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Why I LOVE Ultimate Spider-Man
2 месяца назад
Why I LOVE X-Men '97
3 месяца назад
@MinasTsambanis 2 часа назад
Mnstash, You might be interested to know that this issue plays a significant role in my upcoming novel's two final chapters. I absolutely adore Spider-Man.
@MinasTsambanis 2 часа назад
Spider-Man along with Sailor Moon and... a Greek folk song were the reasons I started to write. My novel, The Scarlet Fighter: Hero which I finishing shortly contains a chapter that acts as a homage to Stan Lee's legacy.
@DisneyGirl2004 4 часа назад
he's leaving in november hopefully
@jonathanl-j4i 3 часа назад
Life ain't that kind. But we'll see if the rumours are true. Though at this rate we'll get Quesada back.
@Dragonballfan824 5 часов назад
Bro, Nick if you want Pete to be Relatable LET HIM GROW!! And why? Cause Y’know people grow!!
@ihasankles6737 7 часов назад
something is telling me that peter gotta ditch the pico tech suit and went back to the frabic suit
@mnstash 6 часов назад
In this he’s never had a fabric suit so I’d love for a scene to have MJ make him one
@bulletxwound3559 8 часов назад
And yet people will still keep buying asm🤦‍♂️ it's been so trash for years now that I can't understand why people still buy it
@bulletxwound3559 8 часов назад
Man I haven't read asm since the first nick spencer issue. Spider-man comics with the exception of ultimate are so trash now😭
@rubenvideo3188 9 часов назад
After what he done to Tombstone turn him from a good father into try murder his own daughter, its sickened me more and i propose we quit following current marvel crapp story and made our own. Because its pointless to lash out to those blockhead marvel bosses who turn deaf ear on us.
@blairbrown4812 9 часов назад
"...and considering that his protégé's Zeb Wells, that saying something..."
@yonkouaquaman4969 11 часов назад
If they can’t sell Spider-Man why would they think they can sell a MJ and Paul story
@mnstash 8 часов назад
It’s beyond all of us at this point
@Vader616 18 часов назад
Seeing all this hate on Nick Lowe, makes me want to be a comic writer but I need someone to draw, because I can’t draw.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
I’m shocking at drawing free hand I need a reference 😭 maybe ask thru reddit
@BrandontheAwesome 8 часов назад
@@Vader616 I'm okay at drawing.
@Bubblegob День назад
I mean... While I'm all for Spider-Man having more character devlopment for me it doesn't really have to be marriage and kids, the guy could die alone for all it matters it just has to be good and interesting.
@mnstash День назад
Even if it’s not the marriage and kids route he still admitted that any form of development won’t happen. Under Nick Lowe Spider-Man will never evolve and he’s proven it
@DaYapGuy День назад
9:05 FUN FACT : That's how Sonic The Hedgehog operates. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 😂😂 !! It's not the same thing...!! Nick, if you want to write universal stories, then write a Sonic game bruh.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Sonics even treated with more respect by his company😭
@DaYapGuy 8 часов назад
​@@mnstashEspecially now. Plus, it actually works with the series !
@rafaelteodoro5687 День назад
Lowe just straight up used dead creators to shield himself and flat out lied about their ideas for the character. That's insanely disrespectful. The writers may be far from the best but this guy is the real poison for the title. As long as he's in charge, no matter who's writing, things won't change
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Yep this comic was a massive eye opener to just how stupid and downright evil the man in charge is
@marvelfuture2057 День назад
So basically they don't give a fuc*** to give a great develop to spiderman? Even if the people and almost everyone on the fandom wants that and wants peter to have a family but they can't do it because they want spider man to be for ALL GeNeRaTiOn? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 man scr*** Nick lowe l mean they can make more alternate versions of spider man to make him suffer as long as they want outside of the 616 but noo lets keep making suffering the 616 peter even if he is a grown man already wow. They just nailed.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Don’t they realise that trying to make him relatable to literally everyone is basically impossible and when forced just ruins the character…like this entire volume
@marvelfuture2057 6 часов назад
@@mnstash yeah but hey is 616 marvel spider man they are gonna make him suffer more.. 😂😭😭😭😭at this point l think marvel hate spider man in secret and the only way to indirectly show that is through the comics to make him suffer more.
@saiyajinbeard День назад
Nick Lowe is an actual embarrassment
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Using dead creators names with something he has no clue about to prove a point😭
@Emperor_Turles День назад
it just diss stans he says and always peter would never have a kid sidekick,,, and dan dont even care
@Melvinshermen День назад
Jms is hit and miss, i never been Babylon 5 Guy. I like amazing Spider-Man hate one more day even it not his fault. I thought real ghostbuster was pretty good.
@SkullRy_Comics День назад
Hey Nick Lowe, knock it off!
@mnstash День назад
Why haven’t we tried that yet?
@valiantparagonvideos2383 День назад
I just want to point out the thing that leaked from this issue was the letters page and has been 90% of the discussion. The actual comic is entirely uninteresting to people.
@jonathanl-j4i День назад
That’s very likely why they did the letter. Boris Johnson used to call this the dead cat strategy. If you want to distract everyone from other crap you don’t want them to focus on you throw a dead cat down on the table. Soon no one will be talking about anything else.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Yeah we’ve even gotten to a point in zebs writing where the issues are just meh at best literally they have no substance
@SkullRy_Comics День назад
I stand with Nick from New Zealand! 🕸
@mnstash День назад
Can we get a superior nick thing going
@spiderbro617 День назад
Believe me, I’m already done with this book! I stopped picking up ASM issues since issue 55. I’m spending my money on better stuff (ps. the X-Men relaunch is amazing). I just can’t wait for this horrid run and volume to end soon. Nick and Zeb don’t understand this character whatsoever, if I were in charge of Marvel, I would have fired them ages ago. I just can’t bear to see this character I’ve loved for my whole life get ruined like this. I mean, sure the Tombstone stuff is bearable, but Tombstone in opinion can be a threat, but not on the kingpin level.
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@spiderbro617 Try watching all your favorite franchises go down the gutter. THAT will cause you some heartache right there!
@spiderbro617 День назад
@@BrandontheAwesome Yeah, I hear you, man. That must be tough…
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@spiderbro617 Like you wouldn't believe... Heck, my exhama has broken out due to how stressed I've been about it.
@spiderbro617 День назад
@@BrandontheAwesome Dang…that must be really rough for you…
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@spiderbro617 Like you wouldn't believe. But hey, having friends like you helps get through it.
@michawawrzkiewiczmicha7073 День назад
As for Nick Lowe, he is a living example of the fact that PRIDE IS THE GREATEST OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS.
@MinasTsambanis День назад
Both Kaine and Ben had their own titles (and both titles were actually pretty good) but the sales were not sustainable.
@mnstash День назад
Real shame
@justluka7590 День назад
whats with Wells and Tombstone i dont get it
@thedukeofchutney468 День назад
What’s with Wells period? I just don’t get the guy. On rare occasion he can write a good Peter/Spider-Man but 90% of the time it’s Sins Past levels of Garbage.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
I swear he’s only watched the rami movies and the spectacular show
@MinasTsambanis День назад
ASM was again a top seller for Marvel. If you have issues with the series then it's pretty simple... STOP BUYING it. You are giving them exactly what they want. You also give them the ground to be rude.
@thedukeofchutney468 День назад
I honestly think this is a lie Marvel Editorial has made up or they’re cooking the books. I haven’t met a single person who would buy this trash nor even anyone who doesn’t explicitly hate it (besides one Redditor who said it was mediocre). I’m not a conspiracy guy but something isn’t adding up.
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@thedukeofchutney468 Marvel hasn't been displaying their numbers for years now. People have been going off estimates.
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@MinasTsambanis If he stops buying it, how can he review it? Please see yourself out.
@mnstash День назад
Ive never seen them sold at any comic store I go too i literally have photos of stacks and stacks of current issues just sitting there on the shelf. They can lie about numbers, but they can’t fake whats on the shelf
@mnstash День назад
I get it a lot and it really confuses me especially because if people would actually just go to their local comic store they’d see that these books don’t sell at all but also because there’s ways of reading issues without buying it too. Whether it’s a subscription or other outlets
@joshuaoneal233 День назад
Guess that also explains why the other Nick (Nick Spencer) couldn't undo One More Day but Sins Past.
@jonathanl-j4i День назад
It’s really weird, it was so apparent that Nick S was pushing an MJ and Peter narrative right from the start of the run, about reuniting them. How Nick L didn’t clock that until right near the end and squashed the very obvious attempt to set up a reversal of OMD when he forced Nick S to change the story is just so so weird.
@tatalsaba День назад
Tombstone getting out on Bail, seriously? A man so associated with gangs and violence it's practically genetic, and he's out on bail, no explanation or reasoning why, he just is. And how the hell did he know that Janice hadn't been moved? Why wouldn't the heroes move Janice when there's a perfect distraction right there? Who would think it was smart to have her stationary and with normal bodyguards when her dad is a superpowered psychopath? I don't even think Janice is being camera monitored with the low level of competency that's shown here. As for the whole Peter Parker has to be kept relateable for as many as possible so they make him static with nothing new really happening, Zeb Wells turned Peter 30, Superior Spider-man ruined more than it helped, and Beyond is just a love letter to Ben Reily that's left him more twisted than any of Spider-man's other clones and even corrupted Dr. Kafka, the only good thing about that trend is that crap stories can be ignored down the line, like Wells' entire run.
@BoudewijnPiet День назад
Well ..i think there are some fans out there who need to man up and take a break from the asm run. Now would be the perfect time for it. Lets face it Joe Kelly is not going to be our hero and saviour, he is cut from the same cloth as Zeb Smells a yes man. The whole premise of Spider-man working for Doom is ludicrous. If we all boycot it by not buying. Time for some though love comming Lowe's way, he needs a good spanking. Preferably a boot under his arse out the door. Anyone hear any rumours on the lead writer after Kelly?
@jonathanl-j4i День назад
After Kelly it’s going to then be written by a chatbot AI fed only a steady diet of the worst post OMD stories to come out. It’s going to be Sins Past and Jackpot all the way baby!
@brianwilcox1686 День назад
I wish you could review issue 1 or 2 or if you did I can’t find them lol
@mnstash 8 часов назад
I either didn’t start my channel or wasn’t posting comic reviews by then😅 maybe once everything’s done I’ll do a video on everything worth of note within zebs time
@billymccrary2246 День назад
Nick Lowe should be banned of being a comic editor, like... AT ALL! Man, if Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita, Sr. were all still alive, they should've sued him to death and banned of being a comic editor. Heck, if like Nick Lowe really like a diehard defender of One More Day and just losing braincells during his time while Jonathan Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man comics are superior to the Amazing Spider-Man comics. If like Nick Lowe actually never had read any Spider-Man comics, even the Marvel editorials should also be highly ashamed of themselves.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
He’s the most shameless and disrespectful editor I’ve even seen in comics, using dead people’s names to try to prove your point when you have literally zero clue if that was actually their mindset with a lot of evidence pointing to otherwise is INSANE
@step2807 День назад
This isn't just a Spider-Man comic. This is THE Spider-Man story. The line while lifting the rubble is what I say when I need to keep going and never give up. Spider-Man is the greatest Hero
@step2807 День назад
The art may be simple but I love it. It looks a lot like ditkos style a little. Love it
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Ron frenz is honestly one of my fav spidey artists :)
@step2807 День назад
Stan and Steve would be ashamed of him
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@step2807 Don't forget John Romita Sr.
@MrPonytron День назад
It's baffling to me that so many people over the past decade or so say, "If you don't like my product, don't buy it." It puts a huge disservice on the company you work for, ultimately making them lose money. And I agree that Nick Lowe needs to get gone editing Amazing Spider-Man. He's one of the people in editorial who wants Peter Parker to stay as a petulant manchild forever and never have him grow as a character. The fact Nick said that Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita Sr. didn't know where Spider-Man's character would go in the early days speaks VOLUMES. Nick Lowe never read Spider-Man comics, he only saw the movies, which only have a small fragment of Spider-Man's lore and story. I very much appreciate Hickman and what he's doing with Ultimate Spider-Man, however, I'd love for there to be good Spider-Man comics in the mainline 616 again
@jacobrivera1721 День назад
It proven he not at all mature and is acting like a petty little child
@mnstash 8 часов назад
I said to my comic store I’m not buying asm books till zebs gone but I changed my mind. I’m not buying this shit till nicks gone completely because it’s obvious there’s gonna be zero change. He’s a selfish and shameless excuse of an editor
@jacobrivera1721 7 часов назад
@@mnstash exactly he one quesada lackie and mysongite who don’t respect in general at all
@edg4441 День назад
Another great review. As a subscriber (and proud to be a subscriber of your channel) and follower of your channel, I'd like to give you kudos regarding your professionalism, maturity and how sophisticated your videos have become. You make profound statements and articulate the lack of essence in story arcs of "ASM". Keep up the great work. I agree that this issue was a good basic story to the final Zeb Wells story arc in "ASM". However, I say "Buyer Beware" (caveat emptor). This Wells run has been dreadful and terrible. This issue is mediocre at best, and Spidey fans shouldn't accept mediocrity. The response by Nick Lowe to the fan's letter is horrible and a definitive confirmation nothing will change and probably will get worse when Kelly and Ireland take over. I agree whole heatedly with MNStash that Spidey fans should stop buying "ASM" and start buying classic novels by Asimov, Dumas, Dickens, Rice-Burroughs, etc... Leave Marvel comics behind, especially "ASM". I think with this response, we're going to see a change in direction in "USM" as Nick Lowe hates the fans and probably will interfere with Hickman's writing in the near future. It's sad, but as I've mentioned before, I'll follow "ASM" until the end of the 10-issue arc of the "8 Deaths of Spider-Man", and then I'll stop following "ASM" if the story arc is atrocious. I'll follow "USM" until I see that Nick Lowe changes the direction of that comic, and then I'll leave Marvel behind. It's sad really. As I always mention, I've been following Spidey in the comics since 1969, but it's getting close to the time to read novels about Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Mystery because there's no mystery that Nick Lowe obviously doesn't care about Spidey fans at all. Why follow this character when Marvel clearly isn't going to take Peter Parker/Spider-Man in direction Spidey fans want to see. It's great to see what we're seeing in "USM", but that's still an alternate universe and not the Earth-616 universe. I wouldn't be surprised if Kelly and Ireland kill Peter off and have Miles take his place, have him become gay or bi-sexual, or introduce another useless love interest Spidey fans couldn't care less about. Michelle the Lawyer showing up in this issue is irrelevant. In fact, anything happens in this final Wells story will probably be rescinded/rebooted with the Kelly/Ireland run. Will Janice be killed only to come back to life in the next run? She might be responsible for one of the 8 deaths of Spider-Man as revenge for failing to protect her from her father. Who knows what Spidey is going to be like in 2025, yet by the response Nick Lowe wrote, it doesn't look good. Under his editorial guidance nothing significant is going to happen to Spidey in the sense fans would like to see. Future terrible storylines are what I'm prepared for in "ASM". No sense in getting disappointed as the fake MJ in the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies always says, "If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed". This is absolutely true regarding reading "ASM". Again, keep up the great work. Next milestone 5k subscribers. Hopefully by the end of October or sooner :). Cheers.
@ArachnidYouth День назад
As the old saying goes: "If you try to please everyone, you please no one" And they've been getting this request for Peter to grow for YEARS. And it also completely missed the point of Spider-Man. Spider-Man is SUPPOSED TO GROW UP. That honestly makes me want to strangle Nick Lowe. And to say they're basing it off the Raimi movie's and spectacular cartoon is an insult to both adaptations bc they're actually good and LET PETER GROW. Holy SHIT WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF WRITING SPIDER-MAN COMICS.
@mnstash 8 часов назад
And using dead creators names to back up his own point on a subject he’s got no clue about with endless pieces of evidence saying otherwise is CRAZY. How shameless can one guy be. I’m so jealous of bendis, in USM he got to strangle this moron Just to be clear I was saying that zebs only seen those things of spidey, he’s never read a comic and his writing proves it due to how influential they are with his stories and choices😅
@MattRogan28 День назад
Would you think with Ultimate Spider-Man outselling Amazing Spider-Man that Nick Lowe would admit he was wrong But his reply to a fan letter shows how arrogance he is and how he doesn't want to admit fault
@billymccrary2246 День назад
Really goes to show that Nick Lowe has any little-to-known braincells and is just jealous of what Jonathan Hickman did with the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, which he refusing to admit it.
@senatorarmstrong4662 День назад
@@MattRogan28 Nick’s response was basically you don't like the story? Well, we do so who cares what you think?
@MS7000_ День назад
Great video my friend. I haven’t seen many videos on how Lowe has done shit things so glad you covered it
@mnstash 8 часов назад
Thank you good sir! While editing I realised that this was barely a review of the issue and more just a rant of the editor 😭
@eddiesamakovski8216 День назад
I agree 1oo percent great review keep them coming cheers
@GOODYGOODGOOD789 День назад
0:43 I think that's a sign that whenever ASM has Tombstone as the main villain it isn't written by Zeb Wells, it's written by some Ghost Rider, I mean writer. 1:00 And it's clear that saying that is even super generous. 1:25 Wasn't said country the Philippines? 6:02 Ah, remember the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon where they had to substitute Kingpin with tombstone because of the rights issues Sony had with 20th Century Fox over the Kingpin and whether or not they shared the rights or 20th Century Fox has the sole rights because they owned Daredevil... Yeah that was weird. 9:00 WHAT FANS IS NICK LOWE TALKING ABOUT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 9:07 To quote the principal form Billy Madison "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." To put it simply if they didn't want Peter to move on in life why did they write it so that he graduates form High School, and why did Stan Lee himself order Peter & MJ to get married, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, "Spider-Man should be as relatable as possible, so he shouldn't grow up." is a really dumb statement because I was in middle school was the first Spider-Verse movie, and PS4 game came out and I still loved and related to Peter Parker in both of those. And now I'm in college and I'm reading the Spider-Girl/Mayday Parker comics be Tom DeFalco, and the new Ultimate Spider-Man comics by Jonathan Hickman and I can relate to a fully grow up Peter Parker who is married and has a family in both of those. So of course this line that Marvel has used ever since they forced Mayday Parker to die in Earth-616 is beyond mind-numbing. It reminds me of how TLJ defenders like to say that the film "humanized Luke Skywalker" when he was already one of the most relatable characters in all of fiction, and he didn't need to be a complete loser and character assassinated to be "humanized" because he went through struggles that were as human as they come. Also, speaking of TLJ and the fist Spider-Verse movie I may note that the first Spider-verse movie definitely did the "character who were more familiar with being a depressed and burnout mentor who feels like a failure, is at rock bottom, and has to be a reluctant mentor character to a new hero" a whole lot better than TLJ did, for the simple reason of it didn't go out of it's way to contradict any core character traits. Finally, I feal like Lue in TLJ and Peter Parker in the recent ASM comics should have been similar to Peter B. Parker in the first Spider-Verse movie, and to some extent Earth-982 Peter Parker (with the exception that they both Luke and Earth-616 Peter Parker still should've been the main character), and they should've been the Obi-Wan Kenobi/Yoda/Iroh of the new stories where they're the one that teaches others now that they've learned a great dela themselves, while still not being perfect characters. 9:48 This response Nick Lowe was insane before, but this last moment made my jaw drop. 12:58 If Charlie Kane never fell so hard and made himself self-destruct, if Luke Skywalker never took up the mantle of a Jedi Knight and refused to kill his father, if Han Solo never learned the value of selflessness, if Bastila Shan never learned not to be afraid to love, if Agent Kallus never defected from the Empire (speaking of Star Wars), if Peter B. Parker didn't try to get back with MJ at the end of Into The Spider-Verse (speaking of the Spider-Verse movies), if Zuko never learned that to be honorable he has to be selfless and not ruthless, and that the fire nation and his father isn't a force for good, if Oscar Schindler never learned to care about the jews so much so that he gave everything to protect them and that still wasn't enough for him, If Neo never learned to believe he was the one, if George Bailey never learned that he accomplished so much despite never going what he wanted, IF PETER PARKER NEVER LEARNED WHAT GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, etc. Now I could go on forever but if I went through every story that could be brought up this comment would be the size of an epic, so I just want to leave on the note of a characters want vs. their need is an essential part to literally every story so you can't just say that it's only someone's opinion that it should happen, and if you'll excuse me I'm going to go listen to angry music to vent.
@spideyboy2358 День назад
Great video and seriously fuck Lowe
@jakew6162 День назад
Bendis was trying to warn us about Nick Lowe and we didn’t know back then until now.
@ko6171 День назад
What did he say?
@jonathanl-j4i День назад
@@ko6171 there was a storyline in the original ultimate SM where Wolverine was body swapped with Peter Parker and it’s suggested almost slept with MJ in Peters body. While MJ was a teenager and Wolverine a grown-ass man. Story was so disgusting that Bendis confirmed in a (slightly) amusing series of panels with him strangling Nick that it was all Nick’s fault when he was an assistant editor.
@redflame2328 День назад
​@@ko6171 So in the original ultimate comics,Wolverine and spider man had switched body and during that time... 🤢 Logan was hitting on Mary Jane. Nick was the one who came up with that idea so in response Bendis made a drawing of him choking Nick while apologizing to the fan. If you don't believe me look it up.
@marceloaraujo7445 День назад
The funniest about Nick Lowe responses are the fact that they actually look like they are jokes that i do About him in a cartoonish style with my friends
@jcreed09 День назад
Tombstone is a C-Lister, remember when he was a Roided Prison Bully who terrorized Robbie Robertson, he was a nothing who Spider-Man easily beat in the past. Zeb Wells has turned him into a combo of Tony Soprano and Negan from "Walking Dead" a psycho with honor bullshit who now has the strength of the Thing. As far as Nick Lowe, he's a Salary Man and it's apparent Marvel rewards the Salary men. As long as the sales of "Amazing Spider-Man" is at an acceptable level to the Disney Bean Counters, then he's fine, he can do what he wants, he knows that, so he's going to keep rage baiting the fans by keeping Spider-Man the perpetual Student, Broke Loser Manchild. The problem with this is that USM showing a mature Peter Parker married happily to Mary-Jane has become a critical and sales success, while ASM is just an incoherent mess, danger of making 616 Spider-Man irrelevant with Fandom becoming indifferent, not giving a shit about the Flagship Marvel hero in the Main universe.
@MsClonetrooper День назад
Saying they want to make Spider-Man have stories that are universal and keep him relevant to everyone. When all they do is make Spidey's life suck, keep him permanently broke, unmarried, can't hold a job, a girl or a stable social life. That speaks more to the writers than the readers. Sure we were all broke, single and had a rough time growing up. Thats the same for everyone. But the thing is, most of us never stay there. We do grow up, find a job, work out a balance between our responsabilities as adults and eventually get married and have kids. Is that the same for everyone? No. But is it true for most people? Absolutely. We are human, we stumble a lot in life but we eventually learn and turn things around. For Spider-Man to never grow, never change and be stuck in this perpetual void of suck. That's not relatable, that's just sad. And we, as fans of the character, don't like seeing him like this. We want to see our hero grow, learn and get the happy life he deserves. Want to keep the character relevant? Let him grow up and have kids. If you want a Spider-Man that speaks to the younger generation, let his kid take up the mantle. They did it with Spider-Girl. The most successful comic run of the MC2 universe. Her comics were the continuation of Peter's story that we all liked to see. Give us a modern story like this. Peter being a father and training the next generation.
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@MsClonetrooper And don't include Miles, no one wants him.
@CamFromZone_1 День назад
it dosent have to be his kids for it to speak to the younger generation lmao
@CamFromZone_1 День назад
@@BrandontheAwesomeyou don’t want him 🤡
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@CamFromZone_1 No one does.
@cidadaoanonimo6903 День назад
​@@CamFromZone_1Taking into account that Miles' stories are a sales failure, I think we can say that, since the Ultimate universe, no one cares about him anymore.
@mobgabriel1767 День назад
this man just said that stan lee wouldn't want his characters to develop... i genuinely can't believe in this complete insanity, good character development is something that every storyteller should want, because life experiences change a person, heck one of my only gripes with FE6 is that the endings for my favorite characters are absolute dogshit for this very reason
@mnstash 8 часов назад
He’s genuinely lost the plot. I can’t wait for this piece of shit to leave the books. Seriously he’s gone against basically everything a good story is supposed to have
@senatorarmstrong4662 День назад
Man, you really have to appreciate the passive-aggressive tone in which the creator says, "If you don't like the story, too bad, because we do." The craziest part is when he claims that the storyline works for a lot of fans. I think the past year has been filled with online complaints from fans about the story. I don't understand how someone can lie about it publicly like this. But then again, I shouldn't be surprised coming from the same people who said, "The Amazing Spider-Man storyline isn't bad, you're just reading it wrong.
@jonathanl-j4i День назад
On the SM subreddit it’s been little but hate for years. I keep getting told by the few ASM defenders popping up that it’s just the toxic subreddit and everywhere else people love it. Then I come here and other channels and forums and get the same disgust for ASM. It’s really wild how some people can still believe that Marvels no.1 best seller can tank this badly and that it’s still going strong. It’s only habitual readers, collectors and die hard fans who are keeping it going now, with all the gazillion variant covers they keep pumping out (many with MJ on the front lol).
@mnstash 8 часов назад
The “you do you” part is CRAZY like actually baffling to me. What an absolute joke 😭
@mobgabriel1767 День назад
*looks at the panels of bendis strangling nick lowe * Bendis was a hero! we just couldn't see it!
@BrandontheAwesome День назад
@@mobgabriel1767 Because Bendis also gave us Miles Morales, you know, the worst Spider-Man copycat ever?
@mnstash 8 часов назад
He literally lived out our biggest fantasy