Creator of the "Nephilim Looked Like Clowns" Theory and Author of the book with the same name.

Get The Book Here!: shorturl.at/7HKtA

Proverbs 3:13
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

Architecture In The Little Season (Pt 3)
9 часов назад
You're Missen The Point Podcast Visit
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Memoirs Of An Unemployed Clown
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Unfiltered Rise - The Little Season
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The Bi-Annual Cannabis Video
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If I Was Satan - AI & The Little Season
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Do they know About Judgement?
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Timelines In The Little Season (Pt 2)
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Aliens In The Little Season (Pt 1)
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The Demonic Parasite Presentation
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The Little Season Theory #3
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The Little Season Theory #1
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The Millennial Reign Hasn't Happened Yet!
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@ShifuAll 25 минут назад
39:12 ...the Songwriters Secret
@HexproofAnarchist 38 минут назад
Read the Essene Gospel of Peace. This topic is addressed by Jesus in that book, confirms what you are speaking about here 👍
@FlatEarthSovereign 57 минут назад
He ruled with an iron rod... mount maru, axis mundi, the black rock, rupis negra, the tree of life, the dark tower, a magnetic pillar.
@MikeJones-vv5uy Час назад
JT did a good video on Rumble about 9/11. He knew he couldn't put it on yt.
@duncanscott2781 Час назад
Love your stuff, you have a great speaking voice, very soothing. I'm sure you have, but I just wanted to mention Jack and the beanstalk. Another thing what do you think about the concept that we are all part nephilim and that being the cause of the duality that we seem to experience?. I'm 55 had a very far out life, started drawing this clown with 3 faces, of course I called him 3 face. Your hypothesis really resonates, I love it mate. Fair play to you God bless us all😊
@paralambano. Час назад
But yhweh is not Jesus's father...the name yhweh first occured in ancient mesopotamia when they introduced tax for people to pay... Yahweh was the one people were paying taxes to,and bringing sacrifices...jesus never said his fathers name...never...its no accident that its written in the bible everyone who adds words to this book will be punished...jesus knew devil will mess with his word...using strongs concordance you can see how much they mssed up the translation,and added filler words that were not part of the original writings...and he says it himself over and over again "i am a jealous god" "my warlike energy will guide humans for 120 lifetimes" and much more...he is satan. Remember satan is the god of this world! Yahweh is worshipped in Christianity and Judaism..and both are decieved...
@jennibanks6857 2 часа назад
This is also why it is so imperative that we memorized and hide God‘s word in our heart. Because I think there will be a day when the “scripture “that we have may not be what we remember. And we might even not have access to the word and how will we be encouraged and challenged? it’s imperative that we memorize scripture. There’s a reason why the Bible talks about hiding his word and our hearts
@jennibanks6857 2 часа назад
I think the interesting thing is, when I’ve looked back at things such as commentaries and scripture that has been quoted in other books, these particular scriptures have not changed. But then when you open up your Bibles, they are. Which I find is very interesting that the Bibles we have seem to have changed, but when some of these commentaries that were written 30+ years ago, it’s the same scripture that we remember. I’d be curious if anyone else looked into this using commentaries and authors quoting certain key scriptures in their books.
@giveittomikey17 2 часа назад
You also need to know that your video is being censored. One minute I was on watching and the next minute it was gone. I went back to recover it and it had also been removed from my history. but it could be me because I get censored as well. Too many questionable comments I guess.
@catmeyer3 2 часа назад
The seals could not be opened until the Lamb that was slain. I always wondered why Christ's death didn't kick off the seals etc immediately because it starts with the Lamb that was slain being the only worthy one to do this. Why would there be a gap of 2000 years and counting
@janicetrumble9120 3 часа назад
"They" don't have to tell you. They tell you so you will create that world for them with your thoughts and actions. Casting spells. BROADcasting, FOREcasting etc.Our internal world is mirrored outside us. Collective consciousness creates the global experience.
@atravelerofbothtimespace4172 3 часа назад
Bible talks about " the Worm that wont stop"....yupyup
@giveittomikey17 3 часа назад
You are not crazy. God was preparing you for your future. Even if it’s with dreams and visions, that’s how it begins. He hast to put it in your heart first. That’s how he gives us the desires of our heart. It turns out that it’s really the desire of his heart. He’s awesome that way.
@atravelerofbothtimespace4172 3 часа назад
The scabies n lice originated in ancient egypt this seems and feels accurate this presentation Anyone w mrsa or staph knows the archonic feeling of being possesed by something feeding off youre life force = demonic
@danielbygrave9470 3 часа назад
If they are on the world stage then they was put there to play a role
@giveittomikey17 4 часа назад
Jupiter Ascending is a great movie that is filled with luciferian imagery. Talk about a conspiracy. The ultimate depopulation plan.
@giveittomikey17 4 часа назад
Knock it out of the ballpark commercial. Well done. I’d buy a book from you.😂
@user-ev1xj5sr9n 5 часов назад
Satan little Season First of all the transfiguration BY the simple fact Moses was dead for over 1400 years and Elijah had ascended in front of Elisha to Heaven 900 years prior to this Event "The transfiguration of Yashayah ( Jesus) which means Yasha ( Jesus) was GLORIFIED ( you know changed in twinkle of eye bit) in front of Peter, James & John AND They heard the voice of Yahawah ( God) from Heaven saying This is My Son and I am well Pleased With Him. So now let's address the OBVIOUS which seems to totally allude you ! The Scripture you refer to, which states the Words of Yasha ( Jesus) in Matthew 16:28 “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.” So yes some of His Disciples did get to see Him coming in His Kingdom right in front of THEM meaning Peter, James & John TO BE CLEAR Also combine THE FACT That Yasha ( Jesus) also concurred DEATH and rose after 3 days & 3 Nights FROM THE GRAVE. If these two EVENTS do not qualify for you as fulfilling Yasha's ( Jesus's) Words it is because you are of devil and serve HIS BIDDING Your arguments are so ridiculous with a reverse time line ( such a demonic signature might I add) and can only deceive someone who has never studied Scripture hens they are not of Yasha’s Kingdom anyway they already belong to Lucifer just like you. We were born in Satan's kingdom which has been for a very long time there was 9 other ages of 700 years EACH prior to ours and we are now at the end of the 10th and Lucifer’s reign is coming to end VERY SOON when Yasha's Reign will start. Satan's little season will happen AT THE END OF Yasha's Reign and it is so insignificant because HE NEVER RULES again like now he tries to destroy NEW JERUSALEM (The Holy City From Heaven Yasha is bringing with Him when He returns VERY SOON by way which is a HUGE Pyramid made of Gold you should really read 4Ezra in the Apocrypha. Anyway, satan gets obliterated on the spot for good in the lake of fire after his last poor attempt to attack Yasha’s people WHILE YASHA IS ON HIS EARTH WITH HIS PEOPLE that is what Scripture ACTUALLY SAYS. For the rest of your presentation as the serpent always does, he speaks SOME truths all the rest you say about all the deceptions of this world is true aside from the fact your time line is all wrong to fit your false Gospel of course. As a matter OF FACT, they erased 1000 years and lied about the events in another 1000 which have already past rounding it up here. The fake Jews in Israel today are in fact Turks who adopted Judaism as a political play back in the 5th century and have indeed nothing to do with Yahawah ( God) they are pedophiles of the synagogue of satan as written. The Empire of Tartaria was a civilisation who worshipped the 200 fallen ones from Enoch days who are now in Tartarus hens THE NAME. The Empire of Tartaria was destroyed when the reptilians the children hybrid of Lucifer took over middle earth from the old gods of Egypt ( bird heads, dog heads, cat heads ETC hybrids which are the children of another bunch of fallen ones as depicted on all the pyramids everywhere on Yah’s ( God) earth which is MUCH BIGGER than we were told past the ice wall of Antarctica. Look into Admiral Richard E Bird after he went past the wall they built a fake firmament on top of Yah’s Firmament so we wouldn’t fly out of middle earth to keep us in our prison. The change of guard between the VARIOUS factions of evil started when there was a celestial war which took place over Germany in the 15th century according to their time line. So we are in fact at the end of 6999 I contend because in case you didn’t know it was always a 7000 year Plan before Yasha’s return hens His Holy Sabbath on the 7 th Day OF EVERY WEEK correlation to name the Most Obvious. True Believers Observe it to show Yahawah their Allegiance with all of His Holy Torah which I am sure you know nothing about. Also at the End Of the Millennial Reign Of Yasha and AFTER satan's little season WE GET A NEW HEAVEN & NEW EARTH ONCE Yashayah (Jesus) shows up HE NEVER LEAVES AGAIN I left the best for last lol There is no way to pass this one unnoticed this is THE TRUE END of the Book when you have actually read it! Also your prayer at the end is incomplete & THIS PRAYER CANNOT SAVE ANYBODY you are a testimony to THIS FACT.
@Lizzyitis 6 часов назад
Love it ❤
@catmeyer3 6 часов назад
The bible says destined for man to only live once but what about a soul coming back in different bodies?
@originalchannel321 7 часов назад
So parasites are an earthy extension of devils/demons? Also you don’t need to do anything besides believe in Jesus, but being healthy is also good.
@catmeyer3 8 часов назад
In Rev 20 it talks of the Book of Life and in Rev 21 it mentions the Lamb's Book of Life. . Is this the same book?
@eglezinkute8240 9 часов назад
100% on the ball, externalisation of the hierarchy is key. However, Satan's army of gnostics is destroying itself before it can ever be assembled to fight. Have a look at how unhealthy, weak, depressed, suicidal and chaotic the followers of Satan are. The divine sense of humour is unmatched: the luciferians hate each other and themselves.
@bigweed6964 10 часов назад
very enlightening information I've been feeling erratic
@bunny_girl.905 10 часов назад
Alot of children these days have parsites and look how so mamy act. I parasite cleanse my whole family and pets. A lot of himeless people actung wild and crazy , when they are filmed naked , do many say you can see so many parasites sticking out of thier bums. America and the UK are the only countries who dont oarasite cleanse. If you have pets, especially cats you have parasite If you eat raw sushi - pqrasites If you have back door intercourse -parasiites -public restooms -parasites And if one has parasites the whole family has them. Drs dont test for them and sometimes cant find them. They don't teach about them. They peep their heads out of your butt and lay eggs in the opening causing anal itching. Headaches , eczema, craving sweets and breads cheese . Depression anxiety. Weak. Grinding teeth all signs of parasites .
@perry900 11 часов назад
Thought for a while they are leaving crumbs. Especially for the church. Leading in a certain direction. Think of the tower if Babylon. He got them to build a tower to go and fight God. In their thoughts they wanted to kill him. Round two perhaps in the merry go round of his schemes.
@jassy3334 13 часов назад
What if the army is not all human. If these so called particle accelerators all over world and portal "art" popping up are just that, portals. To bring the bunch from the other dimension into ours. Reckon there is lot of them?. Cause humans on earth today dont come close to sands of sea number... just a thought.
@brandonwhite4992 13 часов назад
I am not well versed in these things, but I have started listening to your videos and have found the small comments about reincarnation very interesting. I personally currently think reincarnation is what we are all experiencing. What are your thoughts about Buddhists, Hindus, etc. etc. who speak of reincarnation in a nearly scientific matter? Paramahansa Yogananda who is a family spiritual figure from India also had some very interesting thoughts on Jesus and adopted him as a saint of Kriya Yoga. Interested if you have any thoughts about any of this. Great channel. Enjoy your videos.
@kerri-mignon1196 14 часов назад
I think they are "Streisand effecting several things right now getting ready for some truth "balms" to drop. List? -Number one calls in US emergency - small island country who like a particular state in our Midwest - people who have a diet somewhat alarming to us. Many levels. Time for one last BBQ before summer ends? Former residents of a certain house back east and their connections with above mentioned island country. Gird up y'all. I think there's an energy maelstrom a coming. ;-)
@marvindelack4483 14 часов назад
Don't forget that Trump started the military branch "space force" govt never builds anything they don't plan on using. So I'm sure the alien agenda plays a.part soon.
@billycoo7916 14 часов назад
So many videos have been purged especially ones that warned of the Matreya and the trick of aliens etc. the response to the virus seemed like a beta test. The type of people who would shame you for not trusting the science will be the ones demanding and enforcing you trust the teacher and get the mark
@The_Missus 14 часов назад
Just wait till you look into cern and their demon/ghost particles.
@elusivemayfly7534 14 часов назад
Hey Paul, have you come across the work of Father Stephen De Young on the ritual to conceive Nephilim? He’s discovered the same ritual was essentially done world-wide and some version is still done in at least one country. He’s an Eastern Orthodox priest and also co-hosts a podcast called “Lord of Spirits” you might like. Different subject, have you read CS Lewis’s “That Hideous Strength?” It is incredible the connections this book published in the late 1940s has to the state of things today. Sorry if you have talked about either of these topics previously! I’m a new viewer :-)
@uconspiracy 8 часов назад
I loved the space trilogy after reading it! a lot of gold insight in those book especially the last one.
@jopalmer777 8 часов назад
​@@uconspiracyHi Paul, have you ever uncovered where the idea of the Antichrist being born on the 4th (or 5th) February 1962 originated from? Every so often a news article will bring it up again, but I don't know from where that idea first started. Thanks and cheers from Australia 🦘 🙏
@elusivemayfly7534 5 часов назад
@@uconspiracy I love them, too! Hope you are feeling better. God bless you and your family!
@615legend1991 14 часов назад
Gnostic scrolls was found in such a weird way lol
@dianna0307 15 часов назад
I'm interested to hear you theology with you teaching it with the Bible.
@MikeJones-vv5uy 15 часов назад
Paul, you are an excellent story teller. Maybe you should write a book or something 😁. Love your videos, man. Keep it up.
@dianna0307 15 часов назад
So do you not thing God (Jesus) is not coming back?
@elusivemayfly7534 13 часов назад
He does, he just thinks the “Second Coming” and Millennial reign already happened. So the next thing would be Christ leading the final battle against evil and establishing a new heaven and earth. At least that is what I understand him to be saying. I don’t know “when” we are, but I know Jesus is with us and fulfills His promises in ways too wonderful for us to ask or imagine. ❤
@PaulCapello 15 часов назад
All of my dreams since I was a child has been about architecture. I would fly around beautiful cities, and land on brick buildings. Go in the windows to explore the inside.
@DouglasMosley759 15 часов назад
I read “The Externalization of the Hierarchy” back I the 80s. I wondered back then who these ascended masters were that she kept talking about. I realize now they’re all fallen angels and I believe many of them appear now as various public figures.
@jamesh.osasinchrist6810 16 часов назад
Not trying to get banned or get anyone in trouble , what the hell is the T - pocalypse thing mentioned in the show
@MikeJones-vv5uy 15 часов назад
Someone, please tell!
@AlejandroAdria 13 часов назад
It's the biggest threat. Basically, they've been putting inv3rts in positions of power for centuries. Everyone, from politicians to scientists is an actor of the opposite gender. It's 100% true and extremely scary. They do it to push agendas and attitudes on men and women using someone who doesn't belong to the group. Watch for the V sign. They believe b4phomet inversi0n is the biggest form of alchemy and strength, having both genders in one. They can even be friends or neighbors. Search for anatomical markers and take care.
@jaybee5177 13 часов назад
Yep I’m lost too and not having any luck with web searches either.
@cheryls.5251 16 часов назад
It’s one thing if you got tattoos before Christ, but you should not be getting them after Him. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. You should not purposely defile it. Leviticus talks about Tattoos. I believe it was Derek Gilbert that talked about the connection between tattoos and the false religions of the fallen ones.
@op-pv2nn 16 часов назад
You’re on the right track, it’s a spiritual kingdom, not an earthly kingdom. Check out Tudor Alexander. He’s done fantastic biblical research on this topic.
@cheryls.5251 16 часов назад
Who is this Ritchie guy people were talking about in chat? Paul is right about him hurrying to be a minister is bad. He needs to learn about Jesus first. If he’s getting body modification procedures, then he really needs to read the scriptures.
@jaymac7907 13 часов назад
Same I would like to know who he is
@user-is1lf3qu1e 16 часов назад
Thing is if you already know jesus,you llknow the difference.
@user-is1lf3qu1e 16 часов назад
The camp of the saints is refering to israel,islam is planning mass attack,7th was test run
@1lucy16 16 часов назад
Your view on prayer is exactly how I feel. It's just nice to hear someone else feels the same way.
@00leaveralone 16 часов назад
Good talk. Spot on. Perhaps Lucis trust telescope publishing corporation used us truthers to distribute the cliff’s notes version of the knowledge of the tree of good & evil.
@zack_fick 16 часов назад
The lights in the night sky up north is a message from Christ He is here waiting for Satans season to come to fruition. Satan is getting close. Ready for war soon.
@stevepeterson4634 16 часов назад