勝ちたいんや ( ・`ω・´)っ
@scottbowenkelly575 9 месяцев назад
AMEZO 鋼の錬金術師モバイル Main & Original Story 呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード Main & Original Story とある魔術の禁書目録 幻想収束 Main & Original Story ブラッククローバーモバイル 魔法帝への道 七つの大罪オリジン
@user-dk8ri1vu4q 11 месяцев назад
@scottbowenkelly575 Год назад
AMEZO 鋼の錬金術師 MOBILE + Original Story
@user-ut2ox1ys2n Год назад
@user-tn5eh8mg2t Год назад
@user-pr1um2mp3i Год назад
@octoling10008 Год назад
@FF-ov7vr Год назад
@kwstasdip9742 Год назад
What is going on?
@take7399 2 года назад
@user-nr4lt3qc6m 2 года назад
@user-sr2ny7xq8u 2 года назад
@kplanning1 2 года назад
@nastypasty1037 2 года назад
Oberon kills Jayden? What The Heck? Isn't Jayden help Oberon escape from slavery?
@kplanning1 2 года назад
41:01 ここのオベ野郎まじksだわー何様だ貴様 この後よりここの態度が嫌いだ、 そのくそったれな態度風属性ユニット総動員で修正してやるよ (#^ω^)⊃≡)`Д゚);、;'.・”
@kplanning1 2 года назад
@kplanning1 2 года назад
オベ野郎に対してぼろくそにしてほしい 本当こいつくそ
@user-og6tg5ih9n 2 года назад
@user-im5er5rf4v 2 года назад
@kwstasdip9742 2 года назад
What happened with Gilgamesh?
@kwstasdip9742 2 года назад
Can you explain what is happening with Gilgamesh?
@justinlau8454 2 года назад
In short, シュテルwants him to answer why either he or his brother mont has to die. Gil said do you have strength to know the truth? knowing that may cause your life. Then Gil's samurai friend is being asked(lol, unwillingly) to test シュテル's strength
@kwstasdip9742 2 года назад
@@justinlau8454 thanks mate
@SinxSinhk 2 года назад
Thanks for the upload!!
@78jjnote70 2 года назад
@kwstasdip9742 2 года назад
At last we see Gilgamesh again
@user-lt1so7wp9x 2 года назад
@user-kn8pd2jr1y 2 года назад
ヒゲ面で眼鏡でCV子安 ジークイェーガーかな?
@yuuki4649 2 года назад
@user-br8mf1bl6z 2 года назад
キングスグレイブ、アニメ版、追加DLCを全てやってたら後半以外良いストーリー 通常版だけだとよく分からんクソストーリー 小説版は神ストーリー、 本来出るはずだったDLCでストーリー後半部分の補填をしたかったのかな? このゲーム結構好きなゲームだったから少し悲しい( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ )
@kwstasdip9742 2 года назад
Where is Gilgamesh so much goes on and still no sign of him, I getting pissed
@Yukke-0126 2 года назад
@axionlightedge6108 2 года назад
Love that you have summaries in english
@zugren871 2 года назад
9:50 i was like "kiss already dammit"
@78jjnote70 2 года назад
@atepstrife4756 2 года назад
5 -2 ?
@BGMaxie 2 года назад
and OFF GOES the tyrant!!
@Brian-fh8pq 2 года назад
So did Ramada switch sides?
@BGMaxie 2 года назад
@@Brian-fh8pq Havent checked that part because I skipped to where the action was most interesting, but from the looks of it, nah, she never did. Apparently Ramada managed to somehow convince Jayden that coming and lending a hand was good. Jayden came to offer some temporary help get a look at Mont, yada yada. Jayden left clear they'd face one another eventually after all was wrapped up.
@kplanning1 3 года назад
乙です、 大したことではないが、ネタばれ防止改行 19:08 この反応が気になった。会ったことあるような感じ。 20:21 ここで「やはり」と言っているあたりそうなんだと思った。
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
1) Ranell beats Viktora rather one-sidedly, Melnia demands her off'd but Khury steps in saying she is still useful. Ranell wants her off'd for insulting Melnia, and Khury roars her to obey. Ranell says she only obeys Melnia so Khury shoots her until Melnia tells her to chill it. Khury has Melnia go to the frontline and so she takes Ranell with her. 2) Yuni and Severo are relieved to see Melnia and Ranell leave, but wonder what their next move will be. LONG talk ensues with Serjes about what they are gonna do and how he should be honest about what he wants since he REALLY despises Khury, and whether to get involved. Serjes says Wezette's victory is assured as they have activated their secret weapon. Severo had heard rumors about some ancient magic being in the Magic Research Facility and Serjes confirms it exists and Wezette has reactivated it. Anyway it DOES seem Serjes wants to off Khury but, it seems he is bidding his time, not sure. 3) WELL FUCK, the weapon is a Robot......(my guess is the Ancient Relic controls these things). Back to Viktora and Luartha, Luartha tries to help, Viktora rejects it, calls her out betraying her by letting Kitone live. Luartha says that was to make things more interesting. Viktora demands to know if she's plotting something, and Luartha reassures her she doesn't and Viktora knows what code she lives by. Something about what if Khury knew? (I think).......some things I didn't get. Viktora takes the chance to demand to know who Luartha is truly since the two met by chance and she never opened up on her background. Luartha IS an homunculus (artificial life) created by Sadali (yes just like the Church Trio), and before meeting Viktora she only had the choice to obey Sadali. Soldiers appear and want Viktora to go to the frontlines on Khury's orders. Viktora kills one of them and talks about being unqualified (it seems Viktora has fallen on Khury's graces), so Viktora revolts and asks Luartha where she stands. Luartha joins in vowing to be with Viktora since she is SO fun to be with. 5) Continuing on, Viktora demands to know why Sadali is creating homunculi. Luartha says she was an experiment in creating an artificial life with emotions. It all seems the Exia Sadali talked about with Gilgamesh was Sadali's lover who died and whom he is trying to revive (Sadali did say a world without Exia was shit before). It seems Exia's body is preserved somewhere else. Viktora finds it hard to believe, and Luartha doesn't fault her tho she insists it is true. Luartha says her true name is Nageki (Lament/Grief). Anyway it seems Luartha's ability to feel emotion is wired bad so she got demoted to soldier and how she only knew how to fight, and then escaped. Viktora asks her why she didn't just abandon fighting. Luartha couldn't since she was a being without future and if she abandoned her past too then she would be nothing. So she kind of resigned herself to her life of battle since that's all she knew and then things became fun when she met Viktora. She didn't care whether they did good or bad shit, she just felt alive. Viktora calls her an idiot, says that all that's left to do then is make things more more more MORE MORE MORE fun. She gives not ratass whether about the past or having no future since the answer is simple, JUST create a future. Viktora says Wezette is boring, so she will just go wild. Luartha decides to stick with Viktora. 6) Cheynne gets in eavesdrops on some soldiers talking stuff (which I did not get other than this place being SUPER secret and sightings of intruders). Cheynne wonders who the intruder could be and wonders whether this will be a pain in his butt. It seems normal attacks don't work on the robot. Engel asks Schuzelt if he can stand on his own, and he can. Engelbert leaves, it seems Frederika caught on what he wants to do and is unable to stop him. Macherie asks what about Engelbert, and both her Lorenzo apologize (they apprently feign ignorance), they wonder what to do know but surmise they really can't do much. 7) Mont's party spot Melnia and Ranell who want to settle the score and get the ring, Lilyth dares them to try. Oldoa comes up to face her telling them not to interfere. Melnia orders Ranell to off the traitor and Mont and get the ring. Mont is cornered, and demands to know what happened to Oldoa. Ranell says not to worry about weaklings for she is gonna eviscerate his hand and then kill him so he can curse his own weakness. Engelbert appears undergoing some morphing, Frederika appears to support and explains Sadali had sent Hourne a Magic Armor just like he did with Muraga. Mont is flabbergasted and Frederika says they tried to stop him but couldn't. Mont says if they do nothing Engelbert will end up a monster like Muraga. Mont berates this but Frederika tells her to understand his feelings. Mont sets on a plan, let Engelbert rampage until they beat Ranell and then they destroy the armor immediately. Ranell has the Robot (called Ice Golem it seems) go at Engelbert. Everyone is shocked, at Engelbert being able to face it. So they focus on Ranell while Engelbert deals with the Ice Golem.
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
Ok there is lots of talk but relatively straightforward: 1) Lots and lots and lots of talk about how they are using Schuzelt as a hostage and how to proceed and what the heck do they want, whether they want surrend or are using Schuzelt as a front for some sort of attack (or so I understood it like). Many options were floated and Engelbert proposed to trade places, but was told no. I think Engelbert ordered Frederika to off him, but she said no and said plan was abandoned. 2) Ranell has Mont identify himself and demands him for a exchange. Everyone opposes, even Engelbert, but Mont realizes what they want is not him but his ring, so he is willing to trade it for Schuzelt (despite the risk there is to his life ofc). Engelbert storms out feeling powerless about the whole thing. Glaciela gives Mont the charm ring he gave her. Neither of them really think that fake will be convincing but Glaciela holds faith since it saved her many times. Mont goes alone with Lilyth, the rest are to stand by, and the trade will be done by Equito (Serjes' unit) all inside the castle. A Truce is set up while the trade takes place. 3) The parties meet up and Schuzelt asks Mont why he would offer himself. Mont replies he's a friend and Schuzelt is frustrated at the whole thing, but Mont seems to reassure him he's just doing what he has to. Yuni and Severo cut the chat short. Severo seems to insists this whole thing isn't on their part, Mont knows they aren't the ones to blame. Yuni spots the fake ring on Mont, and abruptly demands it (Yes Yuni SEEMS to be supporting the farce), Severo realizes it and plays along. Somehow somehow I think they say whether they live or die is up to them, BUT since they got the ring they will "play nice" (apparently they are playing villains to sound convincing to everyone). To further the ruse, Yuni has the soldiers release Schuzelt and orders them to deliver the ring to Khury. Soldiers gloat about Equito being "useless" and somehow this propelling Abbott up. Anyway with $ on their eyes they are salivating at the rewards they are gonna get for the ring. Anyway since the trade was made the truce is thus broken and SO, good luck surviving Mont. 4) Anyway soldiers go and present the ring to Khury and he wants to confirm if this is the ring that came from Mont. Soldiers confirm so. Khury realizes the ring is a fake gets SUPER pissed and offs the soldiers. Now that he has also lost his hostage, Khury has his forces go after Mont. 5) Mont, Lilyth and Schuzelt leave the castle, and some tremors go (no idea what they are) and rendezvous with the rest, relieved Schuzelt is alive. Mont reveals the true ring is still with him and they took Glaciela's fake. Mont asks for Glaciela, and Macherie reveals she took her unit and went somewhere to stop "that". Seems Wezette has some sort of super weapon (she gave no details but Abbott hinted at its existence in the previous part). 6) Viktora appears and openly mocks everyone for this faulty trade. Khury assures her the situation won't change and that Hourne and Leonis will go kaput. I think Viktora says something amongst the lines of Melnia being incompetent and also Khury for relying on her. Khury tells her to shut up, Viktora dares him what if not, and Ranell attacks on Melnia's orders to silence her. 7) Cheynne realizes Wezette activated its weapon (seems to be some "cannon"). He spots a Magic Research Facility and is confident that if it is destroyed that ends Wezette. He literally says "wait for me Minwu, my dear little sister".
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
Ok this seems is gonna be a long one but in essence: 1) Cheynne (I recall that to be his name, tho possibly mispelled) and Schuzelt talk as the latter realizes war between Wezette and the Hourne-Leonis alliance will start. Cheynne seems to say something about Leonis commiting "betrayal" by siding with Hourne, tho Schuzelt calls that bullshit since Khury had betrayed them first by siding with the Sanctum. Cheynne goes about something about execution (whether he or Schuzelt not sure) and something about betrayal being A LONG employed tool in Wezette's history. Cheynne further inquires about Fennes, he seems to find it weird there is a split since Melnia and Ranell are with Khury but Oldoa sides with Leonis, to which Schuzelt has no idea. He comments on Melnia not fitting with the Saiga village and went to fulfill her ambitions. Anyway it seems Khury is REALLY spooked at the Leonis-Hourne alliance and seems to be rushing to employ something he wanted to save for Rundall not fully sure. Anyway he starts talking backstory about his family and somehow he got embroiled in the succession battle. Something about he wanted to support Glaciela but now he cannot bring himself to do it, apprently he wants revenge on Khury. Legit this part confused me, but he's gonna act. 2) Lilyth asks Mont whether it is ok to have Macherie and Glaciela alone, tho Mont is confused to how they get along. Lilyth seems to point out this is gonna be for now since some choices are have to be made and Mont has to prioritize rebuilding Leonis. Macherie coughs tho she shrugs it off calling Glaciela a worrywart. She spots a ring on Glaciela which she says is a toy Mont gave her as a protective charm. It seems it lifted her spirit on her succession battle somehow. Lilyth is amused at these "developments" Adelard comes in asking Mont to strategize to attack Wezette Castle which looks fairly solidly defended. Mont says that Hourne has their own way of fighting so rather than trying to bend both parts they'll just ride along. Adelard is relieved at this. Lorenzo comes and says that Engelbert being the idiot he is going to charge ahead. Adelard is annoyed but Lorenzo says he is fighting for Schuzelt. So they all go to battle. 3) Jurial praises Mont for his power (he did some weird shit there twisting his rod and shifting them in each arm during animation, tho likely just an animation thingy only, still something I found weird) saying the prince has quite the arm. Lilyth is surprised he could tell but corrects him since Mont is King. Mont inquires on them from Lykeros. Lissette presents herself, tho Jurial seems to say she's being a bit too polite for a former commander or something? Well she doesn't give a fuck since Lykeros went kaput so. Jurial explains how they were masterless until they met Macherie, and Mont finds them reassuring to have along since they'll have to butt heads with Rundall, tho Lissette points out they got their ass handed back at them. Jurial is kinda annoyed she is making them look bad or something. Suddenly they get bombarded by Hyoga (Wezette's Navy), anyway Abbott stops his bombardment, Ygene is asking why he stopped since they'll flee from range, he seems to talk about some sort of magic amplification device? Apparently he can extend his range of attack or something. Anyway Abbott lays down he seems he wants Serjes's unit to clash with the alliance and well Serjes is bethroted to Ygene. From what I could catch this Abbott fuck is REALLY livid at Serjes and not just him but also Viktora, Luartha, and even Melnia, apparently he is SUPERBLY pissed his unit isn't the first unit and wants to use this battle as a chance to propel himself up and get on Khury's good graces. Ok yeah this fuck is ambitious as hell and a fucking lunatic. Anyway our little group decides to retreat to get out of range. 4) Cheynne tries to make his way but gets ambushed by Ranell. Cheynne asks whether she is Ranell to which she asks back if he's the one who stole something from the castle. Some sort of bickering and it seems Ranell awoke/lured some monsters, so Cheynne will try to fight her. Ranell asks if he hit his limit but Cheynne counters saying it is her who is, since she isn't much different from a dog who can only bark too loud without her master (or some insult amongst those lines). Ranell wants to off him badly but bell sounds which is an alert of enemy attack. Cheynne provokes her into returning to which she promises to butcher him later. Anyway Cheynne seems to have pretended being weakened, it seems he was playing mind games to measure her, and well he now knows he can outsmart her so he will kill the wolves and get on with whatever he is planning. 5) Oldoa begins kicking some Wezette butt until it becomes a lil too much, so Mont interferes. Oldoa is raring to go but Mont says better not to, since he thinks of her as a comrade and wants her to stop being reckless. She says something about having to meet some expectations as Muraga's general (or something amongst those lines). Anyway she kinda says a lot of stuff but basically she REALLY wants to be the one to off Melnia, and Mont is on board with that. 6) Jurial and Lissette discuss the war as they left the frontlines a bit to observe and are trying to gauge what side has the best prospects of winning while praising the alliance's approach. Jurial is kinda trying to play smart since he doesn't want to die, neither does Lissette. Anyway the two converse about why everyone is aiming for Wezette and it seem they have some sort of super ancient magic or something. While measuring their options it seems they are comfortable with Macherie and reasoned siding with Khury IS a bad idea, so they'll remain where they are and will go back to the main unit. 7) Engelbert seems to thank Mont, to which Engelbert doesn't want to repeat it. Braving themselves to save Schuzelt, Mont declares the full assault offensive. Anyway Khury is pissed his forces have been pushed so far and wants to prepare and send Serjes' unit ahead. Melnia says they are shit and won't do anything, so she makes him thing what could the alliance be here for. Khury reasons it is for Schuzelt. Melnia finds it better to use Schuzelt to their advantage and Ranell suggests trading him for Mont's ring. 8) Jayden asks his soldiers about Alaya's whereabouts and then she appears. Jayden is glad to see her. He inquires about Niv'Lu and Mia but Alaya says they are her guards and retreats since she's tired. A soldier comes in and tells him he has a visitor, and it is Ramada.
@CSNGuy-ow3vh 3 года назад
Was that ring fake?
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
Yes, it is a charm Mont gave Glaciela when they were kids, she kept it close to her since it helped protect her (figuratively speaking). She gave her that ring although neither hoped they a fake would work but it SEEMS that Yuni and Severo played along with the ruse.
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
Info dump, this time I got the vast majority of the content, I'm pleased. Also some reintrospection on my previous erronous and totally incorrect translations in terms of story accuracy, my bad, more on that later, but anyway: 1) Moore is left wondering how the heck Ramada beat her at future gazing and ponders if she's growing. Oberon saves her from the Sahagins, and then Moore confides that Ramada is her sister and was much inferior to her in stargazing (Moore being 80% and Ramada a 20%). Oberon tries to cheer her up, and reasons that Ramada might still be able to see things Moore can't. He asks if the sisters cannot avoid a fight, but Moore says no, and swears to win next time. 2) Oberon shows Moore some cannons Made in Rundall, which Jayden wants put in the ship. Oberon says those cannons were used to breach Lykeros castle when they were prisoners and goes in religious chants of how Jayden has the largest dick in town (hyperbole but yes). Moore questions this since using cannons can and WOULD harm Lucielle. Oberon shrugs it since Jayden vults it. 3) Moore meets with Gernsback and Resnick, the latter two glad she did fine on the navy battle. She lets them know of the cannon plan and the two dudes panic BIG time. They confide with Moore that they are plotting to get Lucielle safe and how they got Garvell on board. They discuss some dynamics (I THINK it was said Garvell won't be an idiot to declare war with the ring). Moore cannot read the future accurately, shrouded in darkness, basically the trio believe there will be a lot of unexpecteds. 4) Ok now the confrontation with Gouga makes sense. Basically Gouga want to be their own country after steamrolling Saiga, and Rundall and Heindler get in the way, and want their alliance to go to shit. OK BIG INFO DUMP HERE. Remember at some point that Alaya was Jayden's sister? Turns out that's FakeNews. Alaya is Oberon's sister and DESPISES Jayden (now the whole hostage thing from before makes MUCH more sense) big mistake on my part my apologies, I dunno what weird synapshit I did that I crossed information in such a bizarre way, despite the translated descriptions, my bad my bad. Anyway Alaya proposes to Gouga that they team up to off Jayden, using the wedding ceremony to do just that. Alaya very much doesn't give them an option since Rivelka (bodyguard) could mop the floor with them. 5) Jayden goes on his way (apaprently to meet Alaya since the loon forgot in last update iirc), smells blood tells everyone off the Chocobos, finds Heindler troops dead and spots the Gouga shinobi. Jayden beats the crap out of them and demands to know what happened to Alaya but the shinobi says he knows nothing and then off it goes. Looks like Jayden will try to look further. 6) HOLY SHIT Galzahk is back!! (this fuck is the former leader of arms trade guild, Garvell took it from him with Sadali's help but left him alive due to saving his life before) And yes he WANTS payback. His plan? well he knows Garvell wants the ring, he sees Verne isn't with him, so he wants to take her hostage for the ring (something about Gernsback, not sure if they are on cahoots). 7) We jump back to Wezette. Engelbert is his usual idiot and wants to keep going. Adelard tells him it is best to retreat, but Engel says this will only allow Wezette to prepare further. Frederika and Lorenzo try to cool him down, the former ends up rubbing on his face that his recklessness got Robb injured, though she apologizes. Lorenzo goes that the priority is to save Schuzelt, so they should chill the fuck down and think how to do that calmly. They wonder how they can reduce the power difference, and Lilyth says reinforcements are coming. They ponder whether this is true and Lilyth asks if they don't trust their princess (so reinforcements being Glaciela and co.). Lilyth claims she can listen their footsteps, and then everyone looks AND YES BABY it is Mont and his harem!! time to kick some Wezette ass it seems.
@ajknows9468 3 года назад
Viktora redemption arc?
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
Say do you know actual Japanese? because I kinda tried extracting the subs as I tend to do but they look more broken than usual. Getting info out of this chapter update was a fucking nightmare.
@kwstasdip9742 3 года назад
Where the fuck is Gilgamesh so far nothing on him damn
@Brian-fh8pq 3 года назад
holy shit did i hear that right about luartha?!
@axionlightedge6108 3 года назад
Yep excited to see this in english in a few months I guess.
@BGMaxie 3 года назад
Yes she is another fabricated girl like church trio, part of an experiment to create homunculi with emotions, as a means to revive Sadali's wife (Exia, he uttered this name to Gilgamesh). Luartha's emotions are wired weird so she is a failure and got demoted to soldier, so since she knows only how to fight that's what she did, even after escaping, so she met Viktora and life felt fun no matter all the good or bad things they did. Btw Luartha's true name is Nageki (Lament/Grief).
@user-oq6oj7lj8k 3 года назад
@loxos100 3 года назад
Where the fuck is Gilgamesh? Im waitin for him
@axionlightedge6108 3 года назад
Also yes he is still alive and trying. The guy from the garvall story
@axionlightedge6108 3 года назад
whose wedding escorts? Also I like how mia has basically become a scumbag
@user-vx4kx5bc2h 3 года назад
@kawa56fffseiji14 Год назад
@axionlightedge6108 3 года назад
Im glad that there is a shortish eng summary in the description. Also gouga is back!!!
@takasin3137 3 года назад
IFエンドでハッピーエンドじゃなく、正規ルートでハッピーエンドが欲しかった。 クリア後は復興中の平和なインソムニアを歩きたかった(エピアデはBGMと敵エンカウントがうざくて街歩きを楽しめない)。 ATRで田畑氏が言っていた「インソムニアにかなり大きな仕掛けがある」というのが結局何だったのか分からないまま。