Delton SDA
Delton SDA
Delton SDA
Seventh-day Adventist church in Delton, MI
Bob Swatzell Back To Basics
2 месяца назад
Tom Owiti All In One
2 месяца назад
Dr. Dan Grentz God Bless America
2 месяца назад
Dave McKelvey Righteousness  by Faith part 3
3 месяца назад
Don Jezierski The Gospel of Restoration
3 месяца назад
Jeff Dowell Protect your heart and mind
3 месяца назад
Pastor Mark Howard Fair weather Christians
4 месяца назад
Chad Emig The Persistent Widow
5 месяцев назад
Mike Terrell The Desire To Be Made Anew
5 месяцев назад
Bob Swatzell Spending Time With God
6 месяцев назад
Dan Grentz Christmas Program 2023
8 месяцев назад
Community Bible Study 2
9 месяцев назад
Session 1
9 месяцев назад
Shad Grentz An Attitude of Gratitude
9 месяцев назад
John Rachor A Thoughtful Period
10 месяцев назад
Jeff Dowell The Lord's Day Part 2
11 месяцев назад
Don Jezierski The Desire of Your Heart
11 месяцев назад
Mike Bernard, His Promises Are Sure
11 месяцев назад
Bob Swatzell, Defiling The Temple
Год назад
Pastor Joel Nephew So Many Voices
Год назад
@c19comandante57 2 месяца назад
Great sermon.
@s_hrndz0119 5 месяцев назад
Colossians 2:16
@pilgrimhere652 5 месяцев назад
🙏🙋,It's true,A neighbor offered 5 dollars is any of the kids could eat a hot pepper that we knew from which tree it was,I ran for water,out of breath and even got scared 😂 ,But one thing I know,God is been always by my side as you said Pastor Dowell.
@pilgrimhere652 6 месяцев назад
God give people a message to give so they bring others to God,Im sure This Man was given a message to give us ,Thank you Lord ,and thank you for your Servant Jeff ,Im enjoying his sermon,I needed it ,as an emergency,Im out there ,but I was in the church ,now Im out,In need prayers ,please😢
@pilgrimhere652 6 месяцев назад
I enjoy this message,I keep learnning day after day, Bless the man teaching about the truth ,because lies cannot exist in the new Kingdom .🙏
@diane3542 6 месяцев назад
May God Bless you Ministry. Diane❤❤❤
@diane3542 6 месяцев назад
Pastor Jeff I just found you today I liv
@CrilizFaiva 7 месяцев назад
Praise God,God bless you pr.J.Dowel for truth you have put across online..Amen
@RG-qn2qm Год назад
Jeff, if Christ is God and the second commandment says " Do not make graven image " does this also mean that the picture on the wall behind you, of a Jesus to which know one knows what he looked like? The same as making a graven image?
@RG-qn2qm Год назад
Pastor Jeff ....where is your series gone? Miss it. "Facing the critic's " Jeff are you still affiliated with the Hasting Church
@c19rebelmax52 Год назад
@s_hrndz0119 8 месяцев назад
Those aren’t mutually exclusive. The sabbath was meant to service man’s needs, that doesn’t change the fact that it was given to a particular people (Israel) as a sign of their exclusive covenant with YHWH. Colossians 2:16 is very clear to that end.
@pilgrimhere652 6 месяцев назад
Adan and Eve is the first church,then followed the blood line of Seth until Noah ,Noah kept the Sabbath,Then the Patriarchy line kept the Sabbath, God promised Abraham about his people to be a follow up to spread the sacred message to also keep the Sabbath ,this days the Sabbath Church received God's message to warn the world about the coming Judgement ,to not accept the mark of Rome (Daniel 7:25) God have only one Church ( Isaiah 66:22,23) Only one type of believers will be there.
@s_hrndz0119 5 месяцев назад
⁠Nobody until Moses kept the sabbath
@monalisa6264 2 года назад
I am witnessing to you today. All the 7 churches spirits lamp stands and letters is your 7 chakras. We all have God and Satan within us and we have to kick Satan out by clearing our chakras. For flesh and bone cannot enter into the kingdom, only those who have cleared their chakras shall receive the kingdom. You were given the earth, Your ancestors your for-fathers and the Descendant of today, Look what they’ve done with it. You have been playing the Harlot, thinking that God is a man and can travail, that only a man can save😆you have not done your studies. You find pleasure in unrighteousness. You did not call upon Mother God, I do not know you, you did not know me. Daughter Zion will thrash thy nations because She is the loving patient Mother God that you forsaken her for a mean vindictive jealous punishing father lesser god than Love. ❤️ If we have millions on earth, why do you think there’s only 144,000 people who follow the slain lamb, the female Christ mother? Because most people are bowing unknowingly to father god/Satan a false idol a neon/false light. Men have yoked us women for to long and we will not bow at a mans feet no longer. We were made to be equal. I’ve given you time to turn back but most have not. For those that won’t I will cut away. You have till Only seconds to turn back to me and listen. Do as my son Christ was sent here to do, live with love, kindness compassion forgiveness helpfulness unity equality and do not listen to that evil voice in your head which comes from Satan. I’m terrible heart broken everyday seeing my children being deceived and rejecting the truth. The day the planetary alignment is on 24th June 2022 which also marked marks the 40 years in the wilderness of the Bride the messiah. Her birthday is 24 June 1979. Below are some of my titles but that’s all they are. I am just like you. My intentions were we live harmoniously in love unity and equality. We make heaven on earth and we all are kings and queens. But Satan father god and his son Adam didn’t want us humans to be like them, they wanted us to be slaves. Do you see what the governments are doing to us now? Satan is the man behind the curtain. Mother is trying to save you and open your eyes to the truth. For God doesn’t have a religion apart from Love. My church I worship is my home and family🧬 🦄I am the angel of Philadelphia 🇦🇺El, For I was the 1st and the last, Dove, lotus, rose, Venus, Grace, pillars, the painted Mona Lisa was a clue, Israel, Gaia, Isis, the Holy Spirit, the red heifer, wisdom. The cornerstone, the morning star, the Messiah, the Bride, the slain lamb, lioness, the shekinah the living God spirit. I am Lisa and my husband is Archangel Michael. Please remember and keep this in mind before any hateful comments ⚠️I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit Mother God will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come ❤️🤔
@s_hrndz0119 2 года назад
From all my years of attending SDA churches the fact that the US flag stands front and center has come to bother me more and more. - Adventists teach the second beast which comes out of the earth in Revelation 13 is the United States of America. - Adventists also teach that the first beast which comes out of the sea in Rev. 13 is the Papacy. > If we can fly the flag of the 2nd beast (USA) 🇺🇸 in our churches, why can’t we fly the Papal Flag of Vatican City🇻🇦(1st beast) also in our churches? > Why have political flags at all in CHURCH of all places? > Church is supposed to be a place where we honor God, not a country, esp. a godless one. > Today our country, by and large, stands for abortion, gay marriage, fornication, transgenderism, feminism etc. both here at home and promotes it aggressively abroad all around the world through foreign policy or exporting it through pop culture. > Sorry but I can’t stand for that. I’m a Christian first and an American second. My citizenship is in heaven. Nowhere does the Bible teach us to “be patriots”. It teaches us to obey the laws of the governing authorities but that should be done regardless of country.
@graceyow3392 2 года назад
25:43 bless you mr. dowell. what a compelling presentation of the gospel. thank you so much for also reminding us of the religious freedom that brought about the birth of this nation. may the lord bless you and your service for him and his glory. i appreciate your heartfelt, short and sweet opening and closing prayers.
@graceyow3392 2 года назад
21:58 saints (believers) who pass on are not asleep. they are fully conscious with jesus as lazarus, the saints under the altar, samuel and most likely paul who hints it about his being present with the lord are.
@graceyow3392 2 года назад
19:10 he loves us regardless, but it takes more than god's love to forgive us. it takes our repentance. we need to repent and be obedient unto righteousness to be forgiven.
@Rave779 2 года назад
A few sources that I know that confirms this presentation is Scott Meyer's "Battlefield Hollywood" and the book; The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
@cindycarpenter332 2 года назад
Beautiful song, Thank you Kathy!
@ashlymadge709 3 года назад
bxm12 vun.fyi
@stevenodenthal3458 3 года назад
Ellen White, Ellen White, Ellen White, Ellen White, societal analogy for context, Ellen White, Ellen White, Ellen White, one scriptural reference proof texted out of context, Ellen White, Ellen White, Ellen White, Ellen White. Clown show.
@timeisathand4346 3 года назад
If you're SDA, then you shld have no problem with Ellen White. Perhaps you should seek for a church that doesn't believe she is a prophet. However, If you're not an Adventist, I can understand your concern about Ellen White. May God lead us all in the right path.
@stevenodenthal3458 2 года назад
@@timeisathand4346 I supported and defended Ellen White for 50+ years. It’s only when I laid her writings down did I find that she actually leads people away from the Bible, not to it.
@kevinpaulson9283 2 года назад
@@stevenodenthal3458 If you truly believe that, then the only honest thing for you to do is withdraw your membership from the church.
@stevenodenthal3458 2 года назад
@@kevinpaulson9283 that is always your default retort. At your core, you’re a Roman Catholic, protecting the church above all else. You’re always so carefully protective of the membership of the church. I happened to circle back to your site, Advindicate. With the book burning cleansing you’ve done to eliminate any contrary thought being expressed, you’re down to a base of 3-4 people commenting. You’ve ruined that site. Keep on with your narrative, brow beating with selective Ellen White quotes. I notice you never include the ones that show her to be a false prophet, like angels needing golden cards to enter and leave heaven, or when we get to Heaven we will get wings put on us so we can fly. (It never occurred to Ellen White to address the fact that we had just flown to Heaven without wings, why would we need wings AFTER we get to Heaven?) Clown show.
@mosabathobakae3567 3 года назад
Amen and Amen.