should be responsible on her opinions. and you dont me so i wont take your opinion lol
@alexand2418 2 года назад
@@highcardjesus7032 Nobody can blame you if you are already too brainwashed by BIASED CORPORATE MEDIA beyond cure that you believe everything they say on the news, you are willing to turn a blind eye to their imperfections, media are not incorruptible theyre only humans who work for a living and in cRapplers case on a very fat paycheck from multibillion dollar master and owners. Philippines is lucky to have a very strong FREE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA that will check and balance out the powers of corporate media. She has no remorse at all in destroying the reputation of a private individual who is a businessman, cRappler republished a libelous article online, so they were charged with violating cyberlibel act of the Philippines, Maria Riza's defense is, the lawsuit lapsed the prescribed period to file the case. Now they lost the case, she is screaming "no freedom of speech and no democracy". While she was convicted in lower courts, DOJ allowed her to go overseas to receive her nobel prize but later on just to tell the whole world that there is no press freedom in the country and that Filipinos are too dumb and are incapable of due diligence and that she's the only one who can know the answers and that her analysis are far superior that people beliefs and sentiments.
@highcardjesus7032 2 года назад
What are you smoking? Put down the crackpipe for a second and realize that what she is talking about is the bias within the corporate mainstream media... I came here to call someone who told her to rot in jail a fool for doing so and you are on a rant about corporate media and wrote an essay... Like what the hell is wrong with you? The last thing I need is some random telling me what corporations are doing on a global scale from media to everything else you and I depend on and are supposed to be able to trust....
@highcardjesus7032 2 года назад
​@@alexand2418 What she states in this video is perfectly legitimate; The freedom of speech is something that should be praised and not criticized by people who wish to consider themselves democratic...
@maybee... 2 года назад
Good luck Scott!! Many blessings, MBL
@pipit-tt2wx 2 года назад
sentenced to jail for cyber libel.... hahaha
@algeriamustapha5006 2 года назад
Vous dessinez bien, néanmoins votre esprit reste très cloisonné.
@alaindisk9704 2 года назад
Tout à fait d'accord mais je trouve qu'il existe beaucoup trop de faux, mensonge et d'erreurs de la part de certaines presses. Il faudrait établir une loi (speciale pour les presses du monde) ou comme pour le permis, après un certain nombre d'erreurs on retire le droit d'exercer...pour un temps ou une fermeture totale en fonction de la gravité.
@bradley8232 2 года назад
Just became a fan!! Use a service like P R O M O S M!
@christiestaron6165 2 года назад
Monsieur kamal j ai vraiment besoin de vous joindre c est urgent Merci de me contacter
@amadouagmoussa3453 2 года назад
جدول ثمانيه
@kjqjfjd1020 3 года назад
les touareg es une société matriarcal
@markmeyer3787 3 года назад
Vive Zemmour:)
@adamadiakite1152 3 года назад
Bravo le vrai journaliste
@fleriojao2846 3 года назад
Merci Studio SIFAKA
@rafaelbouskila6388 3 года назад
Les gens de ma classe qui regardent cette vidéo salut
@Elito61341 3 года назад
Merci ça m’a bien aidé
@durif75 3 года назад
Team mrs turkovics on est la
@diarrabahiyon6743 3 года назад
ABA touareg au Mali
@musersthebestofmuse5914 3 года назад
Bonjour, professeur d'arts plastiques en collège et en lycée, je cherche à entrer en contact avec monsieur Patrick Chauvel afin de lui proposer de venir rencontrer nos élèves dans le cadre d'une prochaine semaine de la presse. L'idée serait de travailler sur les photos documentaires, sur les photos historiques... Je vous remercie par avance pour toute piste !
@rozenn6970 3 года назад
This video is so educational. I have been trying to find for RU-vid vid that teaches the ideas in this video. 🩺 🙌Your video for sure is like the content from Dr Ethan. His videos are informative and he actually helped me a lot on my practice. He is an educational Doctor on RU-vid and he teaches health symptoms! I suggest you see his YT out and give Dr Ethan a subscribe here! ➡️ #DrEthanVideos
@souleymanecamara9439 3 года назад
Ma chérie a moi
@gladysmoinard1170 4 года назад
en effet, les journalistes doivent faire face aux risques d’une profession soumise au stress à la fois de la rapidité et de la qualité de l’information à délivrer, aux dangers des déplacements dangereux, ou proches de catastrophes : www.officiel-prevention.com/dossier/formation/fiches-metier/les-risques-professionnels-des-journalistes
@antonygalo1798 2 года назад
en effet ! et risques souvent sous-estimés !
@deshunrichardson1826 4 года назад
Risa you look like man
@deshunrichardson1826 4 года назад
Mag retire k n bago kp lalong maghirap and yes your lie still going n coming Risa you are big Virus since day one and pay your taxes