director idd
director idd
director idd
Balesa sherehe kwa mzee malale luheneja
3 месяца назад
Nyanda Jilugula sherehe kwa Malale Luheneja
3 месяца назад
Mzee kambula
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Joe mic ft Ng'wana kan'gwa wile
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya maduka
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya paskali
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu dada queen
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya mwana kulwa
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya zengo
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu bhukango mwiga
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu sherehe ya mwiga
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya jiganza
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya cheyo
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya makayula
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya jishosha
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya mabhushi
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya wani wani
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya mhuli
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya tande
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi njige bhuholo
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya ngulu
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya luneja
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya ndama jaza
5 лет назад
Mwana ishudu harusi ya kadilana
5 лет назад
@SimonjosephMasangwa 26 дней назад
Fantastic job
@biglionmsaficlassic6928 26 дней назад
Video kali kaka🎉
@SimonjosephMasangwa 27 дней назад
Fantastic job
@dicksonmaganga2170 27 дней назад
Good job
@biglionmsaficlassic6928 3 месяца назад
KAZi kali kaka
@pmbalele 5 месяцев назад
With such dancing in my Sukuma tribe, explains why Sukumas find it hard to live in conservative provinces in Tanzania and in the world. Just look how these Sukumas are enjoying dancing and in some section girls displaying do not care about sex parts of their bodies. I had terrible time in Kigoma, because people there after dusk were together in their homes. During the brief time I lived in Kigoma, I did not see many people enjoying life other than government workers on weekend. I have no idea how I survived living in Kigoma.
@pmbalele 7 месяцев назад
A Sukuma guy like me would find it difficult to live in Muslim countries where people are not free to express their views. We Sukumas are liberals. Just look how women and men are dancing here and it is in public. The way the two Sukuma girls are dancing would not be acceptable in conservative Muslim countries where women are restricted under certain conditions or cannot expose their faces. But that is not in my Sukuma tribe. Women dance any how they want -- Look at the two girls here how they moving their butts and in public; and watch the audience going to gift them with money etc. That is exactly what was happening in 40s and 50s when I was growing up in that area. In fact that video was shot where I grew up. I will not tell you more about the house seen in the video now; may be later.
@pmbalele 8 месяцев назад
Please notice adult women and girls are dressed different. The adult women are in green whereas the girls are in blue and wrap of cloth from waist down. The two groups are in separate lines. I did not know when this was coordinated in the villages when I was growing up at Jojiro. I am surprised this custom has been kept intact to this day i.e. adult women and girls to dress different. But watch males There is no uniform. Each male is on own.
@pmbalele 10 месяцев назад
Those two Sukuma girls were clean when reporting to dance. But just look at them at the end of the show - soiled all over their body and head. That is what we call love what you're doing. My Sukuma tribe love dancing and sometimes we go overboard and audience just wonders what the dancers are doing. Nobody would complain why the two girls are wiggling their butts in public. We sukumas are free people and do things other tribes find us strange - but we love enjoying our freedom and tradition.
@pmbalele Год назад
Do you notice some people are drunk there; but there is no police officer to make sure nobody goes out of hand. There is however one guy really drunk; but a volunteer comes out to warn him. Otherwise there is no need for police to be there. We Sukumas simply invite ourselves to such events; just to get out of our houses and mingle with others. Notice also people are gifting the star with money and sodas. There is no cover charge for everything is done in the open. And as I have pointed in other Sukuma videos, Sukumas a mild people because their land is flat or with small hills, no wild animals to scare people, and during rain season, there are violent thunderstorms like Bukoba and other parts of Tanzania. With such friendly environment, people from other tribes simply wonder why we Sukumas are easy going or so friendly .
@pmbalele Год назад
People new to Sukumaland may be surprised that land there is flat. I mean there are no high mountains. So you can see miles and miles away. In fact when people told me, when young, that the world was like flat like a table I believed it. This is because when living at home Jojiro I could see miles and miles away. In the morning I could see the sun clearly rising and at sunset. With such flat land, explains why Sukumas are most friendly tribe in Tanzania. This is because they do not have challenges such as earthquakes, rowdy thunderstorms, etc. For the 30 years living there, I experienced only 3 mild earthquakes, only 2 tornadoes. There were no wild animals and never heard anybody bitten by snakes. Please notice that there is no cop to keep peace at such functions. Sukumas simply invite themselves at such functions and done they go home without fearing people or wild animals to attack them.
@pmbalele Год назад
Peoplle watching this video may have noticed that women are in uniform - that the top is light blue and the have piece of cloth around their waist. That surprised me when growing up in the 40s-50s as how and when women dressed in uniform. Of course each village had its own dress code. Now I see it here again more than 60 years later - repeated the 40s-50s dance dress codes tradition of women in the villages.
@pmbalele Год назад
We Sukumas are lucky our soils are not polluted with dangerous chemicals including radiation. Look at these two girls bathing in soil and nobody in the audience is surprised why are doing do. That tells the world our Sukumas soil is free from dangerous chemicals.
@pmbalele Год назад
This is amazing that these two girls can be soiled so much and still enjoy dancing without whining. I believe I have written somewhere that that location is familiar to me and probably where I grew up. After 1962, my family was disrupted and scattered everywhere. I have no idea how we can come together again for many family members are gone.
@pmbalele Год назад
Please look at 9:50 minutes those Sukuma girls dancing. That explains why we Sukumas have very hard time living in conservative regions of Tanzania. I might told you, I lived briefly in Kigoma. I had very hard time adjusting to living style there for were too conservative to me. Well, I survived the six months I lived there.
@pmbalele Год назад
I am pure Sukuma - that explains I had hard time living in Kigoma. People there were too conservative for me. Most of people in Kigoma were Muslims who tended to be structured in their lives. The few months living in Kigoma I did not see people there dancing in the open or drinking beer in open. In fact my cousin warned me not to expose beer in public. Thank God, I left that area.
@pmbalele 2 года назад
At age of 6 my father shipped me to boarding school. That explains why I missed dance occasions like boys or those girls at 5:59. These girls seem to be very serious dancing following music star instructions. I did not know when they came together to learn dancing. Look at the minute or little girl among the group. She is serious with dancing and following instructions. During school recess I would visit my mother's parents where I met maternal uncles who were music stars. I was always out of place with dancers because of being at boarding schools most of my life. In fact village young boys and girls wondered how I behaved among them for I would speak Sukuma mixing Swahili and English words they did not know. But I wondered how young men and women would agree to follow music star instructions when there were no books as references nor paid for dancing. Of course those were occasions they would meet their future wives or husbands. Now I am seeing it here again -80 years later. Amazing how Sukumas kept their tradition and peace among themselves despite political and social changes in Sukumaland.
@pmbalele 2 года назад
I do not know if we Sukumas can live happily in Muslim countries where women are told how to behave. Watch at 10:56 how this young woman flips and allows the audience to drop gift on her private part. We Sukumas do not have breaks as how we dance. In America we would be called"liberals."
@pmbalele 2 года назад
Please watch that young man at 10:34 push her internal organs; I have no where, for his stomach becomes so small as if does not have internal organs. In fact I saw such a show when growing up in Jojiro, Nela. Lets agree on one thing: each of us is born to give a special skill to make it easier for others to live happily. .
@pmbalele 2 года назад
We Sukumas love freedom. Just look how they are dancing here - some are drunk but peaceful. That is why I could not fit to live in Kigoma where people tended to be conservative. My cousin who was area director of Kigoma warned me not to expose beer in public because majority of Kigoma people don't drink beer. So, as a Sukuma boy I had to make a lot of life adjustment in tune how people Kigoma lived. It was hard for me - Thank the World I left Kigoma.
@pmbalele 2 года назад
Look at Sukuma women in green at 10:35. They look healthy, beautiful and ready to have healthy kids. Above all they are taking dancing very carefully not so soil their outfits. Compare them to two girls bathing in soil. I love their dance style. I believe this was hard work by Magufuli who changed Tanzania to be envy of the world. I am told the present TZ president does not tolerate corruption too.
@pmbalele 2 года назад
I have been told there are studies which prove that people who love what are doing live longer than the grouches. This might be true. Look at the two ladies dancing. They seem loving what are doing. This is an expression how they see the world. They may not be as rich as women in my neighborhood now who are always complaining about life. These girls show are enjoying their lives despite shortages in my Sukuma tribe. Of course, we Sukumas take life as it is compared to many places I visited while in TZ. I believe to have told you that I lived briefly at Kigoma. People there tended to be too conservative; kind afraid to do what they really want because most of them were religious fanatics. We Sukumas are liberal and take life as it is. That is why I see those dancing, including the two girls, are enjoying dancing. Just imagine how they look at the end of their dance - their heads and bodies are soiled. But still loving it.
@directorj4wede277 3 года назад
@pmbalele 3 года назад
Congrats for the exercise. Please notice those Sukuma girls moving their knees fast. Beautiful. I don't think my neighbors in my age group can move knees that fast. This is because many have arthritis or stiffness in their knees. I applaud these girls and of course boys too dancing so vigorously thus exercising their bodies and may be losing weight by dancing. I know my knees are still good because I played soccer when young. People here walk out from their houses to their cars. They do not walk long distances or run for exercise. That may contribute to stiffness in their knees. Those boys and girls in the video will remember that dancing gave them better health than those who do not dance or play games like soccer which is still the prevalent in many countries.
@pmbalele 3 года назад
I believe that video was shot at Jojiro. I am familiar with the environment: the house, the trees behind the house. I believe other thatched buildings have been added. I know the family that used to live there, scattered everywhere in 1962, and many of them either have died or don't know their parents lived there. I hope I will be able to visit the place before my days are up in life.
@pmbalele 4 года назад
How do you like that -putting money gift on woman's private part and in public place. With Sukuma dancers that is not a big deal. That is why some religions with freedom restrictions were rejected by Sukumas. Sukumas wanted their freedom - I mean complete freedom after day's hard work.
@pmbalele 4 года назад
I have no idea how this young man pushes his belly guts to appear as if he does not have belly contents. it's an amazing practice and skill. I used to see that when young in the 40s. I could not figure out how Sukuma dancers did their stuff. Congrats young man. On the other hand, the young woman is impressive. But that used to be man's skill. Now I see this young lady performing even better than males. Actually, it used to be Banunguli skill - bending backward to pick a sliver shilling with your mouth.
@pmbalele 4 года назад
The two girls should be paid double. They came very clean; but by the end of the song or dancing, their bodies are full of soil - i mean everywhere. I used to see that in the 40s and early 50s with Banunguli and Bagunda. Now i see these girls are doing exactly what used to be . I love people devoted to what are doing. Kudos to you girls.
@255bongocode3 4 года назад
One love namhala Idd!!!
@jescajulius8023 4 года назад
@jescajulius8023 4 года назад
Ao wavulana walokuja nyuma yakowamenichekesha duh
@jescajulius8023 4 года назад
Unajitahid ila eting c nzr san
@ahimidiwemichael9948 4 года назад
Kaka mkubwa kazi nzuri
@jumakazumba6662 4 года назад
@walesstudio2725 5 лет назад
@missmoona4497 5 лет назад
Biharus na miwan jaman wasukuma shikamoon nimejua kucheka😂😂😂😂😂nikipofu? Aundio MA SI TA ILI🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Uwiiiiiiiiiiiii
@missmoona4497 5 лет назад
Nyie wasukuma hamuon aibu hayo machuchu yalivyo lala vibaya kweli nakutepeta kaa ya mbwa, mtanisamehe lkn mchunguzen mbwa anae nyonyesha machuchu yanafananaje😎😎😎sorry lkn🙏🙏🙏
@johnngollo 5 лет назад
Safi sana
@walesstudio2725 5 лет назад
Konk mastaaa
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
I have no idea if I noted that Sukuma dancers will not be invited to dance openly in US red states such as Alabama, Texas, NC, SC. Just look how those girls dance and audience - males and females love them and actually give them gifts or money. As pointed below, there were no police officers to keep peace. If such crowd was in USA there would be at least 5 cops. Not in Kwimba - Tanzania.
@adamkalyango6721 5 лет назад
Nafi sana ngwana ishudu
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
Please note these two girls how clean they are before dancing; but are soaked in sand later on and seem loving it every minute. They obey their music leader or star to the T. And that is exactly what I noticed when growing up in Jojiro. Music stars had more influence on boys and girls than parents. Maybe we should have used music stars to talk kids to attend school. I remember when in 6th grade some kids would quit or run away from school and never came back. But you would hear them to have joined dance groups: "Bagika" and "Bagalu"
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
I am sure other nations are jealous of how Tanzanians and especially Sukumas are enjoying their freedom now. This freedom is expressed in lyrics in their songs and how they are dancing which is a reflection how in the past Sukumas worked and enjoyed dancing over the weekend. Thank God the modern music instruments have added flavor to Sukuma songs and dancing.
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
This is interesting-why do many women and some men wear sandals or flip-flops given they are going to dance on gravel or sand where their feet will be soiled with sand? Just look at what women have on their feet-majority are wearing flip-flops or sandals. In Shinje Kitongoji video she complained to the judge that her husband did not buy her flip-flops. Anybody with a response?
@aishasanja6935 5 лет назад
Adonkolo kwa kweli inanikumbusha mbali kidogo
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
Would believe there are more than 2000 people at this wedding; but no police officer monitoring the crowd. This tells you Sukumas are still as peaceful as they used to be in the 40s and 50s. Then they were invaded by Western cultures: schools with rude teachers; drinking beer; prisons and violence.But I see they resisted such violent cultures. Thanks for keeping Sukuma culture alive.
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
Thank God; Sukumas are now enjoying their lives as people. I knew if left alone, Sukumas would prosper economically and socially. They are neither socialist or capitalists. They will help you when in trouble but won’t come to your house to cause trouble. Now I see them really in good spirit as used to be in the 40s and 50s. Just imagine how many people came to the wedding - and no cop was around to keep peace as in my neighborhood now. People attend such weddings to have fun.
@pmbalele 5 лет назад
There are more than 3000 people there; but no police officer to monitor safety. I wish that was the same where I live now. At such events we have cops and cameras trying to catch naughty people. Not in Sukuma land. Everybody goes there to enjoy the event.
@nyahingapeter8835 5 лет назад
kaz nzur
@nyahingapeter8835 5 лет назад
Wanatisha ongera