Augustine College
Augustine College
Augustine College
Dr. John Patrick | Hope for an Anxious World
4 месяца назад
Rand Debates - Aristotle's Politics
7 месяцев назад
2023 Diefenbaker Lecture - Dr. Bruce Pardy
10 месяцев назад
The Decision
3 года назад
How Do Christians Think?
5 лет назад
Hymn Sing 2018-19 | Be Thou My Vision
5 лет назад
Speaking to Postmodernism (2/2)
5 лет назад
The Challenge of Postmodernism (1/2)
5 лет назад
Hymn Sing 2017-18 | Call and Conversion
6 лет назад
Hymn Sing 2016-17 | The Lord's Prayer
7 лет назад
@nowthatsprogress8708 25 дней назад
Would that "thousands of years of history" include denominational disagreements that resulted in the torture and bloody execution of either Catholics or Protestants, depending which stripe of Christianity held the levers of power? Inquisition? Crusades? The slaughter of Jews for not accepting Christ? The antisemitism of Martin Luther? Is it honest to talk about the flourishing and leave out the pyres?
@nowthatsprogress8708 25 дней назад
What happens when the virtue people don't agree on what virtues should be foisted on society? What happens when the virtue person in power decides Professor Haskell must take a clot shot because it's the virtuous thing to do? Note you wouldn't need to misquote the Bible, only misunderstand it to push that through on an ostensibly Biblical basis.
@nowthatsprogress8708 26 дней назад
At 31:50: That is not a "paraphrase" of the line in Genesis; it's a blatant misquotation.
@nowthatsprogress8708 26 дней назад
Professor Haskell's talking points between 45:00 and ~35:00 compare the merits of conservatism with the (de)merits of progressivism, which is not the proper comparison given the debate is not as between conservatism and progressivism, rather conservatism and classical liberalism. Additionally, he creates a false dilemma because people are free to live virtuous Christian lives whether being forced to by the State or not. Christian living does not rely on legislating Christian virtue. In fact, I'd wager that is the fastest way of hardening hearts against the true faith in Christ essential to the Christian life and its attendant promulgation of the fruits of the Spirit so desirable in a society. One way of encouraging Christian living is simply promoting freedom. Take, for example, free expression. The problem I am seeing is not that the government is failing to push Christianity on people; it's that Christians who want to speak out as Christians at their high school or at their school board or at their university or at the pro-life rally or at the abortion clinic, et cetera, are being silenced. Promote freedom, and Christians will come out in droves to minister to their fellow human beings. They will do it not because the State forces them, rather because they truly believe.
@timspencer7067 Месяц назад
Father ? Piss off
@deDiLean 2 месяца назад
Dr O'Brien: "Devil has a PhD(doctorate) in psychology. He has been observing people for a long time, from the beginning. He knows how to deceive us. He knows the perfect way to do it. It is offering evil in the form of... good" 🌺...thank you for the facts
@BaronReed-rj9rz 2 месяца назад
There is not one single denomination that has not been perverted by the ideas of man. Jesus did not come to establish a denomination but a Bride.
@DoubleAAmazin 2 месяца назад
The Macedonians were Dorians, descendants of Heracles I'm convinced of it. Alexander had them good genes that's for sure.
@johncassels3475 4 месяца назад
Dr John - thank you for continuing to run the race set before you and you seem to do it without wavering. I still have good memories from the summer of 1993 in Nundu, Zaire.
@mirelaalina4050 4 месяца назад
Christ Has Risen. ❤️☦️
@martinliehs2513 5 месяцев назад
Great debate on an important topic. Thank you for sharing it to the public.
@doola1609 5 месяцев назад
He would be up for hate speech if he gave this talk at any modern college in America
@QuixEnd 5 месяцев назад
The amount of trouble i got in for asking these questions, only to be seeing teachers treat them so seriously is WILD
@austinaferg6047 5 месяцев назад
Promo sm
@billwilkie6211 6 месяцев назад
I've been migrating toward EO for 42 years. But I'd never wave a flag and call anywhere the one true anything.
@danielgaley9676 6 месяцев назад
I am very interested in the Orthodox Church. My wife, not so much. Prayers are welcomed. Thank you all.
@presleymendonza4380 7 месяцев назад
OLYMPIAS = 1️⃣1️⃣0️⃣
@randymurphy 8 месяцев назад
Excellent Lecture ! What's really sad is that it only has a handful of likes. I've wondered more than once if I'm only one of a very small minority who gets this stuff. Too bad that even without the microphone, there's some audio distortion.
@randymurphy 8 месяцев назад
Am I correct in assuming that Diefenbaker's words on the screen that isn't visible are as quoted below. If not, can someone please post them. Diefenbaker Quote. "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."
@sophrapsune 9 месяцев назад
This is frankly brilliant, an absolute tour de force.
@Thomasyouareclearandbeau-td4ox 10 месяцев назад
John is nobb
@joelreinhardt2084 10 месяцев назад
Very good explanation of the breakdown of the rule of law via managerialism. More concerning, though, is Prof. Pardy stating at the end of this talk his own view of Law: "that law is based upon violence", which he calls "the first legal reason" and the only reason he obeys laws to which he does not consent. That is basically a summary and endorsement of the theory of Legal Positivism and enlightenment legal rebellion against Christianity.
@DutchCrunch333 11 месяцев назад
Wow. This talk was so prophetic. Is this the end? Yet??
@secallen Год назад
Very interesting but even so Jesus did not fulfill Isaiah 11, therefore he wasn't the Jewish messiah.
@naminea2480 Год назад
Thank you for this awesome talk.
@frankandstern8803 Год назад
First 5 mins or so left me having to stop listening. Couldn't take his pronunciations of the word Macedonian, History and his fake dropping of his Rs to make him seem to be something he is not. Sorry dude Too annoying.
@susanpower9265 Год назад
How shocking at video time 6/30 to hear A DEAN OF AN ORTHODOX SEMINARY IN USA refer to THE DIVINE SON OF GOD WHO TOOK ON HUMAN FLESH described as a Jewish Rabbi with liberal tendencies
@Traildude Год назад
Listening to this I feel as though I never really heard the Gospel before! Is there a transcript of this talk somewhere?
@jessejames5335 Год назад
Born into a protestant church. Im swaying 90% to orthodox church. Ive read about the virigin mary but it's still something that I'm having trouble with. Still feel like the dead can't hear us because they are "sleeping" since God hasn't returned fornhis church. Can someone please guide me to passages and books anout this subject?
@yarnellmcgee2335 9 месяцев назад
If you haven't already requested this information from John Behr, that may be a good place to start. Another suggestions would be to find an Orthodox Church and inquire your questions with a priest or attend a Bible study or question and answer session if one is offered. In this way you can get your questions answered directly from the source if you follow what I am suggesting. In Jesus name. Hope this helps.
@princekermit0 8 месяцев назад
@jessejames5335 Read Rev 5:5 and Rev 7:13-14 and you will see the Elders in heaven are talking with John. From this we can see that, while their bodies are in the earth "sleeping" their spirits are in heaven. They are able to communicate. The dead, or departed's status is often misstaught and misquoted from passages like "the dead know nothing". Lets look at that passage in the 9th chapter of Ecclesiastes. "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun." Well, its awkward to build any kind of foundation with this verse. Solomon spoke/wrote this with the divine revelation that had been given so far. We know later with the 1st Coming of Christ that the dead will in fact have a part in anything that happens under the sun. We know that Lazarus was dead, Jesus waited until he died from his sickness before coming to raise him back up. Where did the dead go before Jesus died? Jesus affirmed an older Jewish religious tradition that the righteous dead went to a place called "Abraham's bosom" but the unrighteous went to a place called Hades. Since the human has parts such as a body, and a soul or spirit, we should ask what is death? Death is the separation of body from the soul. Bodies decay away leaving bones, and even bones will turn back to dust. A soul or spirit doesn't. Jesus speaks to the thief on his right, the one who repented. "Today you will be with me in paradise." Orthodox Christianity holds an ancient doctrine called "The harrowing of Hell" or "The harrowing of Hades" After His human soul (which was fully part of the Divine Logos, or second person of the Trinity) was severed from his body at death, He descended into the underworld. He proclaimed liberty to the captive righteous dead, such as Abraham, and Adam and Eve, and took the keys of Hell itself, and led them out. You can google and research this term "The harrowing of Hell" to learn more. So, in John's book of Revelation we see all these people who had been brought from that place, and now they were abiding in the place where angels are, a place where thrones exist, and an altar. "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand" (Rev. 8.3,4) Now we can ask what the bible verse means when it says: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us". If you ask protestant bible teacher and scholars, they will reject the ancient Fathers of the earliest church and deny that we are surrounded by Saints, who witness our lives. But the ancient church says something else. The living faith says not only do they witness our lives, they pray to God with us, when we ask them to. Not only that, but God uses these same saints to minister to the living body of Christ. Some times they bear miracles to us, or appear visibly and talk with us, delivering guidance. They very much are not dead. They live in the place of the Most High, and they work there, and here. This is rejected by rationalism, modernism and Protestantism but is very much held by all forms of Apostolic Christianity. In the 5th Century Christianity divided over doctrines of who Christ is after the council of Chalcedon in 431AD. This was a very long time before Roman Catholicism separated from the Orthodox. This 5th century group of churches are the Copts, the Ethiopians, the Arminian, Indian Malankara and the Syriac orthodox. Originally the Georgians of the country Georgia were in this group as well. They are called Oriental Orthodox, and the ones of accepted Chalcedon were called Eastern Orthodox. From the Eastern Orthodox, the Roman or Latin speaking western Church departed in schism, formally in 1054. Now, all of these are apostolic churches that go back to the very apostles themselves with unbroken lines of succession. And even though they are in profound disagreement about a lot of things, the doctrines concerning the Departed are the same. The saints who died in right standing with God, in Christ, make their way to heaven to be with Jesus and the Father, and the angels. Rome added a thing called Purgatory where the stains of sin on the soul are bleached away, before being allowed into the presence of God, but it is a recent innovation or invention. It is remarkable that such a broad and diverse group will keep these things in common and in agreement, but only protestants since Martin Luthor and Jean Calvin and protestants after them teach something else. Lastly, let us speak about Mary. Or the Blessed Theotokos (Mother and Bearer of God). At the age of about 70, the Holy Mother died. She did not remain dead. But she either was transformed into the resurrected state by Christ at the moment of her passing, or after several days. This was seen by several of the Apostles as she was seen following Christ back up into Heaven. So, she currently is what all saints will become when the Lord returns to rapture the church. The bodily new person. This is called "the Dormation of Mary" or "the Assumption of Mary" doctrine. The Dormation one is how the Orthodox teach it, and the Assumption is how the Roman Catholics teach it. St. Paul says "At His coming, we will become as He is" Whatever Jesus is after the resurrection, we will be partakers of that. I do not think we get to join the Holy Trinity, but we become something other than normal humans. Thus, in addition to the special status of having given birth to God, the Son, she is also the first to be truly ressurrected. It is in this place or state we can realize she isn't like us normal humans anymore. More God given abilities, would seem to indicate more responsibilities. Can she join us in prayer? Try asking her to find out. Bear in mind what Christ said on the Cross "Mother, behold your son" speaking to her and John. "Son, behold your mother" he also said. Now, if we are joined to Christ by Adoption, and are given all things of the house of God, be aware that we now have a Mother who cares about her adopted children, even the ones in ignorance about her. We have someone near and dear to Jesus, who will pray with us! How wonderful God is to grant us all such a blessing. Pray and ask Jesus Christ our Lord to reveal the truth of these things. I have only put forward my human understanding of the ancient teaching of the Church, and I am not perfect. Christ is. He is without blemish or wrinkle, the very spotless lamb of God. Please forgive the length of this response.
@Helix3829 Год назад
Excellent presentation!
@seekingtruth5637 Год назад
Just left the Catholic Church now joining the Orthodox church
@patrickbarnes9874 Год назад
This claim by the Father that catholicism is toleration and diversity and heresy is intolerance is absolutely bizarre. It's just declaring black is white and white is black. He then has the nerve to marvel at how so many people think white is white and black is black. This guy is introduced as the greatest Orthodox theologian in the western hemisphere, and then he just gives us secular progressivism. This is what we get from the leftists who insist that men can be women and women can be men, that everyone will be better off if we raise taxes, that humans are hairless apes, and other such nonsense while they ridicule people of faith who hold to self evident reality. The church councils would decide between two sides of an issue, and then declare whoever believed in the other side was condemned. It's beyond twisted to try to claim that they were the tolerant ones and the people they were excommunicating where the intolerant ones. I'm deeply disappointed to hear this trash coming from someone described as a brilliant theologian. This is nothing but secular progressive style gaslighting being shoved on the faithful. And it's not that I misunderstand him - I get what he's trying to convince us of - that Marcian, in not accepting the consensus of the church, was the one attempting to impose his minority view on the majority, but the view is upside down. It's victim blaming. You can say the rape victim invited being raped by their behavior or dress and that is a logically understandable position while at the same time being wrong and morally reprehensible. That is clearly what is going on here - demonizing people who think for themselves as responsible for the intolerance and persecution that results from them voicing their opinions. Saying Marcian is to blame for separating himself from the church is just ignoring the fact that he separated himself because staying would have required him to stop thinking for himself. Father Behr tries to portray it as the church politely listening to him and then him leaving out of intransigence, which is like blaming someone who was assaulted for being in the position of being assaulted. Marcian left because he was told to change his thoughts, not because he refused to accept others disagreeing with him.
@thallesvinicius2729 Год назад
14:52 19:22 20:50 22:05
@huahindan Год назад
Thanks for this
@PViolety Год назад
@Tom_Theodore Год назад
I hope Professor Alford continues to submit articles to mainstream publications like The National Post because we need public intellectuals who address serious issues.
@gwens5093 Год назад
15:00 is the beginning of Prof. Ryan Alford's lecture. “I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ― John G. Diefenbake
@wade4114 2 года назад
@mindnutrients3702 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WmczFdBeu2c.html Ever wondered what the implications of belief are on one's soul ?? This has incredible information that is relevant to you personally irrespective of religious background . ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WmczFdBeu2c.html You will find it amazing 👏.
@michelhaineault6654 2 года назад
As worse as the roman catholic .
@karmatrinleyeshe 2 года назад
The Hebrew understanding of Chai, living life. Greek understanding of Virtue, arete, is as a power. See the visions of Zosimos of Panopolis, “arete” is artfulness I am moved by the presenter expressing an inner sense of devotion in speaking, it’s an expression of religiosity in scholarship. It is “deep value.”
@carmenfernandez5396 2 года назад
Could you please explain what the figures under the jam figures pedestals are? I have been trying to find that information but I wasn't successfull. Thanks in any case.
@Saint_nobody 2 года назад
I'll have to come back and read the transcript. his speaking method is well below the skill I'm used to hearing.
@Saint_nobody 2 года назад
stop walking away from the microphone, it's not a serpent, it will not attack you.
@giuseppelogiurato5718 2 года назад
"Are you Ortho-Ducks?" ☦️🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 ... "This is an autocephalous pond, because the Pato-arch says so!" (Swans and Pelicans and Seagulls from other lakes and oceans are welcome to swim with us, but they can't eat any of our bread-crumbs, unless they convert to Ortho-ducksy, and even then we won't ever fully trust them, because they don't speak Creek, and they are not CREEK Ortho-Ducks!)
@KingMinosxxvi 2 года назад
Honestly this guy should stop talking about other "flawed" works and just get on with it. I love Chartres . It is very, very, very special to me.. BUT if this guy has. anything worthhwile to say then I will never know.
@KingMinosxxvi 2 года назад
Im superior to my past self....yah okay?! how the hell do you know. generalised rhetorical assumptions are a turn off man.
@konyvnyelv. 2 года назад
Basically you just justified not caring about historical analysis if it doesn't fit your worldview, protecting yourself childishly from any rational evidence that could force you to leave your religion. Congrats!
@AK-nw7tr 2 года назад
May 2022 Thanks. Like to hear commencement wisdom. Amusing quip that for one soul found Bible College not intellectually challenging. Raising children to have faith upshot. ...Yet most lose faith. Heard one prof say it's the demands of the moral life more than anything. Figure the way to life is narrow but the flock knows their shepherd's voice whenever calls them. Anon quote reminds penance effective only if crucifies body and soul. The Cross a hard sell. Humanity weak, easily led astray. Always in need of Divine Mercy. Figure best pray for grace of final perseverance for all souls belong to God. Peace and congrats to all grads.
@michaelware70 2 года назад
I pray I can save enough to send both of my kids through this vital and wonderful experience.