Daniel Jay Bjorndahl
Daniel Jay Bjorndahl
Daniel Jay Bjorndahl
@Ecc1213 День назад
The file link is broken or the file removed, can you fix this please? It's nice to have this alongside my copy from lulu. Thanks & God bless you
@georgikanev6745 3 дня назад
So you believe that Jesus, after saving Paul and commissioned Him to go preach to the Gentiles, would have given Him a false gospel!? Paul wrote 13 out of the 27 books in the Bible. And you believe they’re “blasphemous”? This is crazy. And the Roman Catholic Church denies, like you, that we’re saved by “faith alone” and, like you, believe that we must work out our salvation. You have mire in common than you think. To quote the late R.S. Sproul: “if we could loose our salvation, we would.” God is the author of our faith. He starts it and He finishes it. You and I are dead in our sins and due to our sinful nature do not look for God. He must supernaturally intervene and change our hearts so we have the ability to repent. It’s impossible for man but not for God. For Him everything is possible. We owe Him even our belief so we cannot boast in ourselves but in Him. The Bible is clear that is God who chooses His people. Not the other way around. In conclusion, I believe what you’re preaching is false.
@edwardwalsh5477 3 дня назад
Such a pity to have to waste precious time writing to you all when the errors of your theology are easily found in His Word. Historical events cited here to damage Paul's ministry ignore passage of time during which God's plans evolved from fulfilment of the OT promise to Israel to become a nation of priests for the World (by their refusal to accept Him) to the Gospel of Grace (Paul's alone) based on Jesus' blood sacrifice of Himself thus paying the penalty of all for all their sins and satisfying God's justice in the process leaving just the necessity of in the sufficiency of Christ's finished work to secure salvation and eternal life for each individual. Multiple scripture citations intended to prove Paul to be in error display an impressive level of willful ignorance of the dynamic nature of God's rule over this world as I described above. Without taking the time to identify and refute the plethora of mistakes by this writer, I submit just one fundamental from God's authoritative Word. It's recorded in Acts that Paul was opposed by multiple groups of Jews and disparaged by Gentiles. Unbelieving Gentiles ignored him, but the Jews (also ignorant of God dynamic administration of Earth) stuck on the Mosaic law harassed and attacked him wherever he went. There was so much conflict that a church counsel (the first) over the issues was convened in Jerusalem with eye witnessing, living apostles and disciples who were not removed by 2,000 years in time from the actual events as are the writer and most commentators here. There was a conclusion drawn from this Church Counsel after much strenuous debate. It was steered by St. Peter's speech drawn from his experience recorded in Acts 10. He pointed out that the Judaizers were mistaken about the necessity of Law-keeping. This was because of the miraculous signs that both he and Paul witnessed when the Gospel was presented and before Peter could advise Cornelus to be baptized for being added to the kingdom as he had in Acts 2-8. If you are interested in truth as seen by the eyewitnesses, you will find Acts 10 and 15 enlightening. The key verses relevant to this discussion are in Acts 15:1-11 esp. 10-11 where Peter rebukes the Judaizers for attempting to impose on Gentiles a system of Law that even Jews (God's chosen people) found impossible to make work. Finally (and GET THIS) he admits in vs 11 that instead of following the advice of Judaizers to pull Gentile converts into Law-keeping for salvation, that QUITE THE REVERSE MUST HAPPEN, THAT "WE ARE [now] SAVED THRU THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS IN THE SAME WAS AS THEY [Gentile] ARE". Peter's words. So, Paul is, of course, inconsistent with Jesus' teaching because Jesus' teaching is suspended as it addressed Israel as priests - a program now suspended. Most preachers don't get this so don't expect to find corroboration of my description of God's (legitimate) progressive leadership in your local church or here either. But you should use your God-given eyes and read with comprehension. Why the differences between Paul and the Gospels or James or Peter's writings? DIFFERENT AUDIENCES? 1 )Jesus, "sent not to the Gentiles - not even the Samaritans, so His teachings are important even foundational but not for my life and practice or for yours. E.G.1 I can't expect to have all my prayers answered nor E.G.2 all my illnesses healed as will happen in the Kingdom age. E.G.3 Jesus directed the rich men in the Gosels to the Mosaic Law, but JESUS fulfilled the Law before his crucifixion. 2) Learn who James' and Peter's audiences are by READING FROM THEIR BEGINNINGS - they don't address churches, but people groups. Read to discover which for yourselves. Final word. Without Paul's authentic apostleship you cannot be saved! Reread my second paragraph and Acts 16:31 ("THEY said"), Rom. 10:9-10 and Eph. 2:8-10 for your salvation. I have prayed for you all. We have enough outside attacks on the Body of Christ without internal subversion.
@davidwenger9821 3 дня назад
Do you have this in a PDF format, I believe that this is needed greatly but my assumption is that for the vast majority of the people that I speak to it would need to come bit by bit. This is a huge buffet
@DanielBjorndahl 3 дня назад
The specific article is not available in PDF currently, but I could make such a document if you think it would be useful. Please email me.
@davidwenger9821 3 дня назад
@@DanielBjorndahl thank you for your reply. 57 plus years I have a ton of people that I'm trying to get to at least listen to you and/or Jesus words only. Shalom
@Me-cc1ln 4 дня назад
Very happy l found your youtube. 😀
@ismaelmahmud6094 7 дней назад
Luke 24:39 Will return as a human being. The devil is not an angel ,God created from smokeless fire. .Angels are pure and cannot sin.. .
@DanielBjorndahl 5 дней назад
so what is the devil?
@TexasBlues-123 7 дней назад
The "love and pray for those who persecute you" teaching is one that I don't agree with. Jesus didn't do that. Woe to you Chorazin and Bethsaida. Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees. The money changers and pigeon seller in the temple. We all know about that one. Jesus said: _If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”_ (Luke 9:5) The New Testament comes from Rome. It was edited and authorized by them. All unapproved texts were either destroyed or locked away in the Vatican's secret archives. Constantine defeated Maxentius on the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD. The Edict of Milan was passed in 313 AD. Constantine united the pagan Roman Empire using "Christianity" as its main tool. That's why you've got to love your enemies. Converting pagans was facilitated by abolishing the no pork rule and by including all the other easy salvation lies from Paul into the New Testament canon.
@DanielBjorndahl 5 дней назад
It's something I've wondered about...God hates evil, so should we (I assume). If our enemies are unrepentant and know that they are doing evil, what love is left for them? They are wicked and they know it. This would be anathema to the Father.
@lawyerlib 8 дней назад
I am baffled that so my biblical scholars do not address Paul as apostate. It is a salvation issue imo.
@RapidBlindfolds 8 дней назад
In only 3 minutes! Absolutely mind blowing
@edwardwalsh5477 9 дней назад
I haven't yet read your expose' of Paul's writings but offer one complete and logical explanation for non-parallel messages from the mouths of Jesus (and the 12) and Paul. It is the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just a few scholars now recognize that the message from Jesus was oriented similar to that of the Mosaic rule of Law given to Jews and that was extended into Acts 1-8 despite rejection by Jews but only to the end of Chpt. 9. Paul wrote from the standpoint of a POST-passion Christ where all the penalty for all the World's (not just Israel's) sins had been paid by Jesus' vicarious death, etc. and there is no need for animal sacrifices nor a priesthood or temple. Thus, it is irrational (or ignorant) to expect the messages to be identical (Yes, gospel does mean Good News in both cased) but "Jesus saves" is inappropriate to put into the mouths of pre-passion Jews. And they refused to accept Jesus as the divine Messiah despite Paul's attempt to clear their vision in Acts 9 for which he was threatened with death, not because he was a false teacher but because of the stiff-necked Jewish leaders. Thus, God is unwilling that ANY should perish and so arrested, reeducated Paul and fully cleansed him to receive the Spirit of Truth to pass onto his audience - the World - that is salvation cost God His Son briefly but is totally free to the sinner willing to confess to God for salvation. Perhaps this will help with the multiple apparent conflicts.
@DanielBjorndahl 7 дней назад
That's the common interpretation of Paul's writings - to say that there is a second dispensation. I don't see that Jesus did anything other than obey and continue in the Torah commandments. So I do likewise and encourage others to obey
@edwardwalsh5477 6 дней назад
@@DanielBjorndahl How can you believe what you write (follow the Law) since no one is perfect and there's no way to follow the prescribed sacrificial compensation that covers (does not expunge) the moral/legal failures you cannot escape committing. There's no temple for offerings and no priests qualified to make them on your behalf. Or do you imagine that you are qualified? And what do you expect when you die having NOT expunged your sins?
@anomilumiimulimona2924 9 дней назад
paul the apostate.
@Faustus_de_Reiz 9 дней назад
Something to consider here. Is that a lot of this rests on your hypothesis that the apostle Paul taught a faith alone doctrine. In no way shape or form does Paul promote such a doctrine and no one until the Protestant Reformation had this idea either. On numerous occasions, Paul discusses the need for you to work out your salvation. This starts from bad presuppositions therefore it leads to bad conclusions. Bad input = bad output
@DanielBjorndahl 7 дней назад
Paul speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Paul even contradicts himself at times i.e. circumcision
@Faustus_de_Reiz 7 дней назад
@@DanielBjorndahl based on your presupposition I guess you could say such. However, understanding the apostolic mindset would do you quite well in these discussions.
@michaelspinner9881 11 дней назад
Hello not trying to start an argument or anything so plz don’t feel the need to respond to this message I just wanted to make a statement you should consider. In 2019 I was born again (supernaturally changed) listening to a preacher named Ray Greenley on RU-vid. He was speaking on Romans specifically chapters 6 & 8. While listening to him preach on dying to ourselves and sin Jesus came into my life powerfully. Decades long sins and addictions no longer had their hold on me. In a blink of the eye alcoholism was completely taken from me with no withdrawals and no desire to ever do it again. Ever since I have been walking bondage free in Jesus name. I’m telling you this because Jesus said “But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against an house falleth. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭11‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬ How do you explain all of the people coming to Jesus through Paul’s writings? Specifically testimonies like mine where a depraved alcoholic, smoker, cusser, porn watching, fornicating, and all around terrible person is supernaturally changed? Do you think Satan has ever let an addict like me go? This is just something to consider because I’ve never heard of Satan helping people get freed from sin but I have heard of Satan trying to trick people and lead people astray. If Paul was tricked and doing the devils work how do you explain the countless people like me who have been saved listening to people preach from Paul’s writings? Anyway something to look into.
@alenhorvatek4477 13 дней назад
Well done
@DanielBjorndahl 12 дней назад
The article was written by Douglas Del Tondo of Jesus Words Only
@lindasc48 13 дней назад
Still working on unlearning Pauls words since I read them and had them preached to me repeatedly So repeatedly they come to mind and have to be again rejected. THIS thou is PEACE compared to the turmoil I lived in Until I read Acts and found Paul is a Liar and could not keep his stories straight .That Opened my eyes and I immediately went to a browser and put Paul is a Liar in the search and was Freed by the Truth .
@adairjanney7109 16 дней назад
k but then explain the two criminals hung with Jesus? IS that a made up story, for he could not have done any works, its a story about faith only. And I agree with you, but what about this
@DanielBjorndahl 13 дней назад
yeah, that's a good question. my best guess is that Jesus saw in their heart that they would have actually lived righteously, repented and done good deeds, etc., but they didn't have an opportunity to survive the cross to prove it. That's what I assume is going on there. What do you think?
@adairjanney7109 19 дней назад
Then what was the story about Jesus on the cross with the two criminals and what was the point of the story? They surely have zero works except their faith, and dont get it twisted I agree there is something there with Paul, but that means God allowed it for 1000 years and so that means 99.9999999% of Humanity have zero chance of making it to heaven unless God is going to have like levels to heaven and that seems so drab to me
@DanielBjorndahl 17 дней назад
Probably close to 99%, but there have been throughout history especially in the first few centuries of Christianity that kept the commandments. Prior to the internet anyone expressing these views would have been censored easily or would not be published to begin with...there's probably more obedient individuals in history than we know
@adairjanney7109 19 дней назад
k but what the hell does this meat sac to idols have to do with us today, what meat can we eat for those of us that know that Paul was a stumbling block
@DanielBjorndahl 17 дней назад
Hare Krishna restaurants still sacrifice to their god. Catholic feasts happen more times than I can count in Latin America where I live - all in honor of saints or deities. It's worth considering Christmas is a pagan holiday, so feasting in that context would be sacrificed to a false god. Look at the origins of Xmas as an example
@danaleanne38 19 дней назад
Paul was definitely a wolf in sheeps clothing.
@WashYourWorld 20 дней назад
Paul was chosen by satan because he was herodian and a roman by birth. Satan knew he could use him to split the church in 2
@danaleanne38 22 дня назад
Paul ,a ravenous wolf.
@ColinEvans-zr1oh 23 дня назад
If paul was a false teacher why did Luke join him acts sixteen ten
@DanielBjorndahl 17 дней назад
I'm not seeing Luke referenced in acts 16:10. Is that the reference you meant?
@user-pr2dk2xu4r 23 дня назад
Daniel, I am happy that you and Shadow have each other. It upset me that a visiting pastor at a Baptist church in 1994 preached on how much time, money, and energy people spend on pets when all should focus on saving the lost. I enjoyed his message until then. So, what stayed in my memory was the way he discriminated against pet owners. What we have learned throughout the years is that when we take on responsibility for animals with love and care, it shows what kind of people we are. We need the pet therapy as well. They certainly have great returns. Animals let us know if we can be trusted. They teach us many principles of life that sometimes lead to a spiritual awakening.
@DanielBjorndahl 23 дня назад
Yes I agree. All of the Father's creation has something to teach us, and certain animals seem created for companionship like cats and dogs. Having said that, some people spend more on a dog than people in developing countries make to support a family lol
@DanielBjorndahl 23 дня назад
I wanted to add also that caring for animals is surely part of the Father's will. In the book of Jonah we see He is concerned for the wellbeing of livestock like cattle.
@user-pr2dk2xu4r 23 дня назад
@DanielBjorndahl there are people who go overboard with pet spa, fashion clothes, and luxurious accessories for their spoiled pets. There are others who have to follow trends and buy ridiculous amount for purses and big name clothes. Those are the people that we aren't.
@koreyoneal2623 24 дня назад
Hopefully the dog is helping you with your depression
@hadassahthomas2548 24 дня назад
So glad to hear this!! My dog passed away about a year ago, and it broke my heart. She was really old and belonged to my late son. I can’t make up my mind to get another one yet. Not ruling it out though. 😊 Oh I hope you do a study on the Shabbat!! That would be awesome, since I don’t have a congregation to attend! Shalom, shalom brother!! PS - Shadow is beautiful! So glad you got her!
@DanielBjorndahl 24 дня назад
sorry for your loss - dogs become like part of the family. tentatively I'll prepare something around this week's torah portion: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 shadow is male :)
@hadassahthomas2548 24 дня назад
@@DanielBjorndahl Please give Shadow my apologies. 😂 HE is beautiful! I love the book of Deut! Especially chapter six! 😊 Sounds good! I will be listening for a notification! YHWH bless you and keep you Daniel!
@user-pr2dk2xu4r 23 дня назад
We lost our boy, Champ, in Feb. My husband and I cried at the clinic, and we still have not recovered from the loss. We feel the same way.🎉 It's hard. Champ is irreplaceable. Also, like you, we don't have a congregation to attend regularly. The one we participate in feasts are so into Paul that it's difficult to sit and listen for hours.
@hadassahthomas2548 23 дня назад
@@user-pr2dk2xu4r It is hard. Not sure I want to put myself through it again. Where I live we have a shelter that is a “kill shelter,” and I think about adopting one from there, but taking one while looking at the others would just break my heart. It’s so hard, if not almost impossible, to find a congregation that does not agree with Paul. I listen to a teacher on Friday evenings, whom I love dearly, but he still believes in Paul. Then there is another Messianic teacher I listen to on Sabbath morning, and he does not like Paul, but he believes that you have to convert to Lapid Judaism to be “saved.” It’s so difficult to find ANYONE these days. Truly, the remnant is tiny! Blessings sis!
@user-pr2dk2xu4r 23 дня назад
@hadassahthomas2548 Oh my dear! Yes. We seem to have a real connection. I agree that it feels like we are so few. I wonder if the Elijah experience is what we have..when we think we are alone, the Father has a bigger number of the remnant.
@bibledefinedbymartycozad 24 дня назад
Wonderful !!!
@essie8332 29 дней назад
Those who fear hell go to hell. I hate to be irreverent, but they should very careful approaching the"mercy seat". It may really be a chopping block.
@user-uo6nv8pf6k Месяц назад
Pharisee Saul/Paul is yeasty doctrine
@emmetsweeney9236 Месяц назад
Ebionites were not Christians, they were a kind of Judaism with some superficial trapping of Christianity, who rejected the decisions of both St Peter and St Paul.
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
Yes they rejected Paul. I haven't seen any evidence of rejection of peter. The ebionites would have presumably kept all the Torah commands
@nurledge Месяц назад
When the term Christianity was first coined?
@d4long Месяц назад
yes I believe Paul will be found guilty Jesus already covered it actually in Matthew 23, Paul the Pharisee made his converts twice the child of hell as himself and this will not go well for him on the Lord's Day
@TexasBlues-123 Месяц назад
Paul was a false apostle who contradicted both himself and Jesus. e.g. *The Law Abolished or the Law Upheld:* _“He brought the hostility to an end, by abolishing: the Law of commandments with its regulations”_ (Ephesians 2:14) vs _“Do we then overthrow the Law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the Law.”_ (Romans 3:31) ************* *Righteousness; with the Law or without the Law:* _know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified._ (Galatians 2:16) and _“not a single human being will be made righteous in God’s sight through observance of the Law”_ (Romans 3:20) vs _“For not the hearers of the Law are righteous before God but those who practice the Law will be pronounced righteous”_ (Romans 2:13) ************* *Salvation; by Confession or by Deeds:* _“if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”_ (Romans 10:9) vs _“For he (God) will repay according to each one’s deeds; to those who by patiently doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life”_ (Romans 2:6) ************* *Calling on the name of the Lord* _"For 'whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.' "_ (Romans 10:13) vs _“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."_ (Matthew 7:21) ************* *Approval by men* _"For presently do I seek approval of men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I were still pleasing men, I would not be a servant of Christ.”_ (Galatians 1:10) vs _"just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.”_ (1 Corinthians 10:33) ************ *Saved by grace or obedience* _" ...... If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”_ (Matt 19:17) _"But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.”_ (Matt 7:26) vs _"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-“_ (Ephesians 2:8) ************ *Who rules this world now?* _"We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one."_ (1 John 5:19) vs _"Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God."_ (Romans 13:1) ************ *Bearing burdens* _for each one should carry their own load._ (Galatians 6:5) Vs _Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ._ (Galatians 6:2) ************* *Works or no Works* _"but continually proclaimed to those in Damascus first, and in Jerusalem, and then all the region of Judea, and even to the Gentiles, that they are to repent and turn to God, PERFORMING DEEDS CONSISTENT WITH REPENTANCE.”_ (Acts 26:20) _”[8] For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and thisnot from yourselves; it is the gift of God, [9] not by works, so that no one can boast.”_ (Ephesians 2:8-9) ************* *Apostle or minister* _"But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a MINISTER AND A WITNESS both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you”_ (Acts 26:16) _"Paul, AN APOSTLE-sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead-“_ (Galatians 1:1) ************* *Cursed or not* _Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking in the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is accursed," and no one is able to say, "Jesus is Lord," if not in the Holy Spirit._ (1 Corinthians 12:3) _Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”_ (Galatians 3:13)
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
Excellent. Thanks for putting this together
@forYAHSglory Месяц назад
Bone broth and cottage cheese. If he is a chewer a product called Yak chews are very good. Yogurt to balance gut bacteria. Make sure his dental health is good. Digestion starts in the saliva. He looks big and strong may need intense exercise. Good luck we just got a 9 year old rescue to turn around. She is happy and healthy and not the same dog we rescued. May YAH favor all of your endeavors.
@forYAHSglory Месяц назад
This is very good.
@washedfeet Месяц назад
Wow, that was such a good teaching. I can only follow Jesus, keep his sayings, have the law written on my heart. Once you really know Jesus's words, you see errors in Paul's letters.
@marshamallow5329 Месяц назад
Give your dog some slippery elm bark. I suggested this to a neighbor who had a highly anxious dog and had chronic diarrhea. She reported back that he was much better, no more diarrhea. She adds it to his food.
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
I haven't heard of that before
@graceinca5608 Месяц назад
Hey Daniel, It's good to see again. My son suffers greatly with mental illness and my heart goes out to you. Your 'Shadow' is a personification of your guardian angel. I have much experience with pets dogs and currently have 7 gorgeous 4 legged souls. 3 of which are elder and digestive issues can snowball once they start. My CURE for the digestive issues, in animals or humans (when all tests show nothing else wrong) -is raw organic vinegar. It has the good bacteria that will balance the intestinal floras bad bacteria. Put a tablespoon in his food or dilute in in water but get it in him (and you too for that matter). The gut controls so much of what and how we are. It seems I remember that you're a vegetarian but if you weren't I recommend a diet in high ruminate animal fats and proteins and very little else but raw organic vinegar for depression. Please look into it. The research is compelling. You are loved. Everything is going to be alright. PS Sending what I can for extra gas in your motorbike or kibble or...RAW ORGANIC VINEGAR.
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
thank you for your generous gift I'm not vegetarian, but I eat very little meat. I'll look into the benefits of increasing my intake of those fats and proteins that you mentioned. I've got some apple cider vinegar, but raw organic vinegar is on my shopping list. thank you.
@Exposed777 Месяц назад
Hey there Daniel! It is great to see you. I didn't get a notification for this video. I was wondering what was going on with you. I'm sorry you are going through all this brother. I will keep you in prayer. I wish there was more I could do. I'm so happy you got Shadow, and I pray he feels better. Many blessings my friend.
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
Thank you sister. Shadow is getting better slowly. First they are treating a bacterial infection, then the parasites in his stomach (I'll get treated too just in case), and then finally a fungal overgrowth in his stomach...vet said it should be treated one thing at a time.
@Exposed777 Месяц назад
@DanielBjorndahl oh, I'm glad they diagnosed the problem and that Shadow is feeing better. Been praying for the both of you daily.
@pamelarobinson7653 Месяц назад
I’m glad I found your channel and looking forward to checking out more of your videos .. Have you considered the keto diet? Removing all toxic stuff out of your life ..plastics, bad deodorant ,bad shampoo ect , ..going all Whole Foods ..a heavy metal detox …a good b12 tincture and a fulvic acid tincture could help Yah gave us what we need to heal it’s just finding the nutrients your body is lacking ..
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
I try to eat as natural as I can (within reason)...I have recently focused on getting plastics out of my life, but I heard some soaps and shampoos are bad. Not sure how to find good products. I use aluminum free deodorant and flouride free toothpaste (for years). I might benefit from b12 supplementation...I just take a zinc supplement now. thanks for the ideas. It's highly probably earlier in life heavy metals accumulated. I heard they can stubbornly stay inside the body for a long time.
@TexasBlues-123 Месяц назад
The book of Acts should be re-titled "Mostly the Bullshit Adventures of Paul".
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
I'll suggest that at the next council of trent!
@douglasdeltondo7852 Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing about the mental illness. That takes courage. You seem so calm and self-controlled that it’s hard to believe you’re depressed. No one would guess that you are suffering from the illness the way you talk so you might just want to be patient and get yourself out of these funks.
@treeofeternallifearvoredav1227 Месяц назад
Much love to you! if you ever would like to pray w/me over the phone let me know.
@Exposed777 Месяц назад
Hey there sis, it's Hannah. I didn't know you had a yt channel. I just subbed.
@treeofeternallifearvoredav1227 Месяц назад
​@@Exposed777great. I am not very active in there. But ince in a while I post something
@Jimihd-f6q Месяц назад
I’m dealing with depression, and someone gave me a dog a couple of years ago, and I keep fit on long walks and she cheers me up
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
they are four legged angels
@jackofallpaul Месяц назад
Hey man, if you want a buddy in Oklahoma, then reach out! I'm always up for meeting new people!
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
did you know I was born in Amarillo?
@jackofallpaul Месяц назад
@DanielBjorndahl No, I don't know much about you! Just found your chanel a week or two ago. But I'm in the Oklahoma City area. Let's hang out if you come out to this area!
@HisTestimonyRestorationProject Месяц назад
Hey subscibers, if you were a regular on Daniel's live stream chats please send me a message so we can stay connected. I regret not doing so while the live stream were being done. I'd love to reconnect and perhaps do a google meet study or just reconnect and chat or at least have an email. Lets not be scattered, I did really enjoy talking with all of you regular attendees. "The Seed", "Matthew' , "David" and others. Hope to reconnect. YHWH bless
@Exposed777 Месяц назад
@@HisTestimonyRestorationProject Shabbat Shalom
@HisTestimonyRestorationProject Месяц назад
@@Exposed777 Hello, I don't remember seeing you in the chat before but I did take a look at your channel and subscribed. Thanks for reaching out.
@Exposed777 Месяц назад
@@HisTestimonyRestorationProject thank you very much. I appreciate that. I sure miss his Sabbath livestreams. They were interesting and the chat was always fun.
@MAGCOLOR624 Месяц назад
@MAGCOLOR624 Месяц назад
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
los deprimidos ni pueden ver ni pintar un atardecer???
@JRJohnson1701 Месяц назад
At 13:20, you mention Jesus eating with sinner. The Sermons of Peter and Nazarene Acts show us Peter not eating with the unbaptized, but talking with them to convince them to become disciples of Christ. I'm wondering what your take on that is for a modern church.
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
My understanding was specifically that he refused to eat with them either due to unclean food or food sacrificed to idols. It would have been a sin for peter to do so (remember the vision he had). I don't think he was in any way opposed to eating with sinners as long as the food was clean - but there's knowing one way or the other for certain
@user-qz2wl7le2b 29 дней назад
​@@DanielBjorndahlShalom. Question....in New Zealand all meat is halal, even chicken. What do you think of eating halal mean. Now I know what Halal is I'm uneasy about it.
@stevenvanvuuren8394 Месяц назад
Mental illness is not from God...!! Its modern nonsense!
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
Mental illness is as old as time...when was Bedlam hospital established (1300s)? Did ancient societies like the Romans or Greeks have no mad men?.
@koreyoneal2623 Месяц назад
I forgot to tell you that my Mystery Babylon playlist has videos about America being Mystery Babylon also , even though I think it's Jerusalem , there are certain subjects that I'm not too dogmatic about and don't mind sharing multiple , plausible views about
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
Yes, sometimes I've wondered about that too, considering Israel/Jerusalem seems to have a certain "control" over the USA... I'll check out your playlist when I have a chance. Thank you
@virginiaplowman7261 Месяц назад
I also think it is Jerusalem there is a great YT video on this subject.
@koreyoneal2623 Месяц назад
@@virginiaplowman7261 ru-vid.com/group/PLt6BmToNiaSfnDW3lh1n2jAZUdARZEw_p&si=B_sewxYGZRSqALMd
@koreyoneal2623 Месяц назад
I also wanted to say that I loved your Livestreams and if you want to do them again , then do them again , don't let others control what you want to do , if they don't like it then they can not watch your channel . I have a playlist about Mystery Babylon if you're interested let me know . Most of the reformers said that it was Rome/Vatican and many have said that it's America and both views are quite plausible but I really think that it's actually Jerusalem
@DanielBjorndahl Месяц назад
Yeah, the Vatican does fit some of the religious descriptions. The issue is that Babylon is also a military, political and economic power. I would say that either USA or Israel could only fit all definitions of Babylon, but I'm inclined to say it's just the USA.
@washedfeet 20 дней назад
@@DanielBjorndahl When Revelation was written, those who knew the Law and the Prophets immediately recognize that John was speaking of the City of Jerusalem which rejected their King Jesus, the mystery is the whore spoken of in Jer 13. Once mystery, Babylon the Great, is destroyed, the "new Jerusalem" will descend from above. Revelation clearly identifies "the great city" where our Lord was crucified, and all blood of the prophets was found in her.
@JRJohnson1701 Месяц назад
Please pray for and seek out deliverance from the spirit of depression. You will feel better for doing so. I'll keep you in my prayers too