The Coding Cult
The Coding Cult
The Coding Cult
Short (hopefully) tutorials for C# and Unity 3D. No Intro, no BS, no fanciness, no quality
How to manually trigger methods in Unity
2 месяца назад
How to use Sort in C# / Unity?
2 месяца назад
How to Use SetColor on Unity Tilemaps
3 года назад
How to Rotate Objects Slowly in Unity
3 года назад
How to make Singletons in Unity
3 года назад
How to use Unity's Prefab Variants?
3 года назад
How to use Unity's new Input System
3 года назад
Unity - How does the animator work?
4 года назад
How do the UI and Anchors work?
4 года назад
@betoap07 2 дня назад
Agora sai?
@thecodingcultEN 2 дня назад
agora o demo ta quase kkkk
@ZomethingWithAZ 4 дня назад
If you want to use a ruletile, simply change "public Tile redSquare;" to "public TileBase redSquare;" and you can use a ruletile aswell
@snasdev2 25 дней назад
Or you can do waituntil which takes if as an input, its much better
@diegobob2 26 дней назад
opa gostei bastante do seus cursos a udemy, gostaria de saber se teria a possibilidade de fzer um curso como abse um mmrpg, se animar pagoa te vlaor integral sem os descontos da udemy
@thecodingcultEN 23 дня назад
agradeço, mas não faço mais cursos pra udemy
@diegobob2 22 дня назад
@@thecodingcultEN pode ser na hotmart tbm, esse tipo de conteudo esta escasso
@diegobob2 22 дня назад
ou tem algum outro lugar q vc faz cursos?
@thecodingcultEN 20 дней назад
@@diegobob2 desisti de gravar no geral mesmo, muito trabalho e eu não acabo não gostando muito do resultado. Só de vez em nunca um videozinho pro youtube agora
@diegobob2 19 дней назад
Se animar depois faço os modelos 3d para vdd
@Magma-uw7yo 2 месяца назад
How do I use for the Send Message behavior ? I try to replace the GetKeyDown with the new Input System, I watch a lot of tutorials but nobody explain me how to use it on an other script
@thecodingcultEN 2 месяца назад
usually using Send Message is not the best since it ends up sending message to a ton of objects. It's better to have a reference to the other script(making it public then drag and drop in the inspector or maybe using GetComponent) and then call the method you want directly
@jonathangarciarodriguez1240 3 месяца назад
THANKS A BUNCH! I was actually trying to see if there was a unity built in function to know states of animations. Glad to know there is!
@megaplusz 3 месяца назад
kkkkkkkkkkkkk irmão o "opa not here" entregou pqp
@thecodingcultEN 2 месяца назад
didn't entregou nada não, ta doido kkkkk
@JustFor-dq5wc 6 месяцев назад
Normal don't take to account your velocity (direction), so it's not best solution. Besides if you go top-down sides are switched (locally). And it's easy to get confused. Fast.
@erkintilki7887 7 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot brother
@fixmynitrogen 8 месяцев назад
Dude, thanks so much. Super simple, just quickly demonstrating the issue and demonstrating the solution(s) with a nice, clear example. People like you are why I almost always trust debugging videos from people with <1000 subs. You're one closer to passing that threshold, though. ;)
@dlv5652 8 месяцев назад
This is the only good tutorial that I found! Thank you so much!
@WarpaintStudios 10 месяцев назад
why do all videos show this method, it is WRONG. if you press and hold the button then performed is kept as true until you let go (canceled) this is not the same as getbuttondown but is instead the same as getbutton which returns true for as long as it is held. the only real difference is that with g t button it stays on true even if you release the button unless you call getbuttonup to cancel it. get buttondown DOESN'T hold true as long as it is kept held down. it switches to false after less than a second. get button: press = true, release does nothing (it stays true). get button down: press = true then switches to false. get button up: press does nothing, release sets true. started: press = true, release does nothing (stays true) - this is like get button. performed: press = true, release = false. - this is NOT the same as get button down as releasing it is what changes it's boolean, it doesn't do it itself. cancelled = press does nothing, release triggers true - this is the same as get button up. Unity REALLY messed up with this one. the closest you can get is by setting the interaction as press only THEN it works similar to get button down.
@pedrinhotrolsinho 11 месяцев назад
Ainda não to em casa, para testar, mas consigo puxar metodos de outras classes através desse script?
@breakdancerQ 11 месяцев назад
@InkSplatter446 Год назад
Thank you!
@bimbomariano898 Год назад
lack of explanation and info😢, but good because it still gives me the idea
@igeanimation Год назад
Thank YOU!
@Dispuff Год назад
@fernando3289 Год назад
esse sotaque n me engana kkkkk
@Roxildo1 Год назад
O jeito de falar claramente BR kkkkkkkkkkkkk
@pedrinhotrolsinho 11 месяцев назад
kkkkk s
@thecodingcultEN 2 месяца назад
um monte de BR encontrou o canal, até me motivou criar uma versão BR kkkkkk Vou tentar criar uns conteúdos em português tmb
@walasjoao5065 Год назад
vc é brasileiro né?
@StickyLabDev Год назад
not good cause , for the first time it imiadetly do a cooldown , which is should not
@pizzabander 9 месяцев назад
erm are you like 4
@StickyLabDev 9 месяцев назад
@@pizzabander i'm uwu
@pizzabander 9 месяцев назад
@@StickyLabDev bro what
@StickyLabDev 9 месяцев назад
@@pizzabander wukuk
@xazii Год назад
Awesome video
@timmydev8250 Год назад
Quick and simple, thanks so much! :D
@ZombeeStar Год назад
@stefanmills317 Год назад
Perfect, thank you! Couldn't find this anywhere
@fatpenguin_ Год назад
Thanks, You helped me a lot! That's a quick and simple fix!! I have a game where you can use abilities and I needed a cooldown system! Thanks again! I thought this would be a pain in the a$$ to do.
@hplovecraftmacncheese Год назад
It stopped the animation loop, but the character is laying there and not getting destroyed.
@hplovecraftmacncheese Год назад
I figured out the problem. I had the transition from death to an "exit" node. I made an empty state and transitioned to that, and now the character is destroyed after the death animation ends. Thanks for providing this tutorial. This method of destroying after death animation was pretty hard to find. I'm surprised at how hard it was to figure this out.
@Ihasfinger911 Год назад
What would this be? I can't wrap my head around the New Input System!! private bool isDashing; void Awake() { controls.Gameplay.Dash.performed += ctx => Dash(); } *****if (Input.GetButtonDown("Dash"))***** { if (!isDashing) { StartCoroutine(Dash()); } } IEnumerator Dash() { isDashing = true; speed *= dashPower; trailRenderer.emitting = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(dashTime); speed = baseSpeed; isDashing = false; trailRenderer.emitting = false;
@blanc9726 Год назад
Thank you soooooooooo much for this! More people need to be aware of this very simple but very useful trick!
@evanlegrand874 Год назад
great video, been looking for this for a long time!
@Tankwiper 2 года назад
Wow, that's the most simple way to make a cooldown in Unity. I didn't even know that.
@user-qf2mx2eu9h 2 года назад
Why do such unobvious things? Thanks for solution!
@bosshome8320 2 года назад
@normal9304 2 года назад
@michaelantonelli5944 2 года назад
hmm, really doesn't seem to want to do anything either way. ive set the flags to none as you show in the UI, has no effect. when i try to change color during runtime it immediately flashes back to white tried setting it in the code exactly as you did, no change in color. doesnt matter if i do it before, after, or during my placement of the tile not sure what other info to include, just seems determined to not work
@michaelantonelli5944 2 года назад
AAAAAAH why is color in unity 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 255. god damnit
@maythesciencebewithyou Год назад
@@michaelantonelli5944 You can use Color32 instead
@martins.8349 2 года назад
thank you .. you are a man of culture :D
@bensnow8525 2 года назад
You beauty, thank you <3
@LilPie 2 года назад
Ty :)
@bardofdarkness1453 2 года назад
This is great! I was using an invoke based method with a timer before, it would still have a little bit of variance where it'd delete the object too soon once in awhile. This is so much better and cleaner. Thank you!
@tylerjones9197 2 года назад
Thanks dude, Unity Forums weren't helping on this issue.
@twilight3272 2 года назад
Yeah, I was having a similar issue. This seems like such a simple thing to state, but every time I saw a question like this the people waffled around and never just said .canceled would work.
@NightDay1 2 года назад
not working
@timq16 2 года назад
Doesn’t work
@stormer268 2 года назад
@talismanskulls2857 2 года назад
How would I add something like this to a script like the following to do 3 more things? 1) Avoid objects, 2) avoid other NPCs and 3) move toward a more direct player and not get confused if two players are in the same scene/ public class WanderNPC : MonoBehaviour { public float movSpeed; public float rotSpeed = 100f; private bool isWandering = false; private bool isRotL = false; private bool isRotR = false; private bool isWalking = false; Rigidbody rb; private void Start() { rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); } private void Update() { if (isWandering == false) { StartCoroutine(Wander()); } if (isRotR == true) { transform.Rotate(transform.up * Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed); } if (isRotL == true) { transform.Rotate(transform.up * Time.deltaTime * -rotSpeed); } if (isWalking == true) { rb.transform.position += transform.forward * movSpeed; } } IEnumerator Wander() { int rottime = Random.Range(1, 3); int rotwait = Random.Range(1, 3); int rotatelorR = Random.Range(1, 3); int walkwait = Random.Range(1, 3); int walktime = Random.Range(1, 20); isWandering = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(walkwait); isWalking = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(walktime); isWalking = false; yield return new WaitForSeconds(rotwait); if (rotatelorR == 1) { isRotR = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(rottime); isRotR = false; } if (rotatelorR == 2) { isRotL = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(rottime); isRotL = false; } isWandering = false; } } don't mind if you write it in. Maybe make a tutorial like this to which we can add animations for humanoid type bots later??
@stanleyafon8782 2 года назад
@mikekozlov3484 2 года назад
I guess it also won't work for anything little more complex, like if you had two cubes forming 90*, then player would slide to the angle between them
@25-EMP 2 года назад
so useful ty
@saaduff4257 3 года назад
@chucrez 3 года назад
loved, simple and awesome solution
@maliksaraanasim5404 3 года назад
Hi, I am trying to rotate an object back to its default position when I release a key using the below line of code but if I use Time.deltatime or Time.time it snaps quickly and if I use Time.fixedDeltaTime it gets stuck transform.rotation=Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation,Quaternion.identity,rotationResetSpeed*Time.fixedDeltaTime); Any help would be appreciated
@maliksaraanasim5404 3 года назад
It is a kinematic rigid body .I have tried this in both Fixed Update and Update
@thecodingcultEN 3 года назад
you should use this instead: docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform.RotateAround.html Or if you want to use the rigidbody docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rigidbody.MoveRotation.html
@maliksaraanasim5404 3 года назад
Thankyou so much , got it working