At Citygreen, we love trees. In fact, we think they hold the key to better cities - and a better world.
Bulcock Street 10 year Tree Canopy Timelapse
9 месяцев назад
Soil Cells Explained | Stratavault
10 месяцев назад
@daisybrasington5976 25 дней назад
Brilliant - is this written up?
@ErnestOfGaia 2 месяца назад
Two thumbs up
@ErnestOfGaia 2 месяца назад
This seems so reasonable and common sense. Open source ftw! Thanks for documenting this.
@nikkkaaayyy10 4 месяца назад
Cool! Thanks for sharing.
@bjcilia8695 9 месяцев назад
Love it. Well done Orange City Council!!!
@f.jideament 9 месяцев назад
Props to the scientist photographer bird for it's hard work on this one.
@CitygreenSystems 9 месяцев назад
had to spend 10 years in the same spot to get this shot. pretty impressive
@CitygreenSystems 9 месяцев назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:04 🏙️ *Implementing Western Sydney Parkland City Vision* - Challenges of implementing urban planning and design visions. - Translation of strategic narratives into practical, statutory frameworks. - Environmental challenges in Western Sydney impacting urban development: rainfall reduction, extreme temperatures, canopy cover decrease. 03:37 🌳 *Landscape-Led Approach in Parkland City Planning* - Emphasis on blue and green infrastructure in the Western Parkland City. - New landscape-centric approach impacting both strategic and statutory plans. - Reversal of traditional urban development principles: starting with landscape, then development, and transportation. 06:28 🏛️ *Western Sydney City Deal: Funding and Implementation* - Overview of the Western Sydney City Deal as a significant funding driver. - Details on the 20-year deal involving three levels of government and an $11 billion funding commitment. - Importance of governance and delivery processes in achieving large-scale urban changes. 09:41 📜 *Strategic and Statutory Planning Hierarchy* - Explanation of the hierarchical structure of strategic and statutory plans. - Challenges of implementing unconventional ideas within standard planning regimes. - Development of plans through a partnership between state and local governments. 11:30 🏗️ *Aerotropolis Plan and Urban Design Governance* - The role of the Western Sydney planning partnership in developing the aerotropolis plan. - Importance of integrated design governance throughout the planning process. - Challenges in translating unconventional design principles into statutory documents. 15:28 🌇 *Urban Typologies and Precinct Plans* - Development of urban typologies at different scales for precincts within the aerotropolis. - Importance of collaborative, iterative design processes involving various disciplines. - Flexibility within typologies to accommodate different development contexts. 18:02 🌿 *Integration of Data and Urban Structure* - Link between technical data and urban structure within precinct plans. - Flexible integration of blue-green areas into the urban fabric. - Importance of maintaining permeability and connectivity in block sizes for active transport. 20:46 🚧 *Engineering Standards for Sustainable Streets* - Collaboration with councils for more efficient and environmentally conscious engineering standards. - Redefining street design with a holistic approach focusing on blue-green livability. - Development of guidelines and exemplars for street designs considering sustainability. 23:19 🌏 *Integrating Country Principles in Development* - Collaboration with indigenous representatives to integrate country principles into development. - Framing guidelines and processes to respect and incorporate fragile landscapes within developments. - Importance of ongoing maintenance and considerations in development application processes. 24:28 📄 *Development Control Plan (DCP) Overview* - Detailed insights into the comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP) for councils. - Emphasis on country recognition, blue-green infrastructure, and street design in the DCP. - Specific standards and spatializations integrated into precinct plans for practical understanding. 25:40 🌳 *Urban Development and Canopy Cover Calculations* - Calculations and requirements for green spaces and canopy cover within the Parkland City. - Translation of numerical standards into familiar types for developers. - Emphasis on green areas, deep soil, and canopy cover within urban development areas. 26:49 🚗 *Addressing Car Parking and Street Reserves* - Importance of considering car parking areas for increasing canopy cover. - Development of wider street reserves to accommodate better canopy growth. - Reconsideration of urban design for active transport and micro-mobility. 27:48 🏙️ *Integration of Urban Design Controls* - Integration of various functions and controls within street design for a holistic public domain. - Significance of buildings' responses within street design in urban development. - Detailed development control standards set by building and precinct type within the DCP. Made with HARPA AI
@CitygreenSystems 10 месяцев назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 01:16 🌡️ *Addressing the Challenge of Urban Heat* - Penrith's extreme temperatures and their impact on the community. - Heatwaves identified as an extreme risk; rising temperatures and associated stresses. - Social, health, and financial impacts of urban heat on the community. 04:30 🏙️ *Penrith Council's Cooling the City Strategy* - Overview of Penrith's Cooling the City Strategy: policy, green infrastructure, community programs, and increased reflectivity. - Implementation of strategies in community centers and embedding principles across Council plans and strategies. - Collaborations and programs addressing urban heat in various Council policies. 07:18 🏢 *Urban Heat Planning Controls & Advocacy* - Development and endorsement of Urban Heat Planning Controls Package by Council. - Advocacy efforts targeting changes in state government planning systems for better urban greening and cooling. - Issues identified and recommendations made for better urban heat management in planning legislation. 10:02 🌳 *Urban Heat Advocacy Results & Recommendations* - Engagement with stakeholders and planning experts to address urban heat through advocacy. - Identified issues and recommendations: mandating tree canopy cover, street design changes, and revising industry guidelines. - High stakeholder support for recommendations indicating a need for legislative changes. 13:05 🔍 *Heat Sensor Project & Localized Temperature Findings* - Partnership with the university for a heat sensor study across Penrith, revealing localized temperature data. - Increase in summer temperatures exceeding predictions, revealing microclimates and urban heat island effects. - Over 1.4 million temperature measurements and implications for future planning and localized projects. 17:58 📊 *Using Data for Resilience Planning & Vulnerability Mapping* - Integration of localized heat data into the Resilient Penrith Action Plan. - Vulnerability mapping overlaying heat data with socio-economic factors for targeted resource allocation. - Identifying vulnerable populations and areas, informing future planning and program implementation. 19:59 🌿 *Implementing Urban Heat Data in City Planning* - Utilizing heat sensor study findings in the Green Grid Strategy, focusing on green infrastructure. - Setting canopy cover targets, receiving grants, and engaging in greening initiatives. - Integrating data into city shaping projects like City Park and Soap Place car park for cooler urban spaces. 24:22 🌳 *Greening Penrith's Urban Areas* - Initiatives focused on greening and cooling strategies in various locations across Penrith. - Projects encompass tree planting in streets, workplaces, industrial estates, and parks. - Specific focus on areas with low tree cover, high temperatures, and more vulnerable residents. 27:22 🏡 *Community Engagement for Tree Planting* - Detailed efforts made to engage the community in tree planting initiatives. - Various engagement methods employed, such as pop-ups, giveaways, door knocking, social media, etc. - Balancing community concerns and preferences with tree planting strategies through opt-in and opt-out solutions. 28:58 🌱 *Adopt a Tree Program for Private Properties* - Launch of an "Adopt a Tree" program encouraging residents to plant trees on private property. - Pilot program distributing 200 trees from the Council Nursery to target low canopy suburbs. - Providing guidance and information to residents on caring for and maintaining trees planted on private land. 29:54 🌞 *Addressing Urban Heat Challenges* - Recognizing urban heat as a significant challenge for Penrith's present and future. - Emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts to address and mitigate rising temperatures. - Highlighting the importance of collaboration among various entities, including internal council departments, external partners, and the community, to combat urban heat effectively.
@niles76 Год назад
*Promo SM*
@timberrevival3771 6 лет назад
What a great project! It looks fantastic.
@CitygreenSystems 6 лет назад
Thank you!