Displaced Gamers
Displaced Gamers
Displaced Gamers
Gaming - Discussion, Tech, and more.
@8bit_paul День назад
4:10 "patch the ROM after it has been dumped from a cartridge onto your computer" - I don't understand the words you are using bro, I'm still playing on my original SNES. EDIT: 4:50 ahhhh, nice one!
@johnboats9075 День назад
What program do you use to see the execution of code in real time?
@NeoGrifforzer 2 дня назад
appears that genie code to get prevent the pause glitch doesn't work with 4 and 7 bosses. Did it fix the zombie glitch for boss 6 though, the music didn't get changed when firing with max gun.
@MisterVercetti 2 дня назад
So basically, the developers created their own high-level programming language _specifically for this game,_ and then programmed each boxer using that language instead of raw 6502 assembly code. This might just be the most astounding case of ingenuity born from constraints I’ve ever seen.
@danielpatterson9599 2 дня назад
Not getting the pendant is not a solution. This means that the game is easier then it should be from the very start. I always knew that there was something wrong with that pendant.
@HappyMoss-ig9bv 5 дней назад
5:21 atgames
@BagOfMagicFood 5 дней назад
And here I thought you were going to use TASbot
@johnmj89schannel47 6 дней назад
I enjoy watching these behind the code series videos really into nes hacking as well I been messing around with mega man 1 with the messen emulator improving the game like life bar placement and made sprite edit on mega man to hold his arm cannon when he shoots to rebalancing boss damages etc keep making these videos
@justinmonroe8683 6 дней назад
Not impossible. If I remember correctly, in code your input for jumping has three states, and is coded in such a way, that makes hitting the desired 3rd state (going into a controllable roll) isn't easily done as desired, in conjunction with input presses, and registered animation. Is because the two are set, or one offset, while the other is coded to follow traditional framerates. Your input checkes 2 times, every frame if coded the same as NES. The Animations of the jump are offset. If this is the case for DOS, then you can see how it's not impossible, but very difficult nonetheless. As I do remember getting the timing down to get past this part shown, but certainly takes some good hand-eye coordination, and even a bit of luck. Barely touching the blocks above the turtle's head, then just before you go into fall (which is coded weirdly, but believe it's for this purpose) you press jump again and hold, going into your controllable roll, and aim for the next platform. If done right, you'll look to fall short, even after the second jump, but like I said the physics is weirdly coded, along with the timing of input, and animation offset, is going to take a few tries😂.
@justinmonroe8683 6 дней назад
Lol, had no idea this particular game was ported to PC. 😂, have to give it a go.
@NoWay-hp5km 6 дней назад
Can someone please make a filter to recreate this
@crystallinnen5600 7 дней назад
@crystallinnen5600 7 дней назад
@Legerine 9 дней назад
i am so very sick in bed with a very high fever... listening to your voice and going on about all of this has been rather soothing while I am in and out of consciousness.
@johnmj89schannel47 10 дней назад
You should post a video of fixing the slow down in mega man wily wars
@johnmj89schannel47 10 дней назад
Not a programmer but a self taught rom hacker love the videos
@Alphaminx 10 дней назад
I had a thought for speedrunners. Is there a way to, probably by using arbitrary code execution, set one of the pipes as the world 8 pipe in 1-2??? This would completely void 4-1 and 4-2 in the runs, and could potentially lower the time for speedruns significantly. Not sure if it's possible but I know arbitrary code execution has worked magic in the past.
@ClassicTVMan1981X 12 дней назад
3:44 -- I think that ADC (add with carry) that adds the current value to the WeaponOrBubbleXPos RAM address, which follows the SEC (set carry) mnemonic, should really be an SBC (subtract with carry), to subtract from this address instead.
@ClannerA01 12 дней назад
2:44 I hacked the save file. I basically just did two saves with the turtle a few steps back and at the ledge, compared them in PCTools to find the variable and simply raised the variable to put me across the gap when i reload. I finished the game after that. 3:34 Looks like he did the same thing XD
@ruster666 12 дней назад
Thanks man, you have a great channel.
@ethanfranzen8684 14 дней назад
2:28: Is that the camera's x position in the nametable or in the level?
@npc.retro87 14 дней назад
This makes why to this game was so frustrating growing up. Would it be possible to create a rom hack with all of these issues addressed?
@joeldheath 15 дней назад
Fun fact that made me angry when I learned it: Jekyll is pronounced Jee-Kuhl rather than Jeck-uhl
@Paramurasaki 16 дней назад
I’m missing square so much :( why we didn’t make just bigger square rather than this rectangles
@ArnaudMEURET 16 дней назад
That off-by-one bug in the sprite animation is quite epic ! I’m amazed it could get unnoticed up to the release!
@unocarb 16 дней назад
I rented this disaster, wasn't a ruined weekend but still sucked
@muhammetozer1564 17 дней назад
Now this is quality content.
@Sinn0100 17 дней назад
@zubareus 17 дней назад
We must pay tribute to those programmers who breathed life into these static pixels
@Sinn0100 17 дней назад
Wait a minute... we all know running the retail version of the game , i.e., no changes. Donatello's bow is the best weapon. Now, isn't that because it has such a large wind-up and attack, causing it to stay on screen longer? Here's a question...is every part of the Ninja Turtles weapon's fatal to the enemies in game? If so... Wouldn't it make more sense slowing down the very last part of the attack, thereby giving said weapon more screen time. Like if it hangs for a second after an attack, it would inadvertently take out another enemy or two...that could be neat.
@Wilberon_McBane 17 дней назад
Literally just came over here from Bob at RetroRGB's recommendation before watching the recent 480i deep dive he did. This short 240p video is simply phenomenal. It clarified and taught me so much in just 7mins!!! An absolute must for all us beginner geeks. Thank you 🙏
@MisterSouji 18 дней назад
Someone send this to the nerd
@Sinn0100 18 дней назад
I, as a gamer and historian, love the use of generation separation by number. Further, using the type of media a device employed as a way of defining the generation it belongs to is a bad idea. Thankfully, that is not how we typically define a generation. Wikipedia is not the best tool for research and why most educational institutions bar its use almost entirely. A consoles generation is defined by its entire architectural makeup. I know I don't have to tell you this but the 3rd generation is populated by 8-bit architecture with RAM hitting 64K at the ceiling. The 4th generation is populated by the use of 16-bit processors and can include co/processors. The PC Engine should be assigned a generation based on its most complex hardware...its 16-bit graphics processors. It goes on like this creating an easy to follow historical line based on a single number. Addendum- In case you say 'The Jaguar is technically controlled by a Motorola 68K!' You're correct, but it's intended design was only to operate as a bootstrap for two 32-bit processors. That console was quite the albatross...
@LanceHayabusa 19 дней назад
blur witch project, still prefer rgb.
@rob6231981 20 дней назад
Wait... Where did you get a Power glove with full fingers? Werent they all half-fingered?
@bitter-bit 20 дней назад
This level scared me so badly when i watched my siblings play it.
@MatijaErceg 21 день назад
I should be able to add a second thumbs up if I come back to this video years later and still love it
@Kenbomp 21 день назад
Ppu view
@Red_Biker_Dude 21 день назад
Before watching the entire video, here's how I would answer the question of "how would you program a trading ai?" Note: I never made a game for the NES, so I don't know if some of the stuff I say isn't allowed due to NES' limitations. Recieving a trade: The way how a trade would usually go will be like this: if money/value of property(ies) offered is less than the money/value of property that is given, then the trade is guaranteed to fail. After a failed trade happens the player either has the option to cancel the trade or let the ai choose what they might give instead. When the second option is chosen, the ai will choose a property that has the smallest difference to the offered ammount of money and if said property is cheaper than the offered ammount it will add money to it until it's equal. If the value of both ammounts is equal or the offered ammount is less than the given, the trade is guaranteed to be a success. Other factors: When a trade happens, the game will check the current properties of the two trading. Say a red property is offered. If the ai is one red property away from a monopoly, the value of said red property will increase by 100. If a railroad is offered the value will increase by 100 for each railroad the ai owns. If the electrostation/water station (I forgot their actual names) is offered and the ai already has one of them, the value is increased by 50. Giving a trade: Every turn if the ai is 1 away from having a monopoly, has a railroad or a station, they have a 50% chance to suggest a trade to a person that has the required property/railroad/station. From then on the offer ai works like when failing a trade from the "recieving a trade" section.
@CLINTSTER77COX 22 дня назад
Mine is stuck in standby mode but 100% works with remote. No face buttons work .
@slamshift6927 25 дней назад
Just offer a "Fix Pendant Bug" option, and let users toggle the font. The original Faxanadu font is a part of the experience, too.
@hexjoemax 25 дней назад
Lol, I played the game more than once without knowing about the bug, and happy about my pendant :'D
@PabstOban 25 дней назад
2 years later, and after seeing ports like Phantasy Star 1 to the Switch... I like the "option" to go "updated" or "classic". I would define "Updated" as, cleaned up translations, bug fixes, graphical flashing due to limited memory and exploits and any sort of QoL upgrades like faster XP/Money. I would define "Classic" as "I want to play the game as I remember it". So many games get re-releases, but honestly, the reason I'm buying it is for nostalgia, and part of that nostalgia is how I remember it. While there are places for things like Fantasy Star 7 "its a completely different game with generally the same characters and story"... Most of the time, thats not for me. Just give me more Phantasy Star 1 ports like they had on the Switch. You can play it OG style or "Fast as F boi!!!". I'm an adult with kids and a full time job and tons of responsibilities, and while I'd love to sit down and dedicate 20 hours to a game I loved when I Was 11, Id much rather have the option to do it in 8 with in game maps.
@SPac316 26 дней назад
I remember playing as a kid and I was in the desert level and this very glitch happened. I was quite surprised. Never happened again ever since then.
@7thangelad586 26 дней назад
Can you satisfy my childhood curiosity and find out what’s behind the locked door in the well room of Shadowgate? 😏
@Alexs23743 26 дней назад
Negociations. D: I like how the game is aware of the "unwritten rule" of the orange properties being the most valuable. "The trade AI has a case of tunnel vision with this trade..." Just like in real life. D:
@BMXrecords 27 дней назад
josh from let's game it out?!?!
@MatusFinchus 27 дней назад
Not sure if I missed it in the detail, but is the 3 damage for a charged shot 'much different' to 3 x 1 damage for three standard shots? (In terms of the time it takes to teal 3 damage from each?)
@kelvin1316 27 дней назад
Input lag is "fine" if it is consistent. If it isn't that is when it gets frustrating.
@perguto 28 дней назад
60 fps patches (or even higher frame rates) are always an improvement, but resolutions than 480p aren't worth it for PS1 and N64 games, as the textures and polygons don't hold enough detail, (and increasing the internal resolution usually creates ugly artifacts in the 2d HUD). Texture packs are almost bad in taste (they have too noisy environment textures that make it really obvious that the grass is just one texture plastered over and over over the whole world, for example). A somewhat subtle CRT filter (like CRT-hyllian) is the way to go.