Peter Davies
Peter Davies
Peter Davies
@jrandallgilmore8907 3 дня назад
This isn’t just suburbs. I live in a major metropolitan area that has one of the worst public transportation systems in the country. Everything outside of the urban hubs is a series of gaint stroads, SHITTY box stores, strip malls and parking lots. It’s hideous. Yet every four years, urban transit light rail gets voted down. We’ve been brainwashed into thinking this is somehow quality living. I just returned from a trip to Tokyo and I’m missing the train system. I got everywhere in the city I wanted to be. I was out, connected to people and it was fabulous. Now I’m home and about to take my 40 minute commute (if I don’t get stuck in traffic) to work. That’s 80 min a day wasted that I could be on my laptop getting more work done. Think about that. 80 min a day that I can’t be productive. How is this better? Although I will argue the authors quoted cost of car ownership is high, I’ll add that when I drive to an urban core, it costs me at least $5 to park. So more costs. I spent half that round trip on transit fare in Tokyo. I don’t know what I can do in my community to turn this around.
@singwentseng5860 3 дня назад
Came from Asia so I took good public transit for granted. The first day I arrived in Canada, I walked 4 hours from a suburban Airbnb on a road with no sidewalk to a mall to buy a sim card so I could call a taxi.
@Gatitasecsii 4 дня назад
You are ridiculous, if you rode a bike it wouldn't have seemed that daunting. The streets were empty ffs. I hated this. Yeah the city is poorly designed, but you're also weak and whiny.
@michaelwhite2600 8 дней назад
This whole country was planned around the car. Fact is, you have choices to live your life however you’d like. For poor people, it’s not a choice .
@Anon-1870 10 дней назад
So america is really like a cars movie, wow
@beerdedwanderer 10 дней назад
This guy yelps in fear at his own shadow. Grow a set.
@HumbertoRiebeling1 11 дней назад
i hate this country can't wait to move to Aruba or Europe
@evolad2463 12 дней назад
as a european(dutch) american suburbs still look better then the commie ghetto's here
@guineapiglady2841 12 дней назад
People are the main problem, not cars.
@fpv_by_vili 13 дней назад
this is BEAUTIFUL. You should stop shitting because you don't even know how bad suburbs in former communist countries look like. So ungrateful.
@free_at_last8141 14 дней назад
This is such a clear example of the difference in mindset and worldview between urban and rural America.
@samuri2011 17 дней назад
Umerikkka is one of the saddest places to live. Youre fed propaganda about how this is the best place to live, meanwhile you cant afford a damn thing, and in order to have semblance of livable environment you have to kill yourself in an office job somewhere in an inflated city where people dont want to be friends and are in constant competition. And when you leave that bubble, you see the devastation. Stroads, food deserts, violence, racism.
@tiapina7048 26 дней назад
I would, actually, try to cycle there.
26 дней назад
whats wrong with this bike lane?
@unknownninja4430 28 дней назад
reminds me of my neighborhood in my canadian suburb in the 90s. now my neighborhood is over-saturated with cookie cutter homes and even worse traffic.
@stevedarms9914 28 дней назад
The first one is the intersection of Erie Blvd and Thompson Rd in Syracuse. Got it right away because I live four minutes away!
@rogerhigman7568 29 дней назад
Oh my! Am I right in thinking lots of Americans have fallen out of love with their country?
@creyten5255 4 дня назад
no i think it's the patriot in someone to point out the negative and want to improve it. i hope so at least
@johnsilver1800 29 дней назад
The USA is not a country, it’s a business.
@Seattlefan77 29 дней назад
Moving from innercity D.C to the suburbs of Minnesota was terrible to be as a kid and not just because of the stale people, but the fact there were long stretches without sidewalks. There was also barely any public transportation and NOBODY outside. All you hear all day is the sounds of lawn mowers and leaf blowers. Also not much shade and forget about sitting outside to relax. Pretty tired of the entire country tbh and can't wait until I'm able to move for good
@CZac2k12 Месяц назад
I am glad that you have discovered the truth, Peter. I am still living in one of Calgary's suburbs. It tries so hard to copy the small town format, but, fails to emphasize the need to have walkable neighbourhoods. I love how Amsterdam and Paris designed their promenades/pedestrian walking zones. I also love how they incorporate their efficient mass transit systems with bikes (specifically Amsterdam). Add the vintage architecture and it is truly a marvel to behold. Notice to the people who spend more time in conversation and that they are never in a rush. It is such a contrast to life in North America's success oriented and high efficiency lifestyle. People in Europe are way better at bonding than us North Americans. Enjoy your life abroad. I can't wait to visit Europe again.
@StevenHughes-hr5hp Месяц назад
In the suburbs you would be in easy walking distance of multiple strip malls at every other intersection. There is much more to do there than in a forest of office buildings. Where people live is where they buy groceries, shop and eat out. Try and find a working class bar on Main Street.
@StevenHughes-hr5hp Месяц назад
The offices are in the suburbs. So are the restaurants, the supermarkets and the shops. Who still commutes to the urban center besides government workers? If you want to build an office tower or a large factory there is cheaper land elsewhere.
@robertdavies82 Месяц назад
No trees, no bike lanes. This is what greed does. What Capitalism does. What Billionaires and lousy politicians do. What Wall Street and Banks do. What WE THE PEOPLE do. Me included. I want a do over.
@JackLeeTheFirst Месяц назад
Not to be an apologist to this, and it is absolutely terrible, but when you are used to biking on "lanes" like those, you kinda learn how fo bike in hostile areas. You also learn how to cross when there are no places to cross.
@erick-gmz Месяц назад
When family visits florida they are impressed on how clean it is. Well yes, difficult to get dirty when nobody walks
@erick-gmz Месяц назад
My grandma and her older friends live under CONSTANT ANXIETY about their cars. Maintenance, insurance and just being able to drive at their age. FLORIDA is unlivable without your own personal vehicle.
@adriosmani8797 Месяц назад
That's one of the cons of the US
@alexojideagu Месяц назад
Now I understand why it was so important in American movies for 16 year olds to get a car, and if you didn't have one you were a loser. Meanwhile in London teenagers mostly use public transport and don't need cars. They're not expected to have a car. It's a luxury if you have one as a teen, not the norm. It also explains why US Driving tests can be passed by a blind wombat.
@DevelopmentalIssues-e3y Месяц назад
I call them Globalist Manipulation Factories
@xijaomao Месяц назад
I do it so far everyday and can confirm it sucks ass and is scary and dangerous.
@Alive120P Месяц назад
5 hours a week commuting doesn't sound bad. The problem is the city roads, buildings, and infinite cars that makes everyone car dependent
@kylebos6442 Месяц назад
preach brother
@NajCharfeddine Месяц назад
drive Ford150, buy your stuff from Walmart and eat at MacDonald🤪
@avoiceinthechoir5791 Месяц назад
Car-free bicyclist here. It's not that difficult to live without owning a car. For groceries, set up a weekly farm box delivered to your house. Costco has home delivery as do most stores. Amazon sells most things. You cam avoid busy intersections by biking on alternate routes. It's not that difficult.
@CelticsDude22 Месяц назад
Suburbs aren’t the place for that kinda of lifestyle if you want to live very close to everyone and everything live in a big city
@CelticsDude22 Месяц назад
I personally love cars, I like being able to go where I want, when, I want whenever I want, with who I want.
@BrandonHunt-zo1mg Месяц назад
I was born in Topeka, Kansas, in 1956, where I lived until 1966. My dad, who worked for IBM Corp, was promoted and transferred to Kansas City. In Topeka, we lived in an older but well-kept neighborhood. Every summer, we held block parties. We kids had a blast! Wanting us to have a good education, dad moved us to suburban Kansas City. I remember asking about bock parties and just got a blank stare. No such thing, the world moved on. A piece of Americana faded unto the dark. Something precious was ditched so that "progresss" could happen. I do not blame dad for this. He wanted us kids to live in a good school district.
@karenielsen4713 Месяц назад
The closeness of the houses gives me claustrophobia 🙈
@EKTE64 Месяц назад
Stroads and car dependence are a cancer spreading across the west
@arobatto Месяц назад
Depressed, morbidly obese and diabetic.
@MarioStahl1983 2 месяца назад
I actually like when cities and suburbs are driveable. Cuty centers where cars are banned are only nice for people who don't live there and can walk around without being disturbed by traffick. I left a city quarter once simply because it tooka 10-minute-walk to get to my car. So annoying. Car-free cities?? Careful what you wish for!! What you critisize here about Americab suburbs is largely because of the lack of maintenance and the bad condotions of the infrsstructure. If that weren't the case I would find much of what you showed actually attractive because it is so carfriendly.
@milkbag682 Месяц назад
You completely misunderstood the argument of this video
@creyten5255 4 дня назад
it should be a mix of both cars and trains, trams, bicycles and you should be able to walk to your nearest grocery store without having to cross of behemoth of a road. it also stops you being lazy and becoming fat.
@kenm3ng121 2 месяца назад
if you dont like it, go home😅, usa,usa,usa
@creyten5255 4 дня назад
wow, you really misunderstand this video don't you. if people don't like it you should improve it. Keep being lazy with driving everywhere. the way these places are designed are impractical and you wonder why most Americans are fat when they drive everywhere and are surrounded by fast food places. it should be a mix of cars and other modes of transport like bike lanes, train lines and walkable paths.
@thecrewkidz2 2 месяца назад
4:05 why is there a double car😂
@JudgeFredd 2 месяца назад
Easier to take your car in order to cross the street than to walk ..
@mwmathias8806 2 месяца назад
Glad you stopped posting
@freeman041 2 месяца назад
This is the american dream, so sad 😢
@freeman041 2 месяца назад
This is why I prefer Europe. I love European suburbs style
@lifeisactuallyveryboring.7771 2 месяца назад
What about Boston? Does Boston have the same issue? 🤔
@lifeisactuallyveryboring.7771 2 месяца назад
Yo Minneapolis literally looks like a factory and not a city.
@lifeisactuallyveryboring.7771 2 месяца назад
U.S. sucks man