Paper Crow Press
Paper Crow Press
Paper Crow Press
Hi and welcome! Agnes here. Another creative person struggling along.

I love zines, books, art, keeping journals and commonplace books, and I’m fixing up my old dollhouse so I also make occasional odd dollhouse things.

Email me if you like, at papercrowpress@gmail.com.

@elistia 3 дня назад
I was a HUGE Hobonichi fan until I realized my preferred notebook size is B6. A6 is too confining. A5 is too much real estate. B6 is juuuuuust right. So until Hobonichi makes a B6, I have to go elsewhere.
@papercrowpress 3 дня назад
I was looking at the A6 day free, which I might consider for next year. 🤔
@bunniewood 3 дня назад
Nice video. You could improve greatly by editing out when you double up on your words and there are segments where you have sped up your voice which isn’ necessary.
@papercrowpress 3 дня назад
Thanks, and thanks for the feedback.
@alliekarrenbauer3538 3 дня назад
I've been journaling more frequently since this summer, and it's been super helpful with processing, but it also helps me remember things! I also wonder what will happen to my journals when I die, and if I want people to read them or not. On one hand, like you said, all of that time and energy should be honored and shouldn't just be thrown away! And if I'm dead, then what harm can any embarrassment do to me anyway! But on the other, the idea of the world having access to all of my thoughts is nerve wracking! It's nice to see that you have similar worries as well!
@papercrowpress 3 дня назад
Wow, yes, it IS good to know there are others out there thinking the same thoughts about their journals! I also worry that people I love might read some fleeting negative thought I wrote about them on a particular day and be hurt by it. I am leaning toward asking that they are preserved somehow, though, with the caveat that everyone has negative thoughts about people they love. But I think in the future *someone* might find them interesting, or at least entertaining! Also, I’m trying these days to accept that making things that are personal to you and sending them out into the world is inherently embarrassing! But we should just do it anyway and be embarrassed forever! 😆
@alliekarrenbauer3538 3 дня назад
@@papercrowpress yeah I don't LOVE the idea of people being hurt by something I said or of experiencing embarrassment, but I guess that's a part of life regardless! Maybe some thoughts will just stay precious to me, and others can be shared! But for now, this is a problem that you and I (hopefully) won't have to really worry about for a long time!! :) Thanks for your video and this opportunity for me to talk about something personal to me and to share a bit of it! Well wishes and good health to you :)
@papercrowpress 3 дня назад
@@alliekarrenbauer3538 same to you!
@lucid3773 4 дня назад
My journaling is equal parts archival and processing, with a bit of commonplace. Junk journaling too, food wrappers and stuff, but I consider that part of the archiving It took me a bit to figure out why I’m journaling, I want to be known. I dislike sharing about myself but I want to be known. I want someone to be able to write in-character fanfiction about me after I’m dead I already have too much attention to detail and introspection for my comfort, so two-ish years ago I put that to good use It’s compulsive but it also makes me feel good. At the beginning I thought “why am I even doing this?”, but I recently reread my first journal and I literally wrote “I don’t want to but I have nothing else I can do”. And I settled into it. Now I do it because I want to have my life recorded. Future historians will LOVE me :)) Sometimes it gets quite bad, half a year ago I would stay up for _hours_ when I was already dead tired, just to write everything that happened that day. I’ve gotten to something healthier now, but still, if I don’t have at least five pages a day, I’m gonna feel terrible and unfocused the next day (It’s also good for winning arguments :)) and getting another chance at an event that already passed) I want to get a hobonichi eventually, when my stash of notebooks gets smaller. Cause I don’t really care about the dates and stuff, I started journaling in an old office planer and covered the dates with stickers (when I had the time). My current journal is an office planner from 2014 and I just ripped off the top part of the pages with the calendar. (Use up what you have and all that). But Paperblanks are really really nice they’re just very expensive and they have too few pages for me
@papercrowpress 3 дня назад
Thank you for this - I relate to so much of it. When you say you don’t care about the dates - when you cover the dates do you write in your own dates, just out of curiosity? I have an old scrap book in which I stick anything from receipts to wrappers to old bank cards and I haven’t been dating it. “I can’t do anything else” is quite similar to what I thought when I started my pile of moleskines 10 years ago. I thought something like “in 10 years I’ll at least have this.”
@alliekarrenbauer3538 3 дня назад
"I want someont o be able to write in-character fanfiction about me after I'm dead" made me laugh out loud because I UNDERSTAND THAT I also have a hard time sharing things about myself to my close people, but I also want to be known and feel like journaling is a way for at least MYSELF to know me, ya know?
@lucid3773 3 дня назад
@@papercrowpress “in 10 years at least I’ll have this” Oh yes. My actions feel kinda worthless a lot of times and this is one of the few things I can actually finish and achieve As for the dates, I write them in myself. At first I just wrote the year in the first entry of the journal, it would be like “12 October 2023” and from there on “13 October” “14 October” and the time That stopped working when 2024 came around and I got confused about what year it was (I didn’t even store my journals properly back then, just left them on the desk or the floor and “I’ll re-figure out the order later”). So I added the year in every entry And then I think I used an undated planner that had circleble days of the week and I realised that actually really useful for referencing the past (like “X said on Monday that this would be on Wednesday but it’s already Thursday”). So I started writing the days now too And I don’t worry about blank space either, cause my sleep schedule doesn’t really align with the night, so “today” can go well into 3am and “yesterday” can be this morning. I just continue on the page where I left off unless there’s like two rows left I do try to keep my markers different for each sleep though, I rotate though a bunch of highlighters and pick a new one up when I start my day, so it’s visible at first glance that I did sleep So now my journals look like “10 September 2024 - Tuesday - 17:10 18:37 22:20 11 September 2024 - Wednesday - 1:07am 3am” Though I only mark the exact minute if something specific happens at that minute (like waiting for someone and they get there when my journal is still out, or if it’s a glued-in piece of paper from my notepad when I was keeping track of something ), usually I round them to the closest :10/:20 etc
@lucid3773 3 дня назад
Oh yes and I cannot keep multiple journals at the same time at all! I used to have a dream journal for a few years before big-journaling. And then I didn’t know what to do. Do I log my sleep in the dream journal? Do I write how and when I slept in the dream journal or regular one? If I have comments about the dream, which one do I write them in? Writing the dream gets the writing juices started, so then I struggle to transition to the regular journal. And then what if my dream journal gets lost and I don’t have the dreams I was referencing anymore?? The one time I kept a pocket journal it was for a trip. I placed it in my regular journal when I came back and it makes the journal bulk up so much more than it already does I’m trying to work up the courage to *just use* a pocket journal too for when I’m out and about and *not* rip it to shreds and glue it in the big journal every time I get home. But it’s very hard, small notebooks are easier to lose so what if I lose it?? Though using pocket notebooks in the way I do isn’t fully bad, since they actually get used and don’t just sit on my shelf. And then the pretty covers become decoration for my big journals
@papercrowpress 3 дня назад
@@lucid3773 all so interesting! It’s good to read others’ thoughts and experiences about journaling that are so similar in some ways and also different… thank you for such thoughtful replies!
@sargantfrosty 4 дня назад
French philosopher and bank robber Bernard Stiegler mentioned? 🫡🤌🥳👏
@papercrowpress 4 дня назад
Yes! As a former prison librarian his story is very interesting to me 😁
@tortagialla 5 дней назад
I think I’m always questioning myself because of my anxious overthinking nature. But that’s also why journaling helps - like talking it out with myself - stream of consciousness type of journaling. Which is different from when I memory keep or log things about my kids life that is more straightforward record keeping than journaling my feelings. I don’t like blank pages but I have to live with it 😅 After so many years I have realized it’s okay to keep some journals and not others. I also like to destroy and rework old journals over time - somehow it’s fun! My morning pages I do destroy after each notebook… definitely it’s all helpful for my mental health. ❤
@papercrowpress 5 дней назад
Thank you for your thoughtful reply! And I feel the same about having a conversation with myself, talking it out. I think part of the problem I’m having with the Hobonichi (that I don’t know that I expressed well in this video) is that it feels more like memory keeping than journaling a lot of the time. And it takes a lot of time to keep up with every day (and I fail to do so most of the time) so maybe it’s taking away time that I could be using journaling for writing. There’s a lot to think about! Oh, I did morning pages for a while. I would like to go back to that because I think it was helping for getting all of it out, uncensored. ❤️
@papercrowpress 5 дней назад
I forgot to say that I relate very much to anxious overthinking as well. 😫
@tortagialla 4 дня назад
@@papercrowpress Yes, I’ve realized that nice notebooks and planners like hobonichi - if I want to keep them they are more like memory keeping and archiving documentation - rather than raw journaling!
@papercrowpress 4 дня назад
@tortagialla definitely! Thanks again - I think you’re really helping me to clarify what I want to do next year. I think a more open-ended book is better for me, probably.
@papercrowpress 4 дня назад
PS I checked out your channel and subscribed! I will look forward to seeing all your Hobonichi stuff. 😁
@SallieHancock-h2k 5 дней назад
This was so interesting! You did a great job 👏 I will have more comments about my journaling after I’m done watching. 😊
@papercrowpress 5 дней назад
Yay! Thanks 🙏
@papercrowpress 6 дней назад
Do you keep a journal of any kind? Please tell me about your journaling habits and whether you’ve ever questioned why you do it and how you do it? Or anything, really!
@melissasolisrominasolis2885 6 дней назад
I was waiting to see a new video from you and finally you posted one, I'm so excited.
@papercrowpress 6 дней назад
Thank you very much!
@laurenhapka77 6 дней назад
First view! First comment!
@papercrowpress 6 дней назад
😮 ❤
@sargantfrosty 2 месяца назад
The video editing is superb! And the commonplace book is looking good 😊
@papercrowpress 2 месяца назад
Thank you!! 😁
@emilyslack6209 2 месяца назад
i literally just read the once and future sex and gathering moss so so good
@papercrowpress 2 месяца назад
So good!
@helenedumas8181 5 месяцев назад
Really liked your video, your tone of voice is mellow, maybe the music could be pushed a bit in the background ?. I like the way you talk about your work and the way you do it is also interesting and very personal. It is a compromise between a commonplace book and an art journal sort of 🙃.
@papercrowpress 5 месяцев назад
Thank you!! I agree about the music. The editing part of videos doesn’t come naturally to me. I also do have a quiet voice and it gets even quieter when I’m recording! 😆 Thanks for being here and commenting 🖤
@Gamergirlyoshi 5 месяцев назад
Very nice. I like your common place, and I subbed.
@papercrowpress 5 месяцев назад
Thank you!!
@wanda5983 6 месяцев назад
I love love love your art
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!! ❤️
@58s- 6 месяцев назад
That was really cool❤
@cahuni 6 месяцев назад
oof ! 🤯 that's hard to digest 🤔🤦
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
@charlieterry8506 6 месяцев назад
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@charlieterry8506 6 месяцев назад
@@papercrowpress I left this comment as more of a place holder really as I didn't have time to write a longer one but I still wanted to boost the video. I wanted to say that you have an extremely charming style, and it's really ingenious to use the medium of stop motion to create something so simply introspective and nice. I hope you have a lovely day :)
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
😆 i just thought you were being brief and to the point! Thank you!! ❤️ I’m really glad the video has resonated.
@Corvinyard 6 месяцев назад
Loved the video! Thanks for sharing, and the Darth Vader stop motion is very fun to watch! :)
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!! 😁
@Guishan_Lingyou 6 месяцев назад
I really like your crow picture with the heart in it. Crows are wonderful. Maybe I will start reading again sometime.
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!! I love crows. Let me know how the reading goes!
@matildacb624 6 месяцев назад
that I have started reading “childrens” chapter books (coraline, etc.) they are easy and a great way to get back into reading, small books or collections of short stories are pretty effective. Love this vid ❤
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
They are a great way to get back into reading, I agree - last year I re-read a couple of books from my childhood as well. :)
@exgodstatus 6 месяцев назад
love this ❤
@Hoodles321 6 месяцев назад
This is really fun, a very creative style.
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!!
@Emma-eb8rm 6 месяцев назад
Darth Vader doing his chores is so sweet :D
@papercrowpress 6 месяцев назад
He’s very conscientious!
@AnbaLen 7 месяцев назад
Love the stop motion of Vader going through his daily life and the voice over!! His brief breakdown hugging a tree was also felt 😂
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you! The emotion he was able to express in that scene was a surprise to even me 😆
@Sarahbeth22 7 месяцев назад
This is everything I've been feeling lately! As someone who's just recently gotten back into art, the social media aspect of it has been dizzying at best. I appreciate that there's a sense of community there, I guess it's just hard to break into that community. Especially looking at accounts that are posting very frequently, it's easy to feel like you can't catch up. And part of me feels really sad mindlessly scrolling and liking art that people have spent hours making. Idk, it's tough Glad this showed up on my feed though. Very much relate
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you very much!! I agree that the ideal experience on social media would be a community but it has never felt like a community for me. That is a really good point about posting frequently as well; I am quite slow at making art, and the algorithm doesn’t love an infrequent poster 😭
@sargantfrosty 7 месяцев назад
I can see how Instagram would feel too flattening or suffocating to an artist, especially if the point of art is not to flatten experience but to expand it in some way. Instagram seems counterproductive toward the goal of expanding the human experience and more keen on narrowing our visions of what the meaning of life is. But I may just be being biased.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Yes, and suffocated is a good word for how I was feeling on instagram as an artist 😫
@sargantfrosty 7 месяцев назад
Lord Vader is so wise for doing this, it's probably why he allowed himself to be saved by his son.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Reading does all kinds of good things for us :)
@FinnRichardson 7 месяцев назад
i have always felt split when it comes to social media. On one hand i feel it's special to be able to see so many cool artists & people but on the other hand, it's over consumption & depletes the magic of consuming things patiently. I don't think our best work or decisions are made when constantly consuming other peoples work / lives. Social Media creates a hive mind & takes all originality & milks it until its unbearable. We consume way too fast & i think the healthiest thing to do is unplug & retrain our brains to consume more healthily. I still use social media everyday but hope to create more of a healthy relationship with it. It's a working progress. Lovely video btw! Soothing voice & gorgeous illustrations. Thanks for shining light on real topics like this :)
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
I very much relate to this and agree. I have tried to have a more healthy relationship with social media but ultimately I just don’t think I can… at the moment, anyway. Thank you for your lovely comment!! ❤️
@FinnRichardson 7 месяцев назад
No worries, Keep creating! @@papercrowpress
@cahuni 7 месяцев назад
I like the voice over and I like the stop motion animation , maybe it's my current headache but I didn’t feel they are connected ? as in the narrator 's giving good advice and meanwhile we see a mini action figure doing house chores. Both great, but not related ? 🤷
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
😆 i was a bit afraid of this, but my intention was to show Vader doing some chores and walking by himself to demonstrate the idea of doing small things without the company of audio-visual stimuli, and freeing up the brain space to start reading again.
@cahuni 7 месяцев назад
that's so cute ! 😅 also now that you've got the stamps ( ¿serigraphs ?) you could sell them unpainted, just 2 colours. 🤑
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you! And yes, if you mean selling the prints/cards then I was thinking of doing that; I’d just have to clean them up a bit to make them print more clearly. I wasn’t sure what you meant by paint but I only had one roller so I used a paintbrush to apply ink to the black part if that’s what you meant.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Oh, I see what you mean. I added some magenta ink to the black heart around the alien. I have one without the magenta or any touch-ups and can’t decide which I like better. 😁
@sydmoong 7 месяцев назад
such a lovely video!!! i’ve also found that reading out loud helps me feel more engaged and get immersed enough to eventually switch over to reading silently. it’s something i’ve been doing since i was a kid, and it’s honestly so fun. feels good to hear someone else does it too 🫶
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Yes! It’s been really helpful especially when I’m tired or particularly distracted and/or when the reading is more challenging! Sometimes I feel that my eyes can’t stop jumping around the page and reading aloud helps to keep them more… anchored. Thanks 💗
@HYPERBOLISTIC 7 месяцев назад
this is so lovely. i need to convince myself that i CAN do it, that's the only thing stopping me
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Vader has faith in you!! And thank you ❤️
@hatchetbutch 7 месяцев назад
ive been similarly really feeling the loss of books and reading from my life, i just today was telling my girlfriend about how much i wanna start again! this video has come to me at the perfect time hehe :) your stop motion is really amazing also i love your doll sets :)
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you very much!! Stay tuned for more dollhouse shenanigans 😆 Let me know how it goes with the reading, too. ❤️
@crimsonphoenix4883 7 месяцев назад
Great video!!
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you very much!!
@kpo_official 7 месяцев назад
I love this! :) lovely stop-motion animation. I know the grief of struggling with an activity that used to be all-consuming for me. Your techniques sound helpful -- having our brains trained to require high and constant stimulation seems to be damaging to our attention spans and our ability to reach a "flow" state during quiet, meditative activities like reading, walking, and drawing. I find it helpful to give myself tiny goals as well -- a chapter (for shorter books) or just reading for 10 minutes feels more approachable than the goal of reading a whole novel.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Oh yes, good points!! Last year I read a few short novels-Carmilla was one-and it was so nice. It led into some longer reading toward the end of the year as well. I also forgot to say in this video that I find rereading quite helpful as well :). Thanks for your lovely comment.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Rereading old faves that is; for me that is really comforting as well as helping to re-establish reading habits.
@kpo_official 7 месяцев назад
​@@papercrowpress Oh yes, I'm a big re-reader! (and re-watcher, etc.) The comfort aspect is huge, but I also appreciate noticing foreshadowing and refreshing my poor memory. Why have I not heard of Carmilla???? It sounds amazing! Thank you, I've cashed in some kindle credits and it's moved to the top of my reading list!
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
@@kpo_official I loved Carmilla! Let me know what you think :)
@kpo_official 2 месяца назад
@@papercrowpress Sorry for the late response, it took me ages to finish Carmilla between life and also juggling books like a madwoman but I loved it! 😁 I kind of can't believe it exists, given the time period in which it was written. It's made me want to watch some of the various adaptations to see how they compare.
@scooter2746 7 месяцев назад
i love this
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you!!
@helendeacon7637 7 месяцев назад
Pleased to find your channel just this morning. Commonplace books are a new discovery for me. I have a number of ideas and I'm encouraged by what I'm learning about these books. Thank you. Greetings from Sydney🙂💐
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for being here and for your comment! I hope you have fun with the new project! Let me know how it goes. ❤️
@sargantfrosty 7 месяцев назад
i just fell in love with a drawing of an alien
@SallieHancock-h2k 7 месяцев назад
Wow!! 🤩💗
@cari9157 7 месяцев назад
this is amazing 🤣💚
@cari9157 7 месяцев назад
i'm not sure why, but this little video just inspired me so, so much. i used to commonplace without realizing i was in my bullet journals years ago, it was so nice to have everything in one place. i stopped and switched to planners after a while, and never kept a little space for me after that to collect other things except for daily tasks. i'm recently realizing it's so important to have a space like this and i'm looking to finally commonplace again. i'm also an artist so i love the idea of including drawings when possible. thank you for an inspiring video!!
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
I’m really glad it inspired you! I was commonplacing very chaotically for years without realizing it myself! I was using whatever notebook was handy; now I’m thinking I’ll slowly go through all of those notebooks and compile the quotes etc into this one and also a new Hobonichi which I’m planning to talk about in a video soon! Thank you very much for commenting!! ❤️
@cari9157 7 месяцев назад
@papercrowpress that's exciting! i love hobonichi, i'll definitely be tuning in :) thanks for responding!
@Allthejournals 7 месяцев назад
Lately, I'm currently very driven to create, learn, and journal! It's exhausting,c and I have no idea why I'm a woman obsessed. That said, it's my journaling that keeps me company so I'm never lonely! Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Hahaha, I know exactly what you mean by that! I’m exhausted too! And thank you very much. ❤️
@BeckyPartridge1 7 месяцев назад
I love this piece and process so much! Please post more of your collage work! Been watching your other videos and also love when you feature your lovely kitties ❤
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your kind words! I have more videos in the works and plan to put one out this week. Sadly, I had covid at the beginning of January and it has kept its hooks in me with the fatigue, etc. I’m also really glad you mentioned the cats - they are my pride and joy! ❤️
@BeckyPartridge1 7 месяцев назад
@@papercrowpress I often feel like my cats are my reason for living, if that doesn’t sound too dramatic! I hope you are feeling better. Are you on Instagram?
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Not too dramatic at all and I totally relate! No, I’m not on Instagram anymore. I’m actually planning to talk about that in an upcoming video!
@hollyjohnsen-j9e 7 месяцев назад
Amazing and so inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
@papercrowpress 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much!!