Groundbreaker Worshiper
Groundbreaker Worshiper
Groundbreaker Worshiper

How then can we understand this extraordinary revelation? The glory that we are talking about here is not the one that you obtain when you win victories over your enemies, nor of being finally cleansed of this humiliation that you carry, even less this glory of winning the fight that you have had to fight all along. your life. Certainly, these little glories honor your Lord and also honor you. This is your part on this earth, you must win victories. But there is a greater glory with which nothing can be compared.
L’espérance ne trahit jamais. Elle n’apporte ni confusion ni honte. Les enfants de Dieu l’expérimentent dans leur vie par la foi. quand on espère une chose, c’est qu’on croit déjà qu’elle va se produire et nous sommes dans l’attente. On ne peut rien espérer sans avoir cru d’avance en cela. C’est pourquoi nous chrétiens nous avons mis notre foi en notre Seigneur et Sauveur Jésus-Christ et notre espérance en Lui est grande.
@JohnKoenig-db8lk 2 дня назад
It's just a RU-vid video, guys. Unclench your sphincters.
@irmaberven2855 9 дней назад
No. It is not the end of the world. God. 🌎📖😇👑🌈
@elsavvy 14 дней назад
g o r g e o u s
@user-lexie-2016 Месяц назад
Hey guys I know we're living in the end times hasn't been too long God gave me this dream and I was outside and I looked up there was so much black smoke and it's huge beautiful lion came out that smoke he was roaring man he had a crown on his head he had a purple robe on he was beautiful but he was smacking that big Paw 🐾 against that smoke like he was angry for the sin that is on this Earth and I looked at it in amazement and I cried out oh my God that is the lion of Judah and I said it again oh my God that is the line of Judah he was so huge he was so beautiful but he was seem angry and for some reason something woke me up out of the dream and I'll never get this dream as long as I live beautiful 🦁🔥🐾🐾🐾🦁🦁🦁🔥
@Maravilha841 2 месяца назад
Uau 🙏🏼 amen 🙏🏼 Je suis le canal 🙏🏼
@Maravilha841 5 месяцев назад
Magnifique 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@Maravilha841 5 месяцев назад
Uau 🙏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Très beau mon frère.Que le Seigneur confirme les ouvres de tes mains et établisse son royaume sur la terre🙏🏼
@sabri8033 6 месяцев назад
@LaLumièredeDieu 6 месяцев назад
Dieu juste et compatissant, que ton règne de justice et d'amour se répande sur toute la terre. Inspire-nous à travailler pour la justice et à pratiquer la compassion envers les opprimés et les démunis. Que notre engagement pour la justice reflète ta volonté sur terre. Amen.
@lunarelaxation 7 месяцев назад
beautiful😍😍thank you very much 💕💕💕subscribe & like128
@MarcosSevero-mg4gs 7 месяцев назад
@archielea1200 7 месяцев назад
To the American patriotic people and British people and friends and allies And Israeli people and Australian people Not doing this for governments Do this for you American patriotic people and British people and Air man and woman in the Military To people everywhere whatever happen s staying With Israel and Jerusalem and Bibi Netanyahu and Idf and hostages ,no matter what your so,called temporary Government s tell you Says the LORD God of Hosts in Jesus Christ Name amen and amen
@truthfullywinning9602 8 месяцев назад
God bless you for this
@mariederek1626 8 месяцев назад
Esti prea valoroasă, de Dumnezeu aleasă... Esti frumoasă la fel ca o stea... Să luminezi mai tare decât ea...
@yram4362 9 месяцев назад
Gloire a Dieu
@yram4362 9 месяцев назад
Fermez les yeux et laissez vous emporter dans la profondeur de ce son. Gloire à Dieu et merci frère Stéphan 🙏
@heuristik6490 Год назад
“Mes paroles seront selon la droiture de mon cœur, et ce que je sais mes lèvres le diront avec pureté.” Job 33:3 Combien sont précieuses ces adorations qui accompagnent la méditation de la Parole de Dieu.... La droiture morale de l'homme intérieur dans son esprit, dans ce qu'il comprend, qui entre dans sa volonté et rempli son cœur... Dans cette conscience où son courage se mélange par la foi, à ses émotions pour qu'elles soient nourries par cette Parole Vivante....merci infiniment de votre contribution inspirée !
@doniacherimond9427 2 года назад
@doniacherimond9427 2 года назад
@doniacherimond9427 2 года назад
@doniacherimond9427 2 года назад
Abone avem t
@LydiebudLuz 2 года назад
OMGGGGGGGGGG Thanks for that ! Sois bénie, ne lâche rien !
@foreverpoetry6253 2 года назад
Perfect video! Amazing wonderful idea!!!
@SIMBA6393 3 года назад