WatchFul Explainer
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WatchFul Explainer

"Explaining things in simple way on WatchFul Explainer. Join ME!"
Famous Hoaxes EXPLAINED In 5 Minutes
2 месяца назад
Every Famous Religion Explained in 5 Minutes
7 месяцев назад
Major Inventions Explained
8 месяцев назад
@ILove_Allah20074 16 часов назад
I identify as a Lesbian🤣🤣
@Aidenkado День назад
The Afterlife in Atheism is just nothing or being reincarnated into new beings throughout most life in the universe, You would not know it, in your new life after your death, You will not know or recognise your previous life in a new being,
@raishafeperalta7309 12 дней назад
@farhank222 12 дней назад
I’m an expert script writer and video editor. I can create engaging and captivating videos for your channel. Looking forward to hearing back from you! Thanks.
@Goofy_Ahh_Cat_lol 13 дней назад
I’ve been looking through sexualities to find one that best fits me. I’d say im both neptunic and asexual.
@Lord_Kratos69 13 дней назад
In one word Is gay and super gay
@Lord_Kratos69 13 дней назад
Homosexuality is very gay
@Lord_Kratos69 13 дней назад
Thats so gay
@Lord_Kratos69 13 дней назад
The first one is normal and other are gay
@SBPepperminion 14 дней назад
What about to trans men, cis women, or all biological females, regardless of gender identity, if any? Is that Pan?
@WatchFulExplainer 13 дней назад
Pansexual means a person who can be attracted to anyone, no matter their gender identity. This includes trans men, cis women, and all biological females, regardless of their gender identity. So yes, if someone is attracted to people of all genders, that could be considered pansexual.
@SBPepperminion 13 дней назад
Thanks, @@WatchFulExplainer.
@yvonetubla7682 17 дней назад
@Kennedy295 18 дней назад
I’m asexual! 🖤🤍💜
@LegoCollector30 22 дня назад
👋 I also support hetero 👍 🙂
2:01 That's not entirely true. According to Vedic cosmology, the (1/4)th of the sky is the material world and the (3/4)th of the sky is the Spiritual World which is the abode of Lord Viṣṇu. All the living entities are supposed to be the eternal residents of the Spiritual World where they live with the Lord and serve Him in their constituent bhāva. However, a jīva (living entity) might desire to enjoy independently and lord over. Such jīvas fall to the material world. The Spiritual World is eternal and un-changing. The material world comprises of innumerable material universes each of which undergo continuous cycle of creation and destruction. The living entities in the material world have to accept material bodies birth after birth. They are not generally disposed towards God. So, for their benefit, The Supreme Lord Viṣṇu gives birth to the Vedas through His breath. It is not true that the scriptures came from different authors. The Vedas are born from the Lord's breath. The Upaniṣadas belong to the Ṛgveda. The Purāṇas and Itihāsas are part of Upaniṣadas. The "influential practices" arising even today as mentioned in the video are mostly deviations of kaliyuga.
Nice video 👍 2:41 There is more to it- the next birth could or could not be on earth. 1️⃣ Hell- There are various types of hells for punishing different types of sins. The soul is given a particular type of body to experience the sufferings in hell. Once the sins are being purified, the soul than takes the next birth on earth. The naraka-loka (hellish planets) is situated at the bottom of the universe. A few types of hells are as follows: i) Tamiśra- for depriving others of their wealth or spouse ii) Raurava- for harming and killing animals for personal gain iii) Kālasūtra- for disrespecting superiors iv) Asipatravana- for falsely claiming religious or spiritual authority And so on. 2️⃣ Heaven- Heavens are divided into 3 categories: i) divya svarga (upper heavenly planets) ii) bhauma svarga (earthly heavenly planets) iii) bila svarga (lower heavenly planets) ➡️ The divya svarga includes the 6 heavenly realms and is situated at the top of the universe. Below that are the bhauma svarga which are situated on the bhūmaṇḍala beyond the earth. Below that are the bila svarga which include the 7 heavenly realms. Below that is the naraka-loka (hellish planets) ➡️ Those who follow the Karma-kaṇḍa section of the Vedas are promoted to either the Svarga-loka, the Gandharva-loka, Vidyādhara-loka or the Chāraṇa-loka in the divya svarga or they could be promoted to the bhauma svarga depending on the extent of their piety. Those who follow the Jñāna-kāṇḍa section of the Vedas are promoted to the Jñāna-loka, Mahara-loka, Tapo-loka in the divya svarga depending on the extent of piety. Those who follow the Upāsanā-kāṇḍa section of the Vedas are promoted to those particular planets of the demigods in the divya svarga. ➡️ Over the time of residence in the respective heavens, once the credit of piety is finished, the soul has to take the next birth on earth. 3️⃣ Mukti (liberation) Both the heavens and hells are temporary. According to Vedic cosmology, one fourth of the sky is the material world. The material world comprises of innumerable material universes. Each universe has its own heaven and hell. Beyond this material world, the remaining three fourth sky is the spiritual world which is called Vaikuṇṭha and is the abode of the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu. We (the souls) eternally belong to the spiritual world but we have fallen to this material world due to our desire to lord over. As long as we have material attachments, we are bound by material laws and have to take further births. Once we get rid of material attachments, we become fit for liberation. There are five types of Mukti (liberation) from lowest to highest: i) Sayujya- to merge into the Brahma-jyoti which is the effulgence of the Lord's body. ii) Sālokya- to reside on the same realm as the Lord. iii) Sāmīpya- to reside in the close proximity with the Lord. iv) Sārūpya- to obtain a form similar to that of the Lord. v) Sāṛṣṭi- to obtain the same oppulence as the Lord. Hare Kṛṣṇa 🙏
@classicalmusic9466 23 дня назад
I would identify myself as a walmart bag tho
Regarding fasting in Vaiṣṇavism, there are 3 types of fasts: 1) Complete fast- no food, no water 2) Partial fast 1-No food, but water can be taken 3) Partial fast 2- Water and any food without grains can be taken Children below 12-15 years of age, pregnant or menstruting women, sick or old people follow the third type of fasting. Others must follow either the first type or second type of fasting depending on their capability. Fasting days of Vaiṣṇavas: 1) Ekādaśi - the 11th day of each fortnight- fasting from sunrise to sunrise 2) Janmāṣṭami- The appearance day of Lord Kṛṣṇa in this universe- fasting from sunrise to midnight 3) Rāma Navami- The appearance day of Lord Rāma in this universe- fasting from sunrise to sunset 4) Balarāma Pūrṇimā- The appearance day of Lord Balarāma in this universe- fasting from sunrise to noon 5) Rādhāṣṭami- The appearance day of Śrīmati Rādhārāṇi in this universe- fasting from sunrise to noon 6) Gaura Pūrṇimā- The appeance day of Lord Caitanya in this universe- fasting from sunrise to moonrise 7) Nityānanda trayodaśi- The appearance day of Lord Nityānanda in this universe- fasting from sunrise to noon And many other such fasting days are the appearance days of the incarnations of the Lord and those of the ācāryas. Another type of fasting is done in Caturmāsa (period of 4 moths) where certain foods must be avoided in each of these 4 months. The food consumption must be reduced to one or atmost two times a day.
Sātvika, tāmasika and rājasika are not just food categories like vegetarian or non-vegetarian. They don't just depend on the ingredients. Therefore, even if the food is prepared with sātavika ingredients but it is more than 3 hours since being prepared, it is tāmasika. If the food is prepared using sātavika ingredients, but the place of preparation or eating or the utensils are not clean, or if the cook has not taken a bath or has tasted the food while preparing it, it is also tāmasic. If the cook is contemplating on wealth or is being lusty or greedy while preparing the food, it is rājasika food even though the ingredients might be sātavika. This is because greed and lust are rājasika. If the cook is being angry or envious or jealous while preparing the food, it is tāmasika even though the ingredients might be sātavika. This is because anger, envy, etc is tāmasika.
@lilylookittykyu3115 25 дней назад
Lol why did Fluttershy show up at pan??
@once_I_have_inSomnia Месяц назад
I'm confused with pansexuality and polysexuality. I'm more attracted to female, but I still find some muscular men attractive. I have a history of feminine-gay-men crushes. I also had flings and situationships with lesbians and bi-females. I dunno I think I don't limit myself being attracted to the limited genders that I know. What am I? 🤯🤕
@WatchFulExplainer 22 дня назад
Thanks for sharing your experience! It sounds like you're exploring your attractions, which is totally okay. Sexuality can be fluid, and it’s all about what feels right for you. Don't stress about labels-just be true to yourself!
@once_I_have_inSomnia 22 дня назад
@@WatchFulExplainer thank you for the explanation and advice 😊
@m.hassanrizwan1615 Месяц назад
There are only 2 genders
@Spooky_Veils Месяц назад
@user-cr4cw9lm2g Месяц назад
You forgot to mention that in Christianity like Islam there is a eternal hell for all who don't believe in Christ.
@yopro6596 Месяц назад
Yeah this is a cult
@asmoden-g8y Месяц назад
im aroace so i can say WHAT DUDE IGNORED US ACES
@juscallmeindy Месяц назад
people who feel romantic and sexual attraction pls explain what its like-
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Romantic and sexual attraction involves a deep emotional and physical pull towards another person, often leading to feelings of excitement, connection, and a desire for closeness and intimacy.
@juscallmeindy Месяц назад
@@WatchFulExplainer okay thanks cause I have pretty much never experienced either lol-
@reggc6 Месяц назад
You forgot G R A Y S P H E R I C A L G R A D I E N T I N W H I T E B A C K G R O U N D W I T H ' ' A G U Y ' ' I N A C R E A T I V E F O N T (A joke lol, my real sexuality is at the bottom (I guess? I'm kinda two at same time)) I'm kinda bisexual but definitely more heterosexual. :)
@postum-iy8nb Месяц назад
The only real one is nothingness. We came out of nothingness and will go to nothing. All these are horseshit theories
@user-fw3vs7tm1v Месяц назад
So you are a śūnyavādi?
Variety can't be born from nothingness.
@sahansensu6108 Месяц назад
for muslims berzak exist for all of us to enter heaven or hell at the same time also paying for our small sins so they won't be paid in hell.
@01919 Месяц назад
You need to fix your ai buddy
@marksteve683 Месяц назад
There's one God , and one rule - fight for the good and righteousness, never fall into temptations and never doubt or envy let it all in God's hands for he's favor of all......, And never let anyone down who follows and believes in HIM the GOD❤❤️‍🔥❤
@XileroUjiudi Месяц назад
No, absolutely fucking not There is no God ❤
@marksteve683 Месяц назад
@@XileroUjiudi Choose your words wisely,
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@XileroUjiudi Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Hare Kṛṣṇa 🙏
@eternalreality4346 Месяц назад
You did an amazing job! I liked how you also gave reference from each scripture about the soul. Thank you!
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@eternalreality4346 I really appreciate your feedback! It means a lot to know that you enjoyed the video and found the references meaningful.
@muzammalahmed6841 Месяц назад
love this video
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@mbathroom1 Месяц назад
as a christian this was a good video
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@mbathroom1 Thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed it!
@LakeTurtles Месяц назад
@@WatchFulExplainer As a Jew, I also enjoyed this video.
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@@LakeTurtles Thanks!❤❤
@nawiabdullah7437 Месяц назад
Just garbage, there is no such thing as "Soul"?????
@M.Ahmed39 Месяц назад
You are not religious. I'm right?
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@nawiabdullah7437 Thank you for sharing your opinion, it's always interesting to hear different viewpoints.
@user-fw3vs7tm1v Месяц назад
Then who are you? If you think you are nothing more than the body then ponder over this- Your body has always been changing since you were born from boyhood to youth to old age. But you had the sense of "being", or the sense of "I am" even when you were a child and you still have the sense of "being" even though the body has changed. You can understand that you are not this material body, but a Conscious entity residing in the body and regulating thoughts and actions. Hare Kṛṣṇa 🙏
@jhon-fd7di Месяц назад
Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism share similar beliefs regarding the soul's journey and the cycle of rebirth, achieving liberation .
@jhon-fd7di Месяц назад
Great video! Really makes you think about the journey of the soul.
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@jhon-fd7di Glad you enjoyed it!
@jhon-fd7di Месяц назад
@@WatchFulExplainer thanks
@jeevanjaikumar5447 Месяц назад
Hell yeah
@M.Ahmed39 Месяц назад
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Thanks for the enthusiasm! 😊
@jhon-fd7di Месяц назад
@Chunky.Cheese Месяц назад
As a Christian, I would have explained my beliefs much differently
@seesaw41 Месяц назад
Lets go Ace People, woo! (Saying that, I'm actually Aroace lmao)
@spencerrizzatto8188 Месяц назад
@AntonioGG1-9801 Месяц назад
I’m Aromantic-Asexual ( AroAce )
@Telo_mimetco_enjoyer Месяц назад
I identify as "I don't care, looks female enough"
@spencerrizzatto8188 Месяц назад
Thats gynosexual
@unknownmanwas Месяц назад
i mean asexual isnt a choice its just the human body isnt it?
@spencerrizzatto8188 Месяц назад
@spencerrizzatto8188 Месяц назад
@farhank222 Месяц назад
I am an expert RU-vid script writer and interested in writing captivating and engaging scripts for your channel. Looking forward to hearing back from you! Thanks.
@nishchaljayaprakash659 Месяц назад
But in the thumbnail why “Ibrahim” in Arabic? Hebrew??
@Errorgamer167 Месяц назад
its not that big of a issue ibrahim is like the prophet in 3 religeons and arabic is a language so,,,,
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Thank you for noticing! I wanted to add a touch of diversity to the thumbnail. But I changed it for you specially. Hope you liked it!
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
@@Errorgamer167 That's a great point! Ibrahim is indeed a significant figure in multiple religions.
@nishchaljayaprakash659 Месяц назад
@@WatchFulExplainer aw. Thanks. Hebrew was needed to give the touch of diversity in the thumbnail. Arabic for Jewish stuff is just weird.
@nishchaljayaprakash659 Месяц назад
Ah thanks!
@Aaa-vh2lm Месяц назад
Nice video, but the part with abraham is not unique to judaism, abraham had two sons, Isaac would have the tribes of israel as descendence and the Ishmael would have the hijazi arabs as descendence.
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Thank you for your comment! You're absolutely right-Abraham is a significant figure in multipl religious traditions. His two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, indeed represent the foundations of different lineages, with Isaac linked to the Tribes of Israel and Ishmael to the Hijazi Arabs. I appreciate your insight and contribution to the discussion!
@mathew1613 Месяц назад
PAPEN: Palestine, also,.Panshopping Entry, Nutshell.
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Thank you for your comment!
@M.Ahmed39 Месяц назад
Love this concise videos. Keep it up❤
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Thanks for the love, glad you're enjoying the videos!
@pranjalagarwal159 Месяц назад
Great video, jainism is missing though.
@M.Ahmed39 Месяц назад
Yeah bro this video missing Jainism but still a nice video
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
I appreciate your feedback! I'll definitely look into including Jainism in my future content.
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Hey, thanks for the comment! I'll make sure to cover Jainism in my next video, stay tuned!
@Jblaster-jp8qt Месяц назад
Repent and believe Jesus is coming
@WatchFulExplainer Месяц назад
Thank you for the reminder about the importance of repentance and belief in Jesus.
@Maidelious-v5k Месяц назад
Im normally against saying this,but seriously,who asked?😭
@NotReallyCraig Месяц назад
If you think I should repent LGBTQIA+ then screw you. No matter your gender.
@sonicdreamcast9944 Месяц назад
Who asked?
@denisemayosky1955 Месяц назад
For EVERYONE, not just LGBTQIA+!