Total War Therapy
Total War Therapy
Total War Therapy
a new channel about Total War Warhammer 3
@justjustalberto 8 часов назад
no wayyy
@Drawingborne 8 часов назад
i never saw itttt
@shaademrys6948 9 часов назад
fireglaive and single small entity to hold in front of the fire line 3-4 of them then rest fireglaive in a checker formation kill the barge first let the doom seeker agglomerate around ur small single entity and envoy the show ( blunderburst work too but small range mean then can charge you ) and use the fire res debuff
@TotalWarTherapy 58 минут назад
good strategy but two things 😅 fireglaives are overrated in melee they go down very fast and their armour piercing damage is wasted with no armour slayer, 2 doomseekers can easily tear down most of characters generic and legendary and in legendary difficulty enemy units know they do not have to gather all together to avoid bombardment magic and things like blunderbuss cross fire... but I agree the one you say is one of my favorite tactic
@SGProductions87 17 часов назад
Aren't you better off using the Blunderbusses against Doomseekers instead of using a proper front line? Maybe they are too fast, I don't know, but those Blunderbusses kill anything.
@TotalWarTherapy Час назад
yeah doomseekers are very very fast and I still needed a proper frontline because missile infantry goes down dramatically easily with doomseekers
@TotalWarTherapy Час назад
yeah doomseekers are very very fast and I still needed a proper frontline because missile infantry goes down dramatically easily with doomseekers
@Antero94 День назад
I feel you. Ungrimm is a pain in the ass to fight because his entire army are unbreakable so you can't win on army losses like you usually do and instead have to 100% kill every unit 😭
@TotalWarTherapy Час назад
and before I upgraded my army, Ungrimm was basically destroying alone half of my units... so sick
@MidnightBlackandVictoria День назад
I'd be interested to see how the AI interprets Arbaal The Glottkin Dechala Engrimm van Horstmann The monkey King Ghorros
@TotalWarTherapy 58 минут назад
thank you for telling me, if i make a third video I will follow your comment
@NoahSmith-je2qk День назад
Great battle good job winning it
@TotalWarTherapy 57 минут назад
thank youu
@joshualafaber1686 День назад
Well done on not losing any units in the first fight
@joshualafaber1686 День назад
It had five units???
@TotalWarTherapy 57 минут назад
I lost many many units though in my total expedition against ungrimm 😅
@Drawingborne 2 дня назад
@cartellaio6955 2 дня назад
who would win: -a well constructed army of heavely armed troups with peak dwarven technology -a large group of angry drunk dwarves
@TotalWarTherapy 56 минут назад
yeah something is wrong with all of that ahah
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 дня назад
Every Tuesday I'm scanning for that trailer to pop LOL. If Arbaal is the FLC Lord, I hope he is still given a trailer, or a scene in one.
@TotalWarTherapy 56 минут назад
next week I hope, lets cross the fingers
@TotalWarTherapy 56 минут назад
if arbaal is the man, he will deffo be in the trailer
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 дня назад
We probably won't see anything else for Khorne or for Ogres after this. IF the legendary FLC Lord is Arbaal, I'd say its going to be a wrap for Khorne. Ogres are a pre-order incentive race and so I'm surprised they are even getting THIS added. As trying to get them to add to or update pre-order incentive races is like pulling teeth. This is because these factions are created out of the marketing budget and not the standard creativity budget like the rest. If the FLC LL is NOT Arbaal, he will surely be added at some point as he is an iconic fan favorite. They all but confirmed Engrimm van Horstmann IS coming, but they didnt say when. I hope with the return of the old Sofia team members, the DLC gets back on track and regular again.
@TotalWarTherapy 55 минут назад
compeltely agree, khorne and ogre last chance to get a proper dlc
@Drawingborne 3 дня назад
from the title I guess you hate ungrimm
@ecargfosreya 9 часов назад
Now don’t go jumping to conclusions
@TotalWarTherapy 54 минуты назад
hate and love
@heqraouzi6739 3 дня назад
do one for skaven?
@TotalWarTherapy 54 минуты назад
hi thank you for suggesting me, if I do it it will be a particularly loooooong one
@Crucial_End 4 дня назад
We better get him and the promised Tzeentch update that should have come with SoC.
@TotalWarTherapy 53 минуты назад
They said no, but I really hope they will recover in some way the wanted flc legendary lord for tzeentch
@mrevident1970 4 дня назад
I still can't live with fact we won't get more gnoblars
@Cybvep 4 дня назад
It would be a bit disappointing if they added Neferata and that would be it for VC. They have many characters missing. At the very least I would expect them to add somebody like Zacharias The Everliving, but other possibilities exist as well, e.g. Ushoran, Abhorash or Walach Harkon. I think that the Lizardmen are not a great pick for DLC. They may receive the rework of the Geomantic Web and some QoL changes as part of a free update. They don't really need a DLC, as they are fine both unit-wise and character-wise. I like DE, but I don't think that they really need a DLC. Frankly, HE don't need a DLC, either. Both DE and HE could receive some tweaks/additions to their mechanics, though. Anyway, since it would be a missed opportunity to make a Slaneeshi-themed DLC and not include any elves, Aislinn seems like a good pick. HE's naval power is not really well represented in-game and there is a good spot for a naval-themed lord in the Eastern Colonies (currently occupied by a HE minor faction). If they added naval convoys or sth similar for the HE, it could indirectly enhance the gameplay of pirate-themed factions as well because they would get new juicy targets for their raiders. I see no mention of Norsca in your prediction and this seems strange. It doesn't seem likely that they will leave Norsca with 2 LLs and just 1 generic lord option in a game with heavy focus on Chaos.
@TotalWarTherapy 51 минуту назад
I mentioned Norsca with the Monkey King 😅 anyway the situation of the game now is better than it looks like, the factions are almost all well rounded so yes both lizardmen or dark elves they dont desperately need a dlc but they have to find some opponenets for the big names
@Indolthir 4 дня назад
Khorne don't get generic heroes because they are harder to design than one might think, they don't get them because Games Workshop has some sort of weird gate-keeping fetichism where they don't want anything they did not decide to implement to get into TW:W. Actually, it's even more complex than that, I don't know what's their deal, honestly. Sometimes, they let Creative Assembly do new stuff that did not existed and is not even guarantee to exist ever in the tabletop, like expanding the Vampire Coast, the And sometimes they have stupid, incomprehensible rules of forbiddance like "UGH! No! There can't be any kind of Hag Lord because there is only one Hag Mother and it's Ostankya!!!" or "UGH! No! No Khorne Generic Lord or Heroes anymore!!!" Even though, these questions have EXTREMELY SIMPLE SOLUTIONS, and it's VERY EASY to come up with new things or to solve their little lore tantrum or whatever... Like: - ok, so only Ostankya is supposed to be called the Hag Mother, well then you invent a sort of vague hierarchy among hags where the oldest (that are still far from being as old as Ostankya) are called "Hag aunties", or "Hag Sisters", or "Old Crones" or whatever that is not "Hag Mother" and there you are. You're not going to make me believe that in the lore, there is literally not any kind of hierarchy among the hags that could justify that even a little, some have got to be older than others. Come on! - Or, the generic heroes of Khorne. There is not a TON of possibilities, but they are still there. For example, why don't we get Greater Daemons heroes who have a different set of weapons for all Chaos Gods? Bloodthirster unit is anti-large, the Lord version is simple armour-piercing, and many other lords and heroes are anti-infantry. Well, do a bloodthirster with axe and shield (or spear and shield), or one that is a short range axe-thrower like the marauder horsemen of Khorne, maybe? Not Khornate enough? Well, do one with the two flails of the Wrathmongers for example! Also, why don't we get Blood Priests as a support hero and/or lord to replace the mages, like in AOS? Yes, they don't want AOS stuff, but they could come up with an equivalent, dammit! I don't know, some Skull-preacher or something, for Khorne's sake!
@TotalWarTherapy 49 минут назад
Man I should do a video just to answer all your comment ahahah anyway yes we do not actually know what is happening behind the scenes and some choices feel so uncongruent
@TotalWarTherapy 49 минут назад
Man I should do a video just to answer all your comment ahahah anyway yes we do not actually know what is happening behind the scenes and some choices feel so uncongruent
@lekonbtw3380 5 дней назад
Thanks, great vid
@TotalWarTherapy 48 минут назад
thank youuu
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 5 дней назад
Have you seen the models for Wrathmongers and Skullreapers? They are large infantry....Big guys, probably 6 to 12 per unit. Kind of like Ogres maybe a bit smaller. And that other LL HAS to be Arbaal. Any other choice would be lame, as the other good ones will already be in game with Skulltaker and Skarr. I know Skarr is the chief of those guys in the Scaramore tribe (sic) but I have never seen Skarrs model and don't know if he is large from mutation like his guys are.....
@Drawingborne 5 дней назад
I checked and the miniature model is like the same size of skulltaker... so not that big
@TotalWarTherapy 46 минут назад
yesss it is a big ? how large will be skullreapers, but Khorne already has anti infantry infantry and anti infantry minotaurs so I dont know what I would prefer
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 6 дней назад
I wouldnt mind DE, VC's, and Slaanesh at all. But what has me a bit questioning this is all the complaints over upcoming 6.0 that none of their beloved Order factions were present. I don't know what it is about some order only players (not all of course) but from all I have seen on various forums, they can be a bit entitled and outright whiny when things don't go the way they want. And yes, this DOES seem to only be present in a portion of those fans, because I saw no such complaints from fans of the dark teams when WH1 and 2 had order only DLCs. Some might think I am trolling, but I'm not. This is a real phenomena I noticed in the past, but didnt have it pegged until reading all the comments on various channels and elsewhere when 6.0 was announced. Anyone who hasnt noticed needs only go back to those older videos and see what I mean.
@TotalWarTherapy 45 минут назад
people always want heroes agains villains in some way
@Wvk5zc 9 дней назад
Prime example of hopium 😂
@MidnightBlackandVictoria День назад
Actually they all but confirmed Engrimm. But whether he comes by himself or with content, yeah that's another matter entirely. I expect Khorne to be done after this next one (IF Arbaal is the FLC, If not, expect he will be coming at some point) but I think there is still content enough to squeeze out one more for Nurgle and one more for Tzeench, as well as a DLC to finish Slaanesh (Though I don't think they will get more than one). Especially since they are apparently introducing End Times units (And people WANT those units, they just don't want the nonsensical and ridiculous lore....) Alot of people have become pessimistic because of the lackluster content of 2024. However, the reason for this amounts to a combination of bad "politically motivated" choices and some other drama behind the scenes that apparently can't be discussed on this platform. So much so that they under-went a restructure and brought back in the Warhammer 2 Sofia team that made that game such a success. Once restructured, I believe it will be back to 3 to 4 releases a year of WH2 quality content for at least the next 2 years (and for as long as it keeps selling well). I wish this platform WOULD let me tell you what was all going on, because its an interesting mess.
@TotalWarTherapy 45 минут назад
yesss 😅
@sickgeezersully8751 10 дней назад
Can you do a video predicting the remaining dlcs for warhammer 3 please. ❤
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 дня назад
Just from what they have talked about from game one to present, between the different dev leads, interviews, and online chats my educated guess would be. They will probably give Cathay 2 more DLCs. One by itself (Monkey King) and one with a trio format. The big ones will probably be Dogs of War, Ind and Kuresh (as they added those land masses but blocked them off like they did athel Loren). This next one will probably be the last for Ogres and Khorne, MAYBE the last for Greenskins, but they will do at least one more for the Empire....Other than that, expect them to add one more LL at least for EVERY existing faction as a game 3 representative, except for a couple of exceptions (like vampire coast-I doubt they get another for instance). Characters I am 99 percent sure will debut are- Nagash Thanquil Dechala Engrimm van Horstmann Boris Todbringer (In an official capacity) Egil Styrborne for Norsca (and who knows what other 3, as I believe they will add a god touched LL for each of the four when Norsca gets its overhaul) The Monkey King I have my suspicion about others but the above are ones I am all but sure will come based on hints and outright statements.
@sickgeezersully8751 2 дня назад
@@MidnightBlackandVictoria how many dlcs do you think that will amount to in total then? What do you think will be next after this dlc
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 дня назад
@@sickgeezersully8751 I think it will pick up next year. And I figure 3 to 4 major DLCs, mostly with the "3" format" per year over the next 3 years. And probably 2 big race pack releases in that course. As long as people keep buying them, they will keep making them as Warhammer is very popular and sells better than their normal TWs do. They had some internal problems that REALLY slowed things down. I wish I could go into detail about those, but the algorythm will censor me if I try (because I have tried with others) but they "pulled the weeds" and put the old WH2 team back in the saddle so to speak, which is why its been so "dry" this year. But thats going to change. Lets just say they had some not-so-decent people on their staff with WH3. Some of which were.....Really bad. And some were "activists" who wanted to make a "woke" game using TW Warhammer fans to pay for it. but that game (Hyena's) flopped hard and didnt get finished resulting in alot of lost revenue.
@MidnightBlackandVictoria День назад
@@sickgeezersully8751 I don't know why they saw fit to remove my previous answer, but here goes.... I believe that after this next one, Khorne and the Ogres are done IF Arbaal is the FLC lord. If not I expect to see him sometime in the future as he is very iconic and has long maintained cult fan status. The rest of the factions will probably get at least ONE representative for game 3. Some exceptions to this are Vampire Coast and Lizardmen, simply because one is very obscure and the other is already very represented. I also believe Dwarves have gotten their last. The DLCs and flc updates are about to pick up. Now that the WH2 team is back in charge I expect next year and for the next 2-3 years, 3 to 4 releases a year. SImilar to WH2. The REASON it slowed down is because they had some serious internal trouble. But describing what that was isnt allowed I guess. Just know that its been corrected, and the team steering the game now are the same who made WH2 the success it was.
@sickgeezersully8751 День назад
@MidnightBlackandVictoria thank-you:), should make a RU-vid video yourself lol, so here's another question, what do you reckon about a total war warhammer 40k game? Do you think they will do it right?
@Drawingborne 10 дней назад
please continue with these videos
@TotalWarTherapy 45 минут назад
@Shredow2 11 дней назад
Southlands need more variety anyways.
@TotalWarTherapy 44 минуты назад
I still dont like Kairos position
@bradynhopkins3580 13 дней назад
I feel Khorne get so much because he is easy to design for as it just god of war that looks like an devil
@Eclipsed_Embers 13 дней назад
in this case the second Legendary Hero is being included in the DLC only to make up for the fact that they aren't getting a generic Hero in the DLC so... clearly they're at least hard enough to design for that CA/GW couldn't come up with a generic hero for them
@bradynhopkins3580 13 дней назад
@@Eclipsed_Embers yeah fair enough I am just say out of the four they are on the easy side not in a bad way though I love them
@TotalWarTherapy 43 минуты назад
there would be the slaughter priest
@bradynhopkins3580 13 дней назад
Blood for the blood God
@TotalWarTherapy 43 минуты назад
skulls for the skulls throne
@davidhernando353 16 дней назад
A big weakness for HE is its below-average health across all units, doubly so since Martial Prowress is tied to said weak point making it even more problematic. A DLC for High Elves seems inevitable since they are still missing various units and character types in the armybook, nothing from the Sea Patrol in Storm of Chaos has been used yet to give more content to the High Elves and the Merwyrm from Monstruom Arcanum have been linked to the High Elves since they first appeared in the Sea Patrol army list, with the difference that in Eighth Edition they were divided into 3 different types of Merwyrm.
@TotalWarTherapy 43 минуты назад
yeah it would be so nice a dlc for them
@paulsharkey9522 19 дней назад
Love how this video starts
@TotalWarTherapy 42 минуты назад
thank youuu
@Drawingborne 27 дней назад
@TotalWarTherapy 42 минуты назад
@harrishaid7528 Месяц назад
@TotalWarTherapy 42 минуты назад
very very cool
@Drawingborne Месяц назад
i hope for the new historical to be good
@eurusew5020 Месяц назад
good content man, keep it up
@tacticaltoad1104 Месяц назад
"They do their job" is all the motherland asks of her people.
@TotalWarTherapy 42 минуты назад
ahahah right
@Drawingborne Месяц назад
blue scribes as a legendary lord... meh
@TotalWarTherapy 42 минуты назад
@DavidComedyshorts Месяц назад
Good 😊
@TotalWarTherapy 42 минуты назад
thank youu
@UrsusPlayZ Месяц назад
Do you really think the elemental bear is good? I often find them to be underwhelming and get killed so fast i did not even could react and check on him.
@TotalWarTherapy 40 минут назад
i think it is a problem with big single entities in general... we assume they are tankier than how much they actually are
@elb4rt096 Месяц назад
great guide, thank you! really helps me with my new campaign as Kislev
@TotalWarTherapy 41 минуту назад
let me know how it went 😁
@theblueflamerl Месяц назад
@TotalWarTherapy 41 минуту назад
@StefanoUrsella Месяц назад
Kislev roster: -bow and spear -bow and spear but ice -bow and axe -bow and axe but ice -axe and gun -mace and gun -axe+gun but biggher -axe and gun but no gun -mace and gun but no gun -bear -bear but white -bear but gun -bear but dudes on top -bear but MANY dudes on top -bear but MANY dudes on top light version -BIG bear
@Drawingborne Месяц назад
this is wonderful
@StefanoUrsella Месяц назад
@@Drawingborne thanks
@TotalWarTherapy 40 минут назад
better than mine ahah
@GutsOfRivia Месяц назад
I was also very happy to see Bruckner I love his lore and his miniture was the first forge world miniture I ever bought. I was so happy they gave him his helm when mounted.
@TotalWarTherapy 40 минут назад
i love your name
@rubric-eo5yj Месяц назад
bro seems like you never read any warhammer lore.Because if you did you would know that karanak does what he is supposed to do in lore,that is to hunt characters and mages
@masaheimoi Месяц назад
Any lore?
@retroplayer56 Месяц назад
My head cannon is better ngl
@TotalWarTherapy 39 минут назад
yeah but I still pictured a big big big cerberus ahaha
@zombieminecraft4213 Месяц назад
I think Ulrika has some insane potential with range since she won't be spotted if she hides and she has a solid 200+ range when upgraded along with ap rounds. She also has lore of shadows and vampire traits like blood thirst and cause fear.
@TotalWarTherapy 39 минут назад
yeah she needs time to develop it but definitely yes
@aveceasar6886 Месяц назад
Garagrim - absolutely crazy hero, that buffs main Malakai or ungrims slayer army "Oh my, i didnt get how to use it' Instructions 1. Get garagrim 2. Put an armor on garagrim 3. Rightclick enemy lord with gara and ungrim 4. Profit. No, really. New dwarven mechanic + gara makes ungrims slayer army a tidewave, that weeps out skarsnik in few turns and costs close to zero upkeep
@TotalWarTherapy 38 минут назад
ok maybe my review was too fast at that time ahaha
@Nutshell_John 2 месяца назад
nice video
@TotalWarTherapy 38 минут назад
thank youuu
@Blood_SC 2 месяца назад
Ogres: Dark Elf Mountains, Khorne: Northern Wastes locations, (Blood Mountain Landmark would go very well with Skulltaker.) Orcs: BlackCrag/Southern Desert, Below Tomb Kings. Are my guesses.
@zombieminecraft4213 2 месяца назад
I mean most likely they will replace non-legendary lords without making legendary lords at least start at war with them immideatly.
@Defsnot_Momskowerkor 2 месяца назад
I think if a Lord gets moved it be Skrag, with Golfat taking his place. Other than that I agree with @MidnightBlackandVictoria. Ind and Khuresh need to be opened
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 месяца назад
Yeah, its hard to pin down where they are going to place the Ogres, because being mercs, they are kind of all over the place at various times. I thought they would put Skrag either in the center of the darklands, or WAY south just below Skarbrand, but its so damned crowded already down there I can see why they didnt. They did say they would eventually open up Ind and Kuresh, but havent said "who" they will put there. There is alot, and I mean ALOT of demand for those two factions. I would love to see them added myself, along with Estallia/Tillea (which would be immensely popular, as human factions tend to have more marketing appeal) not to play as them myself,, but to wreck them LOL! I really only play destruction factions. My favorites being Khorne, Dark Elves, and Vampires. Partly from nostalgia, partly because I like their vibe and asthetic. But that doesnt mean I don't want other stuff added. I want them to cram in as much as they can handle!
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 месяца назад
They seem so far to be putting LLs in their end times positions. They have done this since immortal empires, even going so far as to move some people around, like Ghorst ect. to set this up. If these follow that same pattern, Skulltaker will be somewhere along the worlds edge mountains not far from the Dwarves, Arbaal will be on the border of Ind (west side, bottom coast), Gorbad will be near blood peak (Somewhere close to Blackfire Pass) and Maneater will be in Estalia somewhere. Things may be crowded for some, but it WILL be lore accurate so its got its ups and downs. And if they are aiming to do what I suspect they plan to do, the WHOLE MAP will be pretty crowded when this trilogy concludes.
@MidnightBlackandVictoria 2 месяца назад
If they want to be mount-happy, they should give the TT mounts to generic Lords and Heroes that actually GET them. For example, marked characters on the table can take dragons and manticores, and yet these are lost when you mark them. Put someone in charge of these decisions who knows what is what already!