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Conditional Statements in SQL
Месяц назад
@gsrsakhilakhil528 7 часов назад
Thank you so much sir for making videos on daily after watching all your videos im feeling that im improving everyday
@harishsingh_424 8 часов назад
Awesome 👍 Request you to please make a detailed video on the stored procedure. I have searched the entire youtube but not getting helpful
@MeanLifeStudies 8 часов назад
Thank you. I will do it soon.
@AnandKumar-dc2bf 10 часов назад
You are making awesome vidoes hope u get much more viewerships...
@MeanLifeStudies 9 часов назад
I really wish and Thank you so much for you support.
@ipsitapani8641 День назад
You plz give us the structure of table details
@MeanLifeStudies День назад
Kindly excuse. I will provide shortly.
@MeanLifeStudies 10 часов назад
I added table create and internet statements. Please check once.
@omilind День назад
You're doing amazing work! Please create more scenario and case study questions for data analyst interviews. These are incredibly helpful. Thank you!
@MeanLifeStudies День назад
I will definitely do that and thank you for supporting this channel.
@saquibzeya8452 День назад
transaction_id column is missing in create table and insert table
@MeanLifeStudies День назад
Kindly excuse me for missing it in the description box. I updated it just now.
@manojroyal7180 День назад
is it correct bro with cte as( select c.*,count(voter_id) as voters_count, candidate_id from candidates c join election e on c.id=e.candidate_id group by e.candidate_id, c.id,c.name) select name from cte where voters_count=(select max(voters_count) from cte)
@MeanLifeStudies День назад
Hi, Yes, it is correct. But it is possible only when voters voted for multiple candidates, then their value of vote is 1 for each. But our condition is not similar to the actual of our election. If a voter is votes for three candidates, the value of each is shared by three parts. so we should consider that also right?
@manojroyal7180 День назад
@@MeanLifeStudies yes I missed it thanks for reply
@__vishal__8788 2 дня назад
keep it up❤❤❤
@MeanLifeStudies 2 дня назад
Thank you so much for supporting.
@__vishal__8788 2 дня назад
@MeanLifeStudies 2 дня назад
@bankimdas9517 3 дня назад
Thanks for making this video. Please bring more questions on data analysis topic.
@MeanLifeStudies 3 дня назад
Definitely. Thanks for supporting.
@user-gq6cg3ls7f 3 дня назад
with cte as( select sum(salesAmount) first_week_sales, StoreID, StoreName, DATEPART(WK, Date) weekly_transaction from sales_info where DATEPART(WK, Date) = 1 group by StoreID, DATEPART(WK, Date), StoreName ), cte2 as( select sum(salesAmount) last_week_sales, StoreID, DATEPART(WK, Date) weekly_transaction from sales_info where DATEPART(WK, Date) = 3 group by StoreID, DATEPART(WK, Date) ) select cte.StoreID, cte.StoreName, first_week_sales, last_week_sales, concat(round((last_week_sales - first_week_sales)/first_week_sales*100,2), '%') as percentage_sales_increament from cte inner join cte2 on cte.StoreID = cte2.StoreID
@vemulaharikrishnareddy2738 3 дня назад
If possible pls create interview MFQ's series
@MeanLifeStudies 3 дня назад
Sorry, what is MFQ?
@vemulaharikrishnareddy2738 3 дня назад
@@MeanLifeStudies Interview questions most frequently asked
@vemulaharikrishnareddy2738 3 дня назад
Thanks so much for sharing valuable content🤩🤩, Small request pls add script in all the videos.
@MeanLifeStudies 3 дня назад
I thought I was adding for all, excuse me if missed out for any video. I will definitely add from on without fail.
@vemulaharikrishnareddy2738 3 дня назад
@@MeanLifeStudies Thank you !!!!
@krishnasai5806 4 дня назад
Is there any openings for freshers
@MeanLifeStudies 4 дня назад
As of my knowledge there are very less openings for freshers.
@kaushikbendalam7396 5 дней назад
Simple Solution with out using CTE SELECT name, sum(runs_scored) AS total_runs FROM Matches JOIN Players ON Matches.player_id = Players.id GROUP BY player_id HAVING ( COUNT(CASE WHEN runs_scored >= 50 THEN 1 END) >=2 AND COUNT(CASE WHEN runs_scored = 0 THEN 1 END) = 0 ) ORDER BY total_runs DESC
@MeanLifeStudies 5 дней назад
Have you executed this query?
@MeanLifeStudies 5 дней назад
This is second method I had used
@Aditya61515 5 дней назад
Thank You a Nice explanation keep going
@MeanLifeStudies 5 дней назад
Thank you.
@Vaibha293 6 дней назад
amazing bro..
@MeanLifeStudies 6 дней назад
Thank You.
@Vaibha293 6 дней назад
with cte as( select *,row_number() over(partition by player_id order by match_id)rn from WC_matches) select w.* from WC_players w Join ( select player_id from (select match_id,player_id, case when match_id-lag(match_id,1,match_id-1) over(partition by player_id order by match_id)=1 then 1 else 0 end cont from cte where player_id in (select player_id from cte where rn=3) )A group by player_id having count(player_id)=sum(cont))d on w.id=player_id
@mrsantho 6 дней назад
with cte1 as( select e.*,e1.empname as managername, e1.salary as managersalary, (e.salary + e1.salary)/2 as averagesalary from employeet1 e join employeet1 e1 on e.mgrid=e1.empid ), cte2 as( select concat(empname,':',managername) as emp_mgr_pair, averagesalary as salary, dense_rank() over(order by averagesalary desc) as rn from cte1 ) select emp_mgr_pair,salary from cte2 where rn=2;
@Vaibha293 6 дней назад
WITH CTE AS( SELECT *,SUM(CASE WHEN runs_scored = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ) OVER (PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY player_id)DECCOUNT ,COUNT(player_id ) OVER (PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY player_id)TOTALCOUNT FROM matches) , A AS( SELECT match_id, player_id, runs_scored, SUM(CASE WHEN runs_scored>=50 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) OVER (PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY player_id)TOTAL FROM CTE WHERE DECCOUNT=TOTALCOUNT) SELECT P.name,SUM(runs_scored)TOTALRUNS FROM A JOIN players P ON P.id=A.player_id WHERE TOTAL =2 GROUP BY P.name
@mrsantho 6 дней назад
with cte_m as (select player_id, count(case when runs_scored >=50 then match_id else null end) as half_century, count(case when runs_scored = 0 then match_id else null end) as duck_out, sum(runs_scored) as total_runs from matches group by player_id), cte_p as( select name,id from players ) select cp.name,cm.total_runs from cte_m cm join cte_p cp on cm.player_id = cp.id where cm.half_century > 1 and cm.duck_out = 0;
@Naveen-uz4hw 6 дней назад
select concat(manager_name,':',b.empname) as emp_mgr_name ,(manager_salary+salary)/2 as salary from (select empid as manager_id ,empname as manager_name ,salary as manager_salary from employee where mgrid is null)a join employee b on a.manager_id=b.mgrid Can you please validate this solution
@MeanLifeStudies 6 дней назад
Yes. It is correct. But you are making it too complex. Kindly understand if a manager is not null for Sam then? I mean for Sam is any other manager then?
@VARUNTEJA73 7 дней назад
with cte as( select distinct e.empid,t.mgrid,e.empname as mngname,t.empname as empname,e.salary+t.salary as totalsal from employee e join employee t on e.empid=t.mgrid where e.salary<t.salary) select top 1 empname+': '+mngname as emp_mng_pair,totalsal/2 salary from cte order by totalsal desc get employee who are getting highest sal compare to manager then combined two sal and get highest avg sal
@maheshnagisetty4485 7 дней назад
select mgr_emp,avg_sal from ( select *,rank() over(order by avg_sal desc) as rn from ( select concat(e.empname, ':', m.empname) as mgr_emp, (e.salary+m.salary)/2 avg_sal from employee as e join employee as m on e.mgrid=m.empid )as a ) as b where rn=2
@AbhijitPaldeveloper 7 дней назад
In your table creation and insertion queries there is no transaction_id column. Please add correct queries
@MeanLifeStudies 7 дней назад
Kindly excuse me. In a hurry, I might missed out right SQL statements to write over. I updated that Now. You can see now.
@AbhijitPaldeveloper 7 дней назад
My Solution in Mysql: SELECT user_id, total_number, round((total_credit_count*100/total_number),0) as credit_percent, round((total_debit_count*100/total_number),0) as debit_percent FROM(SELECT user_id, COUNT(user_id) as total_number, SUM(CASE WHEN type='credit' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as total_credit_count, SUM(CASE WHEN type='debit' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as total_debit_count FROM `transactions` GROUP BY user_id) as x;
@AbhijitPaldeveloper 7 дней назад
Hi, This is my 2 solutions. 2nd one is similar to your solution. SELECT name FROM(SELECT name, total, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY total DESC) as rnk FROM(SELECT e.candidate_id, c.name, COUNT(e.voter_id) as total FROM `election` e join candidates c on e.candidate_id = c.id GROUP BY e.candidate_id) as x) as y WHERE rnk=1; SELECT name FROM(SELECT candidate_id, name, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY SUM(voter_value) DESC) as rnk FROM(SELECT e.*, c.name, 1.0/COUNT(e.candidate_id) OVER(PARTITION BY e.voter_id) as voter_value FROM `election` e join candidates c on e.candidate_id = c.id WHERE e.candidate_id IS NOT NULL) as x GROUP BY candidate_id) as y WHERE rnk = 1
@dasubabuch1596 7 дней назад
Hi Sir, I tried with hierarchical query for this problem. Can you please check it once? with t as ( select empid,empname, prior empname as managername,salary,level from employee start with mgrid = 3 connect by empid = prior mgrid ),t1 as ( select avg(salary) as av_salary from t ) select av_salary, empname||'-'||managername as emp_mgr_pair from t1, t where managername is not null;
@dasubabuch1596 8 дней назад
Hi Sir, This is my query. with t as ( select e.voter_id,c.id,c.name from election e inner join candidates c on e.candidate_id = c.id where e.candidate_id is not null ),t1 as ( select count(voter_id)over(partition by id) as cnt, voter_id, name, id from t ), t2 as ( select id,name, sum(cnt) as total from t1 group by id,name ), t3 as ( select name, dense_Rank()over(order by total desc) as rnk from t2 ) select name from t3 where rnk = 1;
@maheshnagisetty4485 8 дней назад
select * from ( select *,dense_rank() over( order by cunt desc ) as rn from ( select count(e.voter_id) as cunt,e.candidate_id,c.name from Election as e join candidates as c on e.candidate_id=c.id group by e.candidate_id,c.name ) as a )as b where rn =1
@maheshnagisetty4485 8 дней назад
i tried select player_id, name from ( SELECT *,cunt-rn as diff FROM ( select wm.match_id ,wm.player_id,wm.runs_scored,wp.name, rank() over(partition by player_id order by match_id) as rn,count(*) over(order by player_id) as cunt from WC_matches as wm join WC_players as wp on wm.player_id=wp.id where wm.runs_scored>=50 ) AS A ) as b group by player_id,name having sum(diff)=6
@kushmanthreddy4762 8 дней назад
WITH cte AS ( SELECT player_id, match_id, COUNT(player_id) OVER (PARTITION BY player_id) AS c, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY match_id) AS rn FROM WC_matches ), ct2 AS ( SELECT player_id, (match_id - rn) AS di FROM cte WHERE c > 2 ), ct3 AS ( SELECT player_id, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY player_id, di) AS c22 FROM ct2 ) SELECT DISTINCT player_id FROM ct3 WHERE c22 = 3;
@gsrsakhilakhil528 9 дней назад
group by 2 what is 2 ?
@MeanLifeStudies 9 дней назад
Group by 2 or 1 or any number represents group by 2nd column or 1st column......
@gsrsakhilakhil528 9 дней назад
@@MeanLifeStudies okay sir thank you so much
@AbhijitPaldeveloper 10 дней назад
SELECT ym, ROUND(((total - lag(total) OVER(ORDER BY ym ASC))/lag(total) OVER(ORDER BY ym ASC)*100),2) as revenue_diff_pct FROM(SELECT SUM(value) as total, date_format(created_at, '%Y-%m') as ym FROM `sf_transactions` GROUP BY 2) as t;
@omilind 10 дней назад
SELECT user_id,count(*) as total_transaction, COUNT(case when type='credit' then Transaction_Id else null end) as total_credit_count, COUNT(case when type='debit' then Transaction_Id else null end) as total_debit_count, CONCAT(SUM(case when type='credit' then 1 else 0 end)*100/count(*),'%') as credit_percentage, CONCAT(SUM(case when type='debit' then 1 else 0 end)*100/count(*),'%') as debit_percentage, from transactions GROUP by user_id order by user_id
@omilind 10 дней назад
select p.name as player_name, COUNT(m.runs_scored) half_century from wc_matches as m join wc_players as p on m.player_id=p.id where m.runs_scored>=50 and m.runs_scored<100 GROUP by p.name HAVING count(m.runs_scored)>=3
@khadijasultana8964 День назад
this will give no of half centuries but not hatrick...you need to find 3 consecutive 50s
@dasubabuch1596 10 дней назад
Hi Sir, This is my query with t as ( select count(*) as total_txns, user_id from transactions group by user_id ), t1 as ( select user_id, type, count(type)over(partition by user_id, type order by user_id) as count_of_each_type from transactions ), t2 as ( select t1.user_id, t1.type,t.total_txns,t1.count_of_each_type, case when type = 'credit' then (t1.count_of_each_type/t.total_txns)*100 when type = 'debit' then (t1.count_of_each_type/t.total_txns)*100 end as percent from t1 inner join t on t.user_id = t1.user_id ), t3 as ( select user_id, total_txns, count(case when type = 'credit' then percent end) as credit_txns, count(case when type = 'debit' then percent end) as debit_txns from t2 group by user_id, total_txns ) select user_id, total_Txns, (credit_txns/total_Txns)*100 as Credit_Percent, (debit_txns/total_Txns)*100 as debit_Percent from t3;
@dasubabuch1596 10 дней назад
Hi Sir, Thanks for uploaded the new video. This is my query for this problem. create table transactions ( user_id int, transaction_date date, amount int, type varchar(10) check (type in ('credit', 'debit')) ); insert into transactions values (1, to_date('2024-06-01','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (2, to_date('2024-06-02','yyyy-mm-dd'), 500, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (1, to_date('2024-06-03','yyyy-mm-dd'), 2000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (3, to_date('2024-06-04','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1500, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (2, to_date('2024-06-05','yyyy-mm-dd'), 7500, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (4, to_date('2024-06-06','yyyy-mm-dd'), 3000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (3, to_date('2024-06-07','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1000, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (4, to_date('2024-06-08','yyyy-mm-dd'), 2000, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (5, to_date('2024-06-09','yyyy-mm-dd'), 2500, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (5, to_date('2024-06-10','yyyy-mm-dd'), 500, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (1, to_date('2024-06-11','yyyy-mm-dd'), 4000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (2, to_date('2024-06-12','yyyy-mm-dd'), 3000, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (3, to_date('2024-06-13','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (4, to_date('2024-06-14','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1500, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (5, to_date('2024-06-15','yyyy-mm-dd'), 2000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (1, to_date('2024-06-16','yyyy-mm-dd'), 2500, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (2, to_date('2024-06-17','yyyy-mm-dd'), 2500, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (3, to_date('2024-06-18','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1500, 'debit'); insert into transactions values (4, to_date('2024-06-19','yyyy-mm-dd'), 1000, 'credit'); insert into transactions values (5, to_date('2024-06-20','yyyy-mm-dd'), 3000, 'credit'); */ select * from transactions; with ts as ( select user_id, transaction_Date, amount, type, case when type = 'credit' then amount else -amount end as st from transactions ), t1 as ( select user_id, transaction_Date, amount,type, sum(st)over(partition by user_id order by transaction_date) as total from ts order by transaction_Date ) select user_id, transaction_Date, amount,type,total, case when type = 'credit' then 'eligible' when type = 'debit' and total < 0 then 'ineligible' else 'eligible' end as eligibility from t1;
@MeanLifeStudies 10 дней назад
From next on wards please don't paste create and insert statements again. Only share your solution.
@dasubabuch1596 10 дней назад
@@MeanLifeStudies Sure sir
@karthikvijay5626 11 дней назад
I really love to solve SQL so i mostly learned and worked in MYSQL only , so if you make vedios in MYSQL it will be useful for me to gain MYSQL knowledge it's my request brother thankyou...
@MeanLifeStudies 11 дней назад
Hi, Due to some installation issues i couldn't use MySQL work bench. Remember these queries almost will works in MySQL as well. Just a few syntaxes and system defined functions will be different in MySQL and SQL Server.
@AbhijitPaldeveloper 11 дней назад
Question: Which customer has visited the same store location twice for consecutive 2 days and next date shopping amount is higher than previous day In mysql SELECT customer_id, amount FROM(SELECT *, lag(date) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id, location ORDER BY date ASC) as pre_date, lag(amount) OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id, location ORDER BY date ASC) as pre_amount FROM `shopping`) as e WHERE amount>pre_amount AND DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL -1 DAY) = pre_date;
@MeanLifeStudies 11 дней назад
Not same store. A location has two different stores. So same location.
@AbhijitPaldeveloper 11 дней назад
SELECT name, SUM(runs_scored) as runs FROM(SELECT *, SUM(output) OVER(PARTITION BY name) as total_no FROM(SELECT *,CASE WHEN runs_scored < 50 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as output FROM (SELECT m.match_id, p.name, m.runs_scored FROM `matches` m JOIN players p ON m.player_id = p.id WHERE p.id NOT IN(SELECT id FROM players WHERE id IN(SELECT player_id FROM matches WHERE runs_scored = 0))) as t) as x) as y WHERE total_no >1 GROUP BY name;
@dasubabuch1596 12 дней назад
Pivot:- ***** select * from ( select product,region,sales from sales )pivot(sum(sales) for Region in ('North' as North,'South' as South,'East' as East) ); Unpivot:- ******* Creating table: --------------- create table sales_Details as select * from ( select product,region,sales from sales )pivot(sum(sales) for Region in ('North' as North,'South' as South,'East' as East) ); select * from sales_Details; Unpivot the above table: ----------------------- select * from (select product,to_char(NORTH) as NORTH, to_char(SOUTH) as SOUTH, to_char(EAST) as EAST FROM sales_Details ) unpivot(column_Val for column_name in (NORTH,SOUTH,EAST));
@dasubabuch1596 12 дней назад
with qer as ( select m.match_id,m.player_id,m.runs_scored,p.name from wc_matches m inner join wc_players p on m.player_id = p.id where m.runs_scored >= 50 ), ert as ( select q.*, row_number()over(partition by player_id order by match_id) as r from qer q ),hjk as ( select match_id,player_id,runs_Scored,name, match_id-r as f from ert ),uio as ( select match_id,player_id,runs_Scored,name,count(1)over(partition by player_id,f order by player_id) as f from hjk), tip as ( select player_id,f,name, count(*) as cnt from uio group by player_id,f,name having count(*) >= 3), eri as (select player_id, name from tip) select * from eri;
@VARUNTEJA73 12 дней назад
with cte as (select match_id-ranks as match_id ,player_id,name from ( select m.match_id,m.player_id,p.name, row_number()over(partition by player_id order by player_id)ranks from wc_matches m join wc_players p on m.player_id=p.id where runs_scored>50 group by match_id,player_id,name)t1) select name from cte group by match_id,player_id,name having count(match_id)=3 Is this right sir?
@MeanLifeStudies 12 дней назад
Yes. But avoid complexity.
@VARUNTEJA73 12 дней назад
@@MeanLifeStudies ok sir