Peckville Assembly of God
Peckville Assembly of God
Peckville Assembly of God
Peckville Assembly of God Church is located in Blakely, PA. We are spreading the Word of God throughout northeast Pennsylvania and the world. Contact us today if you need to be build or strengthen that relationship with God.
The One Thing | Pr. Kyle Drost
3 года назад
Made in God's Image | Pr. Tyler Drost
3 года назад
You are of God | Ted Shuttlesworth Jr
3 года назад
End of the Age | Pastor Terry Drost
3 года назад
Calm My Anxious Mind | Pastor Terry Drost
3 года назад
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
I don't think you have it.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
Is the Matthew 29, 30 where it says Immediately after the tribulation, what will happen? The sun no light, Moon no light, the co.ing of the Lord.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
They will not be beheaded for not taking the mark. But they will behead ed for not bowing down and worshiping the image of the first beast from the sea. The second beast make them down. You must Endure to the end. Endure what. More study needs.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
The scripture does not say the wrath of God is the tribulation. The wrath of God is poured out on the seat of the beast. It is to bring in Israel. Twice it says they did not repent but GODeven more.the angels pour it out on heaven on the earth.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
The mark will be giving out in the triublion. Or can't buy or sell. It is the image of the beast you will be forced to bow down and worship the image.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
You teach that wrong Jesus in involved. He sets on the throne and are opening the seals while the angels pours things out on the earth. Would you say that the seven seals opening Jesus is setting in heaven. The last seal is Christ return. The six seal is the Tribulation. The trib is to bring the jews in but the church believers will be here when it happened.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
Jesus tells us that we are to pray that the things coming on the earth. We will be worthy to escape things.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
The scripture says thoughts who would be in Christ will have tribulation.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
Tell me something, 2Thess. 2 says Jesus will destory the antichrist at the brightness of his coming. Is not the coming of Christ the rapture ? Where is the antichrist when Jesus Returns. This tells us in the temple showing Himself as God. That he is God.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
The rapture takes place after the tribulation. The six seal is the trib. Seal the seven seal is the trump seal.
@sandrarabey5350 День назад
Read Revation 7:14 who are these . They went and got lot.
@charlenegarza3607 День назад
I wanted to know why America was not mentioned in the Bible. But, Don’t like the reason😢
@peterkincaid6406 2 дня назад
@norandavis856 3 дня назад
There’s just one problem. Noah and Lot were delivered from God’s wrath being poured out on the wicked, not delivered from tribulation from the world. Tribulation is what the world does to God’s saints. Wrath is what God does to the world. A great many times the Bible very clearly and inarguably warns us that in the world we SHALL have tribulation. Period. That’s what it plainly says many times over. Tribulation is not a synonym for God’s wrath.
@EdrickScott-q1k 4 дня назад
For them who has ears to listen let them hear what a spirit has to say love thine breathren and sisters in Jesus name always remember chapter 22 revelation and read KJV just a voice crying in the wilderness
@VincentRichardson-c7u 5 дней назад
God has not appointed us to WRATH, but to obtain SALVATION through our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thessalonians 5:9 )
@wilfredovillanueva-mv8lk 5 дней назад
Friend if is hard for you to believe the Apocalypse God is not willing that any should perish and you may believe now so that the book will turn as a love message to you. For this is Gods book for believers. Apocalypse 1:1. With a double blessing chapter 1:3 and chapter 22:6,7. I love you Lord Jesus!!!
@wilfredovillanueva-mv8lk 5 дней назад
Definitely not!!! Romans 5:9. 2nd Peter: 2:5-9. Please with a humble heart and the fear of the Lord, read these scriptures. The wrath of God will last 7 years,the bride of Christ can’t be here but up in heaven witnessing Jesus about to open the scroll to begin wrath and judgement upon earth. See the church there: Apocalypse 5:7 and He (Jesus) came and took the the book out of the right hand of Him (God) that sat upon the throne. Then the greatest of all worship service exploded and the 24 elders: representing the twelve apostles at the twelve tribes of Israel; Rev.21:1, 12,14. Only those washed in the blood of the Lamb will be there. I. Want to be there do you?.
@wilfredovillanueva-mv8lk 5 дней назад
Definitely not!!! Romans 5:9. 2nd Peter: 2:5-9. Please with a humble heart and the fear of the Lord, read these scriptures. The wrath of God will last 7 years,the bride of Christ can’t be here but up in heaven witnessing Jesus about to open the scroll to begin wrath and judgement upon earth. See the church there: Apocalypse 5:7 and He (Jesus) came and took the the book out of the right hand of Him (God) that sat upon the throne. Then the greatest of all worship service exploded and the 24 elders: representing the twelve apostles at the twelve tribes of Israel; Rev.21:1, 12,14. Only those washed in the blood of the Lamb will be there. I. Want to be there do you?.
@Jomz432 5 дней назад
Where it is written in bible about 7 yrs tribulation
@Kim-b9t 7 дней назад
My home church love it.
@HollyBrouillette 8 дней назад
Amen 🙌
@livingh2013 9 дней назад
Glory To God ❤❤❤
@P3AC3_P3AC3 10 дней назад
Yessss they will. It says that in the Bible. There isn’t a pre tribulation… it’s post.
@livingh2013 10 дней назад
Glory To God ❤❤❤
@tranydurantGC 10 дней назад
Thank you and Jesus for even more of an understanding about the Rapture. I believe we will go back with Him when He comes before the tribulation . My prayer is to be ready and be bold enough to encourage others about the Gospel of His love. I want to be a part of the upbuilding of His Kingdom with His help His leading by His Holy Spirit when, where and how to recognize the opportunities to do just that‼️‼️‼️
@P3AC3_P3AC3 10 дней назад
Where does it say that in the Bible? Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos, Ezekiel. Yes it’s in Peter but the church for some reason doesn’t like to speak on what the prophets also says about the tribulation or end time period. Jeremiah 23 :3-8 Ezekiel 28:25-26 Amos chapter 9:11-15 Isaiah 43:1-6 Jeremiah 31:7-11 There will be a tribe that’s taken into the wilderness to be protected during this period but it doesn’t say anything about God coming back before the tribulation and if it does, please show me. I could definitely be wrong
@DorothyRosa-p5t 12 дней назад
@James1-5NLT 12 дней назад
We got your back pastor T.
@ML-zi1vg 18 дней назад
the only "Tribulation" the people of the MOST HIGH are not Appointed to Endure is the WRATH of GOD.... The End Time WRATH of GOD is Recorded in the 15th and 16th chapters of the last book in the cannon which Prophecies of future End Time Prophetic events for Our Time and Beyond.... Before the End Time WRATH of the MOST HIGH is poured out upon the earth YESHUA must open the SEVEN SEALS..... after the SEVEN SEALS are opened the SEVEN TRUMPET Judgements must SOUND.... Following the Blowing of the 7Th Trumpet Judgment as YESHUA Returns the WRATH of GOD is poured out upon the BEAST and His kingdom and upon all those who are Worshiping the BEAST and His IMAGE and them who Receive His MARK His NAME and the NUMBER of His NAME.... It shall during this Time what is called the RAPTURE shall occur as DIVINE WRATH is poured out upon the earth the "ELECT" of the MOST HIGH shall be caught up to meet YESHUA in the AIR until the INDIGNATION of the WRATH of GOD is complete.... those who are currently waiting and have been waiting for years even decades and decades because preachers Lied to them telling them the RAPTURE could happen at any MOMENT which the Bible "DOES NOT" Teach are and have been waiting in "VAIN".... Being caught up in the clouds to meet YESHUA in the AIR is a SET TIMED End Time Event and can not just happen and any moment... However, it can motivate believers to "GIVE" at any moment as they believe they could disappear at any moment therefore loosing the opportunity to "GIVE".... the 6000 Years is Ending.... The "BEGINNING" of the last heptad is almost here and is less than two years away..... which shall "BEGIN" "DIVINE TRIBULATION" in the earth which shall lead into "GREAT TRIBULATION" Our world and current generation has never known and has never had to Endure.... "Prepare Yourselves".
@jankosonen315 20 дней назад
Just finished listening to Tiff, he really tries to save people, studies hard. I would like to have a constructive coversation with him.
@jankosonen315 20 дней назад
At 48:00 just heard that Tiff says that there will be no signs prior to the rupture, but I remember Jesus said in Luke 21:And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows; 26men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. 27And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh. Is this not about the signs before the rapture? Now we don't know the day or hour. But when these things start to occur we will know it is near. Unfortunately many christins will then be left behind. Luke 17:31 is noteworthy also: In that day, he that shall be on the housetop, and his goods in the house, let him not go down to take them away: and let him that is in the field likewise not return back. 32Remember Lot’s wife. 33Whosoever shall seek to gain his life shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. 34I say unto you, In that night there shall be two men on one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. 35There shall be two women grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
@jankosonen315 20 дней назад
I am now at 17:40 minutes. Tiff said that those in Christ don't die spiritually, only the body dies. And if you die at 120 years of age you go straight to heaven. But how can that be, he just read that those who "sleep" in death will be resurrected just prior to the rapture. How long is this "sleep" period apostle Paul mentioned? Is it not almost 2000 years for apostle Paul. He imagined that the rapture would happen soon. And he even thought that he would go staight to heaven if he would die. But in his later letters he seems to have got new revelations when those who die will be resurrected. That it is only shortly before the rapture. And I don't think apostle Paul lived long enough to read the Revelation book. And where was Lazarus when he was dead? When he was resurrected by Jesus, I don't think Jesus brought back Lasarus from heaven. So when Jesus says that those who believe him do not die, he does not mean that literaly. Jesus just means that they don't die an eternal death. Instead they have the hope of a future resurrection. We should not take literaly he meant figuratively. It was Jesus way of talking, sometimes figuratively, sometimes literaly.
@chremezesaint-aime4416 20 дней назад
11:56 am
@calscottoh 20 дней назад
Yes. He who endures to the end will be saved.
@DanielVance-nn3jn 20 дней назад
World war 3 is about a year and half old now going on right now world war 2 was going on for 2 years before it was legal called world war 2
@joannesmit2792 23 дня назад
This pastor knows what he's talking about I love and learn from him.thank you so much.May the Good Lord spare you until the rapture, so you can teach us more.God Bless you and your family.
@wendytucker5566 23 дня назад
A sincere thank you for teaching this powerful and very necessary message today! I am blessed daily for my love for the Lord Jesus and His precious Word and have memorised many Scriptures from beginning to end as well as the last chapter of the Bible - Revelation 22.🙏
@laurastauffer1275 Месяц назад
Praise God
@kathyann8974 Месяц назад
“God forever sees me in His Son and the pure white robe I’m wearing is the righteous one’s. My pardon has been written in His crimson blood and I now have peace with God through His loyal love.” Those were the words I sang solo in an Easter cantata to a packed church in the late 1980’s. I auditioned for and won this part in my late 20’s. it was my first solo performance. I sang it more beautifully and perfectly than I had ever sang, because I sang it to God as He filled me with His Holy Spirit. I sang for Christ first. Later I sang a country song or two in contest and won 2nd place in Atlanta’s Stonewall Jackson’s right before they closed down.
@LyleCooper Месяц назад
"The tribulation begins in Chapter 6..." Sorry, Brother Tiff, but the tribulation or Daniel's 70th week does not start until chapter 8 when the final seal is opened so that the BOOK can be opened. I believe the BOOK, once opened, begins Daniel's 70th Week. However, God begins the Day of the Lord at the 6th seal, effectively placing the 70th Week INSIDE the Day of the Lord, so that every judgment of the WEEK will also be a judgment of the DAY, and will come with God's wrath.
@LyleCooper Месяц назад
"The church is suspiciously absent" (From 4:1 on.) What about Seal #5, the martyrs of the church age? They want to know when God will end His dispensation of grace (Given to Paul) and begin judgment. They are told they must wait for the final martyr to be killed as they all were killed-in the category of church age martyrs. OF OOURSE , then, the church is still here. See my other posts to find out what the first seals are about. What about the great crowd of saints John wrote about in Revelation 7-that huge crowd too large to number? They are the just-raptured church. They were raptured (In John's narrative) just before the start of God's wrath, or just before the 6th seal. (Chapter 7 is just shortly after the 6th seal. We could safely say, and scripturally say that the church is no longer on the earth after the start of God's wrath or after the opening of the 6th seal start of the Day of the Lord. Therefore, from Chapter 8 forward, the church will be in heaven, and chapter 8:1 begins Daniel's 70th Week or the "tribulation."
@LyleCooper Месяц назад
"Chapters 4 through 22 are all of the prophecies which will come to pass..." (In the future.) "Chapter 4, verse 1 begins the future..." Many people read something into the following verses that is simply not there. 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; 4:1 ..., Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. Many people, when they read these two verses, mentally add an "only," that God would show John ONLY things which must be hereafter. John did not write an "only" which left God free to include some PAST events along with the future events. Let's read chapters 4 and 5 and establish WHEN: what TIME is John talking about in these two chapters? 1. Jesus was NOT SEEN in the throne room in Chapter 4, showing us a time while Jesus was on the earth. We can be sure that John saw EXACTLY what God wanted John to see. Since this book is the revealing of the SON, we MUST take notice that Jesus was NOT SEEN at the right hand of the father. God has given us a dozen verses telling us that Jesus went to sit at the right hand of the Father. Stephen SAW Him there. Why then, in a book of Christ's revealing did God show John a vision of the throne room with the leading character MISSING? 2. The Holy Spirit was SEEN in the throne room, showing us a time before Jesus ascended to send Him down. Remember, Jesus told His disciples that He would send Him down as soon as He ascended. Yet, in this vision, the Holy Spirit is there in the throne room, meaning, NOT YET sent down. 3. Jesus was NOT FOUND WORTHY to open the book in the first search John watched. This shows us that Jesus had not yet risen from the dead. Without a doubt, written on the outside of the book, and visible, would be instructions as to WHO would be worthy to take the book and open the seals. My guess is, it would be the same One who sealed the book when it was created. Also, it seems it must be a MAN ("no man was found.") Again, my guess is, it had to be a man who could prevail over death. 4. JOHN WEPT MUCH. Why much? He wept until Jesus prevailed over death and then became worthy to open the book. The next thing John saw in the vision was Jesus suddenly entering the throne room where He had been gone for 32 or so years. He ascended after sending Mary away, entered the throne room, sent down the Holy Spirit, and took the BOOK from the Father. WHEN? Around AD 32. 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. 5:7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. No one can find 2000 years there, for that was not the intent of the Author. Jesus opened that first seal around AD 32-the very time He sent out the church with the gospel. The FIRST SEAL: represents the CHURCH sent out with the GOSPEL. Seals 2, 3, 4: God has allowed the devil to use WARS, FAMINES, and PESTILENCES to try and stop the advance of the Gospel. These three horsemen, the RED horse and rider, the BLACK horse and rider, and the PALE horse and rider were LIMITED in their theater of operations to only one fourth of the surface of the earth, probably Europe, the Middle East and Africa-the very places where two world wars were fought, where famines have been common, and where the black plague hit again and again. Seal 5 was opened in time for Stephen's murder, becoming one of the first murders and martyrs of the church age. They were crying out wondering how long they would have to wait for judgment to begin when their murders would be judged. In short, they were told they would have to wait for the FINAL MARTYR to be killed as they all were killed, in the same category, as church age martyrs. In short, they will have to wait for the pre-tribulation rapture to END the church age, so judgment can begin. Therefore the rapture of the church must come AFTER the 5th seal. The 6th seal begins the wrath of God, so the rapture must come BEFORE the 6th seal. What is my answer to WHEN? What TIME is john writing about in chapters 4 & 5? He is talking about the days BEFORE Christ rose from the dead, to the time Jesus rose from the dead, then to the time Jesus ascended, entered the throne room and took the Book from His Father. It seems SO MANY PEOPLE imagine Revelation 4:1 is the rapture, so everything from that point on is still future to us today. I have shown above that that is simply an error.
@LyleCooper Месяц назад
"The rapture is going to take place before the great tribulation..." Brother Tiff, I think it would be better to say that rapture will take place before the Day of the Lord and the start of God's wrath. Then, after the Day of the Lord has begun, the 70th week of Daniel will begin. The DAY will begin right where John wrote it, at the 6th seal, and the WEEK will begin a few days later at the opening of the 7th seal. The rapture of the church then, will come before the DAY and before the WEEK.
@TramPham-j6l Месяц назад
Pastor he is the best through been listen to he's teach,God is number. one in his life with partner he have together comit to love and. put God is the first that you can see to him to day in his life perfect family that not see any scandal as you see some time export in the new information.The best and the best,That need to call to service for God his is piority in your life❤
@johnpearce3714 Месяц назад
P.S. The LORD YESHUA /JESUS CHRIST tells us as to when all these things will take Place as HE stated & states in Mathew 24 ,Luke 21.
@johnpearce3714 Месяц назад
** What about Mathew 24 ,Luke 21, Mark 13. The LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST states in Mathew 24 , Luke 21 .
@johnpearce3714 Месяц назад
* The WORDS of The LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST as re. SIN , Because they BELIEVE NOT on ME , GOSPEL of John 16 V.9. * YES , repent of UNBELIEF thus to a change of MIND ------ Metanoia ------ thus TRULY BELIEVE TRUST only on in HIM for Salvation and Eternal LIFE only through in HIM for remission / forgiveness of SINS. HE has PAID the Ultimate Price for OUR SINS, by HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD that was shed for US on the Cross / Tree at Calvary / Golgotha , HE who was without SIN , HE who knew no SIN became SIN for US, The HOLY LAMB of GOD who takes away the SIN of the world. HIS death , burial , Resurrection on the third day according to the Scriptures 1 Corinthians 15 VS.1 -------- 4 ------ * For all those that do respond to HIS calling thus to repent & receive HIM into your LIFE as your LORD & SAVIOUR. as HE stated & states that a Person MUST be BORN AGAIN by The HOLY SPIRIT ---- John 3 ---- this is the SPIRITUAL rebirth given from GOD YAHWEH / JEHOVAH to all those that do respond to HIS calling thus to TRULY BELIEVE TRUST only on in HIM , GOD'S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST The LORD YESHUA / JESUS. ------- * Thus for all those that do respond to HIS calling , read Ephesians 2 VS.8.9. John 1 V.12.
@mickeymartin3813 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing this word of the Lord with us. 👍❤🙏🕊️
@barbterramiggi2525 Месяц назад
Study to dhow thyself approved❤
@barbterramiggi2525 Месяц назад
35:01 I am lookong forward to the rapture i praise God for my salvationa d that he is coming ng for me soon i thank God for you and your teaching God bless you Tiff 🙏🤗🙏
@livingh2013 Месяц назад
Glory To God ❤❤❤