@IDisagreeWithYouAlot 6 часов назад
I have replayed this game multiple times and I never knew the story of the creator. Now it makes me want to pick it up and play it again. Some peoples lives really are right out of a screenplay.
@rookstun 8 часов назад
The Toyota Camry always coming in with the clutch.
@badoli1074 8 часов назад
"With enough persistence you can truly accomplish anything you want in life" - Well, and a family and a girlfriend supporting you for years so you can solely focus on your game. Most people don't have that.
@azuarc 10 часов назад
I kept waiting for the part where Amber finally had enough and threw in the towel, but it never came.
@burrybondz225 10 часов назад
11:34 "their lawyers" using the other side's lawyers is how rappers and musicians get robbed everyday. He truly is a musician.
@maxe624 10 часов назад
Your claim at the end of the video should have come with a disclaimer about survivorship bias. Just because one person succeeded despite risk doesnt mean anyone can
@Pam234 11 часов назад
It should be noted that the new harvest moon games ARE NOT MADE BY THE ORIGINAL CREATORS. To condense it into a few short sentences, natsume, the English localizers stole the rights of harvest moon, but not the rights of Bokujō Monogatari, the Japanese version of the game. This was because their names were plastered all over the original box arts of the game, as if THEY made them. They now own the NAME harvest moon. The new English name for Bokujō Monogatari is Story of seasons. Story of Seasons trio of towns is still an absolutely amazing farming sim and I highly recommend it if you have a 3ds.
@fgregerfeaxcwfeffece 11 часов назад
Man, he failed spectacularly at getting a job. Now he doesn't even need one anymore!
@geekconnoisseur 14 часов назад
Quite incredible that a simple game like this made him rich.
@jaetrnn6000 15 часов назад
This video made me realise that stardew is so much an art piece from Eric's mind. The spiritual connection between Eric and Stardew valley explains why the game resonates with so many people.
@eryalmario5299 16 часов назад
Eric is dedicated he did support just by himself
@AustinSisneros 17 часов назад
BRO BRO there's a hollow knight sticker on his pc :0 7:10
@gd3741 18 часов назад
"A harvest moon minecraft served" just broke my brain lmao. Idk why i always assumed stardew Valley was older than minecrafy
@IntoxicatedPig 20 часов назад
Lol thought your voice sounded familiar and it didn't click you're Colonello until you mentioned your RuneScape channel 😂
@Sphendrana 20 часов назад
Well the fishing minigame was garbo, and you can't change my mind. Yes I watched ALL the tutorials and had my friends who "like" this game try to teach me. It's JUST BAD. I tried to like this, gave it multiple tries, I just don't see why people like this game so much. I'm happy for y'all though 🤷‍♀
@Skillzoh 21 час назад
Honestly makes me sick watching this. Every single case you referenced the parent was 100% at fault and they should not have been allowed to sue or receive any sort of financial anything when their own lack of parenting skills caused the incidents in the first place... "a ..... month old child 'got ahold of it'" thats legit the fault of the parent not burger king or pokemon..
@Skillzoh 21 час назад
The parents giving toys from burgerking to one year old or less children and then Especially "taking a shower" thats the parent's fault.. but ofc they shift the blame bec they know they fkd up and their child lost their life bec of it
@Skillzoh 21 час назад
Game is shit tho lol. Nothing against Eric but geez how do 500k people enjoy playing farming simulator
@dkalldkallovich2104 22 часа назад
@CowboyBGM 23 часа назад
The man is a legend.
@Voidroamer День назад
Holy shit, Amber MVP. wish i had an Amber :(
@toorimakun День назад
*Behind every great man was a great woman* (or women when we had patriarchy)
@rolen47 День назад
It's absolutely amazing how talented he is and at the same time being so wholesome.
@josephmoreno3375 День назад
I have that Teddy Fresh shirt
@TheRealHedgehogSonic День назад
Crazy to think how people who claim to be perfect in every way end up being the most flawed, but people who think they have too many flaws for their own good end up being near perfect.
@nosrin1988 День назад
Man, I really hate chucklefish, I'm so glad he eventually bought his game away from them.
@Maesaaj День назад
The continuing success and demographics of people who play the game proved him correct. Stardew valley is epitome of woman game, very few activities are actually fun and even that fun is ruined by the stupid time mechanic. Farming gets automated pretty quickly and at some point there is no point in farming as only thing you can do with the vegetables is sell them and there is nothing you can buy with the money so its pointless. Only mechanic that has some variety is talking to npcs which is worst mechanic in the whole game in my opinion as the npcs are either braindead or cringe, there is not a single npc worth talking to. Events forcing you to participate, effectively wasting your day every time there is some stupid event in town and what is even stupider is that there are only 2 farms but everybody somehow managed to grow vegetables even though they don't farm and some of them sit whole day in pub and do jack shit whole day. Don't get me wrong i know people who absolutely love that game and put 100s of hours into it and i have no idea why because that game has very little content to offer, though one of the women who love this game i know have spent 100 hours just creating her character in sims 4.
@modularcuriosity День назад
I had no idea that Stardew Valley was a PC re-write of the Harvest Moon concept.
@Ganbre14 День назад
Artists hating their own creations gotta be a classic ☠️😭
@kingkoiroi День назад
Kudos to the real mvp in this story, Amber! She supported him no matter what. And it all became worth it in the end.
@seraphimipx2611 День назад
anita sarkessian :D those were the days… what a waste of everybodies time and energy…
@alexres8327 День назад
Hearing the orchestral version of Dreams Song made my day
@fatkiller1000 День назад
Damn the older graphics that remind of harvest moon look dope as fuck shame he upgraded to this style.
@fatkiller1000 День назад
I remember a couple of years before this got released on xbox my friends gave me xbox money cards for my birthday and i kept the money to buy it. Thanks to that degenerate projared i fell in love with this game and now own it 3 times. Pc,xbox,mobile.
@Renvyr День назад
It's simple, without his girlfriend, he couldn't have done it... Expenses, support, love, tranquility of mind, these are the most important assets of a game developer.
@mnspstudioful День назад
I was there at the first few RU-vid videos when it was released. And I bought it as soon as I could. I own this game 3 times. ConcernedApe gave me back part of my earliest gaming memories as a Gen-X gamer that modded every game system I could to run Japanese games so I could experience them without the horrible localizations or voice overs in the 90's, as well as playing games that American publishers thought "American audiences just won't grasp this concept" was a good idea to deny publishing here... oh, would you look at that, they still do this. Harvest Moon was one of those games that I played on a modded console. And Stardew Valley, without really trying to _be_ the spiritual successor, certainly felt like it. And every time I go back to it... the man has added something. To this day, he continues to tweak the game and add new features. Great video for a great dev.
@thatfancyguy869 День назад
As someone working solo on a game, this has been a massive inspiration to start working on it more than I used to and not worry about polishing it to a mirror finish before I'm satisfied with it. Fantastic video, thank you.
@nielsB_FPV День назад
Amber is the real hero of this story
@beliffywu5804 День назад
just because he said that does not mean he hated it. you cannot base that off some single joke....
@Nellooo День назад
He wasn’t joking
@JohnDoe-bo5yk День назад
If he never made games again, wouldnt matter, stardew valleys replayability + modability is so good and like you said, has solidified it as one of the best games ever made. I go back every now and then to plant some trees and break some hearts.
@JohnDoe-bo5yk День назад
Man, amber is an actual diamond. Amazing woman by the sounds of this.
@conradsmith9441 День назад
As a 26 year old guy with a degree in Biochemistry, this story is inspiring and relatable. I got really good grades and I am smart, but I'm not looking forward to the grind of a Chemistry PhD. I'm single, working almost a minimum wage job, and luckily living with my grandpa rent free. I am currently stuck because I know that where I am currently and where I am headed is not what I want. ' This is an encouraging story though and maybe I'll go out and try some things I have been putting off. I want to at least try standup comedy and/or start a RU-vid/Podcast. I'm just trying to figure out what I can offer that will stand out and actually make a difference. Sometimes I feel like we already have enough people that want to be famous influencers. Truth is I don't care about fame at all. I just want enough money to get out of my grandpa's house, find a wife/start a family, and live a decently comfortable life without having a job I hate and having to worry about money. Maybe that is too much to ask for in the modern world though. I love talking to people, giving speeches, debating, teaching, making people laugh, and learning new things. Finding a job that makes decent money doing that is hard unless you get famous.
@eeveefennecfox День назад
eric:I hate my game also eric:releases it anyway
@oscarguzman3017 2 дня назад
As someone who never played harvest moon and didn't understand stardew valley, this video was great 👍
@danijelujcic8644 2 дня назад
0:55 Whoa ... Cool :-)
@jonnyeldritch 2 дня назад
Passion is what creates great art. Not investors or shareholders
@pinguigreen 2 дня назад
to be honest, this is the same guy that literally made burgers and then gave food poisoning, but this its another level of scamming
The real job of a programmer is creating your own engine. Kudos to him! This dude is a real game programmer! If you use an engine it is like assembling a LEGO kit and saying : "I created this!" You ASSEMBLED it. You didn't create it. -signed a programmer who graduated in 2003 learning C++, Cobol, Java & Machine Language
@krozareq 2 дня назад
He was his own worst critic. Props for such a great game. We need more indie developers not aiming to make a game that will appeal to everyone, but will be beloved by those who enjoy the kind of games they do.
@goldjohncallejas4673 2 дня назад
W Amber