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ChartMill US
Why a stock screener?

Scanning the stock markets for specific shares that meet a number of parameters can be done both manually or with a stock screener. And yes, the result should be exactly the same. Nevertheless, there are some important differences that make the use of a good screener recommended.

The most obvious reason is the time it takes to scan the stock markets. If you use for example several different technical and fundamental filters, you would have to run them all, individually, to thousands of individual stocks. And of course, manual scanning is more error-sensitive when compared to using a stock screener.

What is more, there is a fairly good chance that - because things are going so slowly - you will settle for candidates who are actually not good enough.

A stock screener such as ChartMill is used to avoid these things. ChartMill is an online Technical and Fundamental Analysis website with sophisticated in-depth scanning, charting and analysis tools.

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