Games Don't Like Me
Games Don't Like Me
Games Don't Like Me
@serotonin.scavenger 4 месяца назад
Kinsect only builds with these kinsects are super viable.
@familyflamerich4541 7 месяцев назад
you know you can turn off like half the hud with no consequence, right? the minimap is hard to read and the combo list just clutters things up late game when you already know the combos. if you turn them off in the options you'll see it's a bit more fun to see more of the game, a to actually pull out the map a few times. also, it makes great maps feel larger.
@gamesdontlikeme 6 месяцев назад
I am aware that you can customize the HUD. You can toggle off every individual piece, that’s how I’ve taken a few of my thumbnail pictures. Most everything was left on for the sake of this being a tutorial video, as not everyone is familiar with the game or insect glaive to that extent
@TheLionFireGod 9 месяцев назад
I'm new to monster hunter and I end up with this sleep/poison/paralysis build on instinct, it's way too fun. ofc I don't have the things to make the effects proc faster but still very fun
@nokenel Год назад
I picked fleethammer for the aesthetic initially but didnt kniw it could do this
@SPIDERMANTVkabenom Год назад
This is the same as crit boost just notice that lvl 1 add+30 raw +2-3 only add a combined 15 raw. Better use agitator for the rest of the slots
@QwertyRulz2 Год назад
Hmm...y'know, on more mobile enemies where I find that even with the refill powder from Boosted Powder Extract that I drop the triple charge, these now seem pretty decent! -- TOTALLY related to this completely and not only tangentially: I think that the Kinsect: Harvest and Kinsect: Recall abilities having the same sound effect is very much a bad choice. Because sometimes I accidentally hit the wrong button in the heat of the moment and go, "Wait, which one did I do?" because the instinctual sound association is gone besides, "I did **a** thing, at least."
@ultimate_pleb Год назад
i looked this up as a joke but the madlad actually did it
I main kinsect in mhw so seeing this in rise is awsome! I dont have a switch but i feel how you feel
@ronk.1528 2 года назад
Awesome vid! I had no idea, how strong speed kinsects could be.
@saiter6010 2 года назад
hey nice video, can you tell me what kinsect have more stun potential between fleetflammer and gleambeetle
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
It really depends how you use them! Fleetflammer when charged has a slight advantage over other non-chargeable blunt kinsects, both from a sheathed position and when using kinsect slash. The absolute fastest way to apply stun to a monster though is by kinsect slashing with bullshroud and connecting with the entire charged attack, but the charged combo stays in one place and can often miss if the monster decides to move. So the main benefit of using fleetflammer is that the unsheathed chasing attack can pierce the monster and hit multiple times from a surprisingly far distance away. The easiest way to focus on stunning with your kinsect is to leave fleetflammer out, mark the monster’s face, and then perform piercing charged attacks from a distance. Otherwise, if you find yourself sticking to aerial combat exclusively, the difference between fleetflammer and gleambeetle are nearly indistinguishable. Your best option for using gleambeetle is with a grounded playstyle, fleetflammer offers a hybrid option with easy remote stuns, and bullshroud is ideal for an aerial focused build with accurate gameplay. I hope this helps!
@saiter6010 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme Interesting point of view, thanks for the reply :)
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
Of course, happy to help!
@dorian1593 2 года назад
Level 1 of this skill is actually very good
@TgfkaTrichter 2 года назад
Informative video, but I still think, that the utility and or damage of the other two bugs beat the speedy one. Powder heals you, is fun to use and can hit for really serious numbers and assist works great with the new air moves and allows you to maintain your buffs all the time. If the blut speedy boy would also do elemental damage, it might be worth considering, but so, I think not.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
I think the main benefit of using fleetflammer is the ability to refresh the charge while it’s in the air, and that the piercing attack can travel a surprisingly long distance and hits multiple times. For anyone who likes to apply stun by marking the face and spamming kinsect attacks from a distance, fleetflammer is ideal. It’s also great for anyone who incorporates kinsect canceling into grounded combos for some extra stun and potential damage. Foliacath also does elemental damage as a severing type, and you can get some pretty impressive damage with the right weapon. It’s all personal preference though, I think they all have their benefits in the right context. Whatever feels right and is fun to use!
@TgfkaTrichter 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme I stick with powder, that ist im more fun and also quite strong. Assist seems to be the damage meta, but I Like the extra Helling you geht from powder too much. Assist kinsects get the biggest benefit from the new air options though and are IMO the best choice against smaller monsters like Rajang. But the most imporant thing about the new kinsects is, that you are no longer restricted to dual color powder like in base Rise, in which dual color powder has beaten everything else by a Long shot.
@MrKbutler5 2 года назад
Hello! How do you unlock the rarity 10 weapon for this build? Thank ylu
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
You’ll need one glimmering shell from a master rank Valstrax to fully upgrade!
@MrKbutler5 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme thank you!
@bismaeliaz 2 года назад
Just found your channel and am loving it! I like how you make sets with comfort, fun, or why not skills. Refreshing from all other sets I see with pure damage focus. My constitution will have to be pried from my cold dead hands!
@sparkraido 2 года назад
So we are better using chain crit 1 but chain crit 2 and 3 are if we can
@gabrielalexander7119 2 года назад
Can’t wait to see this updated with TU1 stuff
@origamikamiful 2 года назад
My mind is blown. I totally misunderstood how hellfire cloak works til i watched this. Tysm! I will absolutely be testing this with my elemIG build
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
It’s a ton of fun for IG, and with the new slot upgrades you can basically put magna soul on anything now!
@origamikamiful 2 года назад
really looking forward to IG builds from you!
@AkantorCZ 2 года назад
It's still pretty decent choice for weapons with lower base elemental damage. I mean +7 flat element isn't that bad. Extra raw is just a bonus. Lets say your weapon has 30 elemental damage... +5% elemental damage bonus (i.e. critical element) gives you only +1.5 element. But yeah level one is the most efficient investment for sure. Honestly this is common among many other sunbreak skills (Dereliction, Bloodlust, Mail of Hellfire, etc.)
@eeveeeevee610 2 года назад
Have you considered bubbly dance? Talisman required bubby dance 3 and at least one coalescence Use the frenzy helm for the other 2 points of coalescence and now you'll have a build with 100% up time on both resuscitate and coalescence plus bubbly dance gives you good effects. Extra 15% status on coalescence is very strong, plus the 18 raw and 20 more raw and having 100% waterblight uptime is too hard to ignore (I recommend a status build, I use blast because terostra blessing can stack on blast attack and coalescence.
@eeveeeevee610 2 года назад
I've also forgotten to mention, using dereliction will also boost the status while in red scroll and since we're getting even more blast, there's also kinsect time to consider. A lv 14 blast heal powder vortex kinsect with textaseal slash will deal over 1,000 per basic combo and build up power in the air, and will also heal all the damage taken from bloodlust and dereliction (no fish required) all while also still having red health lost for resentment so always be consistent. Build is what I use, while using the Scorned Magnomalo Insect Glave for a great blast weapon with 2 2 slots decorations (the build is very demanding for extra slots) and even more importantly.... Tesora soul for even more percentage on blast
@eeveeeevee610 2 года назад
Obviously have blast 3 as well. (Which we all know from the image they revealed will be able to be put on curios crafting armor pieces coming in prob 2 days. So 3 slots decos are gonna be freed up and can be used for more handy skills like level 3 protective polish.
@eeveeeevee610 2 года назад
Crit eye 6 Resuscitate 3 Weakness exploit 3 Blast attack 3 Bubbly dance 3 Coalescence 3 Resentment 2 Speed sharpening 3 Critical boost 1 Teosra blessing 1 Dereliction 1 Bloodlust 1 Chain Crit 1
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
My Chameleos build that I posted right before this one uses bubbly dance with coalescence! Very good combo
@eeveeeevee610 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme You've just earned yourself a sub
@gavinerickson9392 2 года назад
You can just pull this off of a counter and then spam jump attacks midair till you can't, each gives you a huge damage buff, and then do the dive. In base Rise you could do 1000-1200 damage per dive easily.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
This was recorded in base rise over a year ago! That’s the basis of what’s happening here, but there’s a few other important factors. Maintaining sharpness by hitting the dummy only once per JAS, landing the dive before counterstrike wears off but also after the dummy has been put to sleep, and landing a crit to name a few. In the tutorial video I posted last year, I was able to hit for over 2700, which at the time was abnormally high for IG. In Sunbreak it’s very possible to break 4000 using a similar set up
@Cap_The_Captain 2 года назад
Been rockin an afflicted elemental IG for some time in Sunbreak now, glad to see peeps are also figuring this out too😎 Mine uses Elemental Attack 5 Hellfire cloak 4 Resuscitate 3 Weakness Exploit 3 Critical Element 3 Coalescence 3 Bloodlust 3 Chain Crit 2 Mail of Hellfire 1 With either razor sharp 3 or protective polish 2 depending on the IG's sharpness. 2 points of handicraft depending on the IG's sharpness. Swapping out the sharpness related decos for something like critboost for whenever im in multiplayer & someones using that sexy Malzeno HH. I also use the Bilbobrix to pop off a nice 1-1.5k explosion immediately following an Awakened Kinsect attack. The airial damage against proper hitzones is NASTY (even more nasty than ground in most cases) The ground damage against proper hitzones is NASTY And popping off all the explosions is NASTY xD Can't wait for the augmentations to roll around in TU1 to make it even more broken!
@CriticalChaosx 2 года назад
What does your build have for armor and weapon?
@Cap_The_Captain 2 года назад
@@CriticalChaosx apologies I've only just seen this xD Arc Helm Arc Chest Arc Arms Sinister Grudge waist Arc Legs Talisman: Chain crit 2 with a 3 & 1 slot. IG's used for each element: Darkmorse or Whiplash Stock (dragon) Fiery Rath (Fire) Eventide Kazanagu+ (water) Daora's Samudra (Ice) Skysoar Flash (Thunder) I also have a variation of the build for raw, blast & poison using: Maneater (Raw) uses the Regios Vambraces instead for handicraft to white sharpness. Devil's Halberd (Blast) uses Mizutsune braces X. Veil Caster (Poison) uses Bnahabra gloves X. Each build for each weapon differs slightly as some allow for a few small extras here & there, but the main skills all remain the same! You can probably use other glaives, i just selected these based off of my own preferences, but making sure they all have a lv2 rampage slot for Magnamalo soul.
@mikerivera2437 2 года назад
The skill isn't misleading. It also doesn't add less at higher ranks. It always adds 5 raw and 5 element at every level. The discrepancy is coming from the percentage increases from the attack skills you have on.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
I’ve tested without any percentage based skills and it behaves identically. It adds 5 raw and element at level one after only 1 hit. Future levels don’t increase that static buff, but they do increase the amount of attack added by hitting the monster 5 times, only slightly for insect glaive at each level, from +10 and +8 to +15 and +15 at level 3. It’s misleading because it suggests a “huge” buff that would encourage players to use it over many level 2 skills with equal or higher value. It’s a challenging skill to obtain, being only available on armor and talismans, so my point was suggesting that other and potentially more viable options exist that only use level 1 and wouldn’t force you to choose a specific talisman or armor set. There are fantastic elemental ig set ups that use 3 chain crit, but you don’t necessarily need 3 levels to benefit from the skill
@mikerivera2437 2 года назад
Except your values aren't adding up. The only weapons that have different values for chain crit are ranged weapons and Dual blades. With bows getting 10 raw and 10 element, guns getting just 10 raw, and dual blades getting 15 raw and 12 element. Also it's wierd that you just lost 20% affinity after you started the video. What did you replace your decos with that caused such a drop in affinity?
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
Maximum might is active at full stamina. I’m not sure what you mean by values adding up
@MapleCoveredWaffles 2 года назад
I am running a similar build as this. I run some chameleos armor with it to get the chameleos blessing for long poison time and some poison attack built in. Cool stuff tho!
@blankblank6214 2 года назад
thats a pretty small number
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
It definitely is now! This was in the base game about a year ago
@blankblank6214 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme based game greatsword be like
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
I mean ofc a giant sword hits for higher numbers lol, I don’t see your point 😅
@midzisupremo7601 2 года назад
Awesome vid! Look forward to your next video. I am trying your chameleos ig and have tons of fun!
@Spin0saure 2 года назад
@ranielflores2529 2 года назад
I almost always use the “he who must not be named” boss waist armor, so… i’m always at crit lv 2
@platzstarlight 2 года назад
I just got a Foray 2, poison attack 2 with 3/1/1 slot talisman so I can try this out.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
Wow that’s a really good charm, very cool!
@Glarblenuck 2 года назад
I liked it for Dual Blades in Generations quite a bit. Massive difference between Chain Crit in this and in Generations though.
@triplezeroxz5875 2 года назад
I play aerial glaive but I use kinsect slash. This looks more optimized for jump slash and idk if I want to make that switch yet
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
The charged attack damage actually affects the follow up attack that the bug does after kinsect slash, so you can also get a lot of use by just poking the monster to death with it. JAS is cool because you can do the piercing recall / released charged attack, but a Kinsect Slash only playstyle with these is 100% valid, especially with fleetflammer for added stun damage. Although I will say you might prefer bullshroud and grancathar for the chain attack, I tend to interchange them
@InternetChromer 2 года назад
Ah nice good to know. Ty for that.
@ylibertis3678 2 года назад
Simple and concise. Need more of these informative shorts.
@AdAce21 2 года назад
This was my favorite glaive in 4U. Awesome to see it in Sunbreak (I do wish Rise was on SX/PS5. I really wanna play it)
@Spin0saure 2 года назад
Keep the IG builds coming ! It has never felt so good to be an IG main since MH4U. Truly amazed by the complete (and well needed) rework of the kinsect and the weapon as a whole. It’s going to be hard to switch to another weapon for a while ! 🤣
@TheUltimaGhost 2 года назад
Any options for some who never got a talisman with Foray?
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
A talisman with two level 2 slots will work! Slot the last bubbly dance and crit eye and you’ll be hitting for 90% affinity, which is still great
@weebthatlifts5750 2 года назад
Wow Now I need to rethink my build Thanks for this
@ceebie77 2 года назад
This was extremely helpful, thanks!
@BaronSterling 2 года назад
Okay, +15 raw isn't much to write home about. But +15 _element_ is significant for elemental weapons and playstyle.
@soloplaysgames9965 2 года назад
Yeah try and boost your element attack with gems and you'll see just how little it gives you.
@soloplaysgames9965 2 года назад
@@SeekerOfTux No one said it was a bad skill. What are you on about? Also my comment is about how little element bonus you get in terms of gems until you get a percentage boost. Hell even augmenting elemental only gives 3 to start so I was agreeing 15+ element was a good amount.
@SomeScruffian 2 года назад
Chain Crit: _adds no affinity_ *_hard bruh_*
@RokazRavenne 2 года назад
Yeah… knowing back in generation you actually get affinity boost instead
@ArcticWolfGod 2 года назад
Damn, and I even used talisman for some build to get Chain Crit maxed.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
It’s still pretty good for an elemental build, nothing wrong with sacrificing a little bit of damage to test a skill you like!
@cabbageking526 2 года назад
Ah finally another ig player. We must stick together
@katondragonrider 2 года назад
Id say this gives chain crit a bigger boon. any talisman that just has Lvl 1 Chain crit attached makes it very good for DB and IG
@spence6195 2 года назад
This Kinsect requires too much focus, I'll stick with Powder
@illuminatilord4291 2 года назад
I did this too just yesterday what was your clear time ?
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
This just randomly happened while testing fleetflammer tbh, but I’m planning to do every monster soon with either bilbobrix or foliacath if the damage is high enough. How fast were you able to get it done?
@CensorShtTube 2 года назад
Subbed. Ty for the info.
@MrCrypto137 2 года назад
Man and i thought my Lvl 2 Chain Crit + Lvl 2 Slot Talisman is good :(
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
Definitely still a good talisman! You can max chain crit with an armor piece and go for an elemental build, for a lot of weapons that would be perfect
@hazelr29 2 года назад
I just did this with monarch alucanid and did it in 21 minutes. it was on an MR save, but I only used high rank gear and decos, so I don't think I had any MR related buffs, at least I'm pretty sure. I just spammed the basic attack and made sure to keep up the kinsect stamina buff from the recall kinsect silkbind. the high power stat on the bug really helps those little hits add up if you just keep spamming. my set was: abyssal storm glaive monarch alucanid mizuha cap (defense jewel 1) narwa's breastplate almudron vambraces S (steadfast jewel 1 x2) nargacuga coil S (evasion jewel 2) barioth greaves S (enhancer jewel 2, steadfast jewel 1) dragon attack 2, wirebug whisperer 2 2-2-0 charm (wirebug jewel 2, jumping jewel 2) again, I don't think I had any MR related buffs to my damage but I could be wrong. this was actually kinda fun
@hazelr29 2 года назад
oh, I forgot to mention I got 3 wyvern rides (valstrax, magnamalo, tigrex) so that definitely helped a LOT haha
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
Very cool, I agree Valstrax is a fun fight to learn. Doing this made the MR version way easier lol
@hazelr29 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme yeah, he's really fun in rise. I actually really like the kinsect only playstyle, it's very safe since you can just stay away from the monster and and have the bug spam attacks. i imagine that it would be even more viable with the new speed and powder kinsects as well as the new kinsect yeet silkbind, if you want to count that as kinsect only
@raphael2012 2 года назад
Nice video
@Kanstar 2 года назад
Seems misleading to say it’s not worth it. This might be the case for IG but other weapons may get q substantial boost.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
The video description and content of my video are both specific to IG, I had no intention to mislead anyone
@Kanstar 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme Whoops! Sorry.
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
No worries at all! I believe elemental DB, CB, and Swaxe can all still be really good with chain crit 3, but IG and any of the ranged weapons have this problem apparently
@Kanstar 2 года назад
@@gamesdontlikeme what of HH mains?
@gamesdontlikeme 2 года назад
Could also be a great idea simply because of how many hits don’t benefit from crit damage if you have the space / talisman for it