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TAM 7 at the airport
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TAM 7 Ends!!!
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TAM 7 Update with mooeypoo
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TAM 7 mini-report
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TAM 7 Begins!!!
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A Truenorth15 Update
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Mormon No More
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Get out and vote!
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How I Met Tex
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Re: Who are you ...
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Ben you ARE part of the community
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Rowsdowersavesus Tagged Me
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Re: Selling Out & Property Rights
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Yokeup and the Brain
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Laid Off - Vlog
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Comply or Truenorth Gets it
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The Truth Revealed!
16 лет назад
@FrostDrift69 2 месяца назад
bro didnt even spend that much xD
@noedgedddddd 3 месяца назад
@DefinitelyNotDavid1 3 месяца назад
How are you doing now bro?
@allmight1799 2 месяца назад
@coldturkey5333 Месяц назад
@@allmight1799source ?
@uniqueone2731 3 месяца назад
I’m not poking fun honestly don’t see how any of this is that horrible…. My / played on 1 toon was way way over is prepaid cards time all together. Now I understand this video is old but it was a while back when I last played. I personally got sick of what blizzard did to the game. But hey I give this guy props. I’m glad he got to move on . Before he got let down by what they did to that great game
@The_Erik_Saga 3 месяца назад
2 years game time. I literally have a character with 2 years /played. casual.
@MonkyTube18 4 месяца назад
very good advice... still accurate
@OkayAllDay 4 месяца назад
This is exactly who i always imagined a wow addict to look like. Is that his moms basement? Used to make fun of these guys. But as im older, now im thinking id love to have a beer with this dude and talk video games and movies.
@zakkattack99 2 месяца назад
in his prison cell?
@briannamay5459 2 месяца назад
@@zakkattack99 hes in prison?
@truthseeker333-id7ex Месяц назад
he fits the stereotype but who am i to judge? he's just another human who enjoys video games just like me
@WoWplay12 4 месяца назад
Im not addicted but when i have the time and no plans i can fill a whole day playing WoW😅
@SilverPendant 6 месяцев назад
Așa stăteau dracii prin garaje și jucau cu fast-foodul la nas, cutii întregi, resturi, vase una peste alta, neavând nici curiozitatea să se ducă la gunoi să le arunce ce să mai zic de mătură sau mop. Erau amorțiți de somn la serviciu după program stăteau până dimineața, dormeau odată la două zile când nu mai era alegerea lor ci a corpului.
@limuney9874 6 месяцев назад
this video was a sick find
@deano_bites 7 месяцев назад
Sad to see WOW not in the top 10 most played games index anymore those was the days alright
@Goremachine 8 месяцев назад
Who else is here after SoD dropped? I’m addicted all over again and loving it.
@coldmountain1997 Год назад
Hope you are ok
@JohnSmith-wl7gf 7 месяцев назад
Last video of him is holding some sort of bloody abdominal fluid sac from 10 years ago...he's probably dead.
@-AbdulRahman Год назад
@-AbdulRahman Год назад
Really puts it into perspective, the game is designed to suck you into its never ending black hole and the years go by and people move on while you’re sacrificing your time and life alone in that dark room playing until one day you realize the time wasted, I’ve once had a similar one month long experience and it was very depressing, steam calculated 248 Hours in 2 weeks = ~18hrs a day.
@gamerkat1492 Год назад
it is VERY HARD to stay away I used it to relieve stress now I have to find something else, especially being a guild leader
@dubljay0612 2 года назад
Suck it up Buttercup and move on.....
@lahoucine66 2 года назад
Also check out The Holy Quran. it's the missing link for our health & happiness. It's the only book where yhwh himself speaks directly. Thus it's the manual of use of the human machine. It's pretty potent because it contains mathematical paterns beyond human ability & references to modern human scientific knowledge(link in my channel's infos section). Prophet Muhammad was the prophet of Deut18:18 , John1:21 & John16:13 who led us to all the truth. Blessings 😉💗
@Rodemu 2 года назад
a literal basement neckbeard lmao
@yp5387 2 года назад
I hope everyone one is okay 👌
@86Corvus 2 года назад
Two years, damn. What a scrub...
@aussieraver7182 2 года назад
The video was uploaded in 2007, hahaha. WoW was released in 2004.
@narcissist8602 3 года назад
@zizikekovacs5133 3 года назад
Xd xd xd i think it's disgusting if someone sucks their own shit
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Atheists are crazy to me because they say God doesnt exist and do not actively look for proof, they want Him to show up at the door. But probably if He did, atheists still wouldnt believe. or they say God isnt true, but there are tons of proofs that prove He is He and does exist. I would never be atheist and never have been. Explain morals, which no atheist has an answer for, or explain conscience. Why are we not like everything else, killing to feed the kids. (Well not on a massive scale as everything else does anyway, Humans kill to take someones money. Its more of a greed and selfish and not desperation). The bible says everybody knows God exists but they suppress the truth. Why do we not die and cease to exist. Can you prove that we do cease to exist when we die. We are eternal beings, having always existed by having souls and spirits and flesh made by God. This is why some people are evil and others are good, and some born with no limbs (Not saying those people are ugly but its an example) and others look extremely handsome. Success is not entirely how good we look but how we come across. Animals do not have that quality. If the sun was forward we would burn up, if the sun was away from us we would become ice cold. Your telling me there isnt a God. Come on man. Prove God doesnt exist, you cannot, but i can prove He does. But people naturally tend to research to information that goes with the status quo. Meaning, you look at stuff that verifies what you believe, even if those things sound absolutely ridiculous. Saying we share a same ancestor with monkeys, is completely ridiculous and unproven.
@TetsukoCrow 3 года назад
@jmdsservantofgod8405 3 года назад
so..... its 13 years.... how has that been going for you?
@jmdsservantofgod8405 3 года назад
I hope your not still in your basement!
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Not good obviously this is why you didnt get a response.
@sakaue 3 года назад
I have literally no idea what any of this is or what this is about. I think I'm still going to watch this 13 year old video anyway.
@Critterfurr 3 года назад
Haven’t seen my family in years after they disowned me for my albion online addiction they just don’t understand the quest life yo
@JimBobe 3 месяца назад
Purr fr
@reesiliencia8887 4 года назад
this dude is literally speaking from the botton of his heart really... just... heartbroking
@BornWinnerCo. 4 месяца назад
naaa, he's just trying to get with niome lol hahaha he's was trying to get that pussayyyyy
@DenpaKei 4 года назад
Why was this recommended to me
@developercorey1082 5 лет назад
This is real, check out vice.
@washo2222 5 лет назад
Don't know if anyone on here has sent you this but it is a hoot and, hopefully, it will get you to laugh because all of us need a good laugh. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sRilFyCyZRY.html
@thebutler2525 5 лет назад
I found thicc Ryan reynolds. I was never really THAT addicted to WoW but I did play it for 8-12 hours a day for a whole month yeaaars ago. I stopped after realizing how my mental health was due to it. my physical heatlh wasn't any better but holy shit.. those were some crazy times. it isn't too bad considering I did play League of legends for 2 years, minimum of 2 hours a day for those 2 years. hard-stuck Diamond 3... never again will I go back to that game.
@JaefarSABNW 5 лет назад
If Jesus is Christ, Christianity is false.
@mswinston10 5 лет назад
I just told them over the phone I quit and never contact me again.
@PapaKryptoss 5 лет назад
It's so good to see the swamp being cleared of all the fence setters
@ChildePC 5 лет назад
Wait... You got a letter to return... Wheres my letter? They just excommunicated me. With no request on paper to return.
@keepitsimple4629 5 лет назад
I mailed my resignation letter to SLC on January 21st, and got a form letter just like yours, saying it was an eccliastical matter, and my local bishop would be sent a copy of my letter, and he would handle it. It took him a couple of weeks to show up at my house, with my former home teacher in tow, without even bothering to call me and ask for an appointment. I didn't bother to answer the door. I'm surprised they didn't attach a summons to my front door, telling me to come to the ward and have a "court of love". They have absolutely no authority over me, and I refuse to set foot in their buildings ever again. I left after discovering the gospel topics essays on their own website. And here's a message for John Lee: Don't message me saying they're better off without me.
@cdowis 5 лет назад
Who says John Lee is a Mormon? He is an antiMormon, a fake, a hate monger.
@2326038 5 лет назад
@@cdowis Are you serious?
@johnlee1352 5 лет назад
I just want to say...thanks for leaving on your own so we didn't have to throw you out. You're a mess and we're well rid of you.
@keepitsimple4629 5 лет назад
"John Lee", here you are again on another site saying the exact same words to former Mormons who grew a brain. Don't you ever have an original thought?
@johnlee1352 5 лет назад
@@keepitsimple4629 Piss you off? It's true every time I say it. Deal with it.
@keepitsimple4629 5 лет назад
@@johnlee1352 people like you are why I left. F you.
@cdowis 5 лет назад
Who says John Lee is a Mormon? He is an antiMormon, a fake, a hate monger.
@dannycasey2832 5 лет назад
You got out of a kinder Cult than I did. Watchtower wouldve sent you a letter letting you know you are no longer a member. Check out "Hoops, Shoots, and those in Cahoots" and youll see tha Our and many other Cults are Cousins, branching off the Millerite Movement. Have you had a Movement today?
@dannycasey2832 5 лет назад
@sandbox1803 5 лет назад
Go to www.quitmormon.com
@kzoned4892 5 лет назад
Poor me is playing since 11 years
@johnlee1352 5 лет назад
There he sits in Mommy's basement making life-changing decisions from his video console and getting stranger and stranger...Can you say unkempt?
@princeofsomnia7664 5 лет назад
thats nothing dumbass 11??
@tenjiechin 5 лет назад
Simpler times
@thestarkknightreturns 6 лет назад
That room looks like we are going to hear a gagged girl's desperate muffled cry for help from a closet, at anytime....
@danblackwelder5995 6 лет назад
Don’t worry. There are no bad eternal consequences for this. The LDS Church has no standing in the universe.
@ChildePC 5 лет назад
Except.... Your abandoning a baptism. Which did have eternal consequences
@byronivie3490 6 лет назад
Your videos are amazing your inspirational and I'm on board I'm out I'm done with those people they shun and they're cruel
@groslait7814 6 лет назад
Fking hell !!!I'm still playing it !!!!
@margon9181 2 года назад
Are you still playing it?