Freeminds Paragliding
Freeminds Paragliding
Freeminds Paragliding
Dudek Orca 5
2 года назад
Mamapacha Lodge Bed & Breakfast
3 года назад
Go Swissdrive thru axle repair
3 года назад
Paratop - Bicycle rain cover
3 года назад
Magic Pilatus
4 года назад
Narrefluige 2020
4 года назад
Galtiberg mal anders
4 года назад
back in sky
4 года назад
Bettlerstock 3D
4 года назад
Winter Takeoff Engelberg
4 года назад
Winter Paragliding in Engelberg
4 года назад
Brunni Action - Engelberg
4 года назад
Pilatus - Advance Winglet touch
4 года назад
Engelberg Roundflight with Owen
4 года назад
Engelberg Brunni Panoramaflight
4 года назад
Pilatus Panoramaflight
5 лет назад
Dudek Run & Fly 18, 1077g
5 лет назад
Ozone Magnum 3
6 лет назад
Pilatus Tandem Paragliding
7 лет назад
Niviuk Ikuma Ears
8 лет назад
@omarvaldez3549 3 месяца назад
Qué tal es el planeo de esta ala?
@AngelHdzMultimedia 3 месяца назад
$427.54 USD for a Bike umbrella!!!??? 🤣
@999fits5 3 месяца назад
兄弟 这把伞现在还在使用吗
@Abderrahmane_Aitouche 10 месяцев назад
🍀 Merci pour cette promenade interstellaire 🍀
@britkasablja007 11 месяцев назад
Hello, where i can buy this in Serbia? can i order or something?
@ErnstMaisenkeiser Год назад
Die Musik ist ja super geil! Was ist das? Passt auch gut zu dem lustigen Packer und der shaky cam.
@starker_Kaffee Год назад
Grüß dich, spiele auch mit dem Gedanken diesen Boiler zu holen. Welchen hast du da genau verbaut den Camping Boiler oder den mit den Solar Steckern? und wie ist das Heizverhalten bei 230V am Landstrom ist das gleich schnell wie über 12v durch die Bordbatterien? Meine Idee den Boiler 1 mal an der 12 Batterie direkt anschließen und bei voller Batterie über meinen Inverter über 230V oder macht das keinen Sinn weil das Ladegerät ohnehin auf 12V runter regelt. Habe leider keinen Platz mehr für weitere Solarpanel beide laufen derzeit in Serie auf die Bord Batterie. Vielen Dank für die Info 😊
@streker88 Год назад
DUDEK .... great company :)
@peterklausen7532 Год назад
Good day, where ist the software available? I want to try my Go Swissdrive as well. Would be great, if you could help me out. Thanks a lot and have a great 2023! Best greetings, Peter
@freemindsparagliding Год назад
Hi Peter, Happy new year too! Send me a mail to urs@freeminds.ch about sw.
@tandemflug.paragliding Год назад
Good times ❤
@freemindsparagliding Год назад
@creatizzle. Год назад
Nice video, thank you. How to get the "ServiceTool" software?
@freemindsparagliding Год назад
Welcome, send me your mail to urs@freeminds.ch and I will forward you
@thorbon6637 Год назад
Hallo Habe vor 2 Tagen mein Rad neu einspeichen lassen und einen neuen Reifen montieren lassen. Jetzt hat es mir schon 2 Mal das Kabel um die axe gewickelt. Wenn ich das richtig sehe ist das innere Drehmoment Lager ausgeschlagen ? Also am Motor chasie. Mein Motor hat jetzt 7000 km runter und bin nicht der leichteste also wohl ein total schaden!
@freemindsparagliding Год назад
Hi, hast du auch die (verflxxxte) Steckachse? Wenn ja hat es dir vermutlich die 6 Kant Aufnahmen vom Drehmomentstopp (das Teil welches ich im Video selber mache und direkt auf die Achse schweisse) an der äusserst dünnen Hohlachse abgeschabt oder die Hohlachse ist ganz gebrochen (wie es bei mir war, passiert gerne bei Ausbauen). Nimm mal das Rad weg, dann kannst du den Drehmomentstopp abziehen und siehst was Sache ist. LG, Urs
@thorbon6637 Год назад
@@freemindsparagliding Guten Tag! Danke für ihre Antwort! Ja werde mich die Tage Mal drum kümmern müssen. Da ich keine Lust habe mit einem Lenkbaren Home Trainer Rum Zufahren😭. Eine Frage noch haben sie die Software ihrgend wo gedownloadet oder sind sie so dran gekommen. Da die rückgewinung Bei mir bei 4,2 (A) abschalter das stört mich schon lange aber mein Händler hat auf KTM gewechselt. Mit Mfg. Aus dem Land der 1000 hügel 😭
@freemindsparagliding Год назад
@@thorbon6637 Schreib mir eine Email auf urs@freeminds.ch bezüglich Software.
@SkidzFPV Год назад
Not sure how I feel about these single skin gliders, I don’t think I would want to encounter any real thermic conditions, or turbulence.
@krzysztofkarczewski9188 Год назад
these are paragliders for mountaineers and ambitious mountain hikers who want to save themselves a descent and prefer to just fly down. this is not a paraglider for flying in thermals. And in thermals and turbulence this paraglider behaves calmly and can be flown without any problems.
@priicey3 Год назад
Check out the SIV footage. Behaves amazingly well
@larkbird Год назад
I have an 18M R&F2 and have been up in some really active thermals/windy condition and the wing does move around for sure, but no collapses, and pretty darn stable overall. (I don't have trimmers on mine, but you can add them on after the fact). Really amazing wing!
@Sasty 4 месяца назад
@@larkbird would you guys recommend it as a first wing ? i have only flown 8 times and am looking to buy my own material, ty :)
@larkbird 4 месяца назад
@@Sasty I would not recommend this as a first wing only because when you are learning to fly, you tend to do a bit of dragging of your wing in the dirt/grass. The lines on the R&F2 are also much more fragile so you may wear them out while learning. Once you have your kiting skills down it is a really amazing wing for sure. That being said... If you are trying to be as cost effective as possible and know that an ultralight wing is what you want (for the amazing hike and fly possibilities)... You could use this as your first wing, but (if you take lessons) make sure to practice as much as possible with the wing the instructor lends you, this way you can get all the ground handling mistakes out on a wing that is much more durable. I will also add I wish I had gotten the trimmers on my Dudek Run&Fly 2 (you can add them later) but I have not done this yet. Sorry to keep rambling on... I did speak with an instructor who has a student who is leaning and buying a single surface as their 1st/main wing. The key he said was to take things slow, and be really gentle (hard to do when first leaning) with each step. So it can be done. :D Fly safe and if you have any other questions about the wing let us know!
@urloa 2 года назад
Nice info thanks The blue bag is a rescue chute? .. Wich one do you prefer? Thanks
@luc4662 2 года назад
It is the container for the reserve, yes. To my knowledge the lightest reserve available today is the Skywalk Tapa: skywalk.info/project/tapa-x-alps/ I believe a lot of people who fly light wings like the Run&Fly don’t bother taking a reserve at all, though.
@danieleo.40 2 года назад
Very nice. I wish to have one but it costs much more than 2 bicycles of mine. I think 100 euro is a just price for this product.
@freemindsparagliding 2 года назад
Hi Daniele, Thank you, yes it is...still in daily commute use and no wet clothes since 2 years...fantastic! Feel free to develope, produce and sell one that does this job for 100 Euros :)
@danieleo.40 2 года назад
@@freemindsparagliding Don't you know the market globalization? 😳
@freemindsparagliding 2 года назад
@@danieleo.40 If it would be easy as that dont you think it would already be a big thing in Asia where bycicle market counts numbers another level compared to tiny europe? By the way, the Paratop is produced in Asia at a paraglider manufacture - if it would be produced in Switzerland it even would cost maybe 5x more...
@Blusukan858 2 года назад
Go go gooooo
@kapilbawa9374 2 года назад
@skywalkermescal 2 года назад
Ledände da am wärchä! 🙏😂
@captclivemason 2 года назад
Nice colours
@sergioprospero 2 года назад
Thanks a lot ! Definitely I will buy Ikuma 2
@le_roi_nu 2 года назад
Super ! Ingénieux !
@josephfreeman5289 2 года назад
I want one but i live in usa/ peru
@Smt_Glaive 2 года назад
Incredible wing
@bentxolitas2154 3 года назад
Muy interesante!
@evgeniy6500 3 года назад
Hello, how did you disassemble the engine with the axle removed? I need to change bearings, do you have a disassembly manual?
@freemindsparagliding 3 года назад
Hello, i did not have a manual but it is not about rocket science: First remove the pinion (this usually requires a special hub wrench), loosen the nut from the freewheel (should not been tighten too much, if your wrench should be to thick make a simple tool by flexing a slot into a sheet metal) now you can already see the right bearing (6902 RSF 15/28/7mm). Now you have to loosen the Torx screws on the housing parts and gently open the housing. A special tool to remove the bearing would be helpful for this, but I also managed without it by pressing the two housing parts step by step apart with a large vice. This is pretty difficult because you are fighting against the magnet effect and anyway you should be careful to not damage the ferrite. As soon as it is open you can see the larger right ball bearing (6907RS 35/55/10mm) which is located between the left housing part and the inner aluminum body (see video). Good luck! :)
@evgeniy6500 3 года назад
@@freemindsparagliding Thanks for the information ! How can the speed limiter up to 25 km / h be removed? I bought a 45 km / h motor, but it's still limited to 25 km / h. Bicycle model Specialized turbo X. You have an engine upgrade process on video. Could you share some information on engine upgrades? And programs for this.
@freemindsparagliding 3 года назад
@@evgeniy6500 I think the speed is also defined by the winding. I wouldn't have seen that this could be defined using the regular software. I think there were even different windings for wheel diameters but I'm not sure about that. Check forums, i'm sure you can find informations about this somewehere in the internet.
@copernicansun744 4 года назад
How hard is it to learn how to paraglide, especially with a Run and Fly (I am totally new to this sport)? Considering this for ridge runs in the Sierra Nevada in Califonia
@freemindsparagliding 4 года назад
Its easy to learn and definitely worth it...go for it! 😜👍🏽🦅
@copernicansun744 4 года назад
@@freemindsparagliding How about risks associated with 'dead air' or updrafts? I've seen some videos of guys falling out of the sky...want to ensure I avoid these types of situations...
@JanPBtest 4 года назад
​@@copernicansun744 According to insurance companies and police reports, paragliding accident statistics are similar to motorcycle accident statistics, so nothing extravagant. I'd say vast majority (over 90%) of accidents are pilot errors, equipment failure is extremely rare. Check the site ushpa.org for instructors in your area. It's easy to fly in laminar air, in turbulence it's important to have developed muscle memory for that sort of thing because the reactions must be quick. This comes with practice.
@copernicansun744 4 года назад
@@JanPBtest Thanks! You located in the bay? I saw you GG bridge video. I live up near Vallejo...
@JanPBtest 4 года назад
@@copernicansun744 Yes, I'm in Fremont. If you are still looking for an instructor, I recommend Jesse Meyer, very competent and very patient (for some reason, it's quite difficult to find a PG instructor who has patience as a teacher :-) ), you'll know exactly what I mean when you begin: liftparagliding.com/
@marcusjamieson1322 4 года назад
May I ask your flight weight pls?
@freemindsparagliding 4 года назад
i would say a bit more then 90kg
@marcusjamieson1322 4 года назад
@@freemindsparagliding Many thanks for the swift reply .... last one, how windy was it during that flight?
@freemindsparagliding 4 года назад
Nil wind
@jrg187 4 года назад
Geil auch, dass der Schirm während dem Flug die Farbe ändert ;)
@freemindsparagliding 4 года назад
Die neue geheime Dudek Chamäleon-Funktion...mehr darüber am übernächsten Coupe Icare! :)
@fabianbloesch5609 4 года назад
Hei wie heisst de song wo du da Spielsch zwüschedri😉
@freemindsparagliding 4 года назад
Hoi, gute Frage...das Audiofile kommt im iMovie zur freien Verwendung und nennt sich da "Tour Bus mittel" ;)
@fabianbloesch5609 4 года назад
@@freemindsparagliding Danke für deine Antwort. Wollte noch Fragen ob du beim Kauf des run and fly das gurtzeug dazu erhalten hast odr wie bist du zum sit and fly 300 gekommen? Schöne grüsse
@wahrheitwirklichkeit285 5 лет назад
Super Video Danke!!!!!
@PankajWalia 5 лет назад
Hello - I m struggling at Landing, any tips for me on Ikuma
@freemindsparagliding 5 лет назад
Hi, how do you mean struggling at landing?
@PankajKWalia 5 лет назад
Thanks for showing this beautifully articulated A2 and B2 technique before I actually implement B2 recommendation by Ikuma and you. When I first tried to implement A2 in school instructions - I was looking for my A' riser and ofcourse its not there and Outer A line (A2) I tried pulling without speed bar, was harder on strength I used to pull EN-A school wing. I freaked out if I am not pulling on a wrong line and aborted the maneuver listening to the instincts. Today I read the manual, it says it all and then you already implemented B2 pretty nicely! cheers~
@thomasgutweniger 5 лет назад
what is the minimum size of the reserve-canopy? Thanks
@freemindsparagliding 5 лет назад
Flugsau is no longer working on that project. Please ask a dealer to get actual informations about current versions. Cheers
@miguelangelgaritacruz5680 5 лет назад
Increíble familia Bissing.
@BruceBusby 5 лет назад
The 1st inflation could have been saved, slight run under it. Maybe there's something I didn't see. I just ordered the same glider!
@freemindsparagliding 5 лет назад
@AmateurAdventures 6 лет назад
Hey Urs Check min channel ;-) cheers oli alias flying orange/ fliegen oder nicht ;-) Cheers🤙
@andalusienrolfito3382 7 лет назад
wie kommt man auf diese musik...?? furchtbar...😁
@scarabaus83 7 лет назад
Nice :-)
@frosty2331 7 лет назад
hi were did you get the cellpacker
@airgabor76 7 лет назад
Cool Guy! Thanx for Uploading! You should make Nova Phantom review. Keep on filming and testing! Cheers!
@freemindsparagliding 7 лет назад
airgabor76 Thx Airgabor. I'm sure that the Phantom is an amazing glider for some pilots but i'm further looking forward to my Klimber Plume...i'm waiting for it... ;-)
@Eisei1000 8 лет назад
Servus Urs, leider versteht man kaum was von dem was Du sagst. Gruß Andreas
@freemindsparagliding 8 лет назад
Ich denke (hoffe) es gibt in dem Land wo ich wohne einige die es verstehen sollten. ;-) Für die anderen die englische Zusammenfassung. Falls du kein Englisch verstehst eine simple Zusammenfassung: Ziehe einfach die B2 anstelle die A2 Leine um dem Ikuma die Ohren anzulegen. Niviuk erwähnt dies übrigens auch in der Betriebsanleitung. Liebe Grüsse, Urs
@josko.dujmovic 8 лет назад
Price? Custom colours? :-)
@davidcassar25 8 лет назад
@freemindsparagliding 8 лет назад
+David Cassar ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JLh6IVWbhus.html
@oliverbertie1147 8 лет назад
Hola. está a la vent aún.
@freemindsparagliding 8 лет назад
+Oliver Bertie sold
@1993Bounty 10 лет назад
Passt das auch bei anderen (Nicht Leicht-) Schirmen?
@freemindsparagliding 10 лет назад
Hallo, das passt VOR ALLEM bei Nicht-leicht-Schirmen da der Cellpacker nicht wirklich auf Leichtbau gebaut ist. Mehr: www.flugsau.ch/flugsau-cellpacker-p-232.html
@1islam1 Год назад
@@freemindsparagliding ⚠️ God has said in the Quran: 🔵 { O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous - ( 2:21 ) 🔴 [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him]. ( 2:22 ) 🔵 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful. ( 2:23 ) 🔴 But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.( 2:24 ) 🔵 And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, "This is what we were provided with before." And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally. ( 2:25 ) ⚠️ Quran
@janmlodyszewski 10 лет назад
its posible put a rogalo on this one
@freemindsparagliding 10 лет назад
Yes, into the regular rescue container under the seat you can install easily a rogallo. In principle it also should works with a rogallo installed into the base container but we dont recommend it, the system (and the rogallo) is not developed for this.
@AleksandarPanov 10 лет назад
music... change it!
@ahmdabdallah5811 4 года назад
What Is Islam? Islam is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as: { “Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.”} (Quran 112:1-4) Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus. Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him
@amandaloken 11 лет назад
Is it still for sale? email me please gibsonville@gmail.com
@freemindsparagliding 12 лет назад
Danke für das Kompliment und die Beleidigung meiner Kollegen. Teil uns das doch besser auf Augenhöhe mit wenn du ein Mann bist. Meinen Kontakt findest du in meinem Profil.
@JorgeParagliding 13 лет назад
Hi, Great video. Could you please tell how does the pod close after take off? Do you have to zip the pod in flight? I have tested an Advance Impress 2 and really like the closing mechanism for the pod. However the angle of the flightdeck (cockpit) looks a lot better on the Tanto shown in your video. Thanks, Jorge