Kevin Reacts TV
Kevin Reacts TV
Kevin Reacts TV
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What did you do?! Echo Finale Reaction "Maya"
6 месяцев назад
Echo - 1x4 Reaction "Taloa"
6 месяцев назад
Echo - 1x3 Reaction "Tuklo"
6 месяцев назад
Echo - 1x2 Reaction "Lowak"
6 месяцев назад
Echo - 1x1 Reaction "Chafa"
6 месяцев назад
Loki - 2x5 Reaction "Science/Fiction"
8 месяцев назад
Loki - 2x4 Reaction "Heart of the TVA"
8 месяцев назад
Loki - 2x3 Reaction "1893"
9 месяцев назад
Loki - 2x2 Reaction "Breaking Brad"
9 месяцев назад
Loki - 2x1 Reaction "Ouroboros"
9 месяцев назад
Ahsoka - Part 7 Reaction "Dreams and Madness"
9 месяцев назад
Ahsoka - Part 6 Reaction "Far, Far Away"
9 месяцев назад
Ahsoka - Part 5 Reaction "Shadow Warrior"
9 месяцев назад
Ahsoka - Part 4 Reaction "Fallen Jedi"
9 месяцев назад
Ahsoka - Part 3 Reaction "Time to Fly"
11 месяцев назад
Ahsoka - Part 2 Reaction "Toil and Trouble"
11 месяцев назад
@kathyjumper6991 2 дня назад
Loved your reaction. It's good to see someone enjoy a Star Wars show as it should be. Thank-you. The kyber bleeding was really cool. She had so much anger and confusion built up over the years that it just reached a breaking point.
@Iceland_Siglufjordur 9 дней назад
PIP보다 연기 못하는 주인공은 더 이상 보고 싶지 않아. 다음 시즌이 없었으면 좋겠지만, 만약 시즌 2가 나온다면 제발 오샤/메이 배우가 교체되었으면 좋겠다. + 그리고 오샤는 절대 솔을 죽일 수 없어. 그녀는 그럴 힘을 가지고 있지 않아. 그녀가 마스크를 쓰고 본 미래의 환상 또한 그녀의 눈을 현혹한 것일 뿐이야. 버네스트라의 등장으로 인해 카이미르 일행은 솔이 확실히 죽었는지 확인할 시간이 없었어. 솔은 죽지 않았어. 솔이 가장 처음 말했다. your eyes can deceive you. 버네스트라가 포스로 치유해서 숨겨뒀고 장례식은 거짓이다. 그것 모두 요다의 지시사항이다. 다음 시즌에는 요다의 유령 제다이로 어둠의 세력을 추격해야 하니까. 솔은 이번 시즌에서 나쁜놈으로 죽었다고 기록됨으로 인해 그간 감정 과잉으로 인해 저지른 많은 실수들을 모두 목숨으로 갚았고, 제다이 집단은 우선 급한 불을 껐다. / 다음 시즌은 어둠의 세력 vs 요다, 버네스트라, 솔의 비밀스러운 트라이앵글 포위망이야.
@toukie 10 дней назад
I'm rewatching (well, listening is more like it) some reactions while I do boring data entry for work and there is one thing I didn't catch the first time around. Joel tells the soldier he was selling to "The more you kill people, the harder it is to sleep, I guess". And then you see him take pills and alcohol to be able to sleep, and twice Ellie says "You mumble in your sleep". Then, he tells Tommy he has nightmares every night...
@talisredstar1543 11 дней назад
How/why Osha is doing what she is doing isn't explained. she hasn't used witch magic or the Thread in 16 years, but she can use it now as if she were a Mother? Its only been a day at most and she trust's Qimir? why? Sol, should of disarmed Mae. He said just a few minutes ago he needs her alive, so I doubt he was going to kills her. the ship doesn't have a hyperdrive so she can only go as far as Brendock. Then that lil *hit rat basal. wtf is his motivation? And all of this makes the chase pointless and just eye candy. The scene with David Harewood, should of been the absolute first scene of the whole entire series. It sets up the stakes. And what is sad is 2 minutes of David is better than most of the characters in this show, not all, but most. When senator asks who will stop the rogue jedi. Any competent writer should have Venestra speak up. "The jedi have guarded the Republic, even to our own detriment for Eons. And we will always be there to defend it as we did against the Sith...." it cuts the momentum that the Senator built up, and it would show that Venestra knows how to play that game as well. This show has given me no faith that they know how to do Plagueis justice, so I wish he was never even cameoed, especially since he should be a late tween to into his teens right now. but hey just a birthday right? Sol runs from the Jedi, just to turn on his transponder now? why? At the bare minimum he should of turned to Bazil and said "if I don't come back by such and such time, turn on the transponder and wait for the Jedi to arrive." how do you get the lift operational? you blew up the generators, its been 16 years of degradation. How does Qimir get in? new force power Force Teleportation? Why is there a hole in the roof? should of had Osha Force Push Mae out of the room, and then she disappears, because the "batmaning" is getting old and over used. Also her use the Force on Mae and looking at her hands just adds more credence to her regaining her powers. I get he was trying to use the helm again, but you have your lightsaber on the opposite side of Sol's blade. TAKE the bloody shot! his head is right there! Sure he destroys the main saber, but your Shoto saber is still there, and you have to have 2 crystals for 2 blades. Sol has trounced Qimir two times now, but Mae can disarm him with ease? Lightsabers are built to be durable, but a toss onto something suddenly breaks this one like its a dollar store toy? Mae has spent the entire season looking to kill the Jedi, and suddenly she wants Justice? Where did this come from? Its rather convenient that Sol never gets the chance to say "your mother was turning into Force demon, and was vaporizing Mae. I did what I thought was best to protect Mae and you Osha. My only choice was to strike down your mother." "Without Mae there was no proof" What about the blood tests? The fact that Mae and Osha had identical resonance signatures in the Force? Crazy how the writers forgot about that. Osha bleeding a crystal by accident is not only wrong logically, it literally goes against Disney's own lore. How many Men, women and children did Anakin kill? his saber never changed. There should be Rage, heartbreak, outrage in Osha to even begin to bleed a crystal. I'm talking about all but foaming at the mouth!... I don't see any of that on Amandla's face, until after he is dead. She should still be angry when he lashes out at Qimir.. instead she's puzzled? Its also sad that Venestra has all the powers every other Jedi should of had in this show, aside from her use of Psychometry. She tells them to set up a 5 klick Perimeter, and yet ALL of the Jedi are following the Rat?! that is not how a perimeter works! "You are going to do what you were meant to do?" What exactly is that? hmm? it literally is not established at all in the show. And what is established changes at the drop of a hat. Memory Wipe.. great Qimir can do it... so why didn't he use it before hand? just a tease of it somewhere earlier in the show to leave that lil bread crumb. So when he uses it here your like aah ok. Then Yoda.. looks as old as he did in the OT. Why couldn't they spend the money to either make a younger puppet, or just CGI him as was done in the Prequels? Where was Yoda? he could feel Order 66, but not these Jedi dying? But worst yet, instead of making the Jedi look fallible. they did nothing but make them look incompetent, absolutely corrupt, and if she comes clean with Yoda then that makes him complicit in the corruption. I can't claim most of the things I pointed out as my own ideas, in fact i've gathered them from many people from youtube. But they are all valid points. Most of these just come from this episode, with just a few extending back to the beginning of the show.
@Drakhulis 13 дней назад
I absolutely love all your reactions in your other videos but to say they wrapped this whole thing up is a stretch. This was a mess in writing and acting. Let's hope to god there's no season 2 and if there is, it is as far away as possible from Harvey Weinstein's secretary.
@KevinReactsTV 12 дней назад
That's fair, and we can agree to disagree. I will say that they probably could have condensed this and then given us more of the Plagueis involvement, Qimir training Osha and how Mae goes forward with the Jedi. That would have been even better in my opinion. However, I think they wrapped up the story of this season pretty well and they left enough open and intriguing enough, imo, to do a second season. As for the writing and acting, I'm not going to say that it was the greatest Star Wars ever or anything. But, there were some great performance in my opinion, especially by Lee Jung-jae and Manny Jacinto, and Star Wars writing has always been hit or miss, but I still like it.
@RealBLAlley 13 дней назад
Quite the twist that the season was about Osha becoming the Acolyte when we thought Mae was the Acolyte. It was also surprising when Osha's vision came true but she saw herself consumed with anger rather than Mae. I am also looking forward to Season 2. I don't think the season needed to longer but there are a few spots that felt like scenes or key dialog were missing. I still don't understand Mae's sudden turn when she told Qimir she was done with the Master and planned to turn herself in. The fact that decision was completely gone in the next episode makes it even more baffling. Was it genuine but something happened to change her mind again, or was it a ruse to get Qimir to reveal himself? Also, why did Bazil sabotage the ship? Did he fear for his own life seeing Sol become obsessed with catching Mae, was he turned by Mae, or was he under orders from Vernestra to do so? Not everything in a story needs to be spelled out, but it's nice to have enough information to draw an accurate conclusion.
@KevinReactsTV 12 дней назад
I'm glad that Osha and Mae both ended the season in a place that they chose for the first time in 16 years. We probably will never know why Mae had the change of heart or what she was trying to do since her mind was wiped. It'll be interesting to see how/if she moves forward with the Jedi. I also could use like a short or two of Bazil and what his story was. Thanks for watching!
@pflanzenfr3ak 13 дней назад
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
@ssotkow 13 дней назад
Your reaction to the bleeding of the Kyber crystal was awesome!
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
Thanks!! I was so stoked because it's one of the few things I know of outside of official canon! Really cool that we got to see that in live action.
@fifiloop 13 дней назад
Hey! Thanks for a great reaction to a great episode! :) The bit at the beginning? Osha was using the coven's powers like her mother, unconsciously taking over Qimir's mind while tapping into the force cos of the helmet.
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
Thank you so much for watching! That's a good catch that it was Osha getting into Qimir's mind. She definitely has a lot of power, like her mother, and I hope we get to see her tap into that more next season!
@Cornberry 13 дней назад
The season has felt super short, from the runtimes to just having 8 episodes. Like I want the next season NOW. But also, I’m glad it’s over because I saw the absolute worst takes in Star Wars fandom history every single week for every episode of the show. It was really tiring, just people hating the show and trying to convince other people to hate it too; that was the worst part. Side not: I like the yin yang idea between the “sisters”. Since they’re the same person, their emotions are on balance. When one falls, the other rises. The show experiments a lot, and I appreciate it.
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
Yeah, it should have probably been 10 episodes but being left wanting more isn't a bad thing...just as long as we actually get it lol. I couldn't agree more about THAT side of the "fandom". It was exhausting.
@RealBLAlley 13 дней назад
It seems each generation's senses of self importance and entitlement grow exponentially, and it truly is exhausting. In recent years I've started to watch plenty of shows that I thought were terrible, but I simply stopped watching rather than try to convince others they are wrong for liking it.
@theDaoistBean 13 дней назад
Agree, really liked the way they wrapped this up and great way to set the stage for the next act (hopefully there will be a next season). That was Darth Plagueis in the cave (as in Palpatine's master)!!! The question now is whether Qimir knows he is there, is he currently his apprentice, is Plagueis finding out his apprentice is breaking the rule of two, how much does he know of the witches creating life, etc. This now sets up the bigger story of Plagueis/Qimir/Osha on one side and Yoda/Vernestra/Mae on the other, with the senator as the political antagonist of Vernestra and the Jedi. I think it will be a wild ride if/when we get it!!!
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
I think it would be more shocking if we didn't get a S2 with how much they set up. So cool that was Plagueis, would love to see more from him! Thank you so much for watching!
@auntvesuvi3872 13 дней назад
Thanks, Kevin! 🌑 That hooded Muun in the shadows, according to Wookieepedia, is the first canonical depiction of 'Darth Plagueis' who we first heard about in THE PHANTOM MENACE. 🔸 And how wild to see a kyber crystal actually being bled in live-action?! 🔸 I think 'Bazil' was being protective. After he saw 'Sol' stun and restrain 'Mae'... and then put her escape ship in his crosshairs... he was worried 'Sol' might lose his cool, I think.
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
That’s so cool that was Plagueis!! Never knew what he looked like! That’s a good call on Bazil, probably did it for Sol’s own good. Thank you so much for watching along this season!!
@auntvesuvi3872 13 дней назад
@@KevinReactsTV It has been a sincere pleasure. 🫂 I hope you'll be watching SKELETON CREW later this year?
@KevinReactsTV 13 дней назад
I enjoyed the season overall and thought it was a strong finale! What are your thoughts? Thanks for watching!
@ssotkow 13 дней назад
Thank you Kevin!
@azk9218 18 дней назад
Finally someone pointing out to the Jedi that they bring children to battles lol Love Manny and his portrayal of Qimir
@KevinReactsTV 15 дней назад
He's been fantastic!
@Iceland_Siglufjordur 20 дней назад
그곳은 버려진 폐광산이라 여기저기 버려진 광맥과 고여있는 가스도 있었을 겁니다. 따라서 시작은 작은 불이었지만, 전선을 타고 여기저기로 퍼져나갈 때 어딘가의 가스나 위험 발화물을 건드렸다면 충분히 폭발이 일어날 수 있는 환경이라고 봅니다.
@RealBLAlley 20 дней назад
The arrogance of the Jedi existed long before the fall of the Republic. Sol must have assumed Aniseya was somehow sacrificing Mae and reacted without thinking to protect her. If only everyone listened to Indara and Aniseya. When Mae dropped the lantern it spilled fuel all over, which is why it spread around the door frame into the room. It also got into the open power conduit panel, and since a lot of the energy is produce by chemicals like Rhydonium and reactors using Coaxium the fire spread to the base's main reactor.
@auntvesuvi3872 20 дней назад
Thanks, Kevin! 🌑 The hyperspace disaster is depicted in the novel, LIGHT OF THE JEDI. 🔸 The "we must be sacrificed" misquote little 'Mae' convey to 'Indara' and 'Sol' had a huge impact. They literally thought the girls were in mortal danger. 'Aniseya' actually said, "It is about sacrificing a *part* of ourselves". 🔸 It's also wild to learn that 'Sol' was imposing his own wants (to have a Padawan... even though he might not be ready) onto the situation. He even almost lost his temper on 'Indara' at the end. That shows a very un-Jedi-like conflict that adds to his motivations. 🔸 And don't get me started on 'Torbin' being all immature from boredom and homesickness. 'Indara' turned out to be the most reasonable one of all.
@theDaoistBean 20 дней назад
Electric fire overloaded really old power generators which then caused cascading explosions. Sol was really afraid that Osha was going to be sacrificed, given the bits he observed, as Mae was marked and she was not...so when he saw Aniseya becoming a dark cloud and taking Mae into the cloud with her, he reacted out of instinct and fear. You can tell by the look on his face that he instantly regretted it. Though no one has clean hands in this, I would say Koril is the direct cause of all the deaths...she primed Mae to feel her anger, which led to the fire, and she threatened attack first, which caused Aniseya to try to stop everything or escape with her daughter, the terror of which caused Sol to react and then it was all over. I think the vergence was there already, like on Ach-to and Dagobah, and the coven came upon it/were drawn to it. It hid them, like Yoda was hid, and allowed them to create this dyad. Future storytelling will have to fill in all the blanks of how and why.
@jeramy77m 20 дней назад
Most reviewers believe the fire was electrical. It ran up the power lines.
@KevinReactsTV 20 дней назад
I think we’re in for a hell of a finale! Thanks for watching!
@dx-dragon4399 22 дня назад
Great video
@KevinReactsTV 21 день назад
Thank you! 🙏
@KevinReactsTV 25 дней назад
Thanks for watching! How are you enjoying this season so far?
@automatedrussianbot8043 26 дней назад
those scars looks like it could be from that spacewhip, lightwhip, that the green lady has. meaning Sol is probably not the only Jedi with something to hide. so the senate wanting to investigate the jedi sounds justified
@KevinReactsTV 25 дней назад
Absolutely, there are some dark secrets being kept, but not for much longer it seems...
@aarongonzales1600 27 дней назад
I gotta say…. I’m kinda seeing where the stranger / Qimir is coming from. Why he left his Jedi Master Venestra.
@KevinReactsTV 25 дней назад
He is a very compelling villian, and I can't say that he's completely wrong. The whip marks definitely feel like they might have come from Vernestra's lightwhip...So many Jedi are keeping some dark secrets.
@RealBLAlley 27 дней назад
A lull to gather thoughts and setup the reveals. The final two should be surprising and enlightening.
@KevinReactsTV 27 дней назад
I can’t wait!!
@auntvesuvi3872 28 дней назад
Thank you, Kevin! 🌑 Ahch-To is where 'Luke' sought seclusion. I'm guessing those little elephant-mouse-birds were meant to underline that it's a different planet. If they wanted us to presume it was Ahch-To, I imagine they would've shown porgs. But time tells all! Either way, it was a lovely locale. 🔸 Indeed, next week's episode has the same director as the previous flashback episode. I'm ready for it!
@KevinReactsTV 27 дней назад
That would make sense as to why they made it a point to show them multiple times. Thanks for the info about next weeks director, I'm excited! Can't wait to find out what actually happened, or at least see another point of view. Thanks for watching!
@auntvesuvi3872 27 дней назад
@@KevinReactsTV My pleasure. 😊 The same person who directed Episode 3 will be doing Episode 7, so it should be interesting!
@automatedrussianbot8043 26 дней назад
or its the species that lived there before the porgs took over, notice there aren't that many individuals
@auntvesuvi3872 26 дней назад
@@automatedrussianbot8043 Ms. Headland has confirmed that the new planet is not Ahch-To.
@automatedrussianbot8043 25 дней назад
@@auntvesuvi3872 oh i see, too bad. would have beeen nice to get more lore about that island
@theDaoistBean 28 дней назад
Qimir's scar is whip-shaped...and Venestra's look is very interesting, like she knows who really killed everyone on Khofar. Was Venestra Qimir's master who tried to stop him before he fell to evil...maybe she had a vision in hyperspace about him (they nod to this power she has when she talks about hyperspace). Anyway, great mood change ep after last week's very kinetic onslaught! The deeper we go, the more intriguing it gets!!!
@KevinReactsTV 27 дней назад
Oh that is a good point. And she did mention that she knew Sol when he was a kid so she is older than she looks. That would be quite the twist, but they did set the stage for it in this episode!
@jeramy77m 28 дней назад
It was an ok esp. Kind of filler with a little info. The next two esp. should land the season. Great video again!
@KevinReactsTV 27 дней назад
Thanks! It was definitely a slower episode than last week. I think it sets up a good end to the season!
@RealBLAlley 27 дней назад
It's not filler. It was a breather from the prior episode and setup for the next.
@undeenwrites 28 дней назад
Bazil continues to be the MVP! 😂 But Qimir is slowly becoming one of the most interesting "bad" guys we've had in a minute
@KevinReactsTV 27 дней назад
That's a fact! I hope we get a second season and can explore his character a little more. As long as he makes it out of this season of course...
@neil2242 28 дней назад
isn't it funny HoTD and this show seem to be following weekly themes.😅 Last week it was "twin switching"; this week it's "nudity". Jokes aside, yeah, I want to believe that planet is Ahch-To but the absence of the ubiquitous Porgs is telling.
@KevinReactsTV 27 дней назад
Oh, I hadn't noticed that, it is kinda funny lol and that's a good point about the Porgs. I would be a nice little nod to the sequels though
@KevinReactsTV 28 дней назад
Really enjoyed this one, we’re in for a hell of a finish these next two weeks! Thanks for watching!
@jeramy77m 28 дней назад
Best reaction I have seen yet!
@KevinReactsTV 28 дней назад
Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it!!
@lolgrigio 29 дней назад
Super happy that you're reacting to The Boys this season! I wonder where they're going to go with it, it's feeling pretty hard out here for our boys so I'm holding out for some hope soon 🙏🏻
@KevinReactsTV 29 дней назад
Thanks for watching! Yeah, it definitely feels like the bleakest season so far. I have faith, but worried about the cost to come out on top 🤞
@lolgrigio 29 дней назад
Priceless reaction to the sauna splinter centipede scene 😅
@KevinReactsTV 29 дней назад
Hahaha thanks. Can’t unsee that lol
@creepingvoid6844 29 дней назад
Im kind of mad about the Black Noir story
@KevinReactsTV 29 дней назад
What is your issue with it so far?
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
Thanks for watching! ❤
@NaitikSharma-yd8rj Месяц назад
Please react on Animal movie it is an Indian movie try it first you watch trailer
@KevinReactsTV 29 дней назад
Just watched the trailer, that looks really good! Looks like a good one to react to. No guarantees, but I’ll definitely put it on the list.
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
Thanks for watching!
@day_dreamer50 Месяц назад
Such “shills” 😅
@mattreid8098 Месяц назад
I think Master Sol can’t tell it’s May right now because his mind is clouded with emotion and it’s blinding his force connection
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
That could be, his emotions were (understandably) running wild in this episode!
@artiemedley9369 Месяц назад
Great reaction! I have a theory on Mae's turning herself in. She knows her sister is alive, so she was lied to. She probably thought better about taking on a Wookiee Jedi, unarmed. Because she thought her master was nowhere near them, she figured that strength of a Wookiee Jedi, and all the other Jedi, would be her best defense...all knowing that if she failed to kill Kelnacca, she said her master will kill her. THEN, when she finds Kelnacca already dead without much of a struggle, extreme fear and panic set in and she didn't think any of them could protect her, so she gave up her plan entirely. And, impersonating Osha could get her back on her master's good side. Square one. Keep up the great work!
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
That’s a good theory, and I’d bet that you’re right! It will be interesting to see how the Aniseya swap plays out!
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
Thanks for watching!
@seangargan Месяц назад
Mae is fighting against being arrested because her master showed up and is intent on killing her for betraying him. She’s trying to flee
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
Yeah that makes a lot more sense!
@logandouangsitthi295 Месяц назад
My interpretation is, once Mae realized her master was there, she knew her master would kill them all. So for Mae, surrendering to the Jedi became a death sentence, rather than an escape. Thus her trying to run from everyone.
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
That's a good point! Totally makes sense
@DarthPlaya Месяц назад
@@KevinReactsTV The threat of Death is a hell of a Game Changer Brother! 😬
@BARTENT Месяц назад
U look like granda. Pozdrawiam +1
@Hiago__Oliv Месяц назад
Best Episode
@glazanis24 Месяц назад
The material causing the sabers to short out is called Cortosis. It’s been mentioned in legends stories before
@glazanis24 Месяц назад
Sorry. I see someone else mentioned it below.
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
All good! It’s a cool material, I hope we see it used again!
@jeremyx-tein87 Месяц назад
The fighting and the use of the force has me hooked, ppl can hate, I'm loving the series so far
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
Couldn’t agree more! It’s been fantastic and those were some of the best fights we’ve ever gotten in live action!
@RealBLAlley Месяц назад
Well that was shocking. They made it so obvious Qimir is the Master that we ended up dismissing the idea. Double twist. They also added all the nameless Jedi so we'd expect them to die, making the death of main characters even more shocking. I appreciate the real stakes, which we haven't seen since Rogue One. We know Mae screamed and then we heard the lantern break. I am so curious to learn what really happened on Brendok.
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
Right?! I almost thought it was too obvious. And we’ve just been conditioned to think that our main stars will make it through, especially mid season. The episode really did a great job of playing on that. Hopefully we get some more clarity on the Brendok situation next week.
@aarongonzales1600 Месяц назад
What up brother! This was my favorite episode so far. I called who the master was by episode 2 but it was still a good reveal.
@KevinReactsTV Месяц назад
What's up dude! Yeah, it was almost too obvious that it was him, but I'm not mad about it lol feels like the show is really finding it's stride. Can't wait to see the rest.