Christian Robert Adzic
Christian Robert Adzic
Christian Robert Adzic
Hi people, here on this channel I will try to collect and share with you interesting photos and videos of the nature, everyday's think and underwater videos from all location where I go and can dive into the river, sea no matter what it is.
I hope you will enjoy this channel and we stay connected.
STTS OnLine #1
3 года назад
DIY pellet burner tweaking and tuning
4 года назад
Zakynthos The Come Back
4 года назад
S.O.W. - Save Our Water
9 лет назад
Ronjenje u vrtlogu
9 лет назад
River diving
10 лет назад
Novi Knezevac - Prokop 2013
10 лет назад
Novi Knezevac 13.12.2012
11 лет назад
@DijanaDzalto 2 месяца назад
@Addo596 Год назад
@yosisesoana1134 Год назад
Hello sir can fgtech also work on renault magane2 uch?
@christianrobertadzic9321 Год назад
On UCH no.
@bojandragojlovic3867 Год назад
Pozdrav, na kojoj lokaciji ste nasli dubinu od 20m?
@christianrobertadzic9321 Год назад
Novi Knezevac, kod opstinske zgrade. Ima jedan spust gde se stvara vir. Dubina dostize i do 28m u zavisnosti od vodostaja.
@bojandragojlovic3867 Год назад
@@christianrobertadzic9321 Hvala puno na informaciji.
@zbysiu100 2 года назад
first of all, choose poligon , than set all parameters, after this if you did not choose GND, the smalll window will appeared where you must put the name into it = GND , after this you must draw a countuer, and press the rattness. Should be work.
@TheWuzyy 2 года назад
Can you clone this ECU and put it in another car without changing the UCH?
@christianrobertadzic9321 2 года назад
Yes it should work. I would not clone it, just make immo off and you are fine. Of course if the donor ecu is the same type
@andinumberger7335 2 года назад
Thanks a lot!
@gokhangumus4982 2 года назад
excellent video👏👏👏👏. is this method valid in upa USB? thanks great man
@bojand4781 2 года назад
Pozdrav, koja je temperatura bila na 20m?
@christianrobertadzic9321 2 года назад
Ne secam se sada vec tacno, ali unproseku bude oko 4-5°C razlike. Naravno zavisi i od godisnje doba. Kada zimi ulazim, recimo da je gore -10 dole je sve u debelom plusu...
@bojand4781 2 года назад
@@christianrobertadzic9321 Mogli bi se jednom organizovati da ronimo zajedno u Tisi. Malo da nam budete vodic :-)
@davorgrinfelder4746 3 года назад
Da li mozete da mi objasnite kako iz Subotice doci do Prokopa?
@christianrobertadzic9321 3 года назад
Sada nikako. Sve je poplavljeno. Ne bi znao ovako da objasnim jel je put komplikovan. Ide se kroz njive, preko dolme i kroz sumu.
@peterkiss2224 3 года назад
same problem. thank you!!
@slawomirpiernikowski6150 3 года назад
I have the same problem unfortunetly.
@N3LLL1 3 года назад
Thank You!!
@christianrobertadzic9321 3 года назад
You are well come, I hope you solved your problem... My best regards.
@puaktopblm 4 года назад
My problem was in "polygon pour" option. It was set on cutout.
@igor2809 4 года назад
Thank you very much Dear. You information is very useful and helpful
@gijo031 4 года назад
I sta ste na kraju zakljucili da je razlog vira?
@christianrobertadzic9321 4 года назад
Pozdravljam! Po nasim informacijama koje smo skupili sa dno i podelili sa ljudima koji se bave geologijom i slicnim naukama zakljucili smo da, ovaj vir ovde postoji iz razloga sto se dubina naglo menja. Sa skoro 10m dubine koje je negde prekoputa nekadasnje mlekare ( danasnja carapana ) spusta naglo na preko 20m. U srcu vira je dubina oko 30m. Razlog ovakvog iskopavanje dna je nagli okret tok vode u desno i na taj nacin prakticno dolazi do horizontalno rotiranje vode, prakticno ponasa se kao burgija koja vadi sediment sa dno na banatsku stranu i baca na Backu stranu. To je moglo biti i objasnjenje za to da je na ovom potezu voda plica na Backu stranu i peskovita u odnosu na Banatsku stranu gde naglo strmi u dubinu vec u par metara od obale.
@andrewappadoo7179 4 года назад
Hii,is there a way to have contact with you?i need some information about this video
@mehmetartan6534 4 года назад
Hello, can you explain me the cable of fgtech ? green is K line red is positive black is ground and others colors can you explain ?
@user-pn4ff5gl1z 4 года назад
@RinorBislimi 5 лет назад
Thanks man, where we can get these pictures for ecu pinout and can we use Kess v2 in these case because FGtech Galleto is more difficult to use?
@florioization 5 лет назад
Thank you very much and was very helpful.
@ghadhanhussein2166 5 лет назад
Hello friend i need your help
@christianrobertadzic9321 5 лет назад
Hi! Nice to see here, how can I help you?
@speeedh 5 лет назад
Thank you ...nice work I read ems3132 the same connection . Good job.
@christianrobertadzic9321 5 лет назад
Problem solved thank's to support from Eagle. Here is the solution from Eagle support: "When you click the first resistor because your active layer is layer 23(you can see your active layer on the top left of the screen) and not one of the copper layers eagle correctly picks the part. Now when you go to do the CTRL + left click you'll notice that the cursor changes to something similar to the move icon(4 arrows pointing north south east and west). When this happens EAGLE is telling you that it's not sure if you want to add the trace or the component so you can cycle through the nearby items by right-clicking or if EAGLE has selected the resistor(which it did in the video) left click again to confirm the selection. If you do this you'll see that your original resistor and the new one will both be highlighted. So, in short if you see the cursor change EAGLE is not sure of your selection and you can right-click to cycle through the nearby items and then left click to confirm the selection at that point the component will be added to the group."
@bgfrdqf44 5 лет назад
Thank you very much sir IS your fg tech original ??
Thank you sir for your information
@emilianogatti9199 6 лет назад
hello, reading in boot mode is the full memory read? Thank you
@christianrobertadzic9321 6 лет назад
Hi! Thank you for supporting my video. Most of time yes, it is full memory read, I never faced with a partial read through boot mode, maybe that can happen But if you want to be sure check the readout data quantity with the given datasheet of the targeted flash memory. If your file is the same size as the memory size of the flash memory then you have the full reading. Another option is to take out the flash memory and read it with a external reader or through BDM if your programming tool and ecu is supporting...
@emilianogatti9199 6 лет назад
thanks for the reply. I have to do an inmo off of a Sirius 32D. I have cookie v54 and I do not know if it helps me to do it. I'm new to this and still do not understand
Yes, you can do that with the cooked v54 galletto. Just follow my video and instruction on the screen of your galletto software. You cant do anything wrong...
@fadiga739 5 лет назад
@drmartenshd 8 лет назад
dobro da se dobro zavrsilo
@christianrobertadzic9321 9 лет назад
drmartenshd: hvala na komplimentu. Pogledao sam vas kanal na RU-vid, mnogo je zanimljiv i lepo uredjeno. Vredi ogledati.
@drmartenshd 9 лет назад
ovo je nesto stvarno fantasticno.
@flexokorg1 9 лет назад
Svaka cast
@christianrobertadzic9321 9 лет назад
Hvala, Tibore, pogledajte moj novi film i sherujte dalje.. Hvala.
@christianrobertadzic9321 9 лет назад
Decenijama stari ribari i meštani nagađaju koji su razlozi stvaranje vrtloga - vira na reku Tisa u Novom Kneževcu iza opštinske zgrade. Po nekima je tu nekada bila crkva koja je potonula i sada u njene ostatke udara voda i stvara se vir. Rešili smo da rešimo zagonetku i spustili smo se u sredinu vira kako bi što preciznije stigli u centar dešavanje na dno u dubini preko 20m.
@MimaRankov 9 лет назад
@borisvejin93 9 лет назад
@gerovit86 4 года назад
Christian Robert Adzic doktore gde je crkva? :)
@christianrobertadzic9321 4 года назад
@@gerovit86 Nema je, mi je trazili ali nema je. Ali neka mit zivi dalje. Vazno je verovanje.
@rezsoe60 11 лет назад
Wonderful winter with a lot of snow. Nice VDO :)