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How to CURE Any PHOBIA | Jordan Peterson
3 месяца назад
@Oysters176 14 минут назад
I think of it this way. Say you have a vegetable that sets you apart from the mainstream, like Sunchokes. Do you make your identity based off eating them? Will others force you to? Think about it.
@dekuchan3069 15 минут назад
Nice video
@WhirledPublishing Час назад
If you want to be intelligent, give your brain the fuel it needs to excel, avoid all toxic people, avoid all poisons - including cigarettes, booze, vapes, junk food, soft drinks, dairy, beef, pork, chicken, seafood, etc. - rely on plant-based protein - don't waste time on stupid things - expand your vocabulary, spatial skills, math skills, geography, your understanding of the stars, your understanding of the history of volcanic eruptions, your understanding of the history of Earth.... Don't trust theories from imbeciles that parade as experts - compile your own evidence - reject all lies and all pompous "scientific" lunacy - insist on the truth of everything - expand your awareness of human anatomy - including the solar plexus and merkaba - expand your awareness of the most brilliant genius minds of all time - expand your awareness of the angels - including the elohim - expand your awareness of the earthly and aethereal elements - expand your awareness of the holographic simulation and the apparatus that makes it possible ... Expand your awareness of all things brilliant, all things just and all things peaceful ... Love truth and peace with all your heart and mind, choose to be kind and helpful ... Expose all evil ... Be as gentle as a dove and as wise as a serpent ... Why? Because the serpent seed are all around us, posing as humans - but since they are lying thieving raping murdering warmongering parasitic evil incarnate, we know their ancestral bloodline, we know they are the hybrid demon seed that pose as humans ... and we know the true timeline for their presence here on Earth.
@arihaviv8510 3 часа назад
People who are disgusted by disorder are probably people that didn't have much to do with their kids because they are making messes all the time. If they do have kids, they are left to fend for themselves to get out of the way instead of being actively engaged... and educated.
@consumercellc1109 13 часов назад
Jorpy is a dumb person's idea of a smart person
@kacythomas1327 14 часов назад
What happens if I don't care and don't have a partner
@oscarl.3563 15 часов назад
What I take from this: Junkies become more open. Openness is intoxication.
@vave2607 18 часов назад
I have high iq, people i have...... Meanwhile the AI - no, you dont
@nataliegist2014 18 часов назад
I have a high IQ , along with Severe learning disorders.
@meinungabundance7696 День назад
Procrastination might have something to do with Executive Functions )Planning, Strategizing, Monitoring etc.). If you could develop (HOW?) your Executive Funtions you might not be so prone to procrastination.
@LuckyCharms777 День назад
Having large heads is questionable and might be selection bias. Just look at all the ✡️ people, many of whom have small heads. Meanwhile, a lot of people with big heads are blockheads. So before finishing this comment, I did a quick search and while greater brain volume is a general indicator of higher intelligence, more recently, greater brain thickness is a better indicator. Apparently, being dense is actually a compliment. 😂
@Mark_and_Family День назад
JP has loads of interesting psychological viewpoints. However he creates a strawman of the far Left's objectives (at least when it comes to the Libertarian Left). For example, it would still be possible to delegate tasks and know 'who's responsible for what' in a horizontal/egalitarian society. Many or possibly most who advocate horizontal societial organization hold that one of its main advantages over hierarchical organization is its mechanisms that allow the general public to unconditionally and immediately be able to hold its leaders/delegates accountable for their actions, and to directly be able to replace those leaders, as opposed to...well... just look around you... do you have the power to call a town meeting and oust a corrupt politician? do you really believe your government is going to voluntarily 'un-corrupt' itself?
@backyardthinker5996 День назад
IQ is like a cup, it doesn't mean it's full, some people do with smaller cups but fill it well, some has infinite potential but can't be bothered. discipline, drive, willingness or other motivations to overcome limitations create success.. i am surprised jordan's approach isn't really full in this matter.
@beaujits1129 День назад
Please talk about ability to dream connect it with iq.
@hunterabdo1952 День назад
❤❤❤❤وجود الانسان او الحياة عموما على الأرض ليس عبتا و ليس كما يتخيل اغلب العلماء الأذكياء يضنون انه من صدفة إلى صدفة إلى صدفة و خرجنا من خلية واحدة اغبى فكرة على الوجود
@adiesi9555 День назад
The only problem I see with having a micro fight is that you are also foregoing what this person would rather do. I think its more important to make the mental note and make a decision for yourself if this is something you can deal with because when you are not with this person, they will inevitably let what they have to suppress in your presence shine, almost like an act of independence and rebellion to who they have to compromise to be when in your presence. You can't control people, you can only suppress them. A person that is aligned with you because you are aligned with your true self should not require the question. Following the example provided in the context of this video, someone who is flirting and the behavior is increasing over a series of events. I think it's actually more important to see who you are really getting, let them show you who they would rather be. Very hard in our culture because we are all so used to "supposedly" correcting and policing each other that we think asking them a question about this behavior is going to make a lasting correction in who this person really is and I don't believe in that. If the person for example leaves clothes all over the house for me, that is something that can be curbed and trained because the house is always the play ground to settle the score and see the progress over time. You can't be with anyone 24/7 and I think it's dangerous to try and correct how they would rather be in your presence. For me, that is your opportunity to run if you always put yourself first. Just get out then. I think its important to do group activities way before making any kind of commitment, including traveling places outside of the everyday with this person because you will find out what you are really getting before you emotionalize and start settling for policing someone you will never be able to change, you are just asking this person to suppress this in your presence. A recipe for disaster.
@christianberger5964 День назад
EQ is what is lacking in American society, not IQ. But I digress.
@stayfocused1041 День назад
ADHD is first the result of brain toxicity - mercury, aluminium, cadmium, barium, etc - activated by ubiquitous wifi
@BradfordSchultz-om5sn День назад
I heard Jordan Peterson on another issue(forgot which one), "....boys will learn if you teach them something they care about." I think that's the optimum way to improve scores teach what interest students. Also when I was a kid I didn't have a hunger for knowledge that I have now, I want to learn everything. I'm not sure how that fits into teaching young kids but I'm pretty sure it does.
@user-ud7ko4cq1n День назад
The reason high IQ people often struggle with being industrious, is that degree of industriousness is chiefly motivated by degree of desire. In other words, you're going to make damn good plans for opening a used car lot and selling used cars, if selling used cars satiates your meaning in life. But high IQ struggle to feel fully satiated by 99.9% of jobs or careers, because their minds are emotionally and spiritually burdened by how much that job or career limits everything else they'd like to mentally explore in life. Most high IQ people want to live a life of mind. They want to explore subjects, projects, passions, and hobbies on a whim, rather than reducing their focuses down to one repeating, regimented reduction of purpose (called a "job"). So being industrious is more challenging to a high IQ person they rarely feel enthused when reducing their purpose to a recurring, narrow pursuit day after day. And a recurring, narrow form of enthusiasm, day after day, is the key to developing, refining, and executing a specific plan, such as a business plan, or a career plan, etc.
@jeraldbaxter3532 2 дня назад
I am wary of the word "authentic," in part because I used to have a friend who talked frequently and at length, about wanting to be around authentic people. She would go on about authenticity, yet within 5 minutes she would be cackling about some bit of gossip concerning someone she knew. At first, I thought, "Does she not realize the contradiction?" Finally, I did not care. Unfortunately, by that time, I had grown to mistrust anyone who uses the word "authenticity".
@BeeYu-id3iy 2 дня назад
divorce not allowed in our country
@connectingthesciences4621 2 дня назад
Thanks for the save.
@sixstrz8310 2 дня назад
This is to everyone who has made comments about their Iq. Where exactly did you take your test to find out the iq level, hate to break it to you but all the free online test are straight up stupid I really don’t believe someone can get their actual iq results from those test did all you guys take a college iq test seems like a lot of 140s out there seems like a trend maybe you all took the same exam who knows just curious is all!
@mettattem 2 дня назад
I’ve taken three different IQ tests in my life. The first one I scored 176, the second was 184 and the third was 202. Despite these astronomically high scores, I feel utterly useless and mostly incompetent most days. If I had to summarize my life experience in one brief remark, I’d say that I’m a rare anomaly that slipped between the cracks of society, mostly unnoticed. I say mostly, because I have indeed been noticed on multiple occasions, mostly by money hungry individuals seeking to monetize my talents; I’ve made three people millionaires, whilst not managing to personally profit from any of it (money hasn’t ever been a source of motivation for me, despite much effort to persuade myself that the capitalistic game is worthwhile to play-this is my goal for 2024: to care about monetizing my talents). I graduated high school two years early, started attending university classes at age 15, only to drop out and move to Tahiti alone at age 16 (the only thing scarier than flying to the South Pacific alone at such a young age was the thought of continuing to exist as my formerly alcoholic father’s favorite punching bag). Anyway, I somehow managed to live in BoraBora, French Polynesia for ~1.5 years and when the time arrived for me to “return home”, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it, so the journey continued for 16+ years. Since then, I did end up attending college, have visited 106 countries, have been recruited to work within several prestigious “think tanks” (as both a theoretical and applied physicist) and I now speak 7-languages fluently and can comfortably converse in a few others as well. If such a thing as an Autodidactic Polymath exists, I’m it. I’m not in any way attempting to ‘flex’ or ‘brag’ about any of this and I’m usually the first to say that “anyone who is actually a genius won’t describe themselves as such”. It’s true that on paper, that’s the label that’s been attached, however, compared to what there is out there in the universe to know, I know practically nothing at all. So, surely I must be financially rich and successful, right? Wrong. I’ve spent more than half of my life vagabonding/backpacking all over the globe (perhaps searching for a place to belong, among a people I could proudly call my “Tribe”) and yet, I just turned 40, am single, am estranged from what little family I have left and I feel utterly lost. I’m finally back stateside after all these years circumnavigating the globe. I feel every bit as “lost” as I’ve ever felt and I spend most of my days alone, or in the company of my two feline companions, whom I rescued from the streets of Romania. Call this comment pathetic, if you so desire, or hell, you can even call me ungrateful for being “blessed with such extraordinary gifts”, but if I’m being 100% honest, I’d happily trade this “exceptional IQ” for a blissfully normal existence, so long as I could experience it in the company of a stable group of trusted friends with whom I share a deep and meaningful mutual connection. I realize how pointless this negativistic line of rationale is though, so I’ve been trying to figure out where (geographically) might be best to move to (within the states)… ideally, I’d like to find a place with a blend of Natural surroundings and creative/talented people who might share my desire to foster deeper and more meaningful connections. Thanks for reading this, if you managed to get this far.
@haltonsworld 2 дня назад
What do you want to achieve in life?
@mettattem День назад
@@haltonsworld For me personally, I just want to be financially stable and to have a small group of down-to-earth and loyal friends and who knows, maybe a romantic relationship (but that’s not something I’m going to actively seek out). As far as “achieving” something beyond that, I have notebooks upon notebooks full of novel inventions that I’d be elated to bring to tangible fruition. I’ve been looking at The Santa Fe Institute (theoretical research institute in Santa Fe, NM) as one potential place to spend a few months.
@TorchySmurf 2 дня назад
He's so wired up that he's just barfing up a ton of information just to say; pain and suffering is an indication that , something in myself that I might need to or want to grow from or change. I might have to admit to myself that there is a problem. Even more simply; pain gets my attention and ignoring pain makes it worse. Seeking self-esteem is seeking pain relief.
@incaseinever 2 дня назад
Is it a sign of low IQ when the person doesn't care (and i mean really doesn't care!) what he / she would score if tested?
@tammyhanlon3057 2 дня назад
I'm pretty intelligent. Not a genius, but smart. I have never been motivated by wealth. I'm glad about that, smart enough to to that enough is all I need.
@PsychologyDeepDive 3 дня назад
The anima and animus projection of the ideal is not accurate from a Jungian view (more accurate would be a mother/ father complex projection or mother/father imago, the personal not archetypal) but the other points he makes are great.
@piergiorgiocianciullo6784 3 дня назад
"Good prediction of" doesn't mean "certain prediction of". This means that other factors affect the outcomes. I'm astonished that people commenting here with such high IQs didn't mention the obvious meaning of this information xD
@eloisesjohnson28 3 дня назад
I was working with a group of highly intelligent people. But when I was reading about what was written up about them, I read they all had average IQ's. When I asked my Dr. how that could be. He explained he believed most people scored what the tester believed they were. I think he was correct on that theory.
@noelafflick9945 3 дня назад
Like the circuit. Which is where professionals socialise. Eg say lawyers or local authority staff. It is a predatory environment. And the younger and ambitious are vulnerable. Even the older mid 30s n 40s single mums are vulnerable yet most can drink more etc. But it still happens mate trust me. . Smaller community's are the worse for it too as you almost don't get much privacy.
@noelafflick9945 3 дня назад
Never ignore your intuition. I trust it check it and test it. When it comes to co es to serious issues never say never. Much like being in the vip. What you need to do to stay within. Many get used abused snd either spat out or have their esteem so heavily damaged some don't make it back to reality. I stir clear mostly it's nice at times. But I'll hold my own rather than get consumed.
@pattmayne 3 дня назад
We don't need the narration. Peterson is literally speaking his own words.
@rudyponzio5871 3 дня назад
Thank you. Speaking to intellect. Our elders were not Pied Pipped. Our grandparent's told us: 3 sides to every story. 2 are stories. Science is empirical so we follow it. What intelligent human skips marshaling this dimension's proliferation into every depth of observational awareness?
@artrayus3 3 дня назад
I can resonate with what he's saying about grading college papers. I teach college, and I have a degree in English. I spent a lot of time writing, as you can imagine. I tell students that you first have to learn the rules and then learn how to break them. I don't think I ever received a bad grade for taking a prompt and making it my own, with my own voice. Professors are hungry for this; the world is hungry for original thought.
@schatzperson 3 дня назад
If man was to do what Jordan Pearson suggests : "Address minor transgressions early". The reaction from most women will be 1) Call you controlling. 2) Really believe the man is a jealous control freak and immediately start to grow to really hate being with him. We can talk, council, advice and sing whatever we like but that is a woman's natural persona. The only way for a man not to fall into this rabbit hole is to be on top all the way, from day one. There is one glaring obvious factor in human nature; We want what we cant have. Once a woman knows she has you,, she's gone. its not easy to me a man. A man has to be an engineer of his heart.
@BartierCardia 3 дня назад
But i thought smart people had a higher risk to get Alzheimers Time to grab the dictionary
@BartierCardia 3 дня назад
Yayy! Laziness has no correlation with IQ Lmao
@mikem1956 3 дня назад
Thank you
@ashlynmccathy1825 3 дня назад
I love JBP so much but I watched this without trying to cure my phobia and that spider picture was a jump scare😭
@mtorres118 4 дня назад
@slimjohn2090 4 дня назад
@matthewwozniak9138 4 дня назад
I'm in the top 30% for intelligence according to the military. I still suffer from P.T.S.D. from various traumas.
@Coneman3 4 дня назад
IQ is too crude a way of assessing cognitive abilities. It’s like assessing a car by how big the wheels are.
@Coneman3 4 дня назад
Intelligence can cause depression
@paulmitchell5349 4 дня назад
If you have a high IQ then you know you are stupid. if you are stupid then you think you are so much cleverer than 99.9 % of people.
@begitteolsen3784 4 дня назад
I don’t know if I have a high IQ or a medium IQ. I have learnt that people are honestly not interested ( or perhaps not able) to learn to think ABOVE what they are being" told" to believe, think, respond and behave. And YES! It is a SCARY to hear something ( for example in the media) and just ALLOW yourself to ACTUALLY listen to what is being said! Have the courage to stop.. And think: What did the person just say? Is THAT really the entire truth? Is the opposite opinion being told? What if there is more than one side of the story? If not.. WHY? ... And then the person will either: 1) Not think any further...Because if the media tells you " their " fact.. Then it must be right.. Right? 2) The person is too tired/ exhausted to even think a critical thought. 3) The person ONLY uses Google... Because "Yahoo" is sooo 1990 & "Bing" is just really annoying. 4) Nobody that the person knows asks any questions on what the media " said" the night before ( and oddly enough they all watch the same channel) .... Soooo... If THEY don't say: " What??? Wait?? That doesn't sound right"... Then just asking ONE critical question is " dangerous" .. Because what will they think of me???
@genessatorsy3222 4 дня назад
This was excellent. Thank you! It helps so much to hear that when you have extra of some gifting, there’s a responsibility that comes with it!
@ProjectAgain 5 дней назад
Betrayal is such a blessing in disguise. Pray you never endure a crisis with those you don't know you can't trust.