Ernest Olusanya
Ernest Olusanya
Ernest Olusanya
The Marathon 2 - God's Journey To Us
3 года назад
Jude 1 | Scripture Sprint
3 года назад
Bible Marathon  - Page 2021
3 года назад
How To Share The Gospel (Part 1)
3 года назад
1 Timothy 6 | Scripture Sprint
3 года назад
Bible Marathon - Hebrews 9 (Part 1)
4 года назад
@juliabryan2556 3 месяца назад
My name is Tony Smith I am your number one fan for real I'm going become a nurse for real soon
@ArmslordKataya 4 месяца назад
We are not called to love But love is also who we are as he is Its more than a call
@jewishbride5010 Год назад
I bind to hell every lack of vision and every unbelief of believing one's heart desires to be fulfilled by God and things working out for one's good when loving God in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours,, acquinctances, opponents and the body of Christ, binding to hell being unequally yoked and having any common share with those lacking vision and belief of one's heart desires being fulfilled by God and things working out for one's good when loving God, in accordance with this word and proverbs 29:18, psalm 37:4, romans 28:8, john 14:1, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah, thank you God.
@charlynadonis8494 Год назад
This was so helpful and it pushed me to compare with other versions which really simplified the scripture to be understood easily. Thanks so much!😁
@chiazamdim7841 Год назад
Thank you sir. If the yoke was broken from because they grew fat, what made them grow fat, is this figurative? Why did they grow fat if they were in bondage? Also, I am still unclear on how it relates to Jesus.
@darafadeyibi5480 Год назад
Thank you very much for teaching us how to correctly study the Bible and apply it to our lives. You are a blessing to this generation. I honor you!
@ernestolusanya3291 Год назад
You are very welcome
@jayzeem14 2 года назад
Thank you so much for opening my eyes to this scripture I have misunderstood it for so long! This is liberating! You have taught me how to read the Bible by asking pertinent questions. God bless your mission.
@ernestolusanya3291 Год назад
Glad it was helpful!
@goodnessarome7830 2 года назад
@scarvymccargo 2 года назад
John 3:16 Rightly Divided... for real. ambassadorsfortherisenchristministries.org/category/john-316-its-forgotten-meaning/
@darafadeyibi5480 2 года назад
OMG! I have never heard anyone teach this topic so beautifully. Thank you very much, Opeyemi and Ernest, for doing this. Every believer must be aware of the power we possess, and we must walk in the fulness of it.
@darafadeyibi5480 2 года назад
Thank you for showing us why every believer has to take apologetics seriously. More and more, I am learning the importance of studying the Bible because I cannot defend what I do not know and understand. We must all do better. The truth must prevail!
@darafadeyibi5480 2 года назад
Thank you for doing this. You're an excellent teacher of the word.
@AbisolaAkinbola 2 года назад
What a profound message! Thank you for sharing.
@goodnessarome7830 2 года назад
This is an eye-opener. Thank you!
@jewishbride5010 2 года назад
In accordance with psalm 105:15, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 and this word I bind myself, my family, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ not to touch God his anointed, while I bind myself not being unequally yoked and have any common share with those who do touch God his anointed, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
@sundaydavidbassey5547 2 года назад
Great stuff!!! This will continually be an age long discuss because certain times the teachings of this salvation can mean that it's on God to do the keeping of the faith. He is able to keep is from falling. Nothing shall pluck him out of my hand. And all of those statements of Jesus.
@nicondaallen 2 года назад
@nicondaallen 2 года назад
@nisrinflores4648 2 года назад
Absolutely correct. Amen
@realtrician 2 года назад
Wow 👌 this is great. You have cleared up all the confusion I had about this verse. Love from 🇺🇬
@JerseyGurl4Life 2 года назад
@symlexbrn5396 3 года назад
Thanks for explaining I heard a famous preacher using the verse out of context, I refuted it in the comment section and his followers think he's right so they snubbed me and called me a devil.
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
It’s really sad that they’d do that! Well, we’ll keep pushing with the truth, sound doctrine and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@ChristianFaithCompendium 3 года назад
Humans are not attributed the ontology of “Elohim” or sons of God. The term “sons of God” in Psalm 82 refers to “angels” who have the ranks of sons of God who were rulers of cosmic and geographic territories on earth but they failed to adhere to the divine standarts of God. Paul refer to these angelic rulers as “principalities and powers in High places.” The key to this argument is in verse 7, “you shall die like men.” Besides, the venue of this Council is in the sky (see Psalm 89: 5-7. How can humans stay in the sky? The GOD in verse 1 in Psalm 82 was Jesus addressing the divine Council giving judgment to these gods who corrupted themselves. The issue of the Jews in John 10: 34 was the deity of Jesus. This is the reason why the Jews were ready to stone Jesus on the basis of blasphemy because Jesus equates Himself with the Father. Jesus alluded to Psalm 82: 6 to corroborate His claim that He is God. Notice How Jesus addressed the Jews when He quoted Psalm 82: 6 in first person. I said, Ye are gods, indicating that He was the God in verse 1 presiding the divine Council among sons of God.
@olufemipopoola3463 3 года назад
Annointing is actually oil. Reference deut 32:15
@olufemipopoola3463 3 года назад
Good job
@michaeljguy 3 года назад
I learned "As 'a' man thinks so is he" from various forms of Christian media. I later figured out the idea of "thoughts becoming who you are" is more related to the New Thought teaching of Law of Attraction. Basically, what you "imagine in your heart", what you think, feel, or believe, will manifest itself as your reality. The problem is the "as a man" version of this does not exist, so the interpretation in the New Thought way came from outside of Scripture, and, as it's explained here, in context it is just talking about the rich man loosing his mind. For the past year I have been looking into various New Age and New Thought teachings that have found their way into the church, from Bethel's book, "Physics of Heaven" to Joel Osteen's showing up on Oprah's Life Classes (Oprah is perhaps the world's most famous New Age and New Thought advocate and Joel Osteen's "Power of I Am" message is basically a message about Law of Attraction). Somehow this teaching on thoughts becoming who you are, or the things you speak manifesting your reality, has taken hold in Christianity, and it's spreading. Keep watch people!
@Redducati11 3 года назад
I appreciate you unpacking this verse a bit. But did you know... It also shows us that God is truly one just like He says all throughout scripture AND that Jesus is the Only One Jesus. This verse refutes the Trinity tradition handed down by the Athanasian Creed. Jesus has a God and his God is also our God. John 20:17 Most Christians today are in Unbelief. They believe in a lie. Thousands upon thousands of singular personal pronouns are used to describe God. It is not an assumption, but a fact that the Bible presents God as a singular person. Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to understand that God is "one Lord" and to love him (Mark 12:29). Nowhere does any Scripture attest that God is three, three-in-one, or anything more than a simple one. Deuteronomy 4:35 "YHWH, He is God; there is no other besides Him." Deuteronomy 32:39 "See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me." Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O’ Israel, YHWH is our God, YHWH is one." Isaiah 46:9 "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me." Nehemiah 9:6 "You alone are YHWH…" Malachai 2:10 "Do we not all have one Father? Has not one God created us?" Mark 12:29 "And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, “Hear, O Israel; YHWH our God is one Lord.” John 5:44 “…you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God.” Romans 3:30 "… Since indeed God is one." 1 Corinthians 8:6 "…for us there is but one God, the Father." Galatians 3:20 "Now a mediator is not for one party only; whereas God is only one." James 2:19 "You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder." Blessings to you.
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
For us there is one God the Father, who is the source of all things, and we exist for Him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things and through whom we exist. Blessings brother.
@floreaalexandru2524 3 года назад
AMP Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God]. So far i really liked the most commonly used interpretation, no vision for your life you will parish, but as trying to get together a little Sunday school lesson about planning and vision, I realized this verse isn't about that, but more the way you explained it. And that's the way it is in Romanian (my native language), and all those years i was ahhh this romanian translation got this verse so wrong :))
@mfonabasi1 3 года назад
This was such a blessing! My take home: The Word of God is enough to deal with our insecurities because God has a track record of transforming insecure people into formidable forces for His Kingdom. Also, Bayo is absolutely right; we really need this Vulnerability teaching in the Body of Christ, especially in Africa. Enough of the hard guy front our culture has beat into us (especially into the male folk).
@gabrielsteve660 3 года назад
Jeaus isn't God He is neither Lunatic nor Liar nor Lord. He was a prophet. People later on after his death started calling him God and corrupted the original words of God, the father. Jesus, is the christ, the messenger of God the father. Listen Jesus claimed to be a prophet of God and he preached the oneness of God and never claimed divinity. In fact, the bible is telling us that Jesus is worshiping and prostrating to God. What this tells us ? If he is really a God. So how come a God worship a God ?!! On several occasions in the Bible, we found Jesus withdrawing from his followers to a solitary place to pray the whole night. Read (Luke 6:12). “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside *to pray and spent the night praying to God * ” (Matthew 14:23). “After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself *to pray* . Later that night, he was there alone” (Matthew 26:39). “Going a little farther, *he fell with his face to the ground and prayed* , ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will ’” The physical kneeling and the prostration in the prayers were normally practiced at the time of Jesus (John 4:24). “God is Spirit, and those who prostrate (προσκυνοῦντας) *to Him must prostrate* (προσκυνεῖν) in spirit and truth” What would Jesus do in a solitary place all the night? It is unlikely that Jesus spent the whole night just supplicating to God. He probably spent the whole night communicating with God using different forms of rituals like physical prayers, supplications (vocal prayer), meditation and contemplation. Moreover, verses of the Bible tell us that Jesus was in continuous communication with God, and he was fully dependent on Him. He prayed at dawn and before leaving (Mark 1:35-36), before choosing his disciples (Luke 6:12-13), when the Jews did not believe him in spite of his miracles (Matthew 11:25-26), before and after healing people (Mark 7:31-37; Luke 5:16), before feeding people (e.g. Matthew 15:36, Mark 6:41, Luke 9:16), before eating (Luke 24:30) before walking on water (John 6:15), etc. Now let us judge this based on logic. A prophet can pray to God and can be fully dependent on God. On the other hand, *God cannot pray to another God and cannot fully dependent on another God. Simply if there are two Gods, then they will fight each other because they both will have different wills that could be against each other. This to me is illogical.*
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
Yeah “Jeaus” isn’t God, but Jesus is definitely God and the Son of God as revealed in the scriptures. Kindly take the time to watch the video and you’ll understand our arguments. As you would see, they are very scriptural. Thanks for your comments Gabriel. I would also invite you to read Philippians 2 to understand why Jesus had to pray to the Father in total submission and surrender.
@gabrielsteve660 3 года назад
@Ernest Olusanya What about the following verses of the Bible? The following verses from the Bible's New Testament clearly tell us that Jesus was a Prophet of God, there's no discrepancy there: New Testament (Matthew 21:10-11) When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?" The crowds answered, " *This is Jesus, the Prophet from Nazareth* in Galilee." *This is Jesus, the Prophet from Nazareth* >>> Prophet ?!!! New Testament (Luke 24:9) "What things?" he asked. "About Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. " *He was a Prophet* , powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. New Testament (John 4:19) "Sir," the woman said, " *I can see that you are a Prophet* ". New Testament (John 7:40) "On hearing his words, some of the people said, " *Surely this man is the Prophet* ." New Testament (John 9:17) "Finally they turned again to the blind man, "What have you to say about him? It was your eyes he opened." *The man replied, "He is a Prophet* ." New Testament (Luke 13:33 ) Indeed, how did Jesus describe himself? Let us read: "In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day- for *surely no Prophet can die outside Jerusalem* !" New Testament (Matthew 13:57) And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, " *Only in his hometown and in his own house is a Prophet without honor* ." ------------------------------------ *All these verses mentioned Jesus as prophet. So what does this discrepancies in the bible means?*
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
@@gabrielsteve660 Thank you for these questions. Logically speaking, an individual can be a Father, a son, a teacher, and all these will not contradict each other. Jesus while he was on the earth was definitely a prophet, meaning He spoke the Word of the Father to the Jews for a season. But he was also a Rabbi, a son to Mary, and was God in the flesh. Gabriel, as any honest person is expected to do, I try follow the whole conversation of the Bible to come to my conclusions, not just the eyewitness accounts of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I go on to see all that happened after his death, and his resurrection. But let's stay in the gospels, since you're quoting a lot from there. Here are a few points from the video, just to help you out. - Jesus was worshiped and he accepted worship (Matthew 2:11, Matthew 14:33, John 20:28) - Jesus called himself "I AM" - a title only for God from the Torah (John 8:58-59) Surely, what a true prophet calls himself is greater than what people call him. - Jesus forgave sins. Only God can forgive sins (Jeremiah 31:34, Matthew 9:2) - John told us that God took on flesh and dwelt on the earth with us, displaying the extent of God's love for mankind (John 1:1-14) And so much more in the New Testament of the Bible that Jesus couldn't even talk about with the disciples yet until he returned from the grave, but we don't even need to go there. I do not aim to stir conflict, but only to share what I believe the Bible clearly says. Thanks for reaching out.
@gabrielsteve660 3 года назад
@@ernestolusanya3291 You said logically speaking God can be anything. So how God change in nature. None sense dude. Read the Bible: *I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed* (Malachi 3:6)
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
@@gabrielsteve660 Amen to this bro! God doesn’t change, and neither does Jesus. (Hebrews 13:8, Revelation 1:1,8) - Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever - Jesus speaking “I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty”
@timeoutwithpreci6131 3 года назад
First of, the quality of this video is top notch👌 then the content, whoooshhhh🔥🔥 the main question should be “what are we doing with our faith!” Thank you Ernest🤍
@johnsonclement9498 3 года назад
God bless the leadership and every member of BMG. It has blessed my life so much this year and I'm glad to be a part of this family ❤
@mfonabasi1 3 года назад
It's videos like this that make me confident that I haven't been reading the Bible upside down 😄 God bless you for sharing bro! Very balanced indeed
@danielbabz 3 года назад
Love this!
@mfonabasi1 3 года назад
And I must say, I love the opening and closing sequence 👌🧡
@mfonabasi1 3 года назад
This had me speaking in tongues intermittently. I can never get enough of the gospel! E too dey blow mind mehn 🔥 God bless you for your consistency bro! The whole world would finally hear the gospel of the Kingdom through us in the name of Jesus Christ (so that Jesus can come sharply. I don tire for this side mehn 🤣)
@harryhampton6119 3 года назад
This is often cited as a claim to deity and identification as Jesus being the one true only wise God, but here with Jesus’ response, it’s almost like He is clarifying saying I am just a god, not God, what do you think?
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
I think god in the context of Psalm 82 refers to magistrates, rulers and leaders. And that is what Jesus is very likely appealing to with his response after quoting this Psalm.
@mrgeorge1888 3 года назад
No, Jesus actually means if in their law, God through Asaph the psalmer said that human are gods, so why were they got so angry if Jesus implied Himself as the Son of God? All decendents of Adam are the sons and daughters of God, little gods. We're not mere mortal who God had created on sixth day, in fact they're all vanished already in the flood. Gbu
@westonsmith 3 года назад
Keep them coming brotha!
@ernestolusanya3291 3 года назад
Weston!!!! Thanks my man!
@mfonabasi1 3 года назад
I finally finished watching! Thanks for answering these questions. I got quite some clarity on the blood of Jesus matter. Thanks for the references as well, but what about Exodus 12:13? Looking forward to more.
@lazarusfowsta 4 года назад
Thank you for this.
@squatpuke 4 года назад
My problem with this verse is that it comes from the mouth of Eliphaz who has been one of Job’s antagonist throughout. While there is truth in the exposition, Eliphaz’s motive for saying this to Job is only to further falsely accuse him of hidden sin and cause for his despair.
@demiladeolafisoye5042 4 года назад
Enlightening! The scriptures do explain themselves - and we must not settle for nice sounding explanations, above what it ACTUALLY means Thanks Ernest
@NtonghaEkot 4 года назад
Just thinking about the numerous sermons and books that have been hinged on this verse and I dunno how I feel. Thank you for this.
@NtonghaEkot 4 года назад
Going to unsubscribe cause what is this drag?
@thechristianwombmanwithanu1864 4 года назад
This is just it for me right now. Because of a present experience, I got a lead to that verse and of course I knew I had to read it in all full context. I was startled when I found out that it referred more to believers not the unbelievers as I had always thought. When I couldn't contain the shock, it occured to me that you have done something on it and I never watched it then. I am just so blessed right now and I feel it's just the time God wants me to know this truth because I probably wouldn't have understood were it not for the need. Keep them coming Ernest; while we may not immediately watch, there is sure a needed time. God bless you.
@enioluwaodunjo 4 года назад
I loved this man. Very sound, with good sound too. Hehe. Thank God I don’t use an Android tho 😅🤪
@AmandaDaraTV 4 года назад
This was very interesting! Please do this more often...There is a God! Hallelujah
@lillianm3816 4 года назад
😱 EVERYONE can understand the Bible? 😁💕
@ernestolusanya3291 4 года назад
Haha! You noticed
@thechristianwombmanwithanu1864 4 года назад
We are called to love... That's a great reminder!
@gloriaokereke233 4 года назад
Oh my goodness!! This is amazing!