David Griffiths
David Griffiths
David Griffiths
David Griffiths is a member of two of Australia’s leading chamber music ensembles, the Australia Ensemble@UNSW and Ensemble Liaison. He also holds the position of Senior Lecturer in Music (Clarinet) at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, the University of Melbourne.
As a member of Ensemble Liaison, he curates and performs an annual three-concert series at the Elisabeth Murdoch Hall at the Melbourne Recital Centre. He has also performed with the New Zealand, Goldner, Tinalley and Australian String Quartets. He has appeared at many festivals including the Australian Festival of Chamber Music in Townsville, Port Fairy Spring Music Festival, and the Woodend Winter Arts Festival. His performances are frequently broadcast on ABC Classic FM and the MBS networks. He has appeared as Guest Principal clarinet with all of Australia’s major symphony orchestras. He is a Backun Clarinet performing artist.