@blumulley6243 6 месяцев назад
Do you have a recording of upton upon severn stick dance? When you played it at IVFDF it made me cry a bit 😎
@SeqBeat 6 месяцев назад
Aww, thanks! It’s on our album, you can get it on bandcamp: bearded-dragons.co.uk/ . Track three, second tune.
@richardeasel 8 месяцев назад
3 years with the ER-101 and I didn't know that it's possible to apply multiple maths to the same focus 🥲
@jaaz7835 Год назад
love this! felt like i was just running from the law from my distillery, gunz blazing and the works! well done!
@josefuentes8066 2 года назад
episode 4 please ;(
@justinurra2718 2 года назад
very good tutorial but man I couldnt imagine menu diving so much to change changes etc for every little thing, great for people that love to geek out on programming but I prefer more immediate, I have 2 Stillson hammer Mk2's and even those are barely scratch the surface on what its capable. I just assign the assignable CV knobs then just let her rip improv lol...some random CV and gate here and there
@olw4196 2 года назад
Found via Reddit. What a setup! What a soundscape!
@whycantwebefriendzz 2 года назад
Just getting into synth hardware myself after a decade of all in the box production, I find this performance absolutely mind boggling. Absolutely beautiful stuff. Love it!
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Thank you! If you have any questions about getting into the hardware world then feel free to ask :)
@healexplosion 2 года назад
This is great! I stumbled on a short sample of this on twitter with the caption "This is the coolest kind of man you can be" and I just had to find the whole thing.
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Ok I have a strong temptation to get this tweet printed on a T-shirt. But maybe that wouldn’t be cool…
@pharmtek 2 года назад
Thank you for making music! Really enjoyed listening to this and doing nothing else
@buyinglowell 2 года назад
Awesome set man. Makes me want to give modular a try.
@WetSoul 2 года назад
Great modular groove - brilliant!
@christopherwoods4309 2 года назад
This groove makes me so happy. I am super curious about modular synths, and this is a fine example of a performance.
@nu61 2 года назад
Great jam! Couldn't help but notice the puzzles on the top shelf. Are you a speedcuber too?
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Well I’m a cuber at least haha, though I’ve not been doing so much lately. Got to intuitive F2L and 4LLL but my times were never that good. I love weird puzzles that shapeshift, so have a number of cuboids and stuff like that up there. It gets pretty tricky though. Last thing I got was a golden cube but I think it’s too hard for me!
@Sorin2120 2 года назад
Amazing! A bit on constructive criticism: the panning could use bit of love, as a lot elements seemed either hard L or R.
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Thanks! Appreciate the feedback, someone on Reddit mentioned this too. It’s a side effect of the Worng Soundstage mixer I use for the drums. Given the feedback on this I’m going to try out a few ways to narrow it.
@marshallcooper4401 2 года назад
Incredible! It's one thing to have a modular setup like this, but it's a whole other thing to be able to make electronic music with such heart and groove.
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Really appreciate this, thank you ☺️
Came from the reddit post. This is super enjoyable. Thank you for posting this in full! I'm new to modular synth so watching other people perform is very useful.
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Cool, thank you. If you have any questions about modular stuff then please feel free to ask.
@criptor9 2 года назад
@stefansynths 2 года назад
Such funk! Much groove! Wow!
@endless_arps 2 года назад
Hey , love the video. Just wondering what u use that manages to output a 480bpm clock to feed the ER
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Thank you! I'm fairly certain it would have been Pamela's New Workout - highly recommended for all your clocking needs. 24PPQN is a common speed to sync on anyway, so lots of other modules can output it too.
@endless_arps 2 года назад
Aha ok , not sure if my Teletype reaches and my Trigger riot only goes up to 250 bpm , so I am kinda wondering why this superhigh clock is necesary when multiplications of a slower clock might do the same (I could be wrong)
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
@@endless_arps A quick look in the trigger riot manual does suggest it can output 24PPQN - this is the speed used for DIN sync as well. I'm not totally sure about the Teletype but I'd be quite surprised if it couldn't. It also sounds like you are confusing BPM with PPQN - the former is a measure of tempo and the latter of a division of the given tempo. Well, a multiplication, technically I guess. In the video my Pam's was set to 120BPM. The output was set so that every quarter note, 24 pulses of the clock were sent. That is still 120BPM, just synced at a higher rate. I could increase the tempo to 140BPM and the sync'd clock would speed up too, but it would still be 24 pulses per quarter note. You don't want to have to turn the tempo on your trigger riot right up to use the 101, with the triggers all going faster, you want them the same, you just want the multiplied clock sent out to sync on. All that being said, you can clock the ER-101 at any speed you want - it's just that clock speed will be your lowest timing resolution (excepting som things you can do with the 102). I clocked at 24PPQN so I also set duration of notes to 24 if I wanted a quarter note, 12 for an eigth note, 6 for a sixteenth, etc. The gate lengths will be measured in this too. So for 50% gates of 16th notes, the gate setting is 3. You can do triplets by setting the duration to 8, and so on. This is why I find the faster clock rates more flexible on the ER-101. Hope that helps!
@endless_arps 2 года назад
@@SeqBeat Thanks very much to explain everything even if it supposes to be basic knowledge! I did think I understood the 24 pulses per quarter note concept , but I must have a few things twisted around. Will have to take a good look at the manuals and learn my multiplications and divisions , And I love reading manuals actualy , but again didn't look it up in the trigger riot 🤭!! Anyway 🙏 Thanks
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
@@endless_arps No problem! Clocking is a major subject in eurorack really, getting everything to sync correctly and reset and also maintain swing and stuff like that can be really difficult. Just not talked about too often - a tutorial video on that one day sounds like a good idea.
@Romaindeud 2 года назад
Man Your set up is amazing 🤩
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
Thanks! You look like you have a really nice system too, and making some great sounds with it.
@digicat247 2 года назад
Came here from seeing your post on your music setup from Reddit. What is doing the distortion here? (I am on the hunt for a good distortion module)
@SeqBeat 2 года назад
There is a number of different distortions involved here. The Manis is mostly being distorted by the Autodyne which I can highly recommend. You can also see the Erica Synths Plasma Drive, which is being used with the othe Erica Synth Fusion tube modules to get some of the really gritty sounds. Lyra 8 fx doing some work as well, and there's a Pittsburgh Crow filter in there too. Another distortion you might want to consider is the Nutone (not featured here but it's easy to find videos of).
@digicat247 2 года назад
@@SeqBeat I am considering the Noise Engineering distortion and the WMD TRSHMSTR. But now I have to add the Crow to that! Thanks for the answer.
@richardhines8622 2 года назад
@bystander85 3 года назад
Loving your ER-101 series. Looking forward to Episode 4 and ER-102 videos... Although, it's been a couple of years at this point so I won't hold my breath =P
@marklholloway 3 года назад
Great video. What eurorack case is that?
@SeqBeat 3 года назад
Thank you! The case is an Intellijel 4U 104hp.
@torus6083 3 года назад
14:44 gives the module the finger 🤣
@BRNTmodularmusic 4 года назад
@19:00 Daniel Avery’s in the house! Yeahh! Love it
@musictech_10us 4 года назад
two pairs of ER-101/102 just showed up for sale today. they're something that's always been over my budget, and i generally don't like screens and menus. but this video has made it extremely tempting to splurge. great job.
@alasdairpaton2284 4 года назад
Deeply silly and rather good.
@Quantumspace23 4 года назад
You know....you never did get back to the ER-102 :) -- As I move around the internet looking to spend time due to this COVID stuff I'm going through all of my subscriptions on RU-vid and getting to your channel I was thinking, "Hey I liked this guys stuff, wish he were still doing tutorials."
@SeqBeat 4 года назад
Oh man, I so wish I had managed to finish this series. The video due next ended up as a horrible tale of overambition and bad luck. I wanted to demonstrate some microtonal music and went down a ridiculous rabit hole, also I wanted to demonstrate the Haskell script I'd written to help generate the scales and wasn't sure how best to do that, so started to make it into a website people could use but never managed to finish that. And also I recorded footage that got accidentally deleted. I do still want to revisit it all but it kinda became too much to cope with. Every time I posted a video of us playing live I worried people would hate me for not having finished the tutorials...
@Quantumspace23 4 года назад
@@SeqBeat to the people who appreciate the efforts of those who try teaching, they will never hate someone who is also learning along the way. Then again, isn't it always the artist who is most critical of their own craft?
@SeqBeat 4 года назад
@@Quantumspace23 All very true. I do hope to revisit these things soon and you've given me some more impetus to do it :)
@atomboyd 4 года назад
@@SeqBeat +1 from me too! Well done on these. Much more straightforward than a few other run throughs out there.
@kpr32 4 года назад
@@SeqBeat Thank you for these tutorials, would love to see more in the future!
@johnrichardson3297 4 года назад
Super duper keep it up
@BlackWarriorLures 4 года назад
So, this sequencers doesn't have it's own clock?
@JB_binna 4 года назад
what clock module are you using?
@SeqBeat 4 года назад
Pam's New Workout I think it was
@kidko 5 лет назад
Thank you for your work on this, I finally have a basic grasp of how to use the 101! Onto the next one...
@Sequenox 5 лет назад
Hello! Just wondering if you will ever do an episode 4, maybe focusing on the ER-102?
@benthomaswelch 5 лет назад
These are great! You still planning on an episode 4? Haven’t seen any videos on custom tables!
@ccpage19143 5 лет назад
(This dance sequence is "Awesome Double Progression Dance" by Donna Calhoun.)
@ccpage19143 5 лет назад
(This dance sequence is "Places to Go" by Luke Donforth.)
@canissum 5 лет назад
A very retro futuristic vibe.
@julianllouve4835 5 лет назад
thanks sooo much
@gregorio98000 5 лет назад
Cheers for this! Very useful and great camera work and audio ! Mucho appreciated
@ElectroClub1000 5 лет назад
Great set. Also looking forward to your next ER 101 lesson
@markusfuller 5 лет назад
That was truly inspiring. well done guys. Subscribed :-)
@SeqBeat 5 лет назад
Thank you very much sir! Love your content too.
@puma8373 5 лет назад
Sweet bro, you guys are awesome! You need to get bigger!
@mrparksy 5 лет назад
Well you rocked that! Nice!
@bjornark 5 лет назад
This is just great. Take care :)
@gregorio98000 5 лет назад
This is great, really well explained, thanks a lot mate
@256k_ 5 лет назад
Not sure I’m into this...
@odan5047 5 лет назад
Mate that was fuckin lush. I actually thought it sounded wicked when the clock slipped, and that casual wander over to the model d was slick! Would surely kill it in a live setting, love to hear you on a big rig
@thomascradford 5 лет назад