The Irish Republican Socialist Party is a working class revolutionary party established in 1974 in the tradition of Tone, Marx, Lenin, Connolly, Mellows, Costello and Ta Power that leads the Republican Socialist Movement towards the objective of establishing a 32-county Workers Republic.
44 years ago today! Forty-four years ago, today (Kiwi time) Ronnie and Noel were murdered, Suzanne was gravely injured. I sat with Suzanne whilst she told me of the day when her husband Ronnie Bunting and Noel Little were assassinated and there was no doubt whatsoever in Suzanne's mind that the assailants were well trained, military hitmen. The Brits broke into their home spraying bullets around wantonly wounding all three of them, then they systematically went over to Noel and Ronnie's body's after wounding them and added execution shots to ensure they were dead. They didn't do the same to Suzanne because part of her face had been effectively blown off and they assumed she was dead. It was one of the most brutal stories I have ever heard and I heard it from the only surviving witness. I think it was a revenge killing ordered by Thatcher after the courageous INLA had blown up the arch bigot and racist Tory MP Airey Neave at the House of Commons in one of the truly great military operations of the war.
a united ireland should be for every irish person irrespective of class . saying the national question and class struggle are one of the same is wrong .
Irish Republicanism was after all mostly founded by protestants like Wolfe Tone. This was at a time when Presbyterians were subjected to some discrimination by the Anglican establishment in Ireland.
Anti fascists know that the only way to deal with bigots organising like this, to divide the working class and do the bidding of the right wing media and big bosses, is to fight them on the streets and oppose them physically, ideologically and as soon as possible.
Can you provide any evidence of anyone associated with the IRSM of dealing drugs? Bizarrely whenever anyone makes that claim that they are drug dealers it's always without foundation. Where are all the members across 50 years of existence of the IRSM that have been convicted of drug offences? Where are they? You'd think the British state would love to give one of its mortal enemies a blood nose and show them up in court and destroy their reputation in their own communities, but that never happens.
I've been trying to find information about how or why Ronnie Bunting became an OIRA volunteer. His father was firmly on the other side. Was it just "screw you dad"?
I’m originally from carrickfergus but I am myself a republican and heavily believe that our northern counties need socialism to survive. Would anyone have a problem with a man (with my origins) joining up
The strategy of assassinating organic leadership and facilitating the rise of opportunists, egoists and outright enemies and collaborators proved extremely effective. Learn the lesson comrades. Even the best organized and operated armed struggle campaign runs the risk of soaking up all the energy of the movement and the form of struggle (use of arms) becomes the end-itself, instead of the real goal, building the power of the working class so it can become the ruling class and transition to a more free, equal, and democratic form of humanity. Then consider, the armed struggle campaign operating in less than ideal conditions, with a powerful, well resources enemy, with a working class buried under multiple layers of deep subsumption and ID oppression - what chance does an armed struggle OFFENSIVE campaign have in being effective in being the primary vehichle for the working class becoming the ruling class? With that said, self-defense of one's self, friends, comrades, organizations, wider movement, communities, and working class as a whole is an involuable in irrevocable human right.
Big John always spoke so highly off you, and with a wry smile that said you were a decent honest and true Republican Socialist. He counted you as a true comrade, and I knew at once he respected you Ray. ATB Tmac
Disgruntled republicans went looking Martin MCILKERNY with flick bats ..this was an article in local west Belfast newspaper around the time of Marty macs suicide, FACTS.. IT WASN'T DISGRUNTLED REPUBLICANS AT ALL IT WAS HIS TWO ELDEST SONS EUGENE AND MARTIN JR AFTER THEIR YOUNGEST BROTHER COME OUT WITH THE TRUTH ABOUT DADDYS BIG SECRET.. INLA YOUR A CANCER IN OUR AREA STOP MICHEAL KELLY'S Facebook VIDEOS ITS GETTING embarrassing
Great Republican great human being who wanted nothing more than Ireland strong United and fair to everyone who lived here , taken by anti Republican British collaborators. Missed by all who knew him a loss to Ireland’s cause .
These British crown forces scum.are not in their keeping peace in nationalist areas. They are very often in the area with other more sinister reasons to gather information on our daily lives and movements and report back to the loyalist death squads .